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{{Infobox_Nation |
{{Infobox_Nation |
flag=http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/macedonia--53.jpg l
flag=http://members.aol.com/pommern1/prussflag3.gif |
region=the real world |
region= Western Europe |
motto=Destroying the world: one nuclear war at a time |
motto=Can we change the world? No, but hell we can all try |
language=Nü Skøten |
language=Caronicilian |
capital=Nü Hellzstien |
capital=Gervensburg |
population= 70 million |
population= 182,000,000|
currency=Slaves |
currency=Cinyar |
leader= Emperor Boisjolie
leader=General Erich von Schreider
The Empire of Caronicilia
<b>Introduction</b>: The Zwien Reich auf Caronicilia
The Federational Republik auf Caronicilia, or simply Caronicilia, is the worlds leading supplier of Whiskey. Located in Central Europe, it is bordered to the North by Timetie, to the east by Surulia, to the south by Hispaniola, and to the west by Barbarossa Uno.  Caronicilia is a Empire made up of 13 factions/ Historically, each faction was once it’s own independant nation with it’s own history, culture as well as religion, Caronicilia was unified in 1492. Caronicilia is a Founding Member of the Alliance of the New World Order. It is one of Central Europe’s most populous and Economically powerful states. It plays a role as a minor world power. 
"destroying the world- one nuclear war at a time"
<b>National Animal</b>: <i>Tiker</i> (Tiger)
UN Category: Compulsory Consumerist State
<b>National Bird</b>: <i>Eaklen</i>(Eagle
Civil Rights: Some
<b>National Flower</b>: <i> Poupy</i> (Poppy)
Economy: Thriving
<b>National Tree</b>: <i> Rot Vort</i> Red wood
Political Freedoms: Outlawed
<b>National Capital</b>: Gervensburg
Location: The Real World
<b>National Currency</b>: Cinyar
The Empire of Caronicilia is a small, economically powerful nation, remarkable for its barren, inhospitable landscape and compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population are rabid consumers, partly through choice and partly because the government tells them to and dissenters tend to vanish from their homes at night.They are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.
<b>National Anthem</b>: Sie Lent auf Kirenar (Land of Conquerors)
The small, corrupt, pro-business government concentrates mostly on Defence, although Law & Order and Commerce are secondary priorities. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 6%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Automobile Manufacturing, Soda Sales, and Gambling industries.
Married couples must call each other "darling" or risk a fine, the adult unemployment rate nears 100% as all available jobs have been filled by young children, bicyclists are banned from major roads, military spending is on the increase, and nudity is frowned upon, The roads are virtually falling apart, sales of fishnet stockings have reached a record high, the nation is experiencing a severe shortage of sporting events, Animal Liberationists are regularly jailed, political activists are routinely executed, and poets and writers are regularly rounded up and shot for entertainment,psychological disorders are a taboo subject, and reporters often lose their jobs over fact-checking errors. Crime is a serious problem. Caronicilia's national animal is the dragon, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the slave.
Their current Emperor, Emperor Boisjolie, is a hard ruler, who focuses little on diplomacy or the benefit of the people. They are dedicated members of ANWO, or the alliance of the new world order, founded by Boisjolie, and  re a major world power in the real world. They are highly opposed to the real world U.N, and started, and ended a coldwar with the peoples of Abstien and CAF. They have annexed the territory of Zamarania, and continue to grow in military and imperial strength, thanks to the Emperor.
<b>Motto</b>: Can we Change the world? No, but hell we can try.
Next in line for the throne is commander Karacere, who led Caronicilian forces in both the Kyrosian war, but also the War auf der fuhrer Dyzel. If he takes over as emperor, The conditions of life in Caronicilia will only get worse.
<b>School Attendance</b> Mandatory from 8-20 Years
<b>Drinking Age</b>: From Birth
<b>Economic statistics of Caronicilia:</b>
<b>Driving Age</b>: 16 Years
Income Tax Rate: 12%
<b>Cigarette Age</b>: Illegal since 1924
Major Industry: Automobile Manufacturin
<u>Miscellaneous Laws</u>
- Smoking is Illegal (1924)
- Dog breeding has been banned in accordance with recent animal experimentation laws
- No Laws set Gambling Age
- High Tarrifs Protect Local Industry
National Currency: slave
Government Budget Details:
Administration: $9,844,101,120.00 8%
Social Welfare: $0.00 0%
Healthcare: $2,461,025,280.00 2%
Education: $7,383,075,840.00 6%
Religion & Spirituality: $0.00 0%
<b> The begining of a Culture</b>
In the year 1204, central Europe was in shambles. With the fall of the central European super state of Gurai, the former empire broke off into several small factions. One of these factions was a small kingdom called Caronicilia. It was just on in a handful of these nations, however, and like most of them still held onto Gurai culture. They spoke the same language, etc. The only thing that set them apart from the others was their own government, which was different then all the other nations, as it was a monarchy with a parliament, as opposed tot he totalitarian rule of other of these states.  
Defence: $65,217,169,920.00 53%
Soon, around 1260, it began developing it’s own culture. It developed a language not far from Caronicilias today, along with the pagan beliefs of Caronicilia.  
Law & Order: $28,301,790,720.00 23%
<u>The religion</u>
The Pagan Pantheon of Caronicilia was relatively small compared to ancient religions. It had only around 20 gods, of basic things in nature, such as fire, water, air, earth, trees, frost, rock etc. The father of all the gods was the god of the cosmos, Oblivik. He ruled the pantheon of gods, and was the one most commonly prayed to. Other gods would also be prayed to, such as hunters praying to the wind god (Turc), and Sailors praying to the Sea (Nephyt). However, the pantheon was very sexist, and goddesses were only the sex slaves of the gods, with the exception of only a handful of healers. Regardless, the religion, known as Caronicilian Pantheon, was mainly focuse4d around human heroes of human descent, rather than heavenly. Stories told of ordinary people doing remarkable things, givin hope tot he common folk. Priests were often the wealthiest men in Caronicilia, as well as some of the very few non nobles that could read. The Pantheon would rule in Caronicilia for a long while, until Christianity was introduced to the empire much later. Even still, it exists, though it is now very small, making up less than 10% of the religious sturcture (7%.)
Commerce: $9,844,101,120.00 8%
<u> The Language</u>
Caronicilian is the official language of Caronicilia. It is not Latin-based. It is spoken almost exclusively in Central Europe, though in the north American nation Kalifin they also speak Caronicilian. There are few dialects, the only change in them being the spelling and pronounciation of words, however they do not differ drastically. Most people in Caronicilia know English as well, and it is the global language used to speak with people. However, on local media stations and papers, Caronicilian appears as the language written in. Caronicilian is very similar to a combination of both English and German, and as such spelling is rather poor. Many different spelling exist for a single word.
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
Caronicilian 101
The Environment: $0.00 0%
<i> Hello/ Farewell</i>
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Hello- Hallo
Goodbye- Tschus
<b>Caronicilia Economic Statistics</b>
<i> Days of the week </i>
Exchange Rate: 1.3559 slaves = $1
Monday- Montay
Gross Domestic Product: $820,359,234,410.11
Teusday- Zweitay
GDP Per Capita: $14,649.27
Wednesday- Wonntay
Unemployment Rate: 6.10%
Thursday- Tirstay
Consumption: $694,848,000,000.00
Friday- Frietay
Government Budget: $153,814,080,000.00
Saturday- Zattay
Government Expenditures: $123,051,264,000.00
Sunday- Sonntay
Goverment Waste: $30,762,816,000.00
<i> Weather </i>
Exports: $104,697,378,410.11
Cold- Kalt
imports: $102,237,408,000.00
Hot- Hesse
Trade Surplus: $2,459,970,410.11
Rain- Regin
Storm- Strun
That's every thing you need to know about Caronicilia
Sun- Sonne
Shine- Sinnen
Snow- Frizten
Thunder- Gewite
Wet- Niss
<i> Colors </i>
Black- Shvart
Blue- Blue
Brown- Bronn
Green- Grun
Grey- Gri
Orange- Orazuh
Pinke- Rosel
Purple- Lilly
Red- Ritten
White- Weisse
Yellow- Yalow
<i> Numbers </i>
1. Eins
2. Tsvy
3. Trei
4. Quat
5. Finf
6. Zechs
7. Sibel
8. Octin
9. Noilen
10. Ten
<u> Medieval Government </u>
In the ages of it’s founding, the tiny kingdom of Caronicilia still used serfdom. Unlike many of the other central European nations at this time, however, the people still had the rights to elect officials into a parliament, which kept the king in check. The people of the nobilities were highly educated, and held many luxuries above the common folk, such as owning slaves. The Slavery institution in the Caronicilian mainland was mainly domestic, they cared for children, crafted small items etc. It would not be until the acquirement of the Kalifin colonies that Caronicilia would ever have hard labor slaves. The king had a strong rule over government, however Tyranny was usually prevented by Parliament. Both the king and the Parliament had there own Armed forces, which generally worked together. This was to ensure that one would never overpower the other.
<u> Early Military </u>
The Caronicilian Military of the time was not concrete. Knights were the most powerful forces, however many other types of armies served under them. In the beginning, Caronicilian Cavalry was made up of heavily armored Cavalry who fought mainly with lances. Later, after seeing some central Asian forces in action, horse archers were incorporated into the military.  Infantry were equipped with Swords, Pole axes, Hammers and Bows. They made up the bulk of the armies, as few people were rich enough to afford a horse. People had to buy there own equipment. This discouraged many of the peasentry from joining the military, however artillery units were provided by the government. Trebuchets made up the Caronicilian artillery battery until the introduction of the Cannon, which quickly replaced it. 
<b>The Unification</b>
In the year 1480, central Europe (Or at least the lands now occupied by Caronicilia) was still divided by several small nations, the largest and most powerful of them was now Caronicilia. During this time frame, the new world had recently been discovered, and the world was thrust into the age of American imperialism. Before attempting to build a new world empire right off, the Caronicilian nation decided to build a central European empire and thrust Central Europe into the wars of Caronicilian conquest. Sacile, Gulesh, Kraut, Morkaw, Norgol, Shichomel, Bassuna, Surano, Alt Kalifin, Sien Barkon, Zielora, and Waffleton fell to the Caronicilian army, setting the current boundaries for the nation. While technically the war wasn’t over until 1487, Caronicilia became the sole possessor of it’s current lands in 1482, the year that modern Caronicilia claims to be founded. After taking over it’s lands, the Empire of Caronicilia was founded.. Ruled by Emperor Kulinschranck, it continued it’s imperialism and conquered the lands that are now Timetie. After the conquest of Timetie, the conquests reached a standstill as they tried to push into Barbarossa Uno, and Caronicilia eventually stopped it’s conquests and settled for what they had. The First van Hulen treaty was signed in 1487, and central Europe was quite again.
<u> Life in the Empire</u>
In 1482, when Caronicilia was founded, life was changing quickly. The Dark ages were coming to a close, and the age of enlightenment was on the horizons. And increased interest in learning and humanity ensued and Caronmicilia began to become increasingly inventive. Better shoes were made, along with improvements in Architecture. Soon, they had further distinguished themselves as a culturally independent nation. Massive temples tot he gods were built which became popular attraction for pilgrims. However, the kign in Caronicilia was overthrown by the people and an Emperor was in place. This took place during the conquests, and gretly distanced Caronicilia from the rest of Europe. The Emperor had absolute rule, however most rulers showed a large amount of benevolence towards their people. One emperor took the local peasantry into his home, and gave them a feast that lasted for three days.
<u> A piece of the New World</u>
It was not long before the Caronicilian empire turned it’s head into the direction of the new world, and in 1484 (While the wars of the Caronicilian conquest were still going) explorer Johannes Kilorans embarked on a long Journey. His vessel “The Heart of Europe”, sailed through the Rakverian Channel, south- past Iberia, all the way down to south of Africa- around the African cape, through the pacific ocean and landed in Kalifin (RL northern California). His purpose? To claim lands in the name of the Caronicilians for the Journey which was right on his tail (Leaving 2 years after his departure, well before he ever got back), was a large convoy of people, carrying some 5,000 men, women and children into the Kalifin colony. When he arrived he was welcomed by the Natives, which he crushed quickly and killed. It was the among first cases of Genocide in the world, in which over 10,000 natives were slaughtered. Caronicilia then became the sole holder of the lands, with no natives to repel them. They completely destroyed the culture, and what natives were still alive were sent back to Europe as slaves.
<u> Growth of Kalifin</u>
Most of the Empires money and attention was shifted in the building of Kalifin in the 1500’s. Its population steadily rose, eventually rising to 5 million (Now the size of a small nation). However, Caronicilia wanted a faster way to reach it’s colonies then making the long trek across the Pacific Ocean, and (Without asking Permission) 2,000 Caronicilian soldiers were sent to the Pyrish colony of Mejico (That’s what Caronicilians call it, but I don’t know what the Pyrish term for it is…. Regardless, it’s present day Mexico) to dig a canal clear though the thinnest point of the continent, so ships could now travel through the Bahamas and the “Gulf auf Mejico” rather then making the perilous journey around Africa and through the pacific. But relations with Pyria were strained, as the Pyrians were already weary of the Pagan Caronicilians, being catholic, and in 1571 erupted into war in the colonies. The Pyrians were also upholding a vowe to the Aztecas to protect them from European powers. Caronicilian troops, marching from Kalifin were able to defeat the Pyrian forces who were straddled throughout Mejico, South America, and Northern Canada. The result was the treaty of Belaui, which resulted in a substantial growth of Kalifin (Now the entirety of RL California, as well as spots of Arizona, Nevada, and Northern Mejico). Unsteady peace existed between the two nations for a long time afterward, and it would lead to at least another war before they settled their dispute.
<u> Christianity in the Empire</u>
The 1600’s were times of change through Caronicilia. Missionaries from Barbarossa Uno and Rakvere came into European Caronicilia and converted them to Christianity, which replaced the Polytheistic religion native to Caronicilia since its founding. After the Emperor, who at the time was Gerania the Awful, converted into Christianity, Caronicilia was an entirely Christianized state, and the Kalifin colony became Christian as well. Many Kalifins were loyal to their religion, however, and military action was taken on the Pagans. This was yet another case of Genocide in the empire. After a short while, the Pagans ceased to openly believe, and it was learned that in this Empire, nobody was to go against the government. There was not another major religious uprising until the 1800’s, when the Muslims took over. Throughout the Majority of the 1600’s, Caronicilia remained a world power, both in Europe and in Kalifin. In 1663, a historian said “Our fine state is undoubtedly the greatest in Europe, for today, tomorrow, and forever!” He would soon be proved wrong.
<b> An Age of Change</b>
In the 1700’s, things continued to look good for Caronicilia. Kalifin was finally subdued into Christianity, and people were rarely ever found hanging onto there Pagan beliefs. However, these were also times of change. Caronicilia began to decline, falling out of it’s golden age. After a lost war with the Justinopian Kingdom and the introduction of Islam, Caronicilia began to rapidly decline from it’s position as a world super power nearly into the category of third world country.
<u>Justinopian War: North America</u>
In 1743, foreigners began coming through the Kalifin pass, and many were attacked because of the Governors paranoia (He thought that Pyrish spies were coming after him). The foreigners however, were not Pyrish, but in fact Justinopian. The Caronicilian government accused the Justinopian kingdom of plotting an invasion against their colonies, and war broke out. The Justinopians aligned with the Pyrians, however, who had signed the treaty of Alevas which acted as a mutual defence pact. Meanwhile, the newly formed Hispaniolan republic in the Gulf of Mexico took the side of Caronicilia.The Pyrish had little involvement up ontil the poin when Caronicilia gained allies. The Pyrish Navy was dispatched against Hispaniola. The Justinopian and Pyrish forces, quickly defeating the Hispaniolans in Cuba, Jamaica, and the South Justinopian keys, were victorious in that theatre, and stripped away almost a third of Hispaniolan lands. Kalifin fared no better. Facing Pyrish invasionary forces from the south, and combined invasionary forces of Pyria and the Justinopian kingdom from the east- as well as an overwhelming Pyrish navy from the west- they were locked in a long, standstill war.
<u>Justinopian War: Europe</u>
The war in Europe went no better for Caronicilia. With its Surulian, Paisaran and Rakverian allies, it was faced against Keoii, Solysp, Brabant States and the Justinopian kingdom. Rakverian troops were quickly cut off in the English Channel by the Brabantian NAVY, who threatened invasion if they did not surrenderSurulia battled Keoii in the Baltic sea, but to no avail. Keoans eventually pushed a third of the way through Surulia, and there king “Agent old dude” surrendered. Paisara was in a similar situation, they battled with Keoii and lost and King Wolfe surrendered. Once again, as in the new world, Caronicilia was on it’s own. They fought feircly but, like there allies, to no avail. Justinopian, Brabantian, and Solyspian forces marched on Gervensburg,Caronicilia ( the capital city) while the Keoan Navy cut them off from new supplies. Caronicilia had to surrender. They at last lost their ports in Timitie, along with the whole claim, and were confined to what they have today. The treaty of Necro Ziel was signed in 1761, putting an end to the 18 year war that had killed so many.
<u>The Decline</u>
After the War failed emperor after failed emperor took power. They had needed a great leader, but the government became harsh. While it was still a modern state, the general population was demoralized and afraid. They were at the complete mercy of the Nations they had fought against,a s the military was in shambles and would be unable to combat any form of threat. The Economy was shattered.
<u> Gold Rush!</u>                   
After the war, Caronicilia was still a powerful European nation, but was quickly falling to nothing. They faced certain death. Caronicilians widely lost their faith in god. However, something miraculous happened. As the Kalifians were burying there dead from the war, gold was discovered. There, in 1763, at Fort Culvear, massive sums of gold were discovered. A Gold rush was on. All across Caronicilia, men and there families came to Kalifin in hope of striking it rich. Foreigners came as well, and the government flourished from the taxes on citizenship of the foreigners, as well as from the other unfair taxes placed.
While this seemed like a great gift, it wopuld eventually lead to yet another War with Pyria. The Pyrians were a jealous group in this time, and could hardly accept the Caronicilians gaining wealth in the New World. Upon discovering of these massive sums of gold, the Pyrish military began aminers near there borders, and robbing their sums of gold. A brief series of skirmishes took place and it was referred to as the silver War. It was the precourser to theGolden War, which took place between Pyria and Caronicilia. The two sides were an even matchand the war was at a long standstill. Both sides showed a great deal of effectivness, with the Caronicilians winning in the beginning, however the Pyrians soon began to push back. After some Pyrish victories, the war began to have a standstill, anthe war dragged on. However, both nations soon would reach a significant downfall, and would pull out. Whil no peace treaty was signed, both sides stopped fighting, as the Caronicilians were being taken over by Muslims, and the Pyrians were having a revolution against there king.
For about 40 years, Caronicilia looked as though it would recover back to its former glory. That is until in 1804, when Islamic monks from the Holy Empire of Madina came into European Caronicilia. They wished to convert Caronicilia to Islam. When they refused with military action, Madina launched a long, brutal war of conquest. Caronicilians fought bravely and hard to keep there faith, but they were defeated. Caronicilia became a province of Madina, and stayed as that for the next 10 years.
In the new world Kalifins did not want to convert to Islam. They launched a war of independence against Madina in 1805, after hearing of there nations defeat. They fought long, and hard against the Islamic armies, and it paid off. In 1813 Kalifin defeated Madina in the battle of Greater Ziel. After Greater Ziel, the Madinans realized the war would be far to costly to pursue, and gave up. On May 4, 1814, kalifin became an independent state, and remains so to this day.
1814 was a big year in Europe as well. A Civil war brewed in Madina when Islamic Caronicilia broke away from the Caliphate. For about 2 years they fought when Caronicilia came into a new age- the Sultanate. Under the Sultanate, Caronicilia reached it’s all time low. Depression became widespread. The Greedy Sultan gave no money to the populace, rather kept it all to himself. While his nation crumbled, he feasted upon fine Nilthrian chocolate, the most exotic animals from the Confederate states of Rome, had 50,000 Namietian Mistresses….. He lived the good life. Under this oppressive rule, Caronicilia remained. The Sultan Karalona launched several wars in attempts to get back Kalifin. The alliance with Hispaniola that had stood for so long was destroyed. Surulia even began to turn on Caronicilia. Caronicilia remained friendless for the next hundred or so years until in the early 1900’s an alliance was formed with Madina. Most of the Caronicilian population moved to Surulia and Paisara, and vowed not to return until the Sultans were out of power. And so it was, that Caronicilia would remain a lowly populated, quite, poor, aggressive nation until the year 2005, when Christians finally began to take back what was there’s, and the world was set right again.
<B> Tranfer to a reich</b>
In 2006, Caronicilias long-time trusted president Leopold von Richtfen died. feeling that the republican government was now entirely incompetant, General erich von Schrieder eventually took the reigns into his own hands and marched his men from waffleton to Gervensburg. Eventually, he has taken power and has greatly change policies of caronicilia. He withdrew Caronicilia from the central European confederacy, or CEC, and made it full independant once more. His anti- Pyrish policies neraly got him into trouble, however, he quickly got out of it. Caronicilias future is now uncertain.
<b>Location</b>: Central Europe, Bordering Hispaniola, Timetie, and Barbarossa Uno
<b>Climate</b>:temperate and marine; cool, cloudy, wet winters and summers; occasional warm mountain (foehn) wind
<u>Extreme Elevations[/u]:
<b>lowest point</b>: Atlantic Ocean 0 m
<b>highest point</b>: Mount Gervensburg
<b>Natural Resources</b>: coal, lignite, natural gas, iron ore, copper, nickel, uranium, potash, salt, construction materials,
timber, arable land
<b>Land Use</b>:
<u>Permanent Crops</u>: 10%
<u>Urban</u>: 90%
<u>Other</u>: 0%
<b>Natural Hazards</b>: Flooding
<b> Environment- Current Issues</b>: emissions from coal-burning utilities and industries contribute to air pollution; acid rain, resulting from sulfur dioxide emissions, is damaging forests; pollution in the Baltic Sea from raw sewage and industrial effluents from rivers in eastern Caronicilia; hazardous waste disposal; government established a mechanism for ending the use of nuclear power over the next 15 years; government working to meet ANWO commitment to identify nature preservation areas in line with the ANWO's Flora, Fauna, and Habitat directive
<u>The Populace</u>
<b>Population</b>: 182,000,000
<u>Age Structure</u>:
<b>0-14 years</b>: 10%
<b>15-64 years</b>: 69%[b]65 years and over[/b]: 21%
<b>Median Age</b>:
<b>Total</b>: 29 years
<b>Male</b>: 40%
<b>Female</b>: 60%
<b>Population Growth Rate</b>: 3% a year
<b>Birth Rate</b>: 7 births/1,000 population
<b>Death Rate</b>: 4 deaths/1,000 population
<b>Net Migration rate</b>:+5/1,000 population
<b>Infant Morality rate</b>: 32 deaths/ 1,000 population
<b> Average Life Expectancy</b>: 83.4 Years
<b> Fertility rate</b>: 2.4 Children per Woman
<b> Nationality </b>: Caronicilian
<b> Ethnic groups</b>: 89% Caronicilian/ 5% Kalifian / 3% Surulian / 3% Other
<b> Religion</b>: Christian- Protestant 81%/  Islam 12%/ Pagan 7%
<b> Official Languages</b>: Caronicilian, Surulian
<b> Literacy </b>: 98%
<u> Government</u>
<b> Country Name</b>
Local Long Form: Sie federational Republik auf Caronicilia
Local Short Form: Caronicilia
Conventional Long form:The federative Republic of Caronicilia
Conventional Short form: Caronicilia
Former: Caronicilian Reich, Caronicilian empire, Caronicilian Kaliphate
<b> Government Type</b>: Federational Republic
<b> Capital City</b>: Gervensburg
<b> Administrative Provisions </b>:13 federations:
Caronicilia, Sacile, Gulesh, Kraut, Morkaw, Norgol, Shichomel, Bassuna,
Surano, Alt Kalifin, Sien Barkon, Zielora, and Waffleton
<b> Independence</b>:1482, year all current lands were conquered by caronicilian Federation
<b> National Holiday </b>: Frei Lent Tag (The free Land Day- day of Caronicilias Founding) (May 2nd)
<b> Constitution </b>: In Place since Dec. 18th, 2005
<b> Legal System </b>: civil law system with indigenous concepts; judicial review of legislative acts in the Federal
Constitutional Court; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction
<b> Suffrage </b> 16 years of Age, male
<b> Political Parties</b>
Socialists Workers Party
<b> Political Pressure groups</b>: business associations, employers' organizations; expellee, refugee, trade unions, and veterans groups
<b>Flag Description</b> Old Caronicilian Empire flag still in place since 1401
<b> Government officials </b>
President: Leopold von Richtofen
Vice President: Wilhem Luffendorf
Secretary of State: Erica von Schreider
Secretary of Economics: Jukae Kilor
Secretary of Culture, Media, and Sport: Meload Spee
Secretary of War: Kuline Bulow
Secretary of Education and Skills: Jak Phisal
Secretary of Environment, Food, And Rural affairs: Lukas Belew
Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Wilhelm Young
Secretary of health: Lea Richtofen
Secretary of the Home Department: Niklas Carrt
Secretary of International Development: Leon Furger
Secretary of Transport: Timm Wells
Secretary of Work and Pensions: Sofie Augustine
Governor of Caronicilia: Leopold von Richtofen (President)
Governor of Sacile, Emilie Warsaw
Governor of Gulesh, Louis Kapf
Governor of Kraut, Paul Hemms
Governor of Morkaw, Fynn Notal
Governor of Norgol, Lena Seston
Governor of Shichomel, Luka Nilth
Governor of Bassuna, Alekander White
Governor of Surano, Phillipp Brown
Governor of Alt Kalifin, Bernhard Clemens
Governor of Sien Barkon, Karsten Silverton
Governor of Zielora, Detlev Washington
Governor of Waffleton, Eckert Nert
Minister to Nickelodeon, Axel Kilot
Minister to Solysp, Cornelius Senk
Minister to Gramonia, Alisha Baker
Minister to Hispaniola, Beate Brusilov
Minister to Surulia, Otto Berchtold
Minister to Outer Carida, Antje Beatty
Minister to The UJSR, Alexei Tirpitz
Minister to Pyria, Jakob Rupprecht
Minister to Nilthrias, Heidi Potiorek
Minister to Johnston Island, Oskar Nivelle
Minister to Free Hibernia (Currently home due to problems in the region), Maximillion Putnik
Minister to Rakvere, Ines Cunda
Minister to Quantaz, Kai Haig
Minister to Madina, Richi Falkenhayn
Minister to Solysp, Vladmir Hunter
Minister to Brabant States, Gretchen Lloyd
Minister to Illuve, Iris Foch
Minister to Wynland, Karl Lansing
Minister to The Scandanavian Federation, Hugo Ligget
Minister to Rajaratna, Jakob Luffendorf
Minister to Reniban, Franz Hotzendorf
Minister to Octopolis, Jurgen von Hindenburg
Minister to Shoarma, Hilde Beatty
Minister to Giradoo, Soren Braun
Minister to Finomi, Theo Weisse
Minister to Clintville, George Rosa
Minister to Myrcon, Hannah Greenes
Minister to Geoferrites, Niklas Schmitt
Minister to Cimon, Gustav Asimov
Minister to Yerushylum, Heiko Delmer
Minister to Munatan, Heinz Henning
Minister to Tremopolis, Hermann Estov
Minister to SCaTO, Heinrich Gisla
Minister to LIBN. Franziska Himmler
Minister to NDA, Wiebke Amadeus
Minister to ESC, Dagmar Fritz
Minister to ATA, Hansel Dorth
Minister to NIWE, Gerhard Helmuot
Representative in ANWO, Herpbert Bet
<u> Economy</u>
<b>Currency</b>: Cinyar
<b> Exchange Rate</b>: 1 Cinyar= $1.675
<b> Gross Domestic product </b>: $48,406,744,476,351.60
<b> GDP per Capita </b>: $38,235.98
<b> Unemployment Rate </b>: 2.90%.
<b> Consumption </b> $42,613,635,960,000.00
<b> Government Budget </b> $6,484,990,952,025.00
<b> Government Expenditures </b> $6,290,441,223,464.25
<b> Government Waste </b> $194,549,728,560.75
<b> Exports</b> $5,215,760,421,796.73
<b> Imports </b> $5,713,093,128,909.38
<b> Trade Deficit </b>: $497,332,707,112.65
<u> Communications</u>
<b> Telephones- Main Lines in use </b>: 54.574 million
<b> Cellular Phones </b>: 71.3 million
<b> Telephone System</b>:
general assessment: Caronicilia has one of the world's most technologically advanced telecommunications systems; as a result of intensive capital expenditures since reunification, the formerly backward system of the eastern part of the country, has been modernized and integrated with that of the western part
domestic: Caronicilia is served by an extensive system of automatic telephone exchanges connected by modern networks of fiber-optic cable, coaxial cable, microwave radio relay, and a domestic satellite system; cellular telephone service is widely available, expanding rapidly, and includes roaming service to many foreign countries
international: country code - 49; Caronicilias international service is excellent worldwide, consisting of extensive land and undersea cable facilities as well as earth stations in the Inmarsat, Intelsat, Eutelsat, and Intersputnik satellite systems
<b>Radio Broadcast Stations</b>:AM 51, FM 787, shortwave 4
<b> Television Broadcast Stations</b>: 473
<b> Internet Country Code</b>: www.insertwebadresshere.car
<b>Airports</b> 274
<b> Heliports </b>: 11
<b> Roadways</b> total: 231,581 km
<u>The Military</u>
The following is the Caronicilia Armed Forces rank structure in full name and abbreviations:
<b>Enlisted Ranks</b>:
Private (Pte),
Private 1st class (pte1)
Lance-Corporal (LCpl),
Second Leuteniet (Lt.2nd),
Leuteniet (Lt.)
Corporal (Cpl),
Sergeant (Sgt),
Staff-Sergeant (SSgt),
Master-Sergeant (MSgt),
Warrant Officer (WO),
Sergeant-Major (Sgt-Maj)
<b>Commissioned Officers</b>:
Cadet (Cdt),
Second Lieutenant (2Lt),
Lieutenant (Lt),
Captain (Capt),
Major (Maj),
Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol),
Colonel (Col),
Brigadier-General (BGen),
Major-General (MajGen),
Lieutenant-General (LtGen),
General (Gen)(ranked further by stars),
General of the Armies (Gen.A)
<u>Air Force</u>:
<b>Enlisted Ranks</b>:
Airmen Apprentice (AA),
Airmen (A),
Sergeant (Sgt),
Staff-Sergeant (SSgt),
Master-Sergeant 2nd class (MSgt2),
Master-Sergeant 1st class (MSgt1),
Crew Master-Sergeant (CMSgt),
Chief Command Master-Sergeant (CCMC),
Chief Command Master-Sergeant of the Air Force (CCMSAF),
<b>Commissioned Officers</b>:
Cadet (Cdt),
Second Lieutenant (2Lt),
Flying Officer (FO),
Flight-Lieutenant (FLt),
Squadron-Leader (SLdr),
Wing-Commander (WCmdr),
Group-Captain (GCapt),
Air-Commodore (ACmdr),
Air-Vice-Marshall (AVM),
Air-Marshall (AM),
Air-Chief-Marshall (ACM),
Marshall of the Air Force (MAF)
The rank of cadet is an officer in training. They are not to be saluted, nor are they to command in battle, unless in the most dire of circumstances.
In the Armoured Corps, a Private is a Trooper. A Private in the Paratroopers is called a Trooper. In the Artillery, a Private is a Gunner, and a Master-Sergeant is a Gunnery-Sergeant.
Sie Federational Guart auf Caronicilia
<b>Sie Lent Powren</b>
Militia= 2 (400,000 Units) 20 pts.
Airborne Division= 8 (200,000 Units) 40 pts.
Volunteer Infantry= 21 (525,000 Units) 84 pts.
<u>Mechanized Infantry</u>=4 (60 pts.)
- Units, 40,000 Unit
- APCs, 4,000 Units
- Humvees 2,000 Units
Combat Engineering Battalion=5 (5,000 Units) 25 pts.
CSS=2 (? Units) 20 pts.
<b>Sie Mobile Powren</b>
Main Battle Tanks=25 (7,500 Units) 250 pts.
Light Battle Tanks=5 (1,250 Units) 25 Pts.
Infantry Fighting Vehicles=10 (2,500 Units) 50 pts.
Self Propelled Howitzers=30 (3,000 Units) 120 pts.
MRLS Artillery= 10 (1,000 Units) 100 pts.
Anti- Air Gatling Guns=20 (2,000 Units) 100 pts.
Surface- Air Missile Battery= 40 (4,000 Units) 400 pts.
Armored Personnel Carriers=10 (5,000 Units) 50 pts.
Jeeps=2 (2,500 Units) 10 pts.
<b>Sie Aire Powren</b>
Standard Fighter=20 (2,400 Units) 400 pts.
Fighter Bomber=40 (4,800 Units) 600 pts.
Long Range Bomber=6 (360 Units) 180 pts
Tankers= 60 (300 Units) 60 pts..
AWACS= 4 (20 Units) 4 pts.
Radar Jamming Plane= 2 (40 Units) 10 pts.
Multi Role Combat Helicopter= 8 (800 Units) 120 pts.
Light Combat Helicopter= 12 (1,200 Units) 120 pts.
Large Transport Helicopter= 6 (600 Units) 90 pts.
Small Transport Helicopter= 12 (1,200 Units) 120 pts.
Airlift Cargo Aircraft= 3 (600 Units) 45 pts.
<u>Speze unt Letan Arnems</u>
Special Forces= 4 (4,000 Units) 20 Pts.
Millitary Satellite Network= 1 (3 Units) 175 pts.+3 SP
Stealth Bombers=1 (60 Units) 100 pts.+1 SP
Nuclear Weapons Plant=1 (10 Nukes) 75 pts.+1 SP

Latest revision as of 00:21, 30 June 2006

Flag of Caronicilia
Motto: Can we change the world? No, but hell we can all try
Region Western Europe
Capital Gervensburg
Official Language(s) Caronicilian
Leader General Erich von Schreider
Population 182,000,000
Currency Cinyar 
NS Sunset XML

Introduction: The Zwien Reich auf Caronicilia The Federational Republik auf Caronicilia, or simply Caronicilia, is the worlds leading supplier of Whiskey. Located in Central Europe, it is bordered to the North by Timetie, to the east by Surulia, to the south by Hispaniola, and to the west by Barbarossa Uno. Caronicilia is a Empire made up of 13 factions/ Historically, each faction was once it’s own independant nation with it’s own history, culture as well as religion, Caronicilia was unified in 1492. Caronicilia is a Founding Member of the Alliance of the New World Order. It is one of Central Europe’s most populous and Economically powerful states. It plays a role as a minor world power.

National Animal: Tiker (Tiger)

National Bird: Eaklen(Eagle

National Flower: Poupy (Poppy)

National Tree: Rot Vort Red wood

National Capital: Gervensburg

National Currency: Cinyar

National Anthem: Sie Lent auf Kirenar (Land of Conquerors)

Motto: Can we Change the world? No, but hell we can try.

School Attendance Mandatory from 8-20 Years

Drinking Age: From Birth

Driving Age: 16 Years

Cigarette Age: Illegal since 1924

Miscellaneous Laws - Smoking is Illegal (1924) - Dog breeding has been banned in accordance with recent animal experimentation laws - No Laws set Gambling Age - High Tarrifs Protect Local Industry


The begining of a Culture In the year 1204, central Europe was in shambles. With the fall of the central European super state of Gurai, the former empire broke off into several small factions. One of these factions was a small kingdom called Caronicilia. It was just on in a handful of these nations, however, and like most of them still held onto Gurai culture. They spoke the same language, etc. The only thing that set them apart from the others was their own government, which was different then all the other nations, as it was a monarchy with a parliament, as opposed tot he totalitarian rule of other of these states.

Soon, around 1260, it began developing it’s own culture. It developed a language not far from Caronicilias today, along with the pagan beliefs of Caronicilia.

The religion The Pagan Pantheon of Caronicilia was relatively small compared to ancient religions. It had only around 20 gods, of basic things in nature, such as fire, water, air, earth, trees, frost, rock etc. The father of all the gods was the god of the cosmos, Oblivik. He ruled the pantheon of gods, and was the one most commonly prayed to. Other gods would also be prayed to, such as hunters praying to the wind god (Turc), and Sailors praying to the Sea (Nephyt). However, the pantheon was very sexist, and goddesses were only the sex slaves of the gods, with the exception of only a handful of healers. Regardless, the religion, known as Caronicilian Pantheon, was mainly focuse4d around human heroes of human descent, rather than heavenly. Stories told of ordinary people doing remarkable things, givin hope tot he common folk. Priests were often the wealthiest men in Caronicilia, as well as some of the very few non nobles that could read. The Pantheon would rule in Caronicilia for a long while, until Christianity was introduced to the empire much later. Even still, it exists, though it is now very small, making up less than 10% of the religious sturcture (7%.)

The Language Caronicilian is the official language of Caronicilia. It is not Latin-based. It is spoken almost exclusively in Central Europe, though in the north American nation Kalifin they also speak Caronicilian. There are few dialects, the only change in them being the spelling and pronounciation of words, however they do not differ drastically. Most people in Caronicilia know English as well, and it is the global language used to speak with people. However, on local media stations and papers, Caronicilian appears as the language written in. Caronicilian is very similar to a combination of both English and German, and as such spelling is rather poor. Many different spelling exist for a single word.

Caronicilian 101

Hello/ Farewell

Hello- Hallo

Goodbye- Tschus

Days of the week

Monday- Montay

Teusday- Zweitay

Wednesday- Wonntay

Thursday- Tirstay

Friday- Frietay

Saturday- Zattay

Sunday- Sonntay


Cold- Kalt

Hot- Hesse

Rain- Regin

Storm- Strun

Sun- Sonne

Shine- Sinnen

Snow- Frizten

Thunder- Gewite

Wet- Niss


Black- Shvart

Blue- Blue

Brown- Bronn

Green- Grun

Grey- Gri

Orange- Orazuh

Pinke- Rosel

Purple- Lilly

Red- Ritten

White- Weisse

Yellow- Yalow


1. Eins

2. Tsvy

3. Trei

4. Quat

5. Finf

6. Zechs

7. Sibel

8. Octin

9. Noilen

10. Ten

Medieval Government In the ages of it’s founding, the tiny kingdom of Caronicilia still used serfdom. Unlike many of the other central European nations at this time, however, the people still had the rights to elect officials into a parliament, which kept the king in check. The people of the nobilities were highly educated, and held many luxuries above the common folk, such as owning slaves. The Slavery institution in the Caronicilian mainland was mainly domestic, they cared for children, crafted small items etc. It would not be until the acquirement of the Kalifin colonies that Caronicilia would ever have hard labor slaves. The king had a strong rule over government, however Tyranny was usually prevented by Parliament. Both the king and the Parliament had there own Armed forces, which generally worked together. This was to ensure that one would never overpower the other.

Early Military The Caronicilian Military of the time was not concrete. Knights were the most powerful forces, however many other types of armies served under them. In the beginning, Caronicilian Cavalry was made up of heavily armored Cavalry who fought mainly with lances. Later, after seeing some central Asian forces in action, horse archers were incorporated into the military. Infantry were equipped with Swords, Pole axes, Hammers and Bows. They made up the bulk of the armies, as few people were rich enough to afford a horse. People had to buy there own equipment. This discouraged many of the peasentry from joining the military, however artillery units were provided by the government. Trebuchets made up the Caronicilian artillery battery until the introduction of the Cannon, which quickly replaced it.

The Unification In the year 1480, central Europe (Or at least the lands now occupied by Caronicilia) was still divided by several small nations, the largest and most powerful of them was now Caronicilia. During this time frame, the new world had recently been discovered, and the world was thrust into the age of American imperialism. Before attempting to build a new world empire right off, the Caronicilian nation decided to build a central European empire and thrust Central Europe into the wars of Caronicilian conquest. Sacile, Gulesh, Kraut, Morkaw, Norgol, Shichomel, Bassuna, Surano, Alt Kalifin, Sien Barkon, Zielora, and Waffleton fell to the Caronicilian army, setting the current boundaries for the nation. While technically the war wasn’t over until 1487, Caronicilia became the sole possessor of it’s current lands in 1482, the year that modern Caronicilia claims to be founded. After taking over it’s lands, the Empire of Caronicilia was founded.. Ruled by Emperor Kulinschranck, it continued it’s imperialism and conquered the lands that are now Timetie. After the conquest of Timetie, the conquests reached a standstill as they tried to push into Barbarossa Uno, and Caronicilia eventually stopped it’s conquests and settled for what they had. The First van Hulen treaty was signed in 1487, and central Europe was quite again.

Life in the Empire In 1482, when Caronicilia was founded, life was changing quickly. The Dark ages were coming to a close, and the age of enlightenment was on the horizons. And increased interest in learning and humanity ensued and Caronmicilia began to become increasingly inventive. Better shoes were made, along with improvements in Architecture. Soon, they had further distinguished themselves as a culturally independent nation. Massive temples tot he gods were built which became popular attraction for pilgrims. However, the kign in Caronicilia was overthrown by the people and an Emperor was in place. This took place during the conquests, and gretly distanced Caronicilia from the rest of Europe. The Emperor had absolute rule, however most rulers showed a large amount of benevolence towards their people. One emperor took the local peasantry into his home, and gave them a feast that lasted for three days.

A piece of the New World It was not long before the Caronicilian empire turned it’s head into the direction of the new world, and in 1484 (While the wars of the Caronicilian conquest were still going) explorer Johannes Kilorans embarked on a long Journey. His vessel “The Heart of Europe”, sailed through the Rakverian Channel, south- past Iberia, all the way down to south of Africa- around the African cape, through the pacific ocean and landed in Kalifin (RL northern California). His purpose? To claim lands in the name of the Caronicilians for the Journey which was right on his tail (Leaving 2 years after his departure, well before he ever got back), was a large convoy of people, carrying some 5,000 men, women and children into the Kalifin colony. When he arrived he was welcomed by the Natives, which he crushed quickly and killed. It was the among first cases of Genocide in the world, in which over 10,000 natives were slaughtered. Caronicilia then became the sole holder of the lands, with no natives to repel them. They completely destroyed the culture, and what natives were still alive were sent back to Europe as slaves.

Growth of Kalifin Most of the Empires money and attention was shifted in the building of Kalifin in the 1500’s. Its population steadily rose, eventually rising to 5 million (Now the size of a small nation). However, Caronicilia wanted a faster way to reach it’s colonies then making the long trek across the Pacific Ocean, and (Without asking Permission) 2,000 Caronicilian soldiers were sent to the Pyrish colony of Mejico (That’s what Caronicilians call it, but I don’t know what the Pyrish term for it is…. Regardless, it’s present day Mexico) to dig a canal clear though the thinnest point of the continent, so ships could now travel through the Bahamas and the “Gulf auf Mejico” rather then making the perilous journey around Africa and through the pacific. But relations with Pyria were strained, as the Pyrians were already weary of the Pagan Caronicilians, being catholic, and in 1571 erupted into war in the colonies. The Pyrians were also upholding a vowe to the Aztecas to protect them from European powers. Caronicilian troops, marching from Kalifin were able to defeat the Pyrian forces who were straddled throughout Mejico, South America, and Northern Canada. The result was the treaty of Belaui, which resulted in a substantial growth of Kalifin (Now the entirety of RL California, as well as spots of Arizona, Nevada, and Northern Mejico). Unsteady peace existed between the two nations for a long time afterward, and it would lead to at least another war before they settled their dispute.

Christianity in the Empire The 1600’s were times of change through Caronicilia. Missionaries from Barbarossa Uno and Rakvere came into European Caronicilia and converted them to Christianity, which replaced the Polytheistic religion native to Caronicilia since its founding. After the Emperor, who at the time was Gerania the Awful, converted into Christianity, Caronicilia was an entirely Christianized state, and the Kalifin colony became Christian as well. Many Kalifins were loyal to their religion, however, and military action was taken on the Pagans. This was yet another case of Genocide in the empire. After a short while, the Pagans ceased to openly believe, and it was learned that in this Empire, nobody was to go against the government. There was not another major religious uprising until the 1800’s, when the Muslims took over. Throughout the Majority of the 1600’s, Caronicilia remained a world power, both in Europe and in Kalifin. In 1663, a historian said “Our fine state is undoubtedly the greatest in Europe, for today, tomorrow, and forever!” He would soon be proved wrong.

An Age of Change In the 1700’s, things continued to look good for Caronicilia. Kalifin was finally subdued into Christianity, and people were rarely ever found hanging onto there Pagan beliefs. However, these were also times of change. Caronicilia began to decline, falling out of it’s golden age. After a lost war with the Justinopian Kingdom and the introduction of Islam, Caronicilia began to rapidly decline from it’s position as a world super power nearly into the category of third world country.

Justinopian War: North America In 1743, foreigners began coming through the Kalifin pass, and many were attacked because of the Governors paranoia (He thought that Pyrish spies were coming after him). The foreigners however, were not Pyrish, but in fact Justinopian. The Caronicilian government accused the Justinopian kingdom of plotting an invasion against their colonies, and war broke out. The Justinopians aligned with the Pyrians, however, who had signed the treaty of Alevas which acted as a mutual defence pact. Meanwhile, the newly formed Hispaniolan republic in the Gulf of Mexico took the side of Caronicilia.The Pyrish had little involvement up ontil the poin when Caronicilia gained allies. The Pyrish Navy was dispatched against Hispaniola. The Justinopian and Pyrish forces, quickly defeating the Hispaniolans in Cuba, Jamaica, and the South Justinopian keys, were victorious in that theatre, and stripped away almost a third of Hispaniolan lands. Kalifin fared no better. Facing Pyrish invasionary forces from the south, and combined invasionary forces of Pyria and the Justinopian kingdom from the east- as well as an overwhelming Pyrish navy from the west- they were locked in a long, standstill war.

Justinopian War: Europe The war in Europe went no better for Caronicilia. With its Surulian, Paisaran and Rakverian allies, it was faced against Keoii, Solysp, Brabant States and the Justinopian kingdom. Rakverian troops were quickly cut off in the English Channel by the Brabantian NAVY, who threatened invasion if they did not surrenderSurulia battled Keoii in the Baltic sea, but to no avail. Keoans eventually pushed a third of the way through Surulia, and there king “Agent old dude” surrendered. Paisara was in a similar situation, they battled with Keoii and lost and King Wolfe surrendered. Once again, as in the new world, Caronicilia was on it’s own. They fought feircly but, like there allies, to no avail. Justinopian, Brabantian, and Solyspian forces marched on Gervensburg,Caronicilia ( the capital city) while the Keoan Navy cut them off from new supplies. Caronicilia had to surrender. They at last lost their ports in Timitie, along with the whole claim, and were confined to what they have today. The treaty of Necro Ziel was signed in 1761, putting an end to the 18 year war that had killed so many.

The Decline After the War failed emperor after failed emperor took power. They had needed a great leader, but the government became harsh. While it was still a modern state, the general population was demoralized and afraid. They were at the complete mercy of the Nations they had fought against,a s the military was in shambles and would be unable to combat any form of threat. The Economy was shattered.

Gold Rush! After the war, Caronicilia was still a powerful European nation, but was quickly falling to nothing. They faced certain death. Caronicilians widely lost their faith in god. However, something miraculous happened. As the Kalifians were burying there dead from the war, gold was discovered. There, in 1763, at Fort Culvear, massive sums of gold were discovered. A Gold rush was on. All across Caronicilia, men and there families came to Kalifin in hope of striking it rich. Foreigners came as well, and the government flourished from the taxes on citizenship of the foreigners, as well as from the other unfair taxes placed.

While this seemed like a great gift, it wopuld eventually lead to yet another War with Pyria. The Pyrians were a jealous group in this time, and could hardly accept the Caronicilians gaining wealth in the New World. Upon discovering of these massive sums of gold, the Pyrish military began aminers near there borders, and robbing their sums of gold. A brief series of skirmishes took place and it was referred to as the silver War. It was the precourser to theGolden War, which took place between Pyria and Caronicilia. The two sides were an even matchand the war was at a long standstill. Both sides showed a great deal of effectivness, with the Caronicilians winning in the beginning, however the Pyrians soon began to push back. After some Pyrish victories, the war began to have a standstill, anthe war dragged on. However, both nations soon would reach a significant downfall, and would pull out. Whil no peace treaty was signed, both sides stopped fighting, as the Caronicilians were being taken over by Muslims, and the Pyrians were having a revolution against there king.

For about 40 years, Caronicilia looked as though it would recover back to its former glory. That is until in 1804, when Islamic monks from the Holy Empire of Madina came into European Caronicilia. They wished to convert Caronicilia to Islam. When they refused with military action, Madina launched a long, brutal war of conquest. Caronicilians fought bravely and hard to keep there faith, but they were defeated. Caronicilia became a province of Madina, and stayed as that for the next 10 years.

In the new world Kalifins did not want to convert to Islam. They launched a war of independence against Madina in 1805, after hearing of there nations defeat. They fought long, and hard against the Islamic armies, and it paid off. In 1813 Kalifin defeated Madina in the battle of Greater Ziel. After Greater Ziel, the Madinans realized the war would be far to costly to pursue, and gave up. On May 4, 1814, kalifin became an independent state, and remains so to this day.

1814 was a big year in Europe as well. A Civil war brewed in Madina when Islamic Caronicilia broke away from the Caliphate. For about 2 years they fought when Caronicilia came into a new age- the Sultanate. Under the Sultanate, Caronicilia reached it’s all time low. Depression became widespread. The Greedy Sultan gave no money to the populace, rather kept it all to himself. While his nation crumbled, he feasted upon fine Nilthrian chocolate, the most exotic animals from the Confederate states of Rome, had 50,000 Namietian Mistresses….. He lived the good life. Under this oppressive rule, Caronicilia remained. The Sultan Karalona launched several wars in attempts to get back Kalifin. The alliance with Hispaniola that had stood for so long was destroyed. Surulia even began to turn on Caronicilia. Caronicilia remained friendless for the next hundred or so years until in the early 1900’s an alliance was formed with Madina. Most of the Caronicilian population moved to Surulia and Paisara, and vowed not to return until the Sultans were out of power. And so it was, that Caronicilia would remain a lowly populated, quite, poor, aggressive nation until the year 2005, when Christians finally began to take back what was there’s, and the world was set right again.

Tranfer to a reich In 2006, Caronicilias long-time trusted president Leopold von Richtfen died. feeling that the republican government was now entirely incompetant, General erich von Schrieder eventually took the reigns into his own hands and marched his men from waffleton to Gervensburg. Eventually, he has taken power and has greatly change policies of caronicilia. He withdrew Caronicilia from the central European confederacy, or CEC, and made it full independant once more. His anti- Pyrish policies neraly got him into trouble, however, he quickly got out of it. Caronicilias future is now uncertain.


Location: Central Europe, Bordering Hispaniola, Timetie, and Barbarossa Uno

Climate:temperate and marine; cool, cloudy, wet winters and summers; occasional warm mountain (foehn) wind

Extreme Elevations[/u]:

lowest point: Atlantic Ocean 0 m

highest point: Mount Gervensburg

Natural Resources: coal, lignite, natural gas, iron ore, copper, nickel, uranium, potash, salt, construction materials, timber, arable land

Land Use:

<u>Permanent Crops: 10%

Urban: 90%

Other: 0%

Natural Hazards: Flooding

Environment- Current Issues: emissions from coal-burning utilities and industries contribute to air pollution; acid rain, resulting from sulfur dioxide emissions, is damaging forests; pollution in the Baltic Sea from raw sewage and industrial effluents from rivers in eastern Caronicilia; hazardous waste disposal; government established a mechanism for ending the use of nuclear power over the next 15 years; government working to meet ANWO commitment to identify nature preservation areas in line with the ANWO's Flora, Fauna, and Habitat directive

The Populace

Population: 182,000,000

Age Structure:

0-14 years: 10%

15-64 years: 69%[b]65 years and over[/b]: 21%

Median Age:

Total: 29 years


Male: 40%

Female: 60%

Population Growth Rate: 3% a year

Birth Rate: 7 births/1,000 population

Death Rate: 4 deaths/1,000 population

Net Migration rate:+5/1,000 population

Infant Morality rate: 32 deaths/ 1,000 population

Average Life Expectancy: 83.4 Years

Fertility rate: 2.4 Children per Woman

Nationality : Caronicilian

Ethnic groups: 89% Caronicilian/ 5% Kalifian / 3% Surulian / 3% Other

Religion: Christian- Protestant 81%/ Islam 12%/ Pagan 7%

Official Languages: Caronicilian, Surulian

Literacy : 98%


Country Name

Local Long Form: Sie federational Republik auf Caronicilia

Local Short Form: Caronicilia

Conventional Long form:The federative Republic of Caronicilia

Conventional Short form: Caronicilia

Former: Caronicilian Reich, Caronicilian empire, Caronicilian Kaliphate

Government Type: Federational Republic

Capital City: Gervensburg

Administrative Provisions :13 federations: Caronicilia, Sacile, Gulesh, Kraut, Morkaw, Norgol, Shichomel, Bassuna, Surano, Alt Kalifin, Sien Barkon, Zielora, and Waffleton

Independence:1482, year all current lands were conquered by caronicilian Federation

National Holiday : Frei Lent Tag (The free Land Day- day of Caronicilias Founding) (May 2nd)

Constitution : In Place since Dec. 18th, 2005

Legal System : civil law system with indigenous concepts; judicial review of legislative acts in the Federal Constitutional Court; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

Suffrage 16 years of Age, male

Political Parties




Socialists Workers Party


Political Pressure groups: business associations, employers' organizations; expellee, refugee, trade unions, and veterans groups

Flag Description Old Caronicilian Empire flag still in place since 1401

Government officials

President: Leopold von Richtofen

Vice President: Wilhem Luffendorf

Secretary of State: Erica von Schreider

Secretary of Economics: Jukae Kilor

Secretary of Culture, Media, and Sport: Meload Spee

Secretary of War: Kuline Bulow

Secretary of Education and Skills: Jak Phisal

Secretary of Environment, Food, And Rural affairs: Lukas Belew

Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Wilhelm Young

Secretary of health: Lea Richtofen

Secretary of the Home Department: Niklas Carrt

Secretary of International Development: Leon Furger

Secretary of Transport: Timm Wells

Secretary of Work and Pensions: Sofie Augustine

Governor of Caronicilia: Leopold von Richtofen (President)

Governor of Sacile, Emilie Warsaw

Governor of Gulesh, Louis Kapf

Governor of Kraut, Paul Hemms

Governor of Morkaw, Fynn Notal

Governor of Norgol, Lena Seston

Governor of Shichomel, Luka Nilth

Governor of Bassuna, Alekander White

Governor of Surano, Phillipp Brown

Governor of Alt Kalifin, Bernhard Clemens

Governor of Sien Barkon, Karsten Silverton

Governor of Zielora, Detlev Washington

Governor of Waffleton, Eckert Nert

Minister to Nickelodeon, Axel Kilot

Minister to Solysp, Cornelius Senk

Minister to Gramonia, Alisha Baker

Minister to Hispaniola, Beate Brusilov

Minister to Surulia, Otto Berchtold

Minister to Outer Carida, Antje Beatty

Minister to The UJSR, Alexei Tirpitz

Minister to Pyria, Jakob Rupprecht

Minister to Nilthrias, Heidi Potiorek

Minister to Johnston Island, Oskar Nivelle

Minister to Free Hibernia (Currently home due to problems in the region), Maximillion Putnik

Minister to Rakvere, Ines Cunda

Minister to Quantaz, Kai Haig

Minister to Madina, Richi Falkenhayn

Minister to Solysp, Vladmir Hunter

Minister to Brabant States, Gretchen Lloyd

Minister to Illuve, Iris Foch

Minister to Wynland, Karl Lansing

Minister to The Scandanavian Federation, Hugo Ligget

Minister to Rajaratna, Jakob Luffendorf

Minister to Reniban, Franz Hotzendorf

Minister to Octopolis, Jurgen von Hindenburg

Minister to Shoarma, Hilde Beatty

Minister to Giradoo, Soren Braun

Minister to Finomi, Theo Weisse

Minister to Clintville, George Rosa

Minister to Myrcon, Hannah Greenes

Minister to Geoferrites, Niklas Schmitt

Minister to Cimon, Gustav Asimov

Minister to Yerushylum, Heiko Delmer

Minister to Munatan, Heinz Henning

Minister to Tremopolis, Hermann Estov

Minister to SCaTO, Heinrich Gisla

Minister to LIBN. Franziska Himmler

Minister to NDA, Wiebke Amadeus

Minister to ESC, Dagmar Fritz

Minister to ATA, Hansel Dorth

Minister to NIWE, Gerhard Helmuot

Representative in ANWO, Herpbert Bet


Currency: Cinyar

Exchange Rate: 1 Cinyar= $1.675

Gross Domestic product : $48,406,744,476,351.60

GDP per Capita : $38,235.98

Unemployment Rate : 2.90%.

Consumption $42,613,635,960,000.00

Government Budget $6,484,990,952,025.00

Government Expenditures $6,290,441,223,464.25

Government Waste $194,549,728,560.75

Exports $5,215,760,421,796.73

Imports $5,713,093,128,909.38

Trade Deficit : $497,332,707,112.65


Telephones- Main Lines in use : 54.574 million

Cellular Phones : 71.3 million

Telephone System:

general assessment: Caronicilia has one of the world's most technologically advanced telecommunications systems; as a result of intensive capital expenditures since reunification, the formerly backward system of the eastern part of the country, has been modernized and integrated with that of the western part domestic: Caronicilia is served by an extensive system of automatic telephone exchanges connected by modern networks of fiber-optic cable, coaxial cable, microwave radio relay, and a domestic satellite system; cellular telephone service is widely available, expanding rapidly, and includes roaming service to many foreign countries international: country code - 49; Caronicilias international service is excellent worldwide, consisting of extensive land and undersea cable facilities as well as earth stations in the Inmarsat, Intelsat, Eutelsat, and Intersputnik satellite systems

Radio Broadcast Stations:AM 51, FM 787, shortwave 4 Television Broadcast Stations: 473 Internet Country Code: www.insertwebadresshere.car

Transportation Airports 274 Heliports : 11 Roadways total: 231,581 km

The Military The following is the Caronicilia Armed Forces rank structure in full name and abbreviations:


Enlisted Ranks: Private (Pte), Private 1st class (pte1) Lance-Corporal (LCpl), Second Leuteniet (Lt.2nd), Leuteniet (Lt.) Corporal (Cpl), Sergeant (Sgt), Staff-Sergeant (SSgt), Master-Sergeant (MSgt), Warrant Officer (WO), Sergeant-Major (Sgt-Maj)

Commissioned Officers: Cadet (Cdt), Second Lieutenant (2Lt), Lieutenant (Lt), Captain (Capt), Major (Maj), Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol), Colonel (Col), Brigadier-General (BGen), Major-General (MajGen), Lieutenant-General (LtGen), General (Gen)(ranked further by stars), General of the Armies (Gen.A)

Air Force:

Enlisted Ranks: Airmen Apprentice (AA), Airmen (A), Sergeant (Sgt), Staff-Sergeant (SSgt), Master-Sergeant 2nd class (MSgt2), Master-Sergeant 1st class (MSgt1), Crew Master-Sergeant (CMSgt), Chief Command Master-Sergeant (CCMC), Chief Command Master-Sergeant of the Air Force (CCMSAF),

Commissioned Officers: Cadet (Cdt), Second Lieutenant (2Lt), Flying Officer (FO), Flight-Lieutenant (FLt), Squadron-Leader (SLdr), Wing-Commander (WCmdr), Group-Captain (GCapt), Air-Commodore (ACmdr), Air-Vice-Marshall (AVM), Air-Marshall (AM), Air-Chief-Marshall (ACM), Marshall of the Air Force (MAF)

The rank of cadet is an officer in training. They are not to be saluted, nor are they to command in battle, unless in the most dire of circumstances.

In the Armoured Corps, a Private is a Trooper. A Private in the Paratroopers is called a Trooper. In the Artillery, a Private is a Gunner, and a Master-Sergeant is a Gunnery-Sergeant.

Sie Federational Guart auf Caronicilia MP=3433 SP=5/10

Sie Lent Powren

Militia= 2 (400,000 Units) 20 pts.

Airborne Division= 8 (200,000 Units) 40 pts.

Volunteer Infantry= 21 (525,000 Units) 84 pts.

Mechanized Infantry=4 (60 pts.)

- Units, 40,000 Unit

- APCs, 4,000 Units

- Humvees 2,000 Units

Combat Engineering Battalion=5 (5,000 Units) 25 pts.

CSS=2 (? Units) 20 pts.

Sie Mobile Powren

Main Battle Tanks=25 (7,500 Units) 250 pts.

Light Battle Tanks=5 (1,250 Units) 25 Pts.

Infantry Fighting Vehicles=10 (2,500 Units) 50 pts.

Self Propelled Howitzers=30 (3,000 Units) 120 pts.

MRLS Artillery= 10 (1,000 Units) 100 pts.

Anti- Air Gatling Guns=20 (2,000 Units) 100 pts.

Surface- Air Missile Battery= 40 (4,000 Units) 400 pts.

Armored Personnel Carriers=10 (5,000 Units) 50 pts.

Jeeps=2 (2,500 Units) 10 pts.

Sie Aire Powren

Standard Fighter=20 (2,400 Units) 400 pts.

Fighter Bomber=40 (4,800 Units) 600 pts.

Long Range Bomber=6 (360 Units) 180 pts

Tankers= 60 (300 Units) 60 pts..

AWACS= 4 (20 Units) 4 pts.

Radar Jamming Plane= 2 (40 Units) 10 pts.

Multi Role Combat Helicopter= 8 (800 Units) 120 pts.

Light Combat Helicopter= 12 (1,200 Units) 120 pts.

Large Transport Helicopter= 6 (600 Units) 90 pts.

Small Transport Helicopter= 12 (1,200 Units) 120 pts.

Airlift Cargo Aircraft= 3 (600 Units) 45 pts.

Speze unt Letan Arnems

Special Forces= 4 (4,000 Units) 20 Pts.

Millitary Satellite Network= 1 (3 Units) 175 pts.+3 SP

Stealth Bombers=1 (60 Units) 100 pts.+1 SP

Nuclear Weapons Plant=1 (10 Nukes) 75 pts.+1 SP