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language=[[English]], [[Greek]] |
language=[[English]], [[Greek]] |
capital=[[Wakesburg (city)]] |
capital=[[Wakesburg (city)]] |
population= C. 800 million|
population= C. 1 Billion|
currency=Wakesburg Bezant (B)|
currency=Wakesburg Bezant (B)|
leader= [[Emperor Nicholas II Wake]] |
leader= [[Emperor Nicholas II Wake]] |

Revision as of 16:39, 28 May 2007

Flag of Wakesburg
Motto: Emperors and Kings under One Sovereign
Region Romagna Wakesburg
Capital Wakesburg (city)
Official Language(s) English, Greek
Leader Emperor Nicholas II Wake
Population C. 1 Billion
Currency Wakesburg Bezant (B) 
NS Sunset XML

The Empire of Wakesburg is a dominant power in the region of Romagna Wakesburg as well as on of the founding members. It is a absolute monarchy, with the Emperor of Wakesburg reigning as virtual dictator. This has necessitated the development of an extensive bureaucracy. The national language is English, with Greek spoken only at the aristocratic levels. The capital city is Wakesburg (city).


Ancient History to the Middle Ages

Roving bands of barbarians until the coming of the Romans inhabited the region that was to become Imperial territory. A group of Romans, calling themselves the "Great Romans" or Romanus Magnus settled in several villages after the decline of Roman Power. Their territory was eventually named Romagna, which briefly was occupied by the forces of Justinian and the Byzantines in 550 C.E. The arrival of family of Wake into the region in 999 C.E. marked a shift in region politics. The Wakes established themselves in several villages and towns, creating feudal states, constantly warring with themselves. Eventually, the Romagnan villagers, disgruntled and fed up with the constant warfare, rebelled and drove the various Wake rulers and their supporters into exile around 1095. After wandering for 4 years, the surviving Wakes settled into a fertile valley, building up several towns to inhabit. All went well for 9 years, until Vlasios Wake hired a corps of mercenaries and conquered his neighbors. On the cusp of victory against the forces of his Uncle, Honorius Wake, Vlasios was assassinated by his cousin Nicholas, who then took over control of the army and territory. Nicholas knew that the civil war had created a united territory that was held together by mercenaries and Vlasios's army. If he had any chance of keeping his new state together, he needed to pacify the conquered towns through diplomacy. In the conquered towns, the mercenaries were universally hated, so Nicholas disbanded and discharged his hired men. This caused some conflict, such as when a corps of mercenaries, feeling cheated, took the town of Honiara. Nicholas quickly set out with his personal guard and defeated the occupiers. This helped to establish a report between the conquered towns and Nicholas. To help reinforce the new unity, Nicholas built a new city, Nicholagrad, to serve as the new capital of the state. He also established a military-led aristocracy and took on the title of Executor of the Territory of Nicholagrad. This new state built up a new army and eventually returned to Romagna in 1204, occupying large portions and defeating the independent village militias. These new towns and villages were incorporated into the Territory of Nicholagrad.

Industrial Age

In the 1800s, the Territory disintegrated, granting independence to a vast majority of cities. It was 1894 before the Wakes were able to regain control of enough territory to be considered a player on the international stage. Another Nicholas, this one a Wake from Eastern Romagna, built a new capital in his home territory, naming it Wakesburg. He was able to gather a following of 5 million people and was able to annex the surrounding countryside. Nicholas claimed lineage from Vlasios and the Executor Nicholas, and had the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople crown him Emperor of Wakesburg in 1899, 900 years to the day the Wakes first achieved dominance in Romagna.


The new Empire of Wakesburg spent the following decade consolidating control over the various eastern Romagnan cities and towns, creating a viable, however small nation. In 1901, during the War of Unification, the new Imperial Africa Corp invaded and occupied the territory surrounding St. Justiniopolis, creating the Colony of African Wakesburg. Nicholas seized control of Nicholagrad in November 1904, claiming the title of Executor and the surrounding territory. This gave him access to the nearby iron and coal mines and fueled the modernization of his Empire. In 1905, Nicholas sent supplies to the Russian Empire with a promise of good nature to help in the Russo-Japanese War. Also, because of the fledgling nature of his empire, Nicholas seized on any attempt to boost Wakesburg's image. He sent troops into the Balkans in 1910 and 1912 during the two Balkan Wars, gaining experience for his Imperial Army and prestige for his nation. It was around this time that Emperor Nicholas I and Emperor Franz Josef of 19th Century Austria entered into a defense alliance.

World War I

By 1914, The Empire was a small, powerful nation. It had secured the region it occupied with a marriage alliance with the Grand Duke of Southern Romagna, creating the region of Romagna Wakesburg. This, coupled with the Austrian Alliance made Wakesburg the major power within the region. In also tied it into the unfolding conflict that started in August of that year. Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, starting a chain of events that led to World War I. At first, the Imperial army was put on alert, while diplomats scoured Europe in an effort to stop the war. The Emperor also tried to stop Austrian Ambitions in Serbia, but it was to no avail, and in January of 1915, Wakesburg entered the war on the side of the Central Powers.


By the beginning of 1918, it was clear that Germany and 19th Century Austria were spent forces. The stalemates had taken its toll, and although the unrestricted submarine campaigns of Germany were having some success, the involvement of the United States quickly killed any ambitions of victory. Wakesburg, have thus far contented itself with only skirmishes, maneuvered its way to the dominant force in the Central Powers. It, along with the nations of Romagna Wakesburg, fearing the ransacking of their nations, decided to surrender in November. Emperor Nicholas I personally negotiated a peaceful resolution for Romagna Wakesburg, leaving Germany and 19th Century Austria to their own fate. Eventually, 19th Century Austria was split into various factions, and two remnants joined Romagna Wakesburg. The war had left the Empire in a very powerful position: most of the German Navy, including many U-Boats, had defected, giving the technological secrets of the German Empire to Wakesburg. Because there had been no devastation to Imperial lands, it also meant that there was no economic downturn that characterized the other Central Powers in the post-war years.

Succession and the Depression

In 1924, The Emperor Nicholas died. He was genuinely mourned throughout the Empire. He had formed a viable state from the waring city-states of Eastern Romagna and created a powerful Empire with it. Throughout the year, his son Christian toured the Empire with his father's body, ending with a ceremony in the Great Basilica of St. Constantine in Wakesburg, where Nicholas's body was lain to rest. After the ceremonies were completed and Christian installed on the throne of Wakesburg, he inherited a legacy of statesmanship from his father. He made a mission to the United States of America to secure its good will and tempt American investors into Wakesburg to help develop its resources. These efforts were only partially successful. He also had to handle the new entity of the Soviet Union, which had caused a Communism scare throughout the Empire. He exploited this fear to create a strong base of support for the Emperor, strengthening Imperial control and diminishing representative government. In 1929, the Great Depression in America hit Wakesburg as trade to the New World dried up. The economy, tightly in the hands of the Imperial Government tightened its grip to try to keep the nation afloat. There were wide-spread riots in Nicholagrad and Stargazer, which the army swiftly put down. Christian tried to send out relief efforts, but each met with little results, due mainly to the incompetence of his Finance Minister Shivan Williams. It was at this time he gave himself up to the pursuit of pleasure, including hunting, and it was in 1934 that he was accidentally killed by a brown bear in the hills north of the Capital.

Recovery and World War II

Emperor Christian was interred in the Great Church of St. Constantine next to his father and eldest son, John was crowned. Surnamed "Constantine" for his confirmation name, he set to work restoring the economy of the Empire. He quickly replaced many of the ministers, many having held their office since the days of Nicholas I, with progressive-minded men. Many were considered to be quite liberal by the standards of the Imperial court. There was some speculation that they would advocate the decline of the autocratic government and reinstitute public assemblies. Many people around the world rejoiced in the thought that democracy would take root in on of the most autocratic nations on Earth. They were quickly disappointed. John Constantine was an autocrat through and through, having been raised in the imperial court. His progressives advocated strengthening the autocracy, having the Emperor involved in all aspects of government. This theory, when implemented, bloated the bureaucracy to tremendous size and power. While this complicated the government, it also created more jobs. It also gave John the power to create government agencies, like those of the United States of America at the time, and stabilize the economy. At the time, John was watching the rise of Nazism in Germany. He began to fear Adolf Hitler after meeting him in Nuremberg. Hitler struck him as a sly fox, waiting for the precise moment to strike. John ignored the assurance that came out of Berlin that Wakesburg had nothing to fear and began rearming the military. He used the Wake Dynasty's fortune and invested it all into the modernization of the Army. He also separated the Aeronautics Corp from the Army and created the Imperial Air Corp, sending government funds to help modernize the squadrons. John used whatever tactics he could to get the nobility, traditionally individualistic, to help him in his efforts. He also sent dispatches to Southern Romagna and the other Romagnan Nations to prepare for another war. At the same time, African Wakesburg was placed on military alert in the event that communications between Wakesburg (city) and St. Justiniopolis were broken. When Hitler invaded Poland, Wakesburg was the only nation in Romagna Wakesburg that was in any position to handle any advancing power. At the same time, Hitler also annexed all the fractured Austrian States, including the Romagnan Imperial Austria and 19th Century Austria. John countered by placing troops along the Wakesburg/Austria boarder. At the same time, a Nazi army attacked Trojan Middleville, slaughtering a peasant army of 1000, leading to the legend of the 1000 Trojans which keep spirit alive in the Holy Empire as it fought the Nazis. Wakesburg entered the war on the side of the Allies, leading the joint forces of Romagna Wakesburg in World War II. The Emperor John Constantine personally crossed into occupied Austria at the head of the Great Army of Romagna Wakesburg, forcing out the Nazis in 1944. He was wounded when his tank was damaged by Nazi grenades. He was acting as gunner at the time. This act, while rendering his right leg useless, boosted popularity for the autocracy and led to support for stricter war-time rations. 1944 also saw the Imperial Africa Corp driving out the last Axis army in Africa and support for the invasion of Sicily. In 1945, the Emperor and his tanks rolled into Middleville, signaling an end to Nazi attacks in the Holy Empire.

War's End

At war's end, Wakesburg was recognized by its neighbors as a great nation. It was present at all the post-war proceedings. It was, however, secretly letting capture Nazi scientists into the Empire, promising amnesty in exchange for secrets of Nazi engineering. When, in 1947, this effort was exposed by the new United Nations, many people in Wakesburg stood by their Emperor, claiming they deserved these secrets. When Soviet Russia demanded access to these secrets, Emperor John responded with a simple "No" and displayed his mangled leg. In 1950, Wakesburg and Southern Romagna, along with 19th Century Austria, Imperial Austria, the Confederacy of The Bones of Aru, and Trojan Middleville singed the Treaty of Wakesburg, allowing an official arms race within Romagna Wakesburg to keep outside powers, such as the United States of America or Soviet Russia from interfering with the region. It was also the last act of the Emperor John, as he died three days later of a stroke.

Isolation and the Church

The Emperor Maurice was the eldest of the six children of John Constantine. At twelve, his sister Anna drowned in the fountain of the Imperial Gardens. On his thirteenth birthday, his other sister was fell from her sixth story bedroom window. By the time he was twenty, he had lost another brother to the Civil War in Spain when Wakesburg had sent a token force to counteract Franco's forces. This left Eugenius, aged only a year, and Tiberios. Tiberios Wake was placed at the head of of an Imperial Expeditionary force sent into 19th Century Austria in 1942. He was returning when he was surprised by superior Nazi forces and driven back into Wakesburg. The Nazis followed, and Tiberios was forced to take shelter in an Orthodox Monastery. Pinned down, with most of his men dead, Tiberios took the flag of Wakesburg, bloodstained and tattered, and ran out, weapon in hand. Later stories have him surrounded in holy light,charging headlong into the Nazis, and like an avenging angel, striking down the enemy before being called to God. In reality, he probably scored a lucky shot on the ammunitions truck and was killed in the explosion. After the Treaty of Wakesburg and the Death of John Constantine, Maurice focused on rebuilding the Empire's army. He also had become incredibly religious, even by the standards of Wakesburg. He campaigned to the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople to have Tiberios made a saint, which, in 1955 he was. He also allowed his various ministers to run their offices with little influence from above, leading to a stagnation and corruption within the Imperial Bureaucracy. Maurice also called upon all the churchmen in the Empire and the region to gather in Wakesburg to discuss the nature of God. It was part of a half-conceived plan to reunite the Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant factions. He staged ten of these councils between 1955 and 1970, this becoming, in his mind, his calling. He left the reigns of government in the hands of Eugenius his brother while he continued to try to reunite the churches. He died childless in 1972 after failing to receive support for an eleventh attempt.

Resurrection and the Iron Emperor

During Maurice's reign, the Empire of Wakesburg had become isolated from the region and the world in general. It was one of Eugenius Wake's desires to restore the Empire to its glory in the early 1900s. After his brother was laid to rest next to John and Tiberios in the Great Church, he set out to make his dream come true. He took on the surname of Constantine like his father and reestablished the Empire as a dominant power in Romagna Wakesburg. He also sent economic relief to African Wakesburg in an effort to quell problems there, though it would continue to be a problem until the reign of his grandson, Nicholas II. Eugenius also established the state-run education system, replacing the old system of private academies or communal schooling. He also looked at the economy, which was starting to fail. The reforms of John Constantine had been revolutionary and had recovered the economy, but had never been repealed or reformed. This choked the economy, robbing the private sector of opportunities. Eugenius reformed the government programs and loosened Governmental restrictions, allowing a private sector bases in Arms-Manufacturing, Publishing, and Beef-Based Agriculture to spring up. When Maurice died in 1988, it was suspected that the Soviet Union was responsible. There had been reports that the Kremlin was unhappy about the economic revival that weaken communistic support in Wakesburg, and were determined to undermine recovery wherever possible. After an investigation that concluded poison was the cause of death, the Emperor's body took its place with the other Wake Emperors in the Great Church. His eldest son, Darrell succeeded him. Darrell instantly instigated a purge of all suspected communists in the empire, imprisoning many in mines north of Nicholagrad or creating work-gangs to help build public works. He also took a hard-line approach to the Soviet Bloc, using the Treaty of Wakesburg to bolster his views. He built nuclear weapons and began research into what would eventually be STAR I. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Darrell and American President Bush exchanged messages of congratulations, thanking each others government for bankrupting the Soviets. This angered some members of the former KGB, and they went to Wakesburg, killing the Emperor and his wife in their sleep in 1994.

Southern Romagna and Nicholas II

Darrell's only son, Nicholas, quickly responded, conducting another purge, this time sending his prisoners to the uranium mines in the south. Only then did he have his father placed into the Great Church. At the same time, Grand Duke Alexander III was in Wakesburg to congratulate the new Emperor when word reached him that revolution had swept his country. He quickly returned, only to be imprisoned in his capital of Grand Watchtower. Nicholas responded by sending a rescue force while negotiating with representatives of the new United States of Southern Romagna. His efforts to rescue the Grand Duke create a pretext for war, but Nicholas had already prepared for that contingency. His agents had already located dissidents, and a second revolution took place, creating the new Federation of Southern Romagna, which was less hostile to the Empire.

The December Manifesto and the Modern Empire

When he was was crowned Nicholas II, he was feared by many that he would be his father's son, autocratic and dangerous. While only 18, he knew that his Empire and his father's policy were still living in the Cold War World. In his 1995 December Manifesto, he revolutionized his Empire, creating what many have called a constitutional Autocracy. He dismantled the limited-command economy that Eugenius had established and allowed capitalism to take hold. Nicholas also granted limited rights to his subjects, promising that he would respect their rights. In his 1996 March Manifesto, he also granted the Colony of African Wakesburg limited sovereignty, in an arrangement similar to Canada and Great Britain. In 1997, the Holy Empire of Trojan Middleville, weakened by Wakesburg's economic recovery and continual fratricide among the heirs, collapsed. Nicholas jumped on the opportunity for expansion and dispatched the military to secure the nation, "for the good of the people." He also instituted an economic and social recovery program for the nation. By the end of the year, the Trojans had granted Nicholas the crown of the Holy Trojan Emperor. This had disrupted the balance of power in Romagna Wakesburg, collapsing 19th Century Austria, whcih was split between Imperial Austria, Southern Romagna, the Bones of Aruand Wakesburg.


The official government of the Empire of Wakesburg is an absolute monarchy. In theory, all aspects of the Government stem from the will of the Emperor. In practice, this has lead to the establishment of a massive bureaucracy dominated more by who you know than actual talent. Imperial Decrees are law, although there is the 1995 December Manifesto, which essentially promised the fair treatment of all Imperial citizens by the monarch. Once a month, the Emperor issues a Manifesto, which includes an official statement about the economy, foreign affairs, public policy and major legal issues that may have occurred. It is traditionally followed by a list of each Imperial Decree from the preceding month, followed by a reaffirmation of the divine creed of the Empire: Emperors and Kings under One Sovereign.

Emperors of Wakesburg

The title of Emperor of Wakesburg holds much authority. Aside from controlling just the Empire proper, it also denotes the titular ruler of the Colony of African Wakesburg, Executor of Nicholagrad, the power of Regional Controller of Romagna Wakesburg, and after the dissolution of Trojan Middleville, Holy Trojan Emperor. Currently, it also holds the authority of a UN Regional delegate. Every Emperor has been a Wake and has been crowned by the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Emperors of Wakesburg:

Emperor Nicholas I (ruled 1899-1924) -founder of the Empire, creator of African Wakesburg

Emperor Christian (1924-1934)-son of Nicholas, died during a Hunting Accident

Emperor John Constantine (1934-1950)-Cemented the autocracy during World War II. Personally lead the first army in Austria against the Nazis

Emperor Maurice (1950-1972)-Most devout Emperor, held ten church councils

Emperor Eugenius Constantine (1972-1988)-Maurice's Brother, established a state-run education system, loosened state-control over the private sector

Emperor Darrell (1988-1994)-Iron Emperor, tough on Communism within the Empire, killed by former KGB agents

Emperor Nicholas II (1994-present)-current Emperor, issued a universal reform of the imperial administration under the 1995 December Manifesto

Imperial Council

While in name the Emperor is the head of all departments of government, practicality has given birth to a gigantic bureaucracy. Because an Emperor cannot viably be fully informed on all issues, it falls to him to appoint ministers to keep himself informed and to run the massive bureaucracies. All ministerial decisions must have the Emperor's signature to be considered valid.

Imperial Prime Minister: The Prime Minister holds the position of president of the Imperial Council. He manages the ministers' scheduals and handles the Emperor's meetings with the council. He also is the one who officially represents the council in all offical functions.

Minister of Foriegn Relations: This minister holds the responsiblity for keeping the Emperor informed on the internation situation. He also holds the responsiblity of representing the Empire abroard.

Finance Minister: Chief minister of the Treasury and Exechequer, he is responsible for economic policy advisements to the Empire. Primarily, he drafts economic policies for the Emperor to sign into effect.

Minister of Defense: In charge of defense advisements and military deployments, the Minister also reprents the highest civilian official in the military. He is also the chief administrator of the Imperial Armed Forces.

Minister of Infracstructure: As a position, this minister has the responsibility of monitoring and maintaining the Trans-Empire Highway, the various roadways, the power grid and waste-management system as well as supervising the various local drain and waste-management comissions.

Minister of Argriculture and Green Space: This Minister is in charge of monitoring the conditions and prices of crops within the Empire as well as the creation and maintenence of all Parkland and National Landmarks.

Minister of Internal Affairs: Acts as head of the Secret Police, coordinates the various intelligence agencies within the Empire.

Minister of Labor: Monitors the Labor situation within the Empire.

Religious Minister of Ceremony: Because of the religious nature of the Empire, it is important that church peragetive and ceremonies are monitored and adjusted as needed.



Extensive mining and exploitation of the landscape has left it scarred and barren in many places. This is a result of the heavy industrialization that occurred during the reign of Nicholas I as he tried to compete in the European market. Many of the great forests were clear-cut to create farmland and supply the cities with building materials. The wild Bassett Hounds have since become an endangered species and protected under Imperial Law. Despite continual protesting on the part of Wildlife Activists, the exploitation of the land continues. In recent years, under the 1995 December Manifesto, several swaths of land in the northern reaches of Wakesburg has been set aside for the Bassett Hounds to keep them form disappearing from the Empire.


The empire is a massive swath of territory, composed of many eastern romagnan villages, along with remains of the Holy Empire of Trojan Middleville to the northwest, and parts of the former 19th Century Austria and Imperial Austria to the North and Southeast respectively. This creates enclaves of ethnic populations within the Empire. Imperial efforts to integrate the Austrians has meet with success, while the Trojans staunchly maintain their cultural identity.


Cities within the Empire are sub-divided into four categories: Minor Cities, Major Cities, Imperial Cities, and the Capital. While all cities, regardless of size or classification have an Imperial Palace to house the city administration and the Emperor while he visits and an Orthodox Church, only a few are heavily industrialized, while most serve as epicenters to supply the population with goods and services.

Minor Cities

Minor Cities usually have a light industrial sector, warehouses and storage facilities, along with downtown commercial area with specialty stores, grocery stores and small office buildings. Looped around the cities are traditional neighborhoods and small apartments. The areas surrounding the Minor Cities usually consists of extensive farm land. Most produce is sent into the cities to be passed on to the larger cities throughout the Empire. Notable Minor Cities are South Bond, New Rimini, and Enterprise.

Major Cities

Major Cities usually have a more developed industrial area, large factories and assembly plants, along with large commercial area with high-rise office towers. These cities are connected with the Trans-Imperial Highway System and are heavily populated. They must also have a developed residential region. Ankyrd, Constellation, Augustingrad, Antoniopolis, and Alanople are examples.

Imperial Cities

Imperial Cities are essentially major cities, but have a developed park-system, green spaces, and imperial patronage project. They are the largest cities in the Empire just short of the Capital. Imperial Cities are Stargazer, Nathanelgrad, Middleville, and Nicholagrad.



The people of Wakesburg come from all walks of life. Many have Romagnan ancestors, while others were once citizens of Trojan Middleville or Austrian. Many are cynical, self-centered individuals focused on achieving a personal or family best. The Empire promotes this kind of attitude, concluding that its greatness was achieved solely through individual Wake Emperors. It also serves to neutralize any unified effort to depose the Monarchy.


The Empire has a vested interest in scientific advancement. While the empire has a very mystical outlook as far a ceremonies, its emperors are practical. There has been an effort on the part of the current Emperor to increase military research. This has lead to the creation of 2 meter tall super-soldiers in the military and cloning on extinct animals in the civilian sector. Large amounts of funding went into orbital defense satellites and ground based detection systems called STAR 1.


The peasants of Wakesburg ware loose blouses and baggy jeans traditionally. Homespun clothes are common due to the lack of social programs for the poor. The middle class men, merchants, and land owners traditionally ware two- or three-button suits while the women are adorned with simple black dresses with diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and the like. The aristocracy wear long, flowing, medieval robes for ceremonies. During normal court functions, many wear turtlenecks, polos, or button-up collar shirts with a unique corduroy sports coat called "Wakecoats". Purple and Red are reserved solely for the Wake family.


The Empire of Wakesburg has a diverse private sector economy centered around arms manufacturing, beef-based agriculture, and book publishing industries. The Robinson Farms Conglomerate holds 75% of the cattle ranges throughout Wakesburg, while Riminsky Arms are the primary manufactures of firearms. Their main facility, the Nicholagrad Works, produces 90% of the military's weapons. Wake Publishing holds a monopoly over the book-publishing field and is controlled by the head of the Wake Dynasty. It was created by Nicholas I in an effort to create a literary renaissance in Wakesburg.

Foreign Relations

The Empire has very good relations with most of the nations in Romagna Wakesburg, and holds the UN Representative position in the region. One notable exception is its relationship with the Federation of Southern Romagna. Ever since the collapse of the Grand Duchy, Wakesburg adopted the stance of hostility toward first the United States of Southern Romagna, and indeed were indirectly responsible for its collapse. The new Federation, adopting a less confrontational and conservative attitude toward the Empire, has enjoyed a relaxation of tensions, though many in Wakesburg desire to reinstate the Grand Duke Alexander, who lives in a palace furnished by the Emperor, to his throne.


The Imperial Armed Forces is divided into four divisions: The Imperial Army, Imperial Naval Corp, Imperial Wakesburg Air Corp, and the Experimental Imperial Space Corp.


The Imperial Army is made up of normal recruits and genetically engineered "super soldiers" that handle the security of the Empire and land operations during times of war. an individual unit consists of ten men, a contingent is made up of one hundred, and a legion, commanded by a general, of one thousand. Specialized fields include the Tank Corp, Medical, and the ever-popular technical field of Army intelligence.


The Imperial Naval Corp is made up of two parts: The High Seas Fleet and the Coastal Defense force.The High Seas fleet is composed of several warships that prowl the ocean for pirates, smugglers and enemy ships. They also run the submarine program that acts and intelligence gathering on the other nations of the world. The Coastal Defense Force simply patrols the waters of the shores of Wakesburg to keep illegal immigrants and smugglers out.

Air Corp

The Imperial Wakesburg Air Corp started life as an extension of Army Intelligence. It was expanded during World War I in an effort to counteract the air power of the other great powers. Today's Air Corp is made up of thousands of Jets and is responsible for the maintenance of their Air Craft Carriers.

Imperial Experimental Space Corp

The Space Corp was founded in 1999 by Emperor Nicholas II as an independent arm of the Air Force. Previously, all the nuclear weapons and the space program had been reigned over by the Air Corp. Because of the tremendous amount of technology and resources that the Empire had dumped into STAR I, it was decided that a new branch of the military was needed. So, in the March Manifesto of 1999, the Emperor dedicated funds to form this new branch, giving it control of the orbital defense system and the nuclear arsenal of Wakesburg.