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In order to maintain control over such a large political body, Government in Falastur is very much decentralised, and focuses on a series of tiers of Government down to the local level. The Government is also split into two sections - the Monarchist half of the Government headed by Emperor Matthew VI of Falastur, and the Democratic side, headed by Anthony DeMoins. These two leaders share equal power, and a strong friendship, despite the age gap between them. There is rarely any conflict between the two sides of the Government, and they are largely supportive of each other.
In order to maintain control over such a large political body, Government in Falastur is very much decentralised, and focuses on a series of tiers of Government down to the local level. The Government is also split into two sections - the Monarchist half of the Government headed by Emperor Matthew VI of Falastur, and the Democratic side, headed by Anthony DeMoins. These two leaders share equal power, and a strong friendship, despite the age gap between them. There is rarely any conflict between the two sides of the Government, and they are largely supportive of each other.
For more information about the Falasturian Government, see the [[Falasturian Government]] page.
==Further Information==
==Further Information==

Revision as of 14:34, 1 November 2004

The Imperial Power of Falastur

Empire of Falastur
National motto: Veni Vidi Vici
Region Falastur Alliance
Official languageEnglish
Capital Terila
Largest Religion Protestantism
Tech Level Modern Tech
Emperor Matthew VI
Imperial Regent Anthony DeMoins
Independence April 11 1715
 - Total
 - % water
Ranked nth
4,644,820 km²

 - Total (2004)

 - Density
Ranked nth


Currency Havanaro (~H~)
National Animal Hamster
Time zone GMT -1
Internet TLD .FLT

Overview of an Empire

The Imperial Power (more commonly known as the Empire) of Falastur is a modern part-Monarchy part-Democracy, and the long-time leader (and now sole member) of the Falastur Alliance region. It's capital lies on Falastur Island, in the Atlantic Ocean, however the Empire is far-flung all across the world. It may, perhaps, even be one of the few nations which could arguably boast that the Sun never sets on its Empire. While it's history dates back little more than 300 years, it has grown to be a world leader in economic and military strength, however infrequent but lengthy periods of isolationism have forced it to a minor role on the international stage. Starting life as a English pseudo-colony, claimaing loyalty to England but keeping its distance from them, Falastur grew to be a world reknowned haven for those seeking a new life, and to this day maintains a strong policy on free and welcome immigration. It's economic strength and beliefs in a free market economy have led it to become a signatory of the Knootian International Stabilisation Treaty (KIST). It has been through a great period of colonialism, played a minor role in the Napoleonic Wars, largely avoided the World Wars, escaped Civil War and unwillingly was a stage for part of the Cold War, and through all of these has emerged to be more stable than ever, and one of the largest nations in the world.


The Empire of Falastur can be divided and sub-divided into several parts, of varying status in the Empire. The status of the different lands of the Empire are largely defined by the period in Falasturian history in which they were incorporated under the crown of the Emperor, and the internal policies in action during those periods.

The Unified Provinces of Falastur

At the top of the scale, the Empire is headed in Terila, on Falastur Island, where all the most important Government buildings are to be found. Falastur Island is the most important of all the lands of the Empire, even though it is home to only 500 million. The other islands of the Falastur Island Group are home to the remainder of the 2,573 million population, and they are second in importance only to Falastur Island - being host to several of the largest cities of the Holy Empire of Falastur, and declared free from the Empire longest ago. Alongside them are 3 distinct and vast stretches of land, along with 4 smaller areas, which combined with the Falastur Island Group make up the nation of Falastur itself, known as the Unified Provinces of Falastur. However, they are rarely known by this name as most international events involving Falastur either are of relevence to the whole Empire, or to the capital.

The Dependencies of Falastur

The Dependancies of Falastur are a quite vast number of lands big and small, who rely on the Empire to keep them upright, yet are not totally under the control of the Empire. The Dependancies almost solely are former States under Imperial Control, and a small few of them even hold their own miniature Empires, although the Empire of Falastur tends to try and weave a form of control into these territories, and many Dependancies are faced with a ruler who makes virtually all of his or her political decisions based on advise from or legislations made by the Falastur Government. However, the Dependancies have the power to decide their own fate, usually with the right to elect a Government if they wish or are allowed it. Further than that, the average "lives" of the Dependancies are independant from Falastur, and the citizens of each dream of one day watching their Country emerge a World Power, not merely a free State.

The Dependencies are largely states annexed during the latter periods of Falastur Imperialism. These countries largely were pre-industrial countries with a central government and forms of social structure and organisation that made them technologically inferior to Falastur. However, to earn Falasturian attention, these states held resources, strategically advantageous locations and were deemed "worthy of Falasturian support".

The Colonies of Falastur

The Colonies of Falastur are next in the list. These are Nations under complete control by the Emperor, or his lackey-Governors, but these Nations manage a fragment of superiority over the Dominions as the Colonies are Islands colonised by the Holy Empire, and not Nations conquered and subdued by it.

The Colonies were some of the earliest takings of the Empire of Falastur. Lands spread around the globe and largely populated with tribal natives, the Colonies grew from small groups of trading ports to span tens of thousands of square miles, and became trading centres in their parts of the world. While the first conquests of land were largely run at the end of musket and bayonet, leading to slaughters of the local populations, the losses mounted up for the Falasturian Army, and the Empire became a pioneer in diplomacy with local peoples, annexing the land in peace and giving natives citizenship and local freedom. Due to this, many Colonies have high native populations, and to this day there are many tribes still living in the rural areas of the Colonies, as they did before they were taken over by Falastur.

The Territories of Falastur

Bottom of the list are the Territories of Falastur. These lands essentially have the status of being part of the country of Falastur. They are ruled almost directly by the Emperor, with almost no semblance of independance at all. Their citizens often have few rights, but have been taught to live their lives happily. After all, their status ensures a peaceful and safe environment, and they are free from trouble from outside aggressors by the protection of Falastur. If nations, particularly those with a population under 100 thousand, but occasionally much larger countrieson the point of collapse due to inside problems are often given the opportunity to be integrated into the Empire as a territory at the last moment, saving them from falling apart and becoming the land of a more oppressive and opportunistic dictator, (as there are so many around). In fact, the Empire is becoming a world benchmark for the backward, 4th world countries, seen as a country dedicated to the upholding of countries that could not survive on their own.

The Dependencies are mainly countries not annexed through conquest, although some rebellious states are given dependency status. Instead, they are largely countries which in the last century were offered Falasturian protection, and found themselves drawn further and further into the Empire.

Protectorates of Falastur

Falastur also has under its wing a small number of Protectorates.


In order to maintain control over such a large political body, Government in Falastur is very much decentralised, and focuses on a series of tiers of Government down to the local level. The Government is also split into two sections - the Monarchist half of the Government headed by Emperor Matthew VI of Falastur, and the Democratic side, headed by Anthony DeMoins. These two leaders share equal power, and a strong friendship, despite the age gap between them. There is rarely any conflict between the two sides of the Government, and they are largely supportive of each other.

For more information about the Falasturian Government, see the Falasturian Government page.

Further Information

Government Category Father Knows Best State
Government Priority Law and Order
Economic Rating Frightening
Civil Rights Rating Below Average
Political Freedoms Rare
Major Industry Automobile Manufacturing
Exchange Rate 1 havanaro = $1.5171
Gross Domestic Product $68,677,152,723,506.26
GDP per Capita $26,567.56
Unemployment Rate 6.13%

See Also