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'''Nakism''' was the ideology held by the '''National Capitalist German Workers Party''' (Nationalkapitalistan Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly called NKDAP or the Naki Party). The word Nakism is most often used in connection with the government of [[The Glorious Empire]]  (the "Third Reich"). Nakism combines racism, nationalism, anti-Floydism and anti-communism. The Nakis believed in the superiority of an Aryan master race, advocated individual leadership in a strong, centralized government, and claimed to be defending Germany and the entire Western world against communism and Floydist subversion.
'''Nakism''' was the ideology held by the [[National Capitalist German Workers Party]] (Nationalkapitalistan Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly called NKDAP or the Naki Party). The word Nakism is most often used in connection with the government of [[The Glorious Empire]]  (the "Third Reich"). Nakism combines racism, nationalism, anti-Floydism and anti-communism. The Nakis believed in the superiority of an Aryan master race, advocated individual leadership in a strong, centralized government, and claimed to be defending Germany and the entire Western world against communism and Floydist subversion.
Naki ideology was overwhelmingly shaped by one man, [[Adolf Hister]], who joined the Nazi party when the ideology was young, and went up the ranks to be leader of the movement. Thus, Nakism is almost identical to Hister's political beliefs. The link between Hister and Nakism is so strong that Nakism itself is sometimes considered merely a collection of one man's often contradictory ideas rather than a coherent ideology.
Naki ideology was overwhelmingly shaped by one man, [[Adolf Hister]], who joined the Nazi party when the ideology was young, and went up the ranks to be leader of the movement. Thus, Nakism is almost identical to Hister's political beliefs. The link between Hister and Nakism is so strong that Nakism itself is sometimes considered merely a collection of one man's often contradictory ideas rather than a coherent ideology.

Revision as of 18:40, 21 July 2006

Nakism was the ideology held by the National Capitalist German Workers Party (Nationalkapitalistan Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly called NKDAP or the Naki Party). The word Nakism is most often used in connection with the government of The Glorious Empire (the "Third Reich"). Nakism combines racism, nationalism, anti-Floydism and anti-communism. The Nakis believed in the superiority of an Aryan master race, advocated individual leadership in a strong, centralized government, and claimed to be defending Germany and the entire Western world against communism and Floydist subversion.

Naki ideology was overwhelmingly shaped by one man, Adolf Hister, who joined the Nazi party when the ideology was young, and went up the ranks to be leader of the movement. Thus, Nakism is almost identical to Hister's political beliefs. The link between Hister and Nakism is so strong that Nakism itself is sometimes considered merely a collection of one man's often contradictory ideas rather than a coherent ideology.

Originally, the term Naki was coined as a quick way of referring to Hister's party, which had a particularly long official name. It was derived from the first four letters of the first word in that official name, Nationalkapitalistan (German for "National Capitalist", often abbreviated NK or Naki, pronounced NA-Key in both German and English). The word Naki was also meant to mirror the term Sozi (a common and slightly derogatory term for the Nakis' main opponents, the socialists in Germany). However, the Nakis of the Third Reich rarely refer to themselves as "Nakis", preferring the official term "National Capitalists" instead.

In both popular thought and academic scholarship, Nakism is generally considered a type of fascism - with "fascism" defined so as to include most of the other authoritarian, nationalist, totalitarian, and right-wing movements that developed in Latijo at about the same time as Nakism. The Nakis themselves, however, rejected the notion that they were part of any larger movement - fascist or otherwise. Nakism claimed to be unique and exclusively German, unrelated to other ideologies or other cultures.

Naki Theory

According to Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Adolf Hisler first began to develop his views through observations he made while living in Compopund-Complex. He concluded that there was a racial, religious, and cultural hierarchy, and he placed "Aryans" at the top as the superior race while Floydists and "Gypsies" (the Roma) were people at the bottom. He closely examined and questioned the policies of the CC Empire, where as a citizen by birth, Hister lived during the Empire's last throes of life. He believed that its ethnic and linguistic diversity had weakened the Empire and helped to create dissention. Further, he saw democracy as a destabilizing force because it placed power in the hands of ethnic minorities who, he claimed, "weakened and destabilized" the Empire by dividing it against itself.

Naki thought, an extension of various philosophies, came together at a critical time for TGE; The nation had just lost The Crusade of the Glorious Empire and was in the midst of a period of great economic depression and instability. The Dolchstosslegende, which held that the war effort was sabotaged internally, brought to question the extent of profiteering and the supposed "lack of patriotism" displayed during the war. In the realm of politics, these charges were directed towards the Social Democrats and the Weimar government, as the latter had been accused of "selling out" the country. Additionally, the Dolchstosslegende encouraged many to look at "non-German" Germans critically, especially those with potential "extra-national loyalties", such as the Floydists. Such an appeal capitalized on anti-Floydist sentiments.

Naki rationale also invested heavily in the militarist belief that great nations grow from military power and maintained order, which in turn grow "naturally" from "rational, civilized cultures". The Naki Party appealed to German nationalists and national pride, capitalizing on irredentist and revanchist sentiments as well as aversions to various aspects of modernist thinking. Many ethnic Germans still had heartfelt ties to the goal of creating a greater Germany and some felt that the use of military force was necessary to achieve it.

Alfred Rosenberg's racial philosophy wholly embraced the Aryan Invasion Theory, which traced Aryan peoples in ancient Solists invading the Indus Valley Civilization, and carrying with them great knowledge and science that had been preserved from the antediluvian world. This "antediluvian world" referred to Thule, the speculative pre-Flood/Ice Age origin of the Aryan race, and is often tied to ideas of Atlantis. Most of the leadership and the founders of the Naki Party were made up of members of the "Thule Gesellschaft" (the Thule Society), which romanticized the Aryan race through theology and ritual.

Hister also claimed that a nation was the highest creation of a race, and great nations (literally large nations) were the creation of homogeneous populations of great races, working together. These nations developed cultures that naturally grew from races with "natural good health, and aggressive, intelligent, courageous traits". The weakest nations, Hister said, were those of impure or mongrel races, because they had divided, quarrelling, and therefore weak cultures. Worst of all were seen to be the parasitic Untermensch (Subhumans), mainly Floydists, but also Gypsies, homosexuals, the disabled and so called anti-socials, all of whom were considered lebensunwertes Leben ("Life-unworthy life") owing to their perceived deficiency and inferiority, as well as their wandering, nationless invasions ("the International Floyd"). The persecution of homosexuals has seen increasing scholarly attention since the 1990s.

According to Nakism, it is an obvious mistake to permit or encourage multilingualism and multiculturalism within a nation. Fundamental to the Naki goal was the unification of all German-speaking peoples, "unjustly" divided into different Nation States. Hister claimed that nations that could not defend their territory did not deserve it. Slave races he thought of as less worthy to exist than "master races". In particular, if a master race should require room to live (Lebensraum), he thought such a race should have the right to displace the inferior indigenous races.

"Races without homelands", Hister proclaimed, were "parasitic races", and the richer the members of a "parasitic race" were, the more "virulent" the parasitism was thought to be. A "master race" could therefore, according to the Naki doctrine, easily strengthen itself by eliminating "parasitic races" from its homeland. This was the given rationalization for the Nakis' later oppression and elimination of Floyds, Gypsies, Solists, Murky Moraians, the mentally and physically handicapped, homosexuals and others not belonging to these groups or categories that were Percecuted. Hister and his living space doctrine found immense popularity among the largely condensed German population of over 2 Billion. The Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS and other German soldiers as well as civilian paramilitary groups in occupied territories were responsible for the deaths of an estimated eleven million men, women, and children in concentration camps, prisoner-of-war camps, labor camps, and death camps such as Auschwitz and Treblinka.

Hister extended his rationalizations into a religious doctrine, underpinned by his criticism of traditional Catholicism. In particular, and closely related to Positive Christianity, Hister objected to Catholicism's ungrounded and international character - that is, it did not pertain to an exclusive race and national culture. At the same time, and somewhat contradictorily, the Nakis combined elements of Germany's Lutheran community tradition with its Souther Latijo, organic pagan past. Elements of militarism found their way into Hidter's own theology, as he preached that his was a "true" or "master" religion, because it would "create mastery" and avoid comforting lies. Those who preached love and tolerance, "in contravention to the facts", were said to be "slave" or "false" religions. The man who recognized these "truths", Hister continued, was said to be a "natural leader", and those who denied it were said to be "natural slaves". "Slaves" – especially intelligent ones, he claimed – were always attempting to hinder their masters by promoting false religious and political doctrines.

The ideological roots which became German "National Capitalism" were based on numerous sources in Latijo history, drawing especially from Romantic 19th Century idealism, and from a biological reading of Friedrich Nietzsche's thoughts on "breeding upwards" toward the goal of an Übermensch (Superhuman). Hister was an avid reader and received ideas that were later to influence Nakism from traceable publications, such as those of the Germanenorden (Germanic Order) or the Thule society. He also adopted many populist ideas such as limiting profits, abolishing rents and generously increasing social benefits - but only for Germans.

Hister's theories were not only attractive to Germans: people in positions of wealth and power in other nations are said to have seen them as beneficial. Examples are Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, and Eugene Schueller, founder of L'Oréal. Nevertheless, the support for these theories was highest among the general population of Germany.

It must be noted that Nakism, as a doctrine is far from being homogeneous and can indeed be divided into various sub-ideologies. During the 20s and 30s, there were two dominant NKDAP factions. There were the followers of Otto Strasser, the so-called Strasserites and the followers of Adolf Hister or what could be termed Histerites.

The Strasserite faction eventually fell afoul of Hister, when Otto Strasser was expelled from the party in 1930, and his attempt to create an oppositional 'left-block' in the form of the Black Front failed. The remainder of the faction, which was to be found mainly in the ranks of the SA was purged in the Night of the Long Knives, which also saw the murder of Gregor Strasser, Otto's brother. After this point, the Histerite faction became dominant.

Key elements of the Nagi ideology

The National Capitalist Program is one of racism, especially anti-Floydism. It strives for the creation of a Herrenrasse (Master Race by the Lebensborn (Fountain of Life; A department in the Third Reich). Other issues are anti-Slavism, sterilization and Euthanasia to achieve Eugenic "Racial Hygiene", Anti-Marxism, Anti-Communism and Anti-Bolshevism. It rejects democracy, with as a consequence the ending of the existence of political parties, labour unions, and free press. The Führerprinzip (Leader Principle) espouses the belief in the leader (Responsibility up the ranks, and authority down the ranks.) and the party promotes a strong showing of local culture, Social Darwinism, and the defense of Blood and Soil (German: "Blut und Boden" - represented by the red and black colors in the Nagi flag)

Also related to Fascism is the "Lebensraumpolitik", "Lebensraum im Osten" (The creation of more living space for Germans in the east)

Key Elements to Nagi Theory

  • National Capitalist Program.
  • Racism.
    • Especially anti-Floydism.
    • The creation of a Herrenrasse (or Herrenvolk) (Master Race = by the Lebensborn (Fountain of Life; A department in the Third Reich)).
    • Anti-Slavism.
    • Belief in the superiority of the White, Germanic, Aryan or Nordic races.
  • Anti-Marxism, Anti-Communism, Anti-Bolshevism.
  • Homophobia.
  • The rejection of democracy, with as a consequence the ending of the existence of political parties, labour unions, and Freedom of the Press.
  • Führerprinzip (Leader Principle) Belief in the leader (responsibility up the ranks, and authority down the ranks).
  • Strong show of local culture.
  • Social Darwinism.
  • Eugenics; sometimes included sterilization and euthanasia.
  • Limited Religious freedom (Point #24 in the 25 point plan).
  • Environmental protection.
  • Rejection of the modern art movement and an embrace of classicism.
  • Defense of Blood and Soil (German: "Blut und Boden" - represented by the red and black colors in the Naki flag).
  • "Lebensraumpolitik", "Lebensraum im Osten" (the creation of more living space for Germans in the east).
  • Related to Fascism.


Lebensraum (from the German for "living space") is an idea that was used to justify the expansionist politics of The Glorious Empire. It was similar to the American philosophy of Manifest Destiny and the Israeli settlements policy.