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'''Arctic''' is allied with, 'The Arctic' and The Arctic Circle.
'''Arctic''' is part of the Polar Union.

Revision as of 14:50, 24 June 2006

Population: 44 nations
Delegate: Ohrder
Founder: The Ice Bears
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Arctic remains one of the least explored, studied and understood places on earth.

Region Founded: 6:53 AM AKST on November 14, 2004

After living in a polar region and visiting other polar regions, we noticed that Arctic had ceased to exist and it was decided to re-found this important region.

Arctic is part of the Polar Union.

The region Arctic, (not to be confused with 'The Arctic', which spans the polar region over the Pacific ocean) spans the icy polar region above the Atlantic Ocean. The region was founded by the brave pioneers of The Ice Bears, and over time grew to become, at its peak, 53 nations strong.


Prussiatopia was one of the first nations to join the newly reformed Arctic. Now rusty and paranoid is a shell of it's former glory, being outshadowed by smaller, more radical thinking nations. The Prussiatopian Empire's collapsed brought nothing but ruin that it is still in today.

[Thule and Hjaltland]

The Federation of Thule and Hjaltland was founded in April 2006. It resides in Arctic, and is a very active member of the Arctic Community and a budding member of the United Nations.


The Economy of Arctic, in comparison to its sister region "The Arctic", has always been much stronger on a GDP basis, at the beggining by only 20 - 30%, but ever since the Nerobian Revolution the Arctic's economy has both exceeded The Arctic in a GDPPC basis and has grown to many multiple times the size of The Arctic's GDP.

Most of the growth within the Arctic region is fuelled by Nerobi Narraba's Cold-War pact, Prussiatopia, the Transitioning Economies (those that have grown from about 1,000 to almost 15,000 in a short amount of NS Years) and the frequent influx of immigrant Nation-States. The average Arctician compared to the average "The-Arctician" is wealthier by a ratio of 3:1, the Top 10% wealthy of the population of these region's are even more inequal in their wealth.

One aspect is Geography - due to the warmer nature of Arctic's climate and itself being located in the Canadian Arctic, as opposed to "The Arctic" which is located in Russian-Siberian Arctic, ships are able to travel with more ease thus speeding the time it takes to trade goods, and in turn, the time it takes it for them to reach the consumer, whether it be in proccessed or unproccesed form. The Second is that this side of Arctic is more oil-rich.

Another aspect is Ideology, while Arctic is generally democratic allowing more economic freedom, more freedom for currency to flow, and more freedom for the consumer to buy what is needed and even, desired, the command economy of The Arctic's communist regime doesn't allow for this freedom and so is poorer due to this disadvantage. The situation in The Arctic, however, is improving.

The Supposed Opression of Prussiatopia, leading to the creation of Freetopia

Though Prussiatopia was quite untyrinical, a few people decided to play a joke, making a made up suposedly homosexual character called "Jonathon Willywang", and putting him into a Prussiatopian election. Prussiatopia declined, saying he was an oppression to the freedom of choice of sexuality (through means of forcing everyone to believe that Homosexuality was good) and was thus not allowed to participate in the elections. However, Totalitarianity, a true Oppresive Regime who had the absolute rambunctiousness to claim himself 'free', had decided to twist this story, saying Prussiatopia was oppressing the people by rejecting the 'Willywang'. In actual fact, 4 of the competing party members were already evil, with one 1 in the left wing. The left wing party was losing, and just won by a marginal victory in the end. To this day, Totalitarianity claims to make biased comments against Prussiatopia controlling the entire PU, when in actuality GA and Nerobi have a rising influence in it as well. Totalitarinity has even made a law in which Prussiatopia's clones cannot participate in their region, and they banned clone voting. A clone had voted. This is quite contradictional, and a screw up of democracy.