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{{Infobox Nation |
{{Infobox Nation |
flag=http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/fordock.jpg |
flag=http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/fordock.jpg |
region=[Calradia] |
region=[[Reykjavik in Iceland]] |
motto=Knowledge over all |
motto=Knowledge over all |
map=http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/images/FordockMap.jpg |
map=http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/images/FordockMap.jpg |
language=Fordockian |
language=Fordockian |
capital=Surometa |
capital=Surometa |
population=36 million |
population=109 million |
currency=Forst |
currency=Forst |
leader=President Kichler
leader=President Kichler
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Fordock is a new nation started on August 26th 2007. It is socialist. It has recently begun to build and army but is for the most part peaceful. It however does take offense to breaches of what it considers rights of human dignity and if it is severe enough might get involved in a conflict or serious diplomatic exchange.
Fordock is a new nation started on August 26th 2007. It is socialist. It has recently begun to build and army but is for the most part peaceful. It however does take offense to breaches of what it considers rights of human dignity and if it is severe enough might get involved in a conflict or serious diplomatic exchange.
= History =
Fordock's history is long and storied. The Fordockians have always written well and have kept history Documented pristinely. It all started with the Rule of the Merchant Princes and from there things just advanced.
== The Reign of Merchant Princes ==
Fordock started with a Caste system. It seems amazing to many modern Fordockians how this could be allowed. When Fordock roses to from along the rich banks of a river and the bountiful forest's to the north people came together to help each other. So Civilization started. When it was first formed Fordock was not even known as such instead just known as the Force (Pronunciation is Fuhorz). A caste system was formed and horrible Bureaucracy resulted. However it was from here that many Fordockian attitudes originated. This time period is technologically equivalent to 200 B.C - 700 A.D.
=== The Caste System ===
The caste system was based upon skill rank and occupation. It was well defined socially and ancient copies of a diagram have been found. (WIP chart coming)
=== Early Imperial History ===
In the beginning Fordock was doing well. They were one of the first nations in their region to figure out the way to make steel. However they had little to now mountains as the mountains now part of Fordockian Territory were conquered later. Specifically they had no iron to make the steel. So they had to bargain for it. Which is quite IRONic. In early Imperial History the Fordockians were vastly Successful. They built up Science and technology and were known for their loose morals. One particular example is the fact one Merchant Prince ran for head of the State (and won) with the slogan "A Whore on Every Corner". The Marines were formed during this time and the emphasis was placed on ranged combat and taking out the Enemy before he could get you. Many famous landings were attempted and succeeded at that time and Fordockian Martial skills and technological progress and cities were admired. It is also around this time that the Force met the Hucnat.
=== The Hucnat ===
The Hucnat were one of the major races in the area. They were considered barbaric and uncouth. Scribes describe them as being a brutally militaristic culture with little to no arts and science. They were led by the chiefs who gained their title based on cunning brutality and killing the other person trying to take the positions. There are accounts of the Hucnat nailing peoples heads to the wall apparently "It is like crucification only with heads". There brutal tortures also involved striping in skin tanning the skin forcing people with open wounds to walk through a salt mine with no water and leaving people in a dark small metal box in the sun with no watter for 3 days. Few survived even the mildest of punishments. The Force considered them barbarians fit only to be destroyed. Later on the Hucnat experienced a successful change of leadership to mad sages who sat upon heaps of junk and preached. They were odd but helped bring the Hucnat warriors to a deadly point.
=== Later Imperial History ===
Later in the Imperial reign things began to go wrong. The poor and slaves expressed anger at the decadence of the upper class which had seemed to and in reality had abandoned them. This was also the period of the great hunt. The great hunt was the response to an eco terrorist attack. They released a hostile invasive alien species of pig into the large forest in the North East. It was later found out that it was the Hucnat who were unsurprisingly behind it all. The prisoners were rounded up and for 100 years an effort was made to eliminate them. Eventually they succeeded but it was a disastrous economic blow and instituted starving and sometimes small rebellions. Eventually a war broke out over tensions in the mountains based on the accusation that the Hucnat had started the Great Hunt and the Force had hired assassins to kill a forward commander of the Hucnat base.
=== The Great War ===
The great war was the end of the Force. It was a long drawn out battle starting with the failed siege of Camp Beta by the Force. Once the siege failed it went downhill. A nearby kingdom joined with the Hucnat. Many a great battle was fought. The war ended with the siege and surrender of the all provinces North of the Wall which is now a series of military camps and a tourist organization. The Hucnat mostly became dominant.
== Dissolution of the Empire ==
This is the Period in which the state of Force was dissolved. It was a time of disaster.  The period is around the technology of 750 - 1450
=== The Hucnat Inquisition ===
This was a period in which the Hucnat made cultural and Military incursions into the rapidly dividing states of the Force empire which had dissolved. It started with the dissolution of the empire due to peasant revolt as the worse things got the more the upper classes ignored the lower classes plight intent on ignoring the world. This was originally supposed to be  a revolution of culture bring Fordock back to the top but got bogged down and only established divided states that allowed the Hucnat to establish domination into most the old Force states.
=== Hucnat Take Over ===
It was during this time that the Hucnat either replaced all Forceian states with puppets or just plain took them over. National resentment increased to the point where riots were considered mild and daily occurrences. It became known as the Forceian ulcer to the Hucnat as troops slowly but steadily died due to lynches and other civil protest. It was a barbaric time but it did produce unity as the peasant became poorer and more desperate. 
=== The Pullout ===
This is the period that began to end the dark ages that were this part of Fordockian History. In it the Hucnat began to have incursion problems as they grew soft due to occupation duty for a long time. Eventully they were forced to pull out to a united Forceian front. The Force went back to their own affairs but many new ideas had circulated and as money became more freely spent the Force grew back in science leading the way once again.
== A New Hope ==
This is the period in Which the old states the comprise Force reconquered the lost territory and expanded into the Mountains. The Tech level is equivalent to 1450 - 1685
=== The Initial Years ===
Immediately after the pullout the troops still respected Hucnatian power as they could come back and strike they just lacked the national will for another 500 or so years of occupying and increasingly hostile country. The Forceians didn't know what to do and for the most part thought about establishing life as it was. Back to the old days before the Hucnat and the Imperial government. Technology advanced as each city state attempted to out do another. Rivalries broke out but Society Continued. 
=== Expansion ===
Ever weakening Hucnatian power had lead to the need to expand. The State briefly turned aside their rivalries and expanded for the iron that was now needed worse then ever. Many great conflicts happened the Forceian states with their new iron felt strong and united. This new attitude about cooperation led to the next era.
== Unification ==
This is the Period in which the Fordockian States Unified and began first called themselves the Reunited States of Force. The Tech level of this era is 1685 - 1789
=== Cooperation and the Results of Expansion ===
With the Expansion the Forceians were confident. They began to work in small alliances and groups. They felt superior and their was a strong pan-Forceian movement at the time. With large alliances came large meetings. Never the less the peasants continued to suffer throughout all this but still had no voice as they could be easily shot down by professional guards. Whatever was left of the old system was dissolved.
=== Unification ===
With the ever larger alliances and with the pan-Forceian movement the Forceian states were ready to unify. It happened at the famous Counsel of Sumetra. Here it was decided upon what was just really a strong alliance between all states and closer to a commonwealth or coalition but still for the first time in over 750 years someone could call all of the peninsula The Reunited States of Force.
== Socialistic Rise ==
This is the period of modernization when the socialists began growing more influential. It is a time of wars that were quick and ever changing and the time of Fordock's greatest Leaders. It ends with the modern Fordockian Government is formed. The Tech level is equivalent to 1789 - 1918. This is the era I will RP if tech is between here.
=== The Socialists ===
With the rise of industrialization the peasants gained increasing importance. They made the economy run. The idea of unions was formed in this era. With all of this the United States of Force became increasingly united with a stronger and stronger Federal government. At first it was an uphill battle but people began softening as they saw small examples of it in towns where a socialist mayor had been elected.
=== The Reformation ===
Eventually the Federal government united to put down the Socialists. It is from here the Fordockians speak of their greatest hero, Hfn Yunt. He is the one who on the socialist side resisted and defeated in battle. It ended with unconditional surrender not with the fall of Sumetra but after the fall of Sumetra as Hfn Yunt was able to control his troops and prevent them from raiding and pillaging. Impressed and already on the losing side of a war the government surrendered. The attacker had lost his nation in the attack. It was here that Hfn Yunt became first President. He implemented the Modern socialist System and modernized the military. Once he had the office it was decided a new start to a truly federalized government was necessary and the nation was renamed Fordock.
=== Military ===
Light Infantry - The best unit in the Reunited states of Force's Army. They are able to think and act individually and are very effective in "dirty tactics" which the rest of the nation ignores. This includes placing explosives in the field and also intentionally targeting enemy leaders. Armed with rifles.
Line Infantry - Generally good in small tactical groups. Not the best for standard tactics as their individualistic tendencies cause their volleys to fail. However when given an overall plan or when in small unit actions they are incredible.
Grenadiers - Mostly ignored the Reunited States of Force are one of the few remaining powers to use grenades. They are possibly the most disciplined of the troops which means they have a chance of making a volley. They have a habit of guessing when Cavalry are going to come and throwing the grenades timing them so the grenades blow up as the enemy charges. Not to damaging but scary as hell and known to make horse panic.
Calvary - Almost none as it just isn't appreciated. Too unreliable and too expensive. Smart action always beats calvary in the mind of a TRSF citizen. There is a token force though that almost never shows up.
Officers - Good young officers elected only on talent. The main Problem has to do with the fact that the troops are to indisciplined to work with. Small unit commanders though excel at seeing opportunities and taking them.
Land Supply Chain - Weak due to the disorderly nature. Many units end up in different places and though the saying is "No plan survives first contact with the enemy" in TRSF (The Reunited States of Force) It is closer to "No plan survives first contact with the lower ranking officers." This means units tend to have either forage or carry more rations or starve and desert. None are good.
6 Pounders - A decent sized part of the army these cannons are lugged everywhere mostly by infantry. They normally are brought to the front to fire canister at charging calvary. If not they roundshot calvary. Whatever they do it is anti-calvary.
12 Pounders - The Most common make. Just a general cannon used to punch holes in the enemy formation and cause problems.
18 Pounders - A less cannon make used for long range bombardment. Sometimes used with light infantry to target generals and headquarters.
Howitzers - Positioned right behind the line they fire just a tad bit back from the line keeping pressure on the forces fighting TRSF.
Artillery Officers - Generally good quality like the army. The artillery is well maintained and an important part of the army.
Shore Bombardment - Decent ability to bombard the shore but not a specialty. 1/20th of the Navy is devoted to solely Shore Bombardment ships.
Sloops - TRSF like to use Sloops and small units the same way they like to use small units on land. Thus the Sloops normally are hard to read as they constantly revise the plan. The Navy is slightly more disciplined though. 1/2 the ships of the Navy are sloops.
Frigates and Other large Ships - TRSF Uses Frigates mostly as command points but sometimes in combat. Not a specialty. 1/5 of the Navy.
Transports - Fordock still likes to hold small transports on board sloops and such which carry small squads of men. Boarding actions while rare in this day are still appreciated by TRSF. Though it is hard to succeed most sailors on board rarely stay in possession of the ship if TRSF troops get aboard. This also includes Generic Transports. 1/4 of the Navy.
In short we excel at small unit tactics and Skirmishing but are horrible at long drawn out campaigns especially away from home.
== The Rule of Fordock ==
This is the Period after the Socialistic Rise in which for the first time with the Reunited States of Force call themselves proudly Fordock. The Tech Level is 1918 - 1964.
=== The New Socialist Government ===
In this time not much happened. It was a period of peace for the most part with the modern Fordockian system emerging. Technology was developed and for the Fordock began most of its traditions. For the most part it was a trial period and the people were happy.
=== The Second Great War ===
This was the war the eliminated the modern descendants of the Hucnat. It was big and little is known as what is public is unreliable and the rest is classified. Fordock won and destroyed the land of the Huncat poisoning it forever for 1000 years of misery. It is a blighted land to the North East of Fordock. From this war the modern Fordockian State emerged almost identical to the current state. Fordock goes ever onward.
= The land and it's People =
= The land and it's People =
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The Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands - Hlito Verk
The Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands - Hlito Verk
Greal - Unknown
Greal - Grant Fens
New Basilica - Sam Wolfe
== Fordockian Embassies in other Nations ==
== Fordockian Embassies in other Nations ==
The Kiravian Empire - Opto Mesrin
[[Kirav|The Kiravian Empire]] - Opto Mesrin
Farfin - Eran Fod
Farfin - Eran Fod
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The Armed Republic of the Toori - Nebar Luoyte
The Armed Republic of the Toori - Nebar Luoyte
Alacea - Rop Wof
Greal - Lot Gam
== Positions of Power ==
== Positions of Power ==
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Minister of Diplomacy - Aukon Mekhran
Minister of Diplomacy - Aukon Mekhran
== Politics and Political Parties ==
There are 5 large parties in Fordock at the moment.
=== Fordockian Socialist Party ===
The First party is the Fordockian Socialist Party (FSP). This is the dominant Party. They believe in a Strong Democratic Socialistic government. That means free Health care and such and their views are expressed quite strongly in the current political pamphlet. They have been dominant in the Politics of Fordock for so long their flag is sometimes used as a replacement. They currently though are in a bind facing strong opposition and down to having 62% of the seats in the Consul or 93 Seats. Their Symbol is a yellow sun/star.
=== Fordockian Communists party ===
The Second Major Party is the Fordockian Communists party (FCP). They favor complete communism. Most of the population does not support them and can cite proven examples of them being wrong but some less educated citizens in the far North East support them. They have 4 % of the seats in consul or 6 Seats. Their symbol is a red star.
=== Fordockian Neo Conservative ===
The Third Major Party is the Fordockian Neo Conservative Party (FNCP). They favor heavy capitalisms complete disintegration of the economic system, and privatization of all industries. Their Supporters are almost entirely found in the center of cities on their fabulously wealthy homes. Most citizens have it in for them but they have been accused of bribing others to vote for them with large sums of money. This however has not been proven. They have 8% of the Consul seats or 12 Seats. Their symbol is the pig which has become a joke on the practice of calling them capitalist pigs.
=== Fordockian Neo Liberal Capitalists ===
The Fourth Major party is the Fordockian Neo Liberal Capitalists (FNLC). These people favor a more gradual introduction of capitalism and only the reduction of certain health care programs and such. Due to this they maintain a decent amount of support in Fordock. There heaviest domains of support come from the urban middle class. They have 20% of the seats in the Consul or 30 Seats. Their symbol is a white star on a red background with alternating bands of green going vertically.
=== Fordockian Fascist and Imperialistic Party ===
The Fifth Major Party is the Fordockian Fascist and Imperialistic Party(FFIP). By most they are considered insane but allowed to vote still. There used to be two separate parties but they unified to consolidate their voting block. Most citizens who admit to voting for them say it was a joke and they needed the support but it is believed and in confidential interviews been found that they have people consistently vote for them because they believe that Fordock's ways need be changed to perfection and then brought to the world. They view fascism as perfection quoting from Hobbes's Leviathan. They are unique in not having a racial superiority theory. Most of their support is evenly divided it. They have 6% of the seats in Consul or 9 Seats. Their symbol is a Black circle with lines emanating from it equally on a whit background.
= Armed Forces =
= Armed Forces =
Fordock's military is estimated at 67,500 (Around 0.5% of the population. Or 1/200.)
Fordock's military is estimated at 480,000 (Around 0.5% of the population. Or 1/200.)
This is divided into
This is divided into
45,000 (1/2) in the Army. 22,500 of these are support troops (Logistics) armed with FMPM-01 guns. They also carry 2 days rations and 4 days water with them.
240,000 (1/2) in the Army. 180,000 of these are support troops (Logistics) armed with FMPM-01 guns. They also carry 2 days rations and 4 days water with them.
The 22,500 actully serving are comprised of 4 different branches. Officers, Special Forces, snipers, and infantry. The breakdown being 563 (1/40 of the active Army +odd man out.) in special forces armed with whatever load out they choose, 1000 are snipers armed with and FBAR-01 with a 10x sniper scope and a FPM-01. They carry enough rations and supplies to last up to 10 days. There are 562 officers (1/40 of active troops) armed with a FPM-01. They carry little to no supplies. The remaining forces are infantry of which there are 21375 (19/20ths of active serving). These include Non-commissioned officers. They are typically carrying 3 days of rations and water with them. They are for the most part armed with FBAR-01s.
The 60,000 actually serving are comprised of 4 different branches. Officers, Special Forces, snipers, and infantry. The breakdown being 1500 (1/40 of the active Army +odd man out.) in special forces armed with whatever load out they choose, 1000 are snipers armed with and FBAR-01 with a 10x sniper scope and a FPM-01. They carry enough rations and supplies to last up to 10 days. There are 1500 officers (1/40 of active troops) armed with a FPM-01. They carry little to no supplies. There are also 3000 (1/20) Marines. They carry whatever is needed for the job and carry a large number of rations (Up to 5 Days Worth) and up to 3 days worth of water.  The remaining forces are infantry of which there are 54,000 (9/10ths of active serving). These include Non-commissioned officers. They are typically carrying 3 days of rations and water with them. They are for the most part armed with FBAR-01s.
6,750 (1/10) in the Air force. 4500 (2/3) are support troops (Logistics and such) armed with FMPM-01 guns. They carry little to no rations as they are at a base. The 1000 men serving are loaded with a FPM-01 for self defense or suicide if shot down and threatened with torture. They man the 100 planes Fordock currently owns.
48,000 (1/10) in the Air force. 45,474 (18/19 + odd man out) are support troops (Logistics and such) armed with FMPM-01 guns. They carry little to no rations as they are at a base. The 2,526(1/19) men serving are loaded with a FPM-01 for self defense or suicide if shot down and threatened with torture. They man the 100 planes Fordock currently owns.
15,750 (1/4) in the Navy. 2270 (1/4 but until Service is maxed out all others are support) serve aboard the nations current ship Kensington Class Battle ship "The Enlightenment". These are distributed among officers and the like. The standard navy men carry FBAR-01's for long rage attack as well as FASM-01's for boarding action. Officers have FMPM-01's.  
96,000 (1/5) in the Navy. 24,000 (1/4 but until Service is maxed out all others are support) serve aboard the nation's ships. 72,000(3/4) are logistics and such these are distributed among officers and the like. The standard navy men carry FBAR-01's for long rage attack as well as FASM-01's for boarding action. Officers have FMPM-01's.  
The battleship's statistics are from weapon testing are
(3/10) in the Armored Forces.  
96,000(1/5) in the Armored Forces. These men carry FMPM-01's. 9,600(1/10) are active troops. The reaming 86,400(9/10) are logistics and such. This includes truck drivers.
*Note that all rations and water measurements are to operate at full capacity. A good soldier can strech it out twice as long and there have been occurrences of up to 3 times longer.
== Weapons ==
== Weapons ==
The Weapons of Fordock
Fordock has recently created a side arm for it's troops. It is know as the FPM-01 (Fordock Pistol Model 1). It is a new semi-automatic with a 15 round ejectable magazine. It is distinguished from most pistols as the barrel and the gun are hexagonally based. The ammunition used is unique but comparable in size and damage to a 9mm bullet.
=== FPM-01 ===
[[Image:FPM 01 by Trooper5445.jpg|300px|align=right|Fodockian National Pistol]]
Fordock uses the FBAR-01 for it's standard rifle. It is an old fashioned design with a 10 round clip. It is bolt action but carries larger .4 inches caliber to make up for this. The FBAR-01 can be fitted with a sniper scope as well as a socket bayonet. While this is and old fashioned design it is heavily resistant to weathering and still efficient. It's cheapness also makes it possible to equip every single Fordockian solider with one. [http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs19/f/2007/243/5/c/FBAR_01_by_Trooper5445.jpg]
Fordock has recently created a side arm for it's troops. It is know as the FPM-01 (Fordock Pistol Model 1). It is a new semi-automatic with a 15 round ejectable magazine. It is distinguished from most pistols as the barrel and the gun are hexagonally based. The ammunition used is unique but comparable in size and damage to a 9mm bullet.
=== FBAR-01 ===
[[Image:FBAR 01 by Trooper5445.jpg|thumb|left|FBAR-01]]
Fordock uses the FBAR-01 for it's standard rifle. It is an old fashioned design with a 10 round clip. It is bolt action but carries larger .4 inches caliber to make up for this. The FBAR-01 can be fitted with a sniper scope as well as a socket bayonet. While this is and old fashioned design it is heavily resistant to weathering and still efficient. It's cheapness also makes it possible to equip every single Fordockian solider with one. [[http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs19/f/2007/243/5/c/FBAR_01_by_Trooper5445.jpg]]
=== FASM-01 ===
[[Image:FASM 01 by Trooper5445.jpg|thumb|right|FASM-01]]
Fordock has recently begun making in limited quantities the new FASM-01 or Fordockian Assault Shotgun model 1. It is a 12 gauge, pump action shotgun. It's magazine can hold 8 Shots. It can also be loaded with rubber ammo and most types of specialist ammo. [[http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/images/FASM_01_by_Trooper5445.jpg]]
Fordock has recently begun making in limited quantities the new FASM-01 or Fordockian Assault Shotgun model 1. It is a 12 gauge, pump action shotgun. It's magazine can hold 8 Shots. It can also be loaded with rubber ammo and most types of specialist ammo. [[http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/images/FASM_01_by_Trooper5445.jpg]]
=== FMPM-01 ===
[[Image:FMPM 01 by Trooper5445.jpg|thumb|left|FMPM-01]]
For vehicle Crews and personal Defense Fordock has recently begun issuing limited quantities of the FMPM or Fordockian Machine Pistol model 1. This is chambered for a 20 9mm round box magazine. An odd feature of it thought is the fact it is in a Bullpup configuration. It has not been tested much and it's performance is unsure. [[http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs19/f/2007/244/9/8/FMPM_01_by_Trooper5445.jpg]]
For vehicle Crews and personal Defense Fordock has recently begun issuing limited quantities of the FMPM or Fordockian Machine Pistol model 1. This is chambered for a 20 9mm round box magazine. An odd feature of it thought is the fact it is in a Bullpup configuration. It has not been tested much and it's performance is unsure. [[http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs19/f/2007/244/9/8/FMPM_01_by_Trooper5445.jpg]]
=== FSSM-01 ===
[[Image:FSSM 01 by Trooper5445.jpg|thumb|right|FSSM-01]]
The latest addition to the Fordockian arsenal is the FSSM-01. This is a pneumatic Bolt-action, sniper rifle built with scrap PVC parts and some civilian magnifiers. It not manufactured being made of PVC and designed for guerrilla actions. Instead there is a circulated kit containing the plans and how to make a scope and mark it correctly or if the recipient is lucky it might even have an actual military scope which can just be attached. This is Fordock's answer to help support guerrilla movements. The Rifle uses anything up to and including 50 caliber weapons that will fit in the loader. Anything can be wrapped and fired due to it being pneumatic. This means you could just grab a pen load it and shoot it. Incredibly efficient it can carry enough gas for 5 shots without recharging. [[http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs20/f/2007/262/3/e/FSSM_01_by_Trooper5445.jpg]]
1000 RPG-27 were bought recently from the World Soviet Party.
1000 RPG-27 were bought recently from the World Soviet Party.
Line 193: Line 378:
Bombkapsel 90 cluster bomb
Bombkapsel 90 cluster bomb
New Jet Released
Fordock has now begun Production of the FFJM-01 or Fordockian Fighter Jet Model 01. It is new design heavily armed and armored. It cannot go as fast and needs a long runway but when you meet its  8 FAAMM-01's (Fordockian Anti-Air Missile Model 01)you will be sorry. It can engage at up to 20 Kilometers and moves at mach 4 by itself. The plane itself is relatively slow and designed to get the missile to where it needs to go. They also have stealth equipment and 4 cannons if they get jumped by a stealth unit thogh they are removable to increase speed in lighter missions. The Plane basically is supposed to scramble not be detected get very close and fire its missile and then get out of range of the incoming missile as the hit and kill ratio to the hit and damage to the miss ratio is 45:46:1 respectively. The missile has a camera, infrared and heat seeking detection capabilities and these can be used by themselves or in combination.  It has a two man flight team. [[http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs21/f/2007/263/a/9/Fordockian_Fighter_Jet_Model_1_by_Trooper5445.jpg]]
== Navy ==
== Navy ==
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== Current Military Operations ==
== Current Military Operations ==
Fordock currently is sending a legion to help The Far Echoe Islands. This is lead by General Smakn Lopon.
Fordock currently is sending a legion to help The Far Echo Islands. This is lead by General Smakn Lopon.
It includes a sniper Contingent.
It includes a sniper Contingent.
Status- Ongoing.
Status- Resolved Unsuccessfully.
Black Ops Operations are ongoing.
Black Ops Operations are ongoing.

Latest revision as of 18:05, 4 November 2007

Flag of Fordock
Motto: Knowledge over all
Region Reykjavik in Iceland
Capital Surometa
Official Language(s) Fordockian
Leader President Kichler
Population 109 million
Currency Forst 
NS Sunset XML

Fordock is a new nation started on August 26th 2007. It is socialist. It has recently begun to build and army but is for the most part peaceful. It however does take offense to breaches of what it considers rights of human dignity and if it is severe enough might get involved in a conflict or serious diplomatic exchange.


Fordock's history is long and storied. The Fordockians have always written well and have kept history Documented pristinely. It all started with the Rule of the Merchant Princes and from there things just advanced.

The Reign of Merchant Princes

Fordock started with a Caste system. It seems amazing to many modern Fordockians how this could be allowed. When Fordock roses to from along the rich banks of a river and the bountiful forest's to the north people came together to help each other. So Civilization started. When it was first formed Fordock was not even known as such instead just known as the Force (Pronunciation is Fuhorz). A caste system was formed and horrible Bureaucracy resulted. However it was from here that many Fordockian attitudes originated. This time period is technologically equivalent to 200 B.C - 700 A.D.

The Caste System

The caste system was based upon skill rank and occupation. It was well defined socially and ancient copies of a diagram have been found. (WIP chart coming)

Early Imperial History

In the beginning Fordock was doing well. They were one of the first nations in their region to figure out the way to make steel. However they had little to now mountains as the mountains now part of Fordockian Territory were conquered later. Specifically they had no iron to make the steel. So they had to bargain for it. Which is quite IRONic. In early Imperial History the Fordockians were vastly Successful. They built up Science and technology and were known for their loose morals. One particular example is the fact one Merchant Prince ran for head of the State (and won) with the slogan "A Whore on Every Corner". The Marines were formed during this time and the emphasis was placed on ranged combat and taking out the Enemy before he could get you. Many famous landings were attempted and succeeded at that time and Fordockian Martial skills and technological progress and cities were admired. It is also around this time that the Force met the Hucnat.

The Hucnat

The Hucnat were one of the major races in the area. They were considered barbaric and uncouth. Scribes describe them as being a brutally militaristic culture with little to no arts and science. They were led by the chiefs who gained their title based on cunning brutality and killing the other person trying to take the positions. There are accounts of the Hucnat nailing peoples heads to the wall apparently "It is like crucification only with heads". There brutal tortures also involved striping in skin tanning the skin forcing people with open wounds to walk through a salt mine with no water and leaving people in a dark small metal box in the sun with no watter for 3 days. Few survived even the mildest of punishments. The Force considered them barbarians fit only to be destroyed. Later on the Hucnat experienced a successful change of leadership to mad sages who sat upon heaps of junk and preached. They were odd but helped bring the Hucnat warriors to a deadly point.

Later Imperial History

Later in the Imperial reign things began to go wrong. The poor and slaves expressed anger at the decadence of the upper class which had seemed to and in reality had abandoned them. This was also the period of the great hunt. The great hunt was the response to an eco terrorist attack. They released a hostile invasive alien species of pig into the large forest in the North East. It was later found out that it was the Hucnat who were unsurprisingly behind it all. The prisoners were rounded up and for 100 years an effort was made to eliminate them. Eventually they succeeded but it was a disastrous economic blow and instituted starving and sometimes small rebellions. Eventually a war broke out over tensions in the mountains based on the accusation that the Hucnat had started the Great Hunt and the Force had hired assassins to kill a forward commander of the Hucnat base.

The Great War

The great war was the end of the Force. It was a long drawn out battle starting with the failed siege of Camp Beta by the Force. Once the siege failed it went downhill. A nearby kingdom joined with the Hucnat. Many a great battle was fought. The war ended with the siege and surrender of the all provinces North of the Wall which is now a series of military camps and a tourist organization. The Hucnat mostly became dominant.

Dissolution of the Empire

This is the Period in which the state of Force was dissolved. It was a time of disaster. The period is around the technology of 750 - 1450

The Hucnat Inquisition

This was a period in which the Hucnat made cultural and Military incursions into the rapidly dividing states of the Force empire which had dissolved. It started with the dissolution of the empire due to peasant revolt as the worse things got the more the upper classes ignored the lower classes plight intent on ignoring the world. This was originally supposed to be a revolution of culture bring Fordock back to the top but got bogged down and only established divided states that allowed the Hucnat to establish domination into most the old Force states.

Hucnat Take Over

It was during this time that the Hucnat either replaced all Forceian states with puppets or just plain took them over. National resentment increased to the point where riots were considered mild and daily occurrences. It became known as the Forceian ulcer to the Hucnat as troops slowly but steadily died due to lynches and other civil protest. It was a barbaric time but it did produce unity as the peasant became poorer and more desperate.

The Pullout

This is the period that began to end the dark ages that were this part of Fordockian History. In it the Hucnat began to have incursion problems as they grew soft due to occupation duty for a long time. Eventully they were forced to pull out to a united Forceian front. The Force went back to their own affairs but many new ideas had circulated and as money became more freely spent the Force grew back in science leading the way once again.

A New Hope

This is the period in Which the old states the comprise Force reconquered the lost territory and expanded into the Mountains. The Tech level is equivalent to 1450 - 1685

The Initial Years

Immediately after the pullout the troops still respected Hucnatian power as they could come back and strike they just lacked the national will for another 500 or so years of occupying and increasingly hostile country. The Forceians didn't know what to do and for the most part thought about establishing life as it was. Back to the old days before the Hucnat and the Imperial government. Technology advanced as each city state attempted to out do another. Rivalries broke out but Society Continued.


Ever weakening Hucnatian power had lead to the need to expand. The State briefly turned aside their rivalries and expanded for the iron that was now needed worse then ever. Many great conflicts happened the Forceian states with their new iron felt strong and united. This new attitude about cooperation led to the next era.


This is the Period in which the Fordockian States Unified and began first called themselves the Reunited States of Force. The Tech level of this era is 1685 - 1789

Cooperation and the Results of Expansion

With the Expansion the Forceians were confident. They began to work in small alliances and groups. They felt superior and their was a strong pan-Forceian movement at the time. With large alliances came large meetings. Never the less the peasants continued to suffer throughout all this but still had no voice as they could be easily shot down by professional guards. Whatever was left of the old system was dissolved.


With the ever larger alliances and with the pan-Forceian movement the Forceian states were ready to unify. It happened at the famous Counsel of Sumetra. Here it was decided upon what was just really a strong alliance between all states and closer to a commonwealth or coalition but still for the first time in over 750 years someone could call all of the peninsula The Reunited States of Force.

Socialistic Rise

This is the period of modernization when the socialists began growing more influential. It is a time of wars that were quick and ever changing and the time of Fordock's greatest Leaders. It ends with the modern Fordockian Government is formed. The Tech level is equivalent to 1789 - 1918. This is the era I will RP if tech is between here.

The Socialists

With the rise of industrialization the peasants gained increasing importance. They made the economy run. The idea of unions was formed in this era. With all of this the United States of Force became increasingly united with a stronger and stronger Federal government. At first it was an uphill battle but people began softening as they saw small examples of it in towns where a socialist mayor had been elected.

The Reformation

Eventually the Federal government united to put down the Socialists. It is from here the Fordockians speak of their greatest hero, Hfn Yunt. He is the one who on the socialist side resisted and defeated in battle. It ended with unconditional surrender not with the fall of Sumetra but after the fall of Sumetra as Hfn Yunt was able to control his troops and prevent them from raiding and pillaging. Impressed and already on the losing side of a war the government surrendered. The attacker had lost his nation in the attack. It was here that Hfn Yunt became first President. He implemented the Modern socialist System and modernized the military. Once he had the office it was decided a new start to a truly federalized government was necessary and the nation was renamed Fordock.



Light Infantry - The best unit in the Reunited states of Force's Army. They are able to think and act individually and are very effective in "dirty tactics" which the rest of the nation ignores. This includes placing explosives in the field and also intentionally targeting enemy leaders. Armed with rifles.

Line Infantry - Generally good in small tactical groups. Not the best for standard tactics as their individualistic tendencies cause their volleys to fail. However when given an overall plan or when in small unit actions they are incredible.

Grenadiers - Mostly ignored the Reunited States of Force are one of the few remaining powers to use grenades. They are possibly the most disciplined of the troops which means they have a chance of making a volley. They have a habit of guessing when Cavalry are going to come and throwing the grenades timing them so the grenades blow up as the enemy charges. Not to damaging but scary as hell and known to make horse panic.

Calvary - Almost none as it just isn't appreciated. Too unreliable and too expensive. Smart action always beats calvary in the mind of a TRSF citizen. There is a token force though that almost never shows up.

Officers - Good young officers elected only on talent. The main Problem has to do with the fact that the troops are to indisciplined to work with. Small unit commanders though excel at seeing opportunities and taking them.

Land Supply Chain - Weak due to the disorderly nature. Many units end up in different places and though the saying is "No plan survives first contact with the enemy" in TRSF (The Reunited States of Force) It is closer to "No plan survives first contact with the lower ranking officers." This means units tend to have either forage or carry more rations or starve and desert. None are good.


6 Pounders - A decent sized part of the army these cannons are lugged everywhere mostly by infantry. They normally are brought to the front to fire canister at charging calvary. If not they roundshot calvary. Whatever they do it is anti-calvary.

12 Pounders - The Most common make. Just a general cannon used to punch holes in the enemy formation and cause problems.

18 Pounders - A less cannon make used for long range bombardment. Sometimes used with light infantry to target generals and headquarters.

Howitzers - Positioned right behind the line they fire just a tad bit back from the line keeping pressure on the forces fighting TRSF.

Artillery Officers - Generally good quality like the army. The artillery is well maintained and an important part of the army.


Shore Bombardment - Decent ability to bombard the shore but not a specialty. 1/20th of the Navy is devoted to solely Shore Bombardment ships.

Sloops - TRSF like to use Sloops and small units the same way they like to use small units on land. Thus the Sloops normally are hard to read as they constantly revise the plan. The Navy is slightly more disciplined though. 1/2 the ships of the Navy are sloops.

Frigates and Other large Ships - TRSF Uses Frigates mostly as command points but sometimes in combat. Not a specialty. 1/5 of the Navy.

Transports - Fordock still likes to hold small transports on board sloops and such which carry small squads of men. Boarding actions while rare in this day are still appreciated by TRSF. Though it is hard to succeed most sailors on board rarely stay in possession of the ship if TRSF troops get aboard. This also includes Generic Transports. 1/4 of the Navy.

In short we excel at small unit tactics and Skirmishing but are horrible at long drawn out campaigns especially away from home.

The Rule of Fordock

This is the Period after the Socialistic Rise in which for the first time with the Reunited States of Force call themselves proudly Fordock. The Tech Level is 1918 - 1964.

The New Socialist Government

In this time not much happened. It was a period of peace for the most part with the modern Fordockian system emerging. Technology was developed and for the Fordock began most of its traditions. For the most part it was a trial period and the people were happy.

The Second Great War

This was the war the eliminated the modern descendants of the Hucnat. It was big and little is known as what is public is unreliable and the rest is classified. Fordock won and destroyed the land of the Huncat poisoning it forever for 1000 years of misery. It is a blighted land to the North East of Fordock. From this war the modern Fordockian State emerged almost identical to the current state. Fordock goes ever onward.

The land and it's People

Fordockians are a somewhat haughty folk. They think themselves better than many others. They are also known for arguing and have been know to have arguments that their grandchildren concluded. The land of Fordock is mostly grassland with many rivers running through. They are some large cities however pollution has been cut drastically due to new governmental programs aimed at cleaning up the air. They are situated on a peninsula with a forest at the fare north easter edge.

Fordockians are very fond of the national animal the Elephant. A wealthy family frequently has a pet elephant. The Fordockian obsession with elephants can be traced to the fact that Fordockians feel elephants represent them. Smart creatures that are accepting and have longevity but can easily destroy others if attacked or provoked.

The National Sport

The National sport of Fordock is the debate. It goes along with the cultural mentality of the smartest are the best and what better way to prove yourself smarter than others than in a heated debate in front of everyone? Thus it has grained great popularity in the nation. Every Pre-School even has a debate program. This has led to the rise of people who are very adept in PR and intellectual debate.

The Forst

The current Forst exchange rate for the universal standard dollar is 1 Forst = $0.37. This is pretty good for a new nation. The people are happy. It is a copper coin with an Elephant upon it. The Forst displayed here is a modern mint. [1].


Fordock is somewhat technologically advanced. They also rely upon Nuclear power. They have not however started a nuclear weapons program.

The two biggest technologically interesting subjects being expanded upon recently are the military and ecology. Currently the military scientist's are perusing new experimental weapon designers with hexagonally shaped guns and bullets. Results have been mixed. Other than that ecologist have been very successful in reducing pollution.



Fordockian International News has recently begun to Distribute internationally. It is all the news you need to know condensed. Use it as a quick guide after a day at the spa to figure out what is going on in the world. Published daily. Find FIN here.

Diplomatic Information

Here quick and hand Diplomatic information will be kept. This includes embassies and posistions of power and thus makes it easy to quickly tell what Fordockain you need to interact with to get something done.

On Fordockian Socialism

On Fordockian Socialism

Whether traditional or not Fordock runs a democratic socialist system. This is real socialism not communism given a new name.

Fordockian Socialism begins with the Economics. First off the people are taxed 37% of their income. A percentage is always fair and does not discriminate against rich or poor. Thus you can always afford taxes. This money goes directly to the government. The government uses this money to run several critical industries. That means the Grain industry and the water bottling industry, and the energy industry. Anything someone needs to survive the government owns. The benefits to this being when you need something from one of these things you either pay a discounted rate or nothing. Thus Medicare is free and such. However expensive or luxury industries are not. You will pay full price for a plasma screen t.v and you will pay full price for your champagne. The reason this is implemented is that this means the poor aren't starving but competition and innovation is also not discouraged as their are differentials in the equation. The main goal is to reduce the rich-poor gap to something manageable.

The second part of Fordockian Socialism is the government. We are a republic. That means leaders are elected democratically by the people. They then debate policy and make decisions. However Fordockian Democracy is not per-see equal. You are given votes based upon the number of things you qualify for. For example having a College degree gains you an extra vote. This means the people who understand things better get to help run things more. The second part to Fordockian Socialism is the fact most higher level positions are appointments. All top level positions are appointment based except for the Consul which is the second branch of government and is elected by the population alone. This is to ensure the government does not get overbearing. These bodies debate and pass laws. The Consul has equal power to 3/4's of the appointed officials. Also if they make an emergency vote the consul and get a 90 % or more against the appointed authorities must step down. Again this is a safety measure to prevent communism.

About the party system used. To be frank there is no party system. You vote on individual principles. This force each person who votes to carefully research and understand who they are voting for before they decide to. If a small group feel great connections to each other they can form a small group which must have under 10 Running members. The Consul is comprised of 200 Members. This again designed to help guide the citizens. Some people ask if there can be a person calling for the abolition of the current system. The answer is yes. However the people have been happy for the most part and the appointed members would always vote them down unless they got the required 90%. The worst the number of people calling for the downfall of socialism has ever been has been at 30%. It is unlikely it will ever surpass this number.

Hopefully you have found this inspirational and wish to implement some of these systems. We sincerely hope you do for the benefit of all.

(With thanks to Cynapsia for the idea of a pamphlet like device)

Foreign Embassies in Fordock

New Britoninia - Unknown

Qadesh - Gerald Updike

The Kiravian Empire - Unknown

Vanek Drury Brieres - Unknown

The Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands - Hlito Verk

Greal - Grant Fens

New Basilica - Sam Wolfe

Fordockian Embassies in other Nations

The Kiravian Empire - Opto Mesrin

Farfin - Eran Fod

The Confederacy of the Far Echo Islands - Sarim Tusmond

British Londominium - Trow Harim

Vanek Drury Brieres - Kay Pax

The Kingdom of Pinguinum - Xerin Tasnem

The Armed Republic of the Toori - Nebar Luoyte

Alacea - Rop Wof

Greal - Lot Gam

Positions of Power

President- Kichler

Minister of State - Turon Saterek

Defense Minister - Tozo Tramine

Minister Of Work - Roz Relhcik

Minister of Diplomacy - Aukon Mekhran

Politics and Political Parties

There are 5 large parties in Fordock at the moment.

Fordockian Socialist Party

The First party is the Fordockian Socialist Party (FSP). This is the dominant Party. They believe in a Strong Democratic Socialistic government. That means free Health care and such and their views are expressed quite strongly in the current political pamphlet. They have been dominant in the Politics of Fordock for so long their flag is sometimes used as a replacement. They currently though are in a bind facing strong opposition and down to having 62% of the seats in the Consul or 93 Seats. Their Symbol is a yellow sun/star.

Fordockian Communists party

The Second Major Party is the Fordockian Communists party (FCP). They favor complete communism. Most of the population does not support them and can cite proven examples of them being wrong but some less educated citizens in the far North East support them. They have 4 % of the seats in consul or 6 Seats. Their symbol is a red star.

Fordockian Neo Conservative

The Third Major Party is the Fordockian Neo Conservative Party (FNCP). They favor heavy capitalisms complete disintegration of the economic system, and privatization of all industries. Their Supporters are almost entirely found in the center of cities on their fabulously wealthy homes. Most citizens have it in for them but they have been accused of bribing others to vote for them with large sums of money. This however has not been proven. They have 8% of the Consul seats or 12 Seats. Their symbol is the pig which has become a joke on the practice of calling them capitalist pigs.

Fordockian Neo Liberal Capitalists

The Fourth Major party is the Fordockian Neo Liberal Capitalists (FNLC). These people favor a more gradual introduction of capitalism and only the reduction of certain health care programs and such. Due to this they maintain a decent amount of support in Fordock. There heaviest domains of support come from the urban middle class. They have 20% of the seats in the Consul or 30 Seats. Their symbol is a white star on a red background with alternating bands of green going vertically.

Fordockian Fascist and Imperialistic Party

The Fifth Major Party is the Fordockian Fascist and Imperialistic Party(FFIP). By most they are considered insane but allowed to vote still. There used to be two separate parties but they unified to consolidate their voting block. Most citizens who admit to voting for them say it was a joke and they needed the support but it is believed and in confidential interviews been found that they have people consistently vote for them because they believe that Fordock's ways need be changed to perfection and then brought to the world. They view fascism as perfection quoting from Hobbes's Leviathan. They are unique in not having a racial superiority theory. Most of their support is evenly divided it. They have 6% of the seats in Consul or 9 Seats. Their symbol is a Black circle with lines emanating from it equally on a whit background.

Armed Forces

Fordock's military is estimated at 480,000 (Around 0.5% of the population. Or 1/200.)

This is divided into

240,000 (1/2) in the Army. 180,000 of these are support troops (Logistics) armed with FMPM-01 guns. They also carry 2 days rations and 4 days water with them. The 60,000 actually serving are comprised of 4 different branches. Officers, Special Forces, snipers, and infantry. The breakdown being 1500 (1/40 of the active Army +odd man out.) in special forces armed with whatever load out they choose, 1000 are snipers armed with and FBAR-01 with a 10x sniper scope and a FPM-01. They carry enough rations and supplies to last up to 10 days. There are 1500 officers (1/40 of active troops) armed with a FPM-01. They carry little to no supplies. There are also 3000 (1/20) Marines. They carry whatever is needed for the job and carry a large number of rations (Up to 5 Days Worth) and up to 3 days worth of water. The remaining forces are infantry of which there are 54,000 (9/10ths of active serving). These include Non-commissioned officers. They are typically carrying 3 days of rations and water with them. They are for the most part armed with FBAR-01s.

48,000 (1/10) in the Air force. 45,474 (18/19 + odd man out) are support troops (Logistics and such) armed with FMPM-01 guns. They carry little to no rations as they are at a base. The 2,526(1/19) men serving are loaded with a FPM-01 for self defense or suicide if shot down and threatened with torture. They man the 100 planes Fordock currently owns.

96,000 (1/5) in the Navy. 24,000 (1/4 but until Service is maxed out all others are support) serve aboard the nation's ships. 72,000(3/4) are logistics and such these are distributed among officers and the like. The standard navy men carry FBAR-01's for long rage attack as well as FASM-01's for boarding action. Officers have FMPM-01's.

96,000(1/5) in the Armored Forces. These men carry FMPM-01's. 9,600(1/10) are active troops. The reaming 86,400(9/10) are logistics and such. This includes truck drivers.

  • Note that all rations and water measurements are to operate at full capacity. A good soldier can strech it out twice as long and there have been occurrences of up to 3 times longer.


The Weapons of Fordock



Fordock has recently created a side arm for it's troops. It is know as the FPM-01 (Fordock Pistol Model 1). It is a new semi-automatic with a 15 round ejectable magazine. It is distinguished from most pistols as the barrel and the gun are hexagonally based. The ammunition used is unique but comparable in size and damage to a 9mm bullet.



Fordock uses the FBAR-01 for it's standard rifle. It is an old fashioned design with a 10 round clip. It is bolt action but carries larger .4 inches caliber to make up for this. The FBAR-01 can be fitted with a sniper scope as well as a socket bayonet. While this is and old fashioned design it is heavily resistant to weathering and still efficient. It's cheapness also makes it possible to equip every single Fordockian solider with one. [[2]]



Fordock has recently begun making in limited quantities the new FASM-01 or Fordockian Assault Shotgun model 1. It is a 12 gauge, pump action shotgun. It's magazine can hold 8 Shots. It can also be loaded with rubber ammo and most types of specialist ammo. [[3]]



For vehicle Crews and personal Defense Fordock has recently begun issuing limited quantities of the FMPM or Fordockian Machine Pistol model 1. This is chambered for a 20 9mm round box magazine. An odd feature of it thought is the fact it is in a Bullpup configuration. It has not been tested much and it's performance is unsure. [[4]]



The latest addition to the Fordockian arsenal is the FSSM-01. This is a pneumatic Bolt-action, sniper rifle built with scrap PVC parts and some civilian magnifiers. It not manufactured being made of PVC and designed for guerrilla actions. Instead there is a circulated kit containing the plans and how to make a scope and mark it correctly or if the recipient is lucky it might even have an actual military scope which can just be attached. This is Fordock's answer to help support guerrilla movements. The Rifle uses anything up to and including 50 caliber weapons that will fit in the loader. Anything can be wrapped and fired due to it being pneumatic. This means you could just grab a pen load it and shoot it. Incredibly efficient it can carry enough gas for 5 shots without recharging. [[5]]

1000 RPG-27 were bought recently from the World Soviet Party.

Weapon Designs are being pumped out rapidly. In development is a Squad Automatic Support Weapon as well as a carbine type SMG.

Armored Wing

The Vehicle Fordock Currently owns have been bought from DMG and are all DMG designed Vehicles or on contract to DMG.

100 Tiger Main Battle Tanks

These are the main battle tanks the Fordockians used. They are manned constantly and the pride of the newly assembled armored wing. They are used to spearhead assaults and to draw fire so that Snipers might have a shot. They have also been modified to have a platform attached so that A sqaud my sit on the tank or a sniper my put sandbags around himself on the platform and have an armored fortress carry him to where he need go. Snipers also work from on top of the tank.

400 Elusion Class Vehicles

This is the standard Transport Vessel of Fordock. It is designed to get troops quickly where they need to go without being detected and most of the time preforms admirably. A few have had a .50 cal turret attached to them. Snipers thought have the most use for them. The snipers wear a vest that deflects the screens so they appear invisible but are also in hard cover. They pop out shoot and disappear behind hard cover. It is a well used trick and has destabilized units. However it is somewhat Suicidal

150 FB-4 Bull Warrior

This is used as the Standard Heavy response unit. If a major attack happens one of these will come to the area with a squad of troops and well equipped. This can be dangerous to raids.

50 SA-1 MH-1 Annihilator

The New Fordockian artillery preforms well. They mostly use precision firing and then move to a new location.

Air Force

Fordock has also has bought 100 new JAU-64 'Tigerclaw' multiroll Fighters from Tigerlan.

From preliminary testing it has been concluded that

Maximum speed: Mach 3.1

Range: Combat radius: 2000km

Service ceiling: 20,000 m (50,000 ft)

Rate of climb: m/s (ft/min)

Wing loading: 341 kg/m² (70,3 lb/ft²)

Thrust/weight: 1.4

and they are armed with

1 × 27 mm Mauser BK-27

x 24 hard points, 2 wingtip, 14 underwing, 8 conformal under the fuselage Note: the JAU-64 'Tigerclaw' is able to use most weapon systems

RBS-15 Mark 2 air-to-sea anti-ship missile

Bombkapsel 90 cluster bomb

New Jet Released

Fordock has now begun Production of the FFJM-01 or Fordockian Fighter Jet Model 01. It is new design heavily armed and armored. It cannot go as fast and needs a long runway but when you meet its 8 FAAMM-01's (Fordockian Anti-Air Missile Model 01)you will be sorry. It can engage at up to 20 Kilometers and moves at mach 4 by itself. The plane itself is relatively slow and designed to get the missile to where it needs to go. They also have stealth equipment and 4 cannons if they get jumped by a stealth unit thogh they are removable to increase speed in lighter missions. The Plane basically is supposed to scramble not be detected get very close and fire its missile and then get out of range of the incoming missile as the hit and kill ratio to the hit and damage to the miss ratio is 45:46:1 respectively. The missile has a camera, infrared and heat seeking detection capabilities and these can be used by themselves or in combination. It has a two man flight team. [[6]]


Fordock has also bought a Kensington-class Battleship from British Londominium. There fleet it scheduled to expand soon.

Fordock also possess from DMG a Sentry Class AA Destroyer. Used for General AA purposes.

Displacement: 70,000 tons (standard); 75,550 tons (full load) Powerplant: 2 Nuclear Reactors Length: 281 meters Beam: 37 meters Draft: 11 meters Speed: 30 knots Armour: 40 cm (belt), 46 cm (bulkheads), 46 cm (barbettes), 46 cm (turrets), 16 cm (decks) Range: Unlimited Complement: 2,270 officers and personnel

It also carries these weapons

9x 16 in (406 mm) 50 cal. Mark 7 guns 22x 5 in (127 mm) 54 cal. Mark 45 guns 8x Goalkeeper CIWS 20x Mark 32 Surface Vessel Torpedo Tubes 40x BGM-109 Storm Shadow missile launchers (5 SYLVER launchers) 24x RGM-84 MBDA Aster missile launchers (3 SYLVER launchers) NATO Seagnat countermeasures launchers

And these Electronic Systems

SAMPSON multi-function air tracking radar S1850M 3-D air surveillance radar Surface Ship Torpedo Defence System MFS-7000 sonar

Current Military Operations

Fordock currently is sending a legion to help The Far Echo Islands. This is lead by General Smakn Lopon. It includes a sniper Contingent. Status- Resolved Unsuccessfully.

Black Ops Operations are ongoing.