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# Michael Schultz(SDC 55 - 75)
# Michael Schultz(SDC 55 - 75)
# Harlen Damien (SDC 75 - 90)
# Harlen Damien (SDC 75 - 90)
# Elliot Schultz (SDC 90 - Present) [Currently SDC 112]
# [[Elliot Schultz]] (SDC 90 - Present) [Currently SDC 112]
-Legislative Branch:
-Legislative Branch:

Revision as of 09:47, 3 November 2004

Schultaria Prime
Flag of Schultaria Prime
Motto: "Go forth and spread throughout the universe"
Schultaria Prime
Region Primex
Capital Schultaria Prime
Official Language(s) Schultarian Alphabetic / Schultarian Symbolic / English
Leader Central Director Elliot Schultz
Population 1.4 Billion
Currency merlon (Sm) 
NS Sunset XML

Early History

From "A Stepchild Nation": A History of the Schultarian Peoples

Schultaria Prime has enjoyed democracy in the modern sense for well over 250 years, but has only enjoyed the freedoms of independent democratic autonomy for only a century. Belonging to one of the most populous regions known in the world, Schultaria was regarded as little more than a small city state for the first 75 years of its existence, constantly exchanged between larger nations during its tumultuous beginnings. Seen as little more than a bargaining chip of men and natural resources, modern day Schultaria Prime was a part of no less than 5 larger nations; however, its relative isolation to its “parent” states had a positive effect on national development, but those positive impacts came at a terrible price to political freedom and the welfare of the average citizen.

Though the “parent” countries of modern day Schultaria never took a very active interest in the social politics of the nation, the consumer potential of both the vast natural and commercial resources were exploited to the fullest extent. Like the English East India Company of lore, Schultaria became, in the truest and most literal sense became the property of several megalithic multi-national corporations. 75 years after they were granted of Democracy by their first “parent” nation, Schultaria was subsequently reduced to little more than profit margins and headcounts. This could be called the “Dark Ages” in Schultarian history, but the population was not entirely reduced to cogs in the corporate machinery; rather, due to open and protected harbors and coastlines, Schultaria became a commercial shipping (and later a highly successful bureaucratic) center of operations. For 50 years, these highly successful multi-national corporations kept a dominating grip on the economy, but the maintenance of policy within Schultarian borders was strictly consigned to the newly established Central Governing Council, establishing a bond of trust between the monetarily wealthy and general middle classes.

However, this trust was shaken on Schultaria Prime’s 125th democratic anniversary; while celebrations and parades were going on in the cities and towns, the Central Governing Council was deciding on the all-important issue of re-drafting the concept of voting and enfranchisement rights. A revolutionary piece of legislation, the “Stock Vote Enfranchisement Act of Myrle” was the centerpiece of debate; within the text of the document stood the all important clause: “Therefore, enfranchisement shall be distributed as a commodity. Votes for national elections shall have a price to be set annually by the Central Governing Council.” Many within the government saw this as a chance for the government to collect external revenues without having to follow the burdensome paperwork of creating more tax codes. They couldn’t have been more incorrect in their judgment.

The first national election following the passage of that act has become the greatest fiasco in Schultaria Prime’s history. Corporate executives, purchasing votes by the thousands, packed the ballots with pro-company representatives and electors, creating the largest victory margins ever seen in any modern-day Schultarian election. Largely ignoring the cries of the people, the new corporation government oligarchies began the process of privatizing the nation: all national services in transportation and healthcare were replaced by more expensive alternatives, the national legislatures were disbanded and replaced by CEO-style directorate boards, and they slowly began to chisel away at the rights of franchise.

After 15 years of corporate oligarchy and dwindling personal freedoms, Pro-democracy parties and left-wing revolutionary groups went public chanting, “We aren’t the bottom line!” In every populated area throughout the nation an organized attempt to revolt was led by a then unknown bureaucratic manager by the name of Merle Schultz. Armed rebellion soon overtook the nation, but it was a largely bloodless affair due to the fact the rebellion was considered to be supported by every citizen making less than 10,000 standard Schultarian Dollars a year (which was over 85% of the population at the time). Fearing retribution, the corporate government leaders, their private security forces, and their respective business partners fled and the new Schultaria Prime government was hastily installed to fill the power vacuum.

Now, the nation-state of Schultaria Prime has come to reinvent itself. Remembering the humiliations of state puppetry, a constitution supporting the ideals of an independent and well developed Social Democracy were ratified to the popular acclaim of the nation. Following the ideals of Merle Schultz, the country has been officially dedicated in his honor, his first name lends strength to the country’s currency, and his last name lends support and a rallying cry to the nation's citizens

Early Post Revolutionary History

Through the first twenty years of Schultaria Prime's postwar rebuilding, the character of the nation evolved from anti-corporate revolutionary rhetoric into the advanced semi-technocratic state of the modern era. However, following the Democratic Revolution, the newly formed socialist government had to deal with the numerous persistent problems of inflation, unemployment, and an overall lack of national identity. Merle Schultz, once the former leader of the united revolutionary factions, now faced new tasks in creating a government that would only serve the needs of a war weary populace but would also provide a viable framework for generations to come. The first ten years of the new formed United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime was an era of the most progressive socially progressive, yet financially disastrous, government experiments in the region's history. Without the backing of major financial powers and a limited industrial base the government, under the support of the now newly elected Central Director Merle Schultz, was given the task of regulating industry and science to help float the nation's massive debts.

The result was the Nationalized Industries and Economy Act, the first of what would be later called the "Culture Identity" Reforms in Schultarian legal history. This legal precedent allowed the nation of Schultaria Prime control of every aspect of the nation's economic structure from wages to the price of locally excavated raw materials, giving rise to the state run super-firm of Designwerks. In addition, this act effectively placed the majority of private industry either on indefinite hold or on heavy government subsidy; average inflation rates of over 20% annually were almost erased from existence five years after the bill's passage.

In addition to the nationalization of industry, great strides were made to improve the quality of education for the nation's underappreciated working classes. The education budget, completely eliminated from the corporate oligarchic governments in favor of private educational systems, became one of the best funded programs in the Schultarian Government. Public schools that once foundered received heavy financial support and had plenty of qualified teachers, due to the incredible influx of new postwar college graduates. The University of Schultaria Prime system, including some of the most prestigious educational institutions for science, education, and technical research in the world, was rebuilt through very generous Donations from Professor Kevem Haarvekord in addition to government support. The result of this government support created the "edu-boom" generation: a generation where over 70% of the entire population attended some form of post-secondary education.

Government Statistics

General Statistics

-Government Type: Democratic Socialism

-Capital: Schultaria Prime, Schultaria Prime

-Administrative Divisions: 4 Districts

  1. State of Prime.
  2. State of Tarann.
  3. The Coastal State Protectorate.
  4. Protectorate of Schultaria

-Executive Branch:

  • Head of State (Central Director) Elliot Schultz
  • Vice Executives: Director Harlen Damien; Director Joan Covey
  • Elections: All Three Executives are elected by popular vote; the person who earns the most votes is elected Central Director, the next two candidates are elected as Vice Executive Directors.
  • Terms: 5 years per term, no set term limit.

-Former Occupants of the Central Directorate (SDC = Schultarian Demokratishe Collabracci [Post Revolution])

  1. Merle Schultz (SDC 0 - 15)
  2. Tamir Otkabon (SDC 15 - 25)
  3. Kedjem Covey (SDC 25 - 28) [Darvon Salner] (SDC 28 - 30)
  4. Darvon Salner (SDC 30 - 35)
  5. Jocelyn Ceranske(SDC 35 - 55)
  6. Michael Schultz(SDC 55 - 75)
  7. Harlen Damien (SDC 75 - 90)
  8. Elliot Schultz (SDC 90 - Present) [Currently SDC 112]

-Legislative Branch:

  • Schultarian National Assembly: Primary Legislative Body Composed of 400 Delegates (Distributed according to population density)
  • The Schultarian People: (Direct Democracy in all cases regarding

commitment of military assets to defensive operations and major constitutional amendments; must have 60% of the total electorate vote for legislation, and passed by a simple majority of the People to become valid.)

-Judicial Branch: Four Levels

  1. Constitutional Court: (12 Justices; 6 Appointed by the Executive and 6 by National Assembly for Life Terms)
  2. National District
  3. State District
  4. Municipal District

Political Ideology & Role of Government

The government of Schultaria Prime does not restrict freedom of speech due to a heavily liberalized constitution, so a myriad of government ideologies exist within the nation proper. However, due to the government's ever present social welfare programs and nationalized education and industrial systems, the majority of Schultarian citizens are resoundingly liberal in speech and action. There are a few very predominant conservative groups throughout the southeastern half of the island where the center of the old corporate oligarchy once stood, but their numbers are at an extreme minority. The most predominant of these conservative groups, Sooltar Indaata, has roughly 3.5 million members and is centered in the metropolis of Myrle.

In Schultaria Prime the national government is central to the average person's life and livelihood; everyone is dependent on government services in one form or another. Due to strong democratic traditions, most individuals are generally well adjusted to the idea of the government providing the majority of services to the nation. Everything, from basic transportation and telecommunication services to agricultural products and even a majority of an average person's wages, are produced and distributed by the government. To compensate for the relative lack of internal economy and trade, the majority of the nation's physical assets stem from a wide array of technological exports.

Documentation for citizens in Schultaria Prime is very thorough in scope, but simplistic in design. Every citizen, both naturalized and born, is registered with a birth certificate, certificate of education, basic health certificate, and a basic vital statistics sheet. All of this data is stored both in hard copy and electronic data files in various archives across the nation. A simple thumbprint or retinal scan at any major public facility will allow that citizen complete access to their recorded files, with the exception of any police records that have passed the public statute of limitations (those offenses are erased as the government considers any offender who has not committed a serious crime in 10 years to be rehabilitated).

As in many nations, Schultarians are generally patriotic of their nation's accomplishments, but know that they are also a part of a much larger international picture. The concept of interrelation between nations is taught to most citizens in their history and civics classes, so many native born citizens are usually not fazed by surges of immigration which seem to occur on a very regular basis. Also, this extra education serves to foster policies of the nation known as the "equal eye" laws. Under these laws, it is illegal for the government to document racial statistics for any purpose of legal seperation unless in approved census studies.