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language=English, German, Finnish |
language=English, German |
capital=Brutus |
capital=Brutus |
population=5.0 billion |
population=5.0 billion |

Revision as of 11:13, 19 June 2006

Four Hectares
Flag of Four Hectares
Motto: "Vero denuntiatio ab auctoratis existimatio auctoratis"
No Map Available Yet
Region Liberalia
Capital Brutus
Official Language(s) English, German
Leader President Maria C. Cordera
Population 5.0 billion
Currency The Nolan 
NS Sunset XML

Economy & Government

The Libertarian States of Four Hectares is a massive, diverse nation, a champion of global capitalism and serves as a worldwide economic role model. Legislating from the capital city, Brutus, the democratic government assumes a mostly libertarian stance in modern politics and the country and its citizens are working to achieve a high amount of civil and political freedoms. It's economy is highly open and free-market, which allows the nation to consistently achieve high economic ratings, extremely low rates of unemployment (less than 3%) and a GDP per capita above $45,000/year. Its national animal is the hawk. Its currency is the Nolan, in honor of David Nolan, the country's principle founding father.


The recorded history of Four Hectares began approx. 1700 years ago at the dawn of the Gerrish Empire which, at its peak (approx. 1300 years ago), grew to encompass the entire central Liberalian continent and several outlying, colonial territories in Charlia and The Contra.

Following the collapse of the Gerrish Empire (approx. 1000 years ago), the entire central continent descended into anarchy as warring factions fought to control land and precious natural resources. This remained the status quo for over 500 years.

About 450 years ago, two groups of British and German explorers arrived just weeks apart, each claiming the continent for their respective nations. After they systematically annhilated or enslaved the native population, they turned upon one another. The war which followed lasted nearly 15 years and ended in a stalemate as well-prepared German forces eventually holed up the Haagelstein Mountain range and fired upon any British regiments who attempted to pass. The Treaty of Zur handed control of the land west of the Haagelsteins to Germany, while the land east of the Haagelsteins became British territory.

Following the war, the British split their new territory into the three seperate colonies of New Staffordshire, Piedmont and Pendleton, each with its own colonial government. This system remained in place until approxmately 125 years ago.

Around then, with the British rapidly foreseeing the end of their status as a world power, they first moved to cast off their expensive colonies. New Staffordshire, Peidmont and Pendleton, being three of the most distant, were the first of several to be cut loose. The abrupt pull out of the British might have signalled the beginning of a new period of anarchy for the continent if it weren't for the emergence of David Nolan, former governor of the New Staffordshire colony, who stepped forward with a plan to unite the three colonies into a signal, democratic nation. Thus the Libertarian States of Four Hectares was born.


The people of Four Hectares are hard-working, intelligent and display good common sense. They are patriotic, but not blindly so and they take their rights to protest and to criticize their government seriously. While wealth is often regarded as a measure of success, most Hectarians believe that it is better to be employed at a job you like than to force yourself to work purely 'for the money'. Because hard work is taken seriously, most Hectarians look down on those who are able to work, but refuse to do so and they disapprove of public welfare schemes, preferring instead to support private charities who help those individuals truly in need.

It is estimated that approx. 48% of Hectarians would consider themselves religious, but those who are tend to be sensible about it and extremists/fundamentalists are very rare. The vast majority of Hectarians would agree firmly with the statement "thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself" and are strongly in favor of keeping government and religion seperate.

The vast majority of all Hectarians are accepting of every race, nationality, culture and non-violent creed, provided they are loyal to the principles of democracy and follow the laws of the country.

Good education is important to nearly all Hectarian citizens and as such, it is the primary budget concern of the tiny government. Hectarian public schools and universities are some of Liberalia's best. Education is funded via the national sales tax and through a unique education lottery sponsored by the government, in which half of all ticket sales go towards funding the education budget.

Most Hectarians speak English as it is the official language of the country and the primary language taught in schools. There are a few German descendants living in or near the Haagelsteins who continue speak their native tongue. There are no surviving natives from the pre-colonial era, so any native Hectarian tongues are now forever lost to the vaults of time.

Laws & Government

The small Hectarian government concerns itself almost entirely with law & order, defence and education. It is structured as a representative democracy and bears some similarities to the government of the United States although there are several differences. A single-chamber National Congress of elected representatives from each voting district makes up the legislative body. Hectarians also elect a President/Vice President to a four-year term. The President serves as Commander in Chief of the country's armed forces and forms the executive branch. Finally, the High Court consists of five justices, appointed by the President and approved by the National Congress, who serve eight-year terms and form the judicial branch.

A free-market economy flourishes in Four Hectares, fueled by low tax rates and limited business regulations, which are only in place to ensure a fair minimum wage, reasonably clean working enviornments and to restrict child labor. The government is funded almost entirely via a 17% national sales tax, with inheritance and income taxes, along with bracketed tax schemes, having been dismissed long ago as archaic, socialist, restrictive and unfair.

A clear majority of Hectarians are socially liberal and this is reflected in the laws of the nation. Gambling, prostitution, abortion, concealed weapons and the possesion of small amounts of marijuana have all been legalized. This should not, however, be taken as an invitation to do entirely as one pleases. Serious crimes still carry serious penalties, with first-degree murder and rape both carrying mandatory life sentences. Parole and capital punishment have been abolished entirely - if you can't do the time, don't commit the crime.