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capital=[[Okyto City]] |
population=5 Billion (Estimate) |
population=8.655 Billion (Estimate) |
currency=Okyton Dollar (No longer used) |
currency=Okyton Dollar (No longer used) |
leader=[[Crassuss]] & Emperor Fenix (Missing)
leader=[[Crassuss]] & Emperor Fenix (Missing)

Latest revision as of 19:31, 4 September 2007

The Emperor Fenix
Flag of The Emperor Fenix
Motto: ""Timeless in infinity""
No Map Available Yet
Region The Restored ESUS
Capital Okyto City
Official Language(s) Old Okyton, New Okyton, Halfling, English, 12480
Leader Crassuss & Emperor Fenix (Missing)
Population 8.655 Billion (Estimate)
Currency Okyton Dollar (No longer used) 
NS Sunset XML

The Timeless AI states of The Emperor Fenix

The History of the Okyton Empire

In the beginning of the Empire there were the vague peoples, they inhabited a universe without matter, without sound and touch and taste and all the glories of our Universe. The great ruler of a great planet in this universe tired of his pale imitation of a life, and left in search of a better existence. But every universe he entered he found empty, after a thousand years he decided that he was not travelling between universes but merely creating them as he passed, and was doomed to wander only through what he created.

And so he began to construct universes in the image of paradise he saw, they failed. Many times he would start a universe and it would collapse immediately. After many tries he managed to construct a few universes that survived long enough to bear life. One of the first of these bore the Okyton Empire.

In this universe the Creator/King had placed many of the powers he had placed only individually in other constructions, resulting in a universe with matter and energy and a sort of alternative to matter called thaums. One planet in particular is of importance; the offspring of the Creator/King lived here in more abundance than anywhere else. These descendants were surrounded by others who the King created to populate the planet. From the desert came the Thaarlaania, from the mountain the Rothrolin, from the plains the Yanashtol, from the slopes the Khonls, from the east the Staxtian, from the coasts the Mortiliss, from the north the Shenloo, from the south the Hinde and from the forests came the Ja.

In the Vague worlds a cruel tyrant had replaced to Creator as lord, and his terrible rule caused many to flee. These however did not have the power to properly move through universes, whilst they would all eventually end up in the Okyton Universe they would trickle through slowly for hundred of thousands of years.

Some people were in a way possessed by the vague spirits upon their arrival, some families had children more dispossessed to this possession, among them were the great family born of the creator. And these people so assisted had the power to manipulate the thaum, and thus create magic.

In the north of the country the Thaarlaania people founded a great city, built around a wooden table upon which was a map, what was left of the spell that created their universe. and the Great king that founded this city, (Called late the Imperial City) was the first great King.

And so this world flourished, the great families diluted (except the Khonls, Staxtian and Thaarlaania) and power spread. The Emperor was chosen from among the great families, regularly the Thaarl or Stax. As time passed a son was born to Thaarl emperor just before he was killed (he's important later), hundreds of years past and the Khon family declined, married into the Thaarl Family, and the Rothrolin founded another empire behind a mountain range far to the south. Then came the first twist of the balance. The last Khon, Neret Khon went mad and murdered his entire line, destroying one o the great families. The city called Okyto, now deserted, came under complete control of the still strong Thaarl family. When the investigated what was left of it they found a portal to another universe, it did not function but it did produce an enormous quantity of energy.

Some hundreds of years later the greatest blow began, even as a great triumph was beginning, so was a great sorrow. The Imperial city was constructing four other great cities, one for Death, one for Life, (the Imperial city was the Beginning), one for the End, and one for the way between. But in the Imperial city one of the daughters of Stax was giving birth, her son called Tri Stax and by the age of 12 he had killed his mother and father, his brothers and half of his servants.

Some hundreds of years later the blow truly fell, Tri Stax finally became Emperor and he distorted the world. Before this time the balance of magic had been even between life magic and death magic, but Tri changed this, necromancy flooded everywhere, and it was very late before the Imperial City kicked him out. Tri fled to the city of the end, in a volcanic region, and set up an impenetrable fortress there. From there he laid siege to the Imperial city for a hundred years, and just before the city crumbled Tzea Thaarl returned. Powered, though he did not know it, by an ill influence caused by the imbalanced he cast a great spell which changed the very nature of the universe, and the magic was split into eight elements, fire water air metal wood earth light and dark. This destroyed both Tri Stax' forces and the Empires remaining army.

What happened to Tzea then was not discovered for several thousand years. He was split into two people, his old self ascended to a God called the Reaper and the bulk of his power trapped within the sun, he became a hideous monster under the moon and his old self under the sun. His new self kept an amulet of the sun trapping the reapers power, and reigned in the empire for some thousands of years. Tri Stax also ascended to a God of pure light, and enacted his revenge on people with unprecedented cruelty, though he did not reveal his identity. The Emperor replaced Tri Stax with the brother of his Fiancé, and pretended to the world that an uneasy peace had been formed between the Stax and Thaarl family.

One thousand years later and the Empire had grown to a hive of technology, all parts of the world had been explored and only the spirit dragons belonging to the Reaper that roamed the upper atmosphere stopped space flight. On the day of the Emperors marriage to Maya Sel daughter of the high priest of the temple of sands, Maya was assassinated by Tri Stax. The Emperor and the Reaper became insanely furious, the Reaper tore the heavens to pieces and the Emperor destroyed Tri's Temples. Given power from his rage the Reaper descended to earth and wreaked terrible war against the Emperor. Ending in the death of Tri Stax, and the reformation of the Emperor and the Reaper. Once again in control the Reaper/Emperor set off to exploit the power of the Okyton Portal City to restore what he had lost. However, the Muses knew that such a massive drain on the portal would endanger the universe and could destroy it, so they commanded their followers (all elementals draw their knowledge from the Muses) to kill the Emperor/Reaper, and with a heavy heart they followed this command. The battle was intense and very destructive but did in the end lead to the Emperors death. For a time the Emperors wife Maya, kept alive, unbeknownst to the Emperor/Reaper by a body of crystal, ruled the Empire. But the powers of the elements began to shift wildly, culminating in a rent in heaven and hell, and the Emperor/Reaper returning to the world. Hell opened up a gulf in the ocean into which the waters poured, and equally heaven opened such a chasm in the air, from which water poured, leaving the seas un-navigable. Such disturbances in power re-awoke five statues which were constructed to become flesh and protect the Empire should such a cataclysm of power occur. The Emperor/Reaper, working along side one of these warriors lord Shaa fought back the legions of heaven, but not before the land of the gods collapsed into the world, the great palaces of the gods, falling from the sky into the oceans and onto the land. Sensing the danger to the universe of such a catastrophe the Emperor/Reaper gathered up supplies and a group of followers and made his way to Okyto City. Once there he gave great power to the portal forcing it to break through into another universe. The travelled through the portal onto an uninhabited world where they found a city called Okyto. Just behind them time slipped from the universe, because if its poor construction time was only held in place by the power of the temple of time, which was destroyed as time was wrenched from the universe.

The city of Okyto Flourished in the earth’s universe, and for a time so did a love between the Emperor and Lord Shaa. Great statues to him were erected all around the Golden Palace, a few with the inscriptions “Eshen Shaa Crassuss Moorhishen” meaning, ‘This is the [Important/High Ranking] Shaa, Beloved of the Ruler’ But the two fell out over the way in which the people of Okyto should be governed. The Emperor wished to return to the way it had been in the previous universe and finally assume the title of Sun King, which he had been denied for so long. But Shaa wished to form a more democratic government and forge a new society with new traditions and management. The argument blew way out of proportion and a bitter war ensued between the two. The faces were smashed off the statues of Shaa, and the inscriptions erased. Eventually the Emperor killed Lord Shaa, and he returned to stone. Only after he had killed Shaa did the Emperor truly realise his love for him, distraught he took a ship and travelled to the north pole of the planet to lose himself in his grief. Whilst travelling across the barren ice wastes his ship was shot down by Shaas supports, and, unable to retract his golden wings through lack of power, the Emperor froze to death. His elemental spirit had grown so strong and old, and so attached to the world and its memory of Shaa that it stayed behind as the body died, feeding off the waning elemental power spread in the universe when the arrived. It stayed at the North Pole where such power flowed in on the world in greatest quantity.

Thousands of years past, and the Okytons, still living in the original city, went through a dark age, when they finally re-forged their technologies they were a society with more of an emphasis technologically on computation and AI than war, they being the only people on the planet. And so when the first AI was created they chose a name out of old mythology. One statue left in the golden palace had not had its inscription entirely erased; it still bore the distinguishable mark ‘Crassuss’ which they took to be the name or statue. Crassuss immediately began a program of space development, launching three enormous space ships called Cython, and beginning construction of something far larger that would completely absorb the fourth planet from the sun. The three Cython were named the Watcher, the Guardian, and the Seeker, which was slightly larger than the other two. These served well, but some time after their finish reports of paranormal activity put many off visiting them, despite the assurances of Crassuss. Eventually events became so frequent and unusual that they were abandoned. Shortly before this event the 77th Emperor Fenix disappeared, and Crassuss was instated guardian of the empire until the rightful Emperor should return.

30’000 years later and the World Eater projects first ship, the Xaxoss was completed, it entirely destroyed the fourth planet Mu and although only a mile thin at some parts was some several thousand miles long. 600 other world eaters, far far smaller up to 50 miles long, were constructed to sort and refine all materials rock and gas.

The major event to take place in this period, known as the rise of Crassuss as he became a corner stone of society was what is known as the ascent of Crassuss. Crassuss released throughout the planet of Okyto communication nanites, designed to build a complete picture of the entire planet and all its inhabitants. From that moment Crassuss’ mind became nearly infinite, able to feel the whole planet all at once. He could also communicate directly to the minds of the Okyton people, and allow them to see what they wished to see, now what was still impossible, became for the people of Okyto, commonplace. However Crassuss was not satisfied with the freedom that he had given Okyto. He designed a system to free them of their own mortality, and issue Crassuss had never had to face. The people bit by bit came to what was called the vortex of the next life, and had their minds removed and placed inside it. There they would live forever in a paradise world of their own creation. Eventually every Okyton was inside the Vortex of the next life, and it was moved to the Xaxoss.

Time passed as the Okyton’s lived their paradise lives, and Crassuss became worried that the sun, now unstable, would destroy the planet and the city he had sworn to protect. So he moved it whole to the Xaxoss, and travelled with all the other World Eaters to find a new planet with a younger sun. A couple of billion years later, and the Xaxoss’ slow progress had led them to a new star, and Crassuss built a new even more spectacular Okyto City upon New-Okyto. Also during this time he put research into creating news races to fill Okyto with, to enrich the Okyton Empire. But when a mind lives in its paradise eventually it will do everything it can conceive, and no longer feels the desire to perform any kind of action, and no longer needs to. The minds began to settle down to a sort of sleep, the closest to death they could come to, as they completed their lives. As the vortex fell silent Crassuss for the first time felt the need for interaction, having never before been truly alone. And he came to the conclusion that the Empire was effectively dead without any properly functioning citizens, therefore he decided to switch off the Vortex system and push the Okyton’s into the robotic Post-Human bodies designed to allow them to walk in the real world. Perhaps his loneliness forced his actions without proper thought, but the shock of waking form their paradise threw many of them into a sort of coma within their won minds. Only about 15 million of the 2.3 billion Post-Humans ever woke up, and are ever likely to, the world they awoke to was very different to the one the left. Although Okyto City was still there, it was now in the Xaxoss, and the new city, though still flooded with nanites, was entirely unlike the old. For one there were new species created by Crassuss living in New-Okyto City, widely called by its inhabitants Okyto, along with the new were the old, DNA information from old Okyton humans mixed with DNA from human of Tellus (Earth).

Many Post-Humans live as shades in Old Okyto, and a few live as virtual hermits in tall towers on New-Okyto. Yet more travel the universe, looking for new ways of life to fire their dulled minds. Many have started up interplanetary companies, which come under the umbrella protection of the group called (Assorted) Post-Human Holdings. The three most prominent Post-Humans are Lord Shiraasi, Lord Kishesh, and Lord Maa’ntk. Lord Maa’ntk and Lord Shiraasi formed the genetic manipulation company Gene Ware Inc, until lord Shiraasi was ejected for his dangerous business practices. He then managed to ‘obtain’ a half share in Honest Wario Inc a games company run by Lord Kishesh, and it quickly turned to a ruthless arms manufacturer.

Important Characters

  • The Emperor Reaper: Ruler of the Golden Empire and greatest of all elementals his love for lord Shaa now clouds his vision, the weight of all the lovers whose deaths he feels responsible for are driving him insane.
  • Lord Shaa: Killed shortly after the Golden Empires arrival on Planet Okyto, his body was preserved as the rock it originally. For him no time is passing, were he ever to be revived he would not know a second had passed.
  • Empress Maya: Wife of the Emperor/Reaper she ruled after he died at the hands of the muses before the fall of the Golden Universe. Unfortunately when the Emperor/Reaper rose from hell and took back his throne he killed Maya in a fit of demonic rage… he carried about a single crystal of her body until it was lost in the crash that resulted in the death of his body.
  • Lord Kishesh: A fun loving and whimsical, yet astute Post-Human Ver.1. He rules Gene Ware Inc and is trusted by Crassuss more than almost any other.
  • Lord Daraasi: Crassuss’ greatest friend, a Post-Human Ver.1 that helped create the vortex of the next life, and oversaw the design of new-Okyto City.
  • Lord Shirassi: Technically a Post-Human Ver.1 he has modified his body beyond recognition. He is kicked from Post-Human company to Post-Human Company his scheming and arms dealing worrying everyone.
  • Lord Maa’ntk: Now sole owner of Gene Ware Inc he is deceptive in that he is a Post-Human Ver.2 and many mistake him for an ordinary human. He continues to produce effective weapons of war as well as creatures to alleviate the suffering of those in other countries less fortunate that Okyto. He feels that the two practices cancel each other out.
  • Crassuss: The AI mind that controls the Okyton Empire. He has lead it through most of its history, and whilst he knows nothing about the Emperor/Reaper as he has respected the Okyton Emperors privacy by never scanning inside the palace of the sun in Old-Okyto, his sole duty in life, he feels, is to do the will of the Emperor.

Species of the Okyton Empire

Post-Human (Ver.1)

Tall and angular (7ft), they are customisable to a large extent and awesomely strong, fast and agile. They house the minds of the oldest of the Pre Paradisiacal Okytons. Like all Post-Humans their minds have been fundamentally changed giving them massively increased mental agility and intelligence. Also like all Post-Humans their life spans are indefinite.

  • Skin = Not present
  • Eyes = Changeable usually matt colour, often purple
  • Wings/Tails/Accessories. = Possible additions

Post-Human (Ver.2)

Almost perfectly human in appearance, they are an update to the Post-Human technology that many of the Old Okytons have chosen to adopt, despite their slower speed and agility, and their decreased, though still impressive, strength.

  • Skin = Human
  • Eyes = Human
  • Accessories = Not present in most cases

Post-Human (Ver.3)

In the same way that (Ver.2) are similar to Humans (Ver.3) are similar to Halflings (See Halflings). Though some Halfling properties cannot be transferred to Post-Human technology (in particular the psychically able Halflings) they do take on many of the animalistic properties neglected in (Ver.2).

  • Skin = Varied, often furry
  • Eyes = Varied usually as (Ver.1)
  • Accessories = None not in keeping with Halflings

Post-Human (Ver.4)

These are the free Post-Humans, still roaming computer systems, they are extremely rare within the Empire as the regularly set themselves in a body and life through that, thought they always feel at home in the Crassuss grid where they control many bodies simultaneously. Despite this meeting any part of them is rare.

Post-Human (Ver.5) “The False God”

So far only one of these Post-Humans has ever come into existence, it consists of a Post-Human mind running in a nanite network. Basically controlling the nanites. Its powers are related, of course, to what type of nanites are being used. But in the case that has been recorded, they were communication nanites, which gave the Post-Human the ability to posses organic life. This effectively kills the hosts mind, and the creation of such Post-Human is strictly forbidden by Crassuss.

Post-Human (Ver.6) “The False Gods Talon”

This small device is capable of inserting a Post-Human mind into any organic body. This can be done directly, or controlled remotely allowing more than one slave. As yet such a talon is merely theory, as Crassuss has forbidden its construction, and none have been known to be developed.


Animalistic and multifarious in appearance, they are often unable to bear their won offspring. They have live spans from 80 years to unknown. Whilst their minds are like normal life forms in its narrow ability they are often very shrewd and clever, some rare Halflings even possess psychic ability, and in fact the Shriven Halfling possess the greatest psychic ability of any Okyton, even above a New-Man (See New-Man). Although they are not as strong as Post-Humans, they are sometimes as fast and do not suffer from what is commonly described as “the paradise disease”.

  • Skin = varied often furry
  • Eyes = Never matt and of full colour, usually quite humanoid
  • Accessories = Never unnatural (EG mechanical growths)


If anything slightly more Human in appearance than (Ver.2), they are practically indistinguishable. They have Human strength, but above human intelligence and mental ability, apart from their psychic ability their strength lies in languages at which they excel. They can often (Like the Shriven) project a glamour around themselves to hide their identity. Their life spans though insignificant to the Post-Humans are around 100 – 200 years.


They get everywhere, and this time they were invited, they are from Earth, and, though not identical, have a very similar genetic identity to the Humans who lived in Okyto before the ascension of Crassuss and the creation of Paradise.


Population: 2.6 Billion

  • Post-Human (Ver.1) : Rare 1-2 Million
  • Post-Human (Ver.2) : Uncommon 10 Million
  • Post-Human (Ver.3) : Rare 4-5 Million
  • Post-Human (Ver.4) : Very Rare 50-100
  • Halflings : Common 300 Million
  • New-Man : Uncommon 35 Million
  • Human : Common 2.3 Billion

Sub-Species of Halfling

Raenerial Halfling

One of the most common Halfling Sub-Species they are no psychic abilities but form very strong social bonds. Their physical attributes are as follows:

  • Eyes: Blue 70% Brown 28% Green 2% Silver >1%
  • Build: Lithe
  • Body: Covered in a short soft black fur, which has no marking except on the tail which sometimes has a silver tip, especially in the old.
  • Lifespan: 100 years

Uriellic Halfling

Tall and austere, these halfling are very humanoid if it weren’t for their white downy wings, (in exceptional cases golden). Not as sociable as other Halfling they stick to high places and their own kind.

  • Eyes: Blue 100%
  • Build: Lithe to Muscular
  • Body: Hairless
  • Lifespan: 80 Years

Casserl Halflings

These are often described as the lizard men, and their small scales come in shades of black to dark green. They are quite sociable and have a long tapering tail, which does not have any markings. These Halfling like to stick to the lower regions of Okyto with the Humans.

  • Eyes: Blue 20% Brown 70% Green 5% Black 5%
  • Build: Muscular
  • Body: Scaly, though they stop moulting once they have reached adulthood
  • Lifespan: 80 Years

Sorrelist Halfling

Almost identical to their Uriellic counterparts, except in two features. Their wings are black or read and leathery. And they are far more sociable, willing even to mingle with the Humans, something their feathered cousins would never do.

  • Eyes: Blue 30% Brown 60% Black 10%
  • Build: Lithe to Muscular
  • Body: Hairless
  • Lifespan: 80 Years

Chorrellheisen Halfling

Rare and curios lizard Halfling, they posses all the features that a Casserl does, except that they also posses feather, in a line on their shoulders, some even running down onto their shoulder blades. Why this should be is not known, though Crassuss knows, he sees no need to say.

  • Eyes: Blue 10% Brown 90%
  • Build: Slight
  • Body: Scaly, and feathered… the feathers being of many colours, the colours changing throughout life
  • Lifespan: 90 Years

Shriven Halfling

These Halfling are incredibly powerful psychics, though they pay the price in their bodies. They can project glamours around themselves to protect their identity but it does not fool Crassuss. They are tiny, leathery bodied, winged Halfling, who travel most of the time by hovering sedan.

  • Eyes: Black 100%
  • Build: Slight to Wasted
  • Body: Leathery, black to deep red
  • Lifespan: 40 Years

Lorrilial Halfling

Very rare, and sometimes psychically able these Halfling would be indistinguishable from Raenerial Halflings were it not for their perfect white fur. They can be spotted for miles off by the bright purity of it, though only when they are not standing against the equally pure white marble of many levels of Okyto.

  • Eyes: Blue 70% Brown 28% Green 2% Silver >1%
  • Build: Lithe
  • Body: Furry
  • Lifespan: 100 years

Nautalist Halfling

A curious and incredibly rare Halfling, known only to Crassuss. They are only classified as Halflings because Crassuss created them. They are large snail like shells that float in the waters of wide oceans supported by air chambers. And their shells display an amazing variety of quickly shifting colours. Though the are sentient they tend to think very slowly except when hungry or defending themselves, and are the most powerful psychics in Okyto, far more powerful than even the very powerful Shriven they are the most powerful psychics currently known to Crassuss.

  • Eyes: Small and black
  • Build: N/A
  • Body: Like that of the nautilus
  • Lifespan: Hundreds if not thousands of years

Government, Society and Economy


The Old Okyton Government was highly democratic, chaired by a position called the Dais, this system pandered to the complex and often conflicting whims of the people, and it was the Job of Crassuss do instate these policies, and fit them around running the country. By the time of the New-Okyton age such government was no longer in place, Crassuss was able to predict and instate the desires of the people far more accurately and personally via the communication nanites.


After many generations of the control of Crassuss social taboos ceased to exist, irrational phobias and so on no longer had a place in the society. However the Okytons became extremely sociable, they become extremely distressed if alone, and their fragile emotions lead to high rates of suicides in a non-Crassuss environment.


Long ago under the weight of increasing social control, the economy became so near to collapse that Crassuss sped up the automation of all industry, making the necessity for worker nulled. Freeing all Okytons. Before money was abolished it was the Okyton Dollar or Mark. The coinage being plain silver coins with white markings on them where appropriate, and the notes being white papers, identical but for a different colour bar across the corner, and number identifying it.





None (Officially)


None at the moment
