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The Allech-Atreus UN Office, formerly located on the remote Brackthan's Asteroid is the headquarters and liason between the rest of existence and the sprawling intergalactic Empire. After the Emperor officially opened relations with the outside world and released that information to the public, the offices were moved to Imperia Prime.

Currently, the ambassador to the UN is Prince Tang, the son of the Emperor's half-brother and Privy Councilor. He is assisted by John Graviis vor dan Hoogelhande, Shakk Dr. Amin al-Satal, and Rang Erman.


Allech-Atreus came into contact with the UN, and ultimately the outside world, when scientists opened a portal on Brackthan's Asteroid, connecting to the Union of Independent States. After joining that Union and rediscovering the outside world, the Imperial government joined the UN. Wormholes now open on Imperia Prime on a more regular basis.


Official government policy was formerly to suppress any knowledge of the UN, or the Union of Independent Nations for that matter. The belief was that the knowledge that there exist worlds and nations outside of the scope of Imperial power or knowledge would cause chaos and rebellion within the Empire, where citizens are taught the supremacy of the Empire and the inevitability of it's domination of all life. This policy eventually came to be disadvantageous, as the Empire desired greater interaction with nations and worlds outside the known Multiverse.

Within the UN itself, officialy policy is usually in staunch support of National Sovereignty, anti-protectionism, pro-industry/commerce, anti-bureacracy, and anti-moral legislation. The Empire is in strong opposition to weapons bans, and Ambassador Pendankr is privately disdainful of left-leaning nations that support restriction of weapons, though he has yet to voice his distaste publicly.

The delegation has hinted that if certain courses in the UN continue, the Empire will be forced to follow suit with Omigodtheykilledkenny and form a SubDirectorate similar to the Kennyite Creative Solutions Agency.

The Thanmazhal Incident

The Empire only recently began sending delegates to the UN. However, not all delegates had the same powers or privileges. In fact, the previous delegates became quite powerful, wielding influence and using their votes to gain strngth for themselves. This culminated in Likhmar Thanmazhal, the Marquis of Abdian Qulda, who was "assasinated" (liquidated by Imperial forces) in the very hall of the UN, while in his offices.

Thanmazhal had voted multiple times in the UN for proposals that weakened the sovereignty and government of the Empire, which gained the ire of the Lord Provost, who eventually became fed up with Thanmazhal and his stylings, and had him killed. The Star Chamber scaled back the delegate's powers, reducing him to nothing more than an Imperial mouthpiece. Thanmazhal was replaced with Landaman Pendankr, the Baron of Khaylamnian Samda, and the 3rd cousin of the Emperor.

UN Offices

The physical Allech-Atreus UN offices are located on the 6th floor of the UN building. The doorway is solid mahogany, with a carved image of the Emperor supporting a jeweled inlay of the Imperial Great Seal.

The main vestibule is lined with polished Abdian marble, with inlays commemorating great figures in Imperial history inlaid in polished Wayland steel. Plants hang from the walls, innocuosly hiding cameras, and two Imperial Guards stand at attention at the inner door. The inner door is plain mahogany, and through this door is the main lobby. The main lobby is a large rectangular room with the receptionist's desk at the far end. The room is walled in Gishan sandstone, with silken tapestries draped across the ceiling. furnished with overstuffed leather and silk chairs, imported from Gish and Kazman Prime. Coffee tables display snacks and treats from across the Empire, and recent additions of the Imperial Herald are placed about.

The receptionist's desk is located in front of a few stairs leading up to another door. The receptionist hasn't been hired yet, but her desk is made of polished brass and cedar. Marble stairs lead up to a large copper door stamped to appear like the Imperial Flag.

The main offices are in this large, square room, with a large window at one end. The desks are simple oak, and there are about 6 of them for the Ambassador's staff. Through one door is a small inn-style restaurant for refreshments, including a few beds to lie down on.

At the other end of the room is Secretary Mannuschrat's desk, and through a carved, scented cedar door at the other end is the Ambassador's office. The Secretary's desk is a slick, polished steel number, with a raised lip in front to prevent anyone from seeing what she was doing. In contrast to the Chief's desk, papers and documents are few and far between.

The Ambassador's office is slightly less opulent than the preceding areas. The room is slighly oval shaped, with the Ambassador's desk at the far end of the room on a raised platform. Upon entering, one looks directly to the Ambassador rand out a large window. The desk itself is carved mahogany, with the Ambassador's crest superimposed over the Imperial flag. The room is lit with recessed sconces, and leather furniture is dotted about the room. There is a well-stocked bar on one side, and through a door on one side is his personal quarters. Several weapons are displayed on the walls, alongside the Ambassador's diploma from the Imperial University and his Decree of Assignation from the Emperor. Two Imperial Guards stand flank the door leading out.

The Imperial Offices are unusually lavish, but it's not particularly surprising given the vast material wealth of the Empire. Money can be requisitioned for any purpose, and the Emperor is fond of giving wonderful first-impressions. Former ambassador Pendankr had a secret door built into his office leading directly to the NSO saloon, so he can have his calls held and nip out for a drink.