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== List of the Emperors ==
List of Emmitian Emperors
Imperator Severus Augustus – Founder of the Emperor. Pater Patriae. Ruled thirty years.
Imperator Severus Secundus – Emperor in Exile. Ruled three years.
Imperator Pius – Prophet of the Emmitian Religion. Rules twenty years.
Imperator Julianus Anchiseus – United Emmitians and brought up strength. Ruled twenty-one years.
Imperator Julianus Aeneas Augustus – Reconquered and Liberated Emmitia. Ruled nineteen years, ten more in Emmitia.
Imperator Severus Tertius – Treaty with Crusaders. Ruled twelve years.
Imperator Leonitus – Treaty with Elizhians. Ruled nine years.
Imperator Numidion – 1st, Yearof Five Emperors. Ruled twenty days.
Imperator Proelius – 2nd, Year of Five Emperors. Ruled four months.
Imperator Brutus Nicanor – 3rd, Year of Five Emperors. Ruled five months.
Imperator Vepertius – 4th, year of Five Emperors. Ruled two months.
Imperator Veseteru – 5th, Year of Five Emperors. Ruled fifteen years.
Imperator Severus Linguor- Developer of Emmitian language. Ruled twenty five years.
Imperator Lucius Miseror – The Miserable, Third Crusade. Ruled six years.
Imperator Dacianus – Lost much ground to Crusaders. Ruled fourteen years.
Imperator Nuraldinu Augustus – First counterattack against crusaders, retook Sece Emmitia. Ruled thirty years.
Imperator Salaen Augustus – Son of Nuraldinu. Completed conquest. Retook half of Emmitia. Annexed Crusader states. Doubled the size of Emmitia. Honorable and loved. Ruled twenty-eight years.
Imperator Meteron – First Imperator with Emmitian Name. Ruled twelve-years.
Imperator Leceron Nautor – Deflected the Fourth Crusade and the Crusader Armada at the Battle of Vonici. Ships outnumbered twenty to one, but still destroyed the fleet. Died in the final conflict. Ruled five years.
Imperator Yumigon – Gained much ground for Emmitia. Ruled sixteen years.
Imperator Aristaton – Greatest Emperor. Doubled the size of the Empire, universal health care, security for all citizens of the empire, built many temples, theatres, concert halls and museums. Made Emmitia a cultural powerhouse. Encouraged artists and writers. Ruled eighteen years.
Imperator Aristaton Secundus – Chronicler King. Wrote the histories of Emmitia. Ruled thirty-two years.
Imperator Retegon – Reform in the government, combated corruption. Encouraged youth group. Ruled five years.
Imperator Retegon Secundus – Growth of the Military. Purged his enemies and citizens. Many trials. Many deaths. Tyrant. Began the Imperial Civil War. Ruled fifteen years.
Imperator Retegon Tertius – Last of the Retegon dynasty. Lost the Imperial Civil War. Ruled two years.
Imperator Alastor Angelicus – Winner of the Imperial Civil War. Current Emperor. Ruling one year and counting.
329 years in total.

Revision as of 01:59, 13 May 2005

Flag of Emmitia
Motto: Blood Spilled in Liberty and Oppression is Still Blood
[Map URL], or No Map Available Yet
Region Eternal Dimensions
Capital Sece Emmitia
Official Language(s) Emmitian, Imperial Latin, English
Leader Emperor Retegon Tertius
Population 5 million (in NS)
Currency Imperial Leyi 
NS Sunset XML


While the Emmitian Empire is vast and comprises many territories and landmasses, the seat of the Empire itself is based in Sece Emmitia (New Emmitia), on the Emmitian Main. The main itself is an island within the Emmitian Sea. The island is shaped roughly like a comet, with a bulging southern area and a tapering northern area, ending with the Severnaya Tundra and the Hot Zone. The center of the island is mountainous with the exception of the Central Steppe, which dominated the southern-central portion of the island. A ring of mountains in the central-northern area has given rise to a badlands-type existance in that region, and has long been a source of sanctuary for Emmitians. The island is roughly three to four times the size of Madagascar.


Most of the history we have of Emmitia comes from the Emperor Aristaton Secundus and his tireless work recording and chronicaling the history of his nation. Books most used by him were:

Early History of Emmitia

Liberty Crusades

The Elizhian Respublica and Emmitia

The First Revolution

The First Independance War

The Rule of Emmitur

La Petomenon and the Confederacy

The Revolution of Veritsi

The Communist Regime

The Julian Wars

The Imperial Revolution

The Black Crusades

The Liberation of Emmitia

The Early Annals of the Empire

The Chronicals of Emperor Salaen Augustus

The Chronicals of Emperor Nuraldinu

The Chronicals of Emperor Aristaton (The First)

The Early History of Emmitia

The nation to become Emmitia was settled in the year aptly named 0 KG (Keritegon Kisitael [Keh-rai-teh-gohn Kai-sai-tae-el] by the New Montclair Trading Corporation. At first, it was a mining colony, responsible for the plentiful supplies of titanium found in the mountains. With a garrison of 200 Montclair troops in the colonial capitol of Melitopol, piece was kept at a decently low price. For the past century, the New Montclair Trading Corporation had been expanding to become the premier economic power in the region, although it did have some bitter competitors.

Emmitia became vastly more important during the Corporate Wars (23-42 KG). Supplies vital to the New Montclair war effort made the generals realize how vital the island had become. Therefore, the colony grew. However, at the end of the Corporate Wars in 42 KG, the Montclair corporation was nearly bankrupt through twenty years of stagnant warfare which had basically boiled down to wars in the proverbial trenches. The money lavished on Emmitia dried up, and the immigrants who came either perished or emigrated.

It was for fourty years that anarchy broke out in the colonies. With no garrison, the Montclair corporation could not hold its position and impose its will on the colony. Order collapsed. Militias were raised by civil authorities and strongmen and the colony, despite the fact that it was not even a nation, descended into chaos and what could best be described as civil war. At the end of the forty years, New Montclair re-established itself as a power through an invasion in the year 92 KG. Despite the fractured status of the island nation, the strongmen and city-states banded together to turn back the invasion, but they were far too fragile to resist. However, in Emperor Aristaton Secundus' account of the Early Emmitian Histories, he speaks of a resistance leader known as Winniston that to great effect carried on a guerilla war that nearly liberated Melitopol and seized independence for the nation. But it was not to be.

The Liberty Crusades and Second Corporate War

In 114 KG, the Liberty Crusades were launched. Just thirty years prior, the Elizhian Respublica had gained its independence from the corporations. With a fervor for freedom borderlining on fanaticism and religion, the Elizhians took up arms and expanded for thousands of miles in every direction. This culminated in the Second Corporate war. However, while the first was a fight for supremacy among the corporations, it was now a pitched battle between the forces of liberty and that of profit at all costs. For ten years the war dragged on, until the Montclair corporation rallied the fellow companies together to defeat the Republicans at the Battle of Untigum, 125 KG. Aristaton Secundus puts the figures of the war at thirty-eight million military deaths and a respectable amount of civilian deaths.

199 KG saw the re-emergence of the Liberty Crusade. In the Second Liberty Crusade, the Elizhian Respublica returned with vastly superior forces in equipment, training, and morale. Their legions overwhelmed the divisions of the corporations, specifically at Dintei, Pleci, and Gostica. In turmoil, the Montclair company reeled back. The Emmitians took their chance. At the order of Militia Marshal Deshc, the Emmitian people took up arms. They pushed cornered the meager Montclair garrison and tore them to pieces. However, their independence was short lived. In the dusk of the Second Liberty Crusade, the Elizhians invaded Emmitia. A heroic fight was put up by the patriots, but they were overcome and the nation was once more under foreign rule.

The rule of the Elizhians continued for over three-hundred years. Aristaton Secundus comments..

"While our Emmitian brothers may seem to have been beaten and buried by our overseas allies, I can most assuredly say that, as any honorable Emmitian does, he only awaits until a moment of weakness to strike and obtain his freedom."

By this time, the Elizhian Respublica was crumbling. While she desperately attempted to hold together her dominions, the unwieldy size of her bureaucracy and ineffectiveness resulted in the loss of one province after the other to rebel forces. Her troops stretched out and a shadow of the fearless legions of old, they either defected to the rebels (as, chances were, they were as loyal to the local governments as the Respublica and probably racially closer to the locals), were forced into a terrible rout, or simply massacred.

The First Independance War

Ironically, Emmitia was one of the final ones to revolt. This was because the still fractured allegiances from one Emmitian to the other slowed the progress of a unified resistance. However, in the year 521 KG, the leader Emmitur Procaius arose. The son of an Elizhian nun, and therefore a nonperson to the Elizhian government, his mother fled to the colony soon after his birth. According the Emmitian religion, Emmitur’s birth was a virgin, divine one. He was named after the Elizhian patron saint of liberty, Emmitur Kitezh. He was a poor man, and joined the Melitopolite Republican Police at the age of sixteen. From there, he entered the Colonial Militia, where he showed a special aptness of organization and inciting loyalty. Despite the fact that he was born in the Elizhian capitol, he saw himself as Melitopolite, or rather, as a citizen of the entire soon-to-be island nation.

He formed alliances and black market trades with various pirates and rogue nations far from Emmitia, and brought a stream of military-grade weapons into the country. The bloated, overworked Melitopolite police were aware of such occurances, but either supported the upcoming revolution or were simply too overworked to do anything about it. Minor raids were launched, but the police were forced back in firefights in urban warfare.

On August 14th, 521 KG, a message went out over Emmitian Colonial Radio. It was a simple call-in show, but it held a code which brought the Emmitians to arms. Emmitur himself had specified a joke to be told by the caller, and when it was told, the Revolution would begin. It was told just in time, and suddenly the radio went off air. The voice of Emmitur came over the airwaves and told the citizens of the colony to rise up in revolution. That the power plants, media stations, police stations and postal offices all around the colony had just been seized by the revolutionaries. The police were caught off guard. Most surrendered and joined the revolution, others were bayoneted in the streets or shot by firing squad. The only militia contingent to stay loyal to the Elizhian Respublica was surrounded in the Rostovka post office and besieged. The siege lasted two days, whereupon the entire division surrendered.

Meeting in Melitopol, Emmitur and his lieutenants formed the First Emmitian Congress. A proud defender of Republican ideals, Emmitur had envisioned a free land, where citizens would enjoy massive freedom and liberty. There, in the Melitopolite City Forum, they signed the “ACT OF INDEPENDENCE WAR”, formally declaring a war for freedom against Elizhia. Backed up by over three-hundred signatures by sovereign nations, the Republic was formally brought into being. The Elizhian Republic had few troops to fight such a guerilla war, and so signed a document recognizing Emmitia on November 2nd, 521 KG. In the following election, Emmitur was named President for Life.

In the following years, Emmitur ruled well. He established trade and industry. He built infrastructure, roads and railroads. He set up administration and a decentralized government, to guard against an enemy strike. Places of culture sprang up, as Emmitians attended all forms of musical performances, from the most astute to the most pauperish. Emmitia became a prosperous nation of over one-hundred million people. He died peacefully, on his bed, in the year 549 KG. He died in the city named after him, the new capitol of the republic, Emmitia. The nation also took up this name, in honor of their hero.

La Petomenon and The Confederation

However, his republic did not last long afterward. The weak, ineffectual congress, used to relying on the leadership and power of Emmitur, collapsed. The stronger members of the congress went to their own cities and consolidated their power. The more ambitious of the military leaders broke their army groups away from the decentralized power of the remainder of centralization, and brought them back to their own cities. With arms and armor, they forged their own city states out of the country, carving out their little pieces of land and cities from the landscape. It was not long before war erupted.

Emmitians remember this time as the La Petomenon, Emmitian for The Violence. There was not one year when one of the petty lords of the cities all around had declared war on one another. Armies met in the field and often both returned in tatters to their nurses. Some cities were wiped off the map. Others were created by refugees fleeing from the conflict. There was an unspoken agreement of total war. Civilians were not off-limits and were often bombed into dust by opposing air forces, if they were unlucky enough to be against a city-state with an airforce. Gaining and holding strength by sheer military force alone, the generals (sategonte) of the cities were pure dictators. They bolstered their armies through violent conscription and took families apart without compunction. The Emmitians had settled into a period of bloodshed, violence, conflict and above all total war that would last for nearly two-hundred years.

In the year 755 KG, the Elizhian Respublica saw its chance to re-annex Emmitia. It had been recently reconquering the provinces one by one by one and assembled the Seventh Liberty Crusade. It was to be the final Elizhian hope of Empire.

On the day of April 22nd, 755 KG, Elizhian forces dropped from the skies. There was not, over one city, the sun shining due to all of the Elizhian troops participating in the airborne invasion. Most generals did not fight, but feel back to easily defensible positions. The leader of Rostovka, however, Marshal Ernst Weiss, personally led his own army against the invading Elizhians. Amazingly, they fell back and were sent into a rout, from which they were followed and massacred. He sent embassies to the neighboring city states, telling them of his victory. They brought their armies under his banner for now. Pulling back from their cities, they joined Weiss’ armies on the march. There they merged into a single military force. Troops from all around Emmitia joined, and the numbers swelled. The numbers of tanks took up entire fields at night, and on the march, the army would stretch for nearly fifty miles if a mere section of it were seen.

By now, the Elizhians had formed up as well. Their general, Posusco, had thought this to be an easy-won victory. With all of the Crusade strength behind him, how could he lose? But, on the night of May 12, Weiss’ wholly Emmitian army surprised the Elizhians in camp. With an armored charge that could only be possibly compared to in scale to Napoleon’s at Waterloo or to Darius’ at Gaugamela, the entire armed force of the Elizhians was wiped out, most without a fight. The quick tanks of Emmitia continued to surround the camp. The united airforces of Emmitia pummeled the camp with bombs. Soldiers built foxholes to try and hide, but it was to no avail. Most of the food in the camp had been destroyed, and supplies were nearly spent. Numerous attempt to charge the Emmitian troops, who had dug in around the camp, failed miserably. There were few days where the cannons did not roar with fire and fury as they dropped explosive shells like rain down onto the ground. Smoke covered the ground like fog. The dirt was scorched and sand had been melted into shards of glass by the intense fire.

One week later, May 19th, Weiss ordered the assault. Innumerable amounts of soldiers arose from their trenches and charged into the camp. The artillery hushed. Tanks also charged in at key points, and took out the few cannons and tanks left. The Elizhian troops, without any sort of ammunition or will to fight left, surrendered. Posusco handed over his sword. With it, his head was cut off and sent to the Elizhian Prime Minister with the note attached:

“When you next invade our nation, get someone with a stronger neck.”

The Countercrusades and the Fall of Elizhia

The Emmitians from here roused the newly conquered nations of Elizhian into rebellion. In a counter crusade of amazing scale and ferocity, the Emmitians lept from one nation to the other, liberating them. They pushed the Elizhian army to the gates of the capitol, which was only spared after the Elizhians gave a formal, unconditional surrender to the nations united against them, let by the sovereign state of Emmitia. In the surrender, it was stated the Elizhia was never to gain an armed force over the strength of one-hundred thousand, fifty tanks, and absolutely no supply apparatus allowing an army to fight abroad. The Elizhians resigned their dreams of glory, like the days of their height after the first three Liberty Crusades. However, in the final battle, Weiss himself was killed. Panic struck the camp. Soldiers were not sure who to follow anymore, and did not take commands from their original generals. In the confusion, however, Erwin Weiss walked forward and pulled the ring off of his dead father’s finger. He stood in front of the troops and gave a speech rallying them:

“ Citizens of the nation of Emmitur. Your leader has been killed in battle and has died gloriously, though his cause seems to have died with him, based on your attitudes. You have stopped fighting and have let the Elizhians recover. We must remember now that we are here to end the Elizhian menace from ever harming our wives or children ever again, and we have the forces of fifty and nine nations at our back. We have the largest army ever assembled since the Corporate Wars, and yet we halt before the gates of our foe because we grieve over our leader. Well, I am his son, and Emmitur willing, I have some of the traits that made him great. Will you follow me to deliver the deathblow to this plague upon our home, and to bring peace to our world?”

The soldiers cheered. Once more they were united under a single leader and they, under his lead, charged the Elizhian Presidential Palace, which was outside the capitol proper. It took fifteen minutes to capture. Prime Minister Vosim was taken prisoner, and surrendered the nation of Elizhia in unconditional surrender.

The troops returned home from campaign to the cheers of their wives, children, and those who stayed home. Erwin Weiss took his position in Melitopol, the old capitol. It was his son that would re-unite Emmitia.

Erick Weiss was born just a year after the Grand Campaign, in 760 KG. Taking over the proud, and respectable military force of Melitopol, he sought to re-unite Emmitia. To become another Emmitur. He struck north towards his grandfather’s old city of Rostovka, and subdued it. However, the cities of Caracalla and Numidus united against them. In a terrible battle, Erick Weiss was defeated and forced back to Melitopol. Refusing to chase him into his home country, the enemy withdrew. Knowing that he could not unite Emmitia under military strength, he would do so with diplomacy. So he formed a web of alliances.

From Urok in the north to Akhaten in the south, soon all of the major cities were united behind him in diplomacy. The minor cities soon followed. Meeting in Melitopol, the delegates from all of the major cities signed the Confederate Constitution. Finally, after two hundred year, Emmitia was at peace. The confederation lived largely without incident, until the later years. It prospered, and soon the name of Emmitian scholars, artists, writers, playwrights, craftsmen and theorists became known throughout the land as one of the bests. Emmitia had turned her swords into plowshafts and set aside war for the moment.

It was in 921 KG that the Confederacy began to collapse. The loose confederation was splitting apart again. Diplomatic relations ceased, or rather, became unregulated by the Melitopolite central government. Without any overwatching force in Emmitia, the leaders of the city-states proceeded to slavery for their own ends. Literally, if one was not a soldier, one became a laborer. The universities were farmed for logistics and the more sensitive matters of the military, or were sent for the more education-demanding jobs, such as architect or engineer.

It was about this time that the Emmitian Worker’s Party arose. Espousing rights for the proletariat and equality for all, they attracted many numbers of citizens who were tired of their leaders and their brutal ways. The headquarters in Akhaten received hundreds of letters from soldiers and generals alike professing their alliance to the cause of proletarian liberty. Though it did not act.

Next update - Communist Revolution, Julian Wars

List of the Emperors

List of Emmitian Emperors

Imperator Severus Augustus – Founder of the Emperor. Pater Patriae. Ruled thirty years.

Imperator Severus Secundus – Emperor in Exile. Ruled three years.

Imperator Pius – Prophet of the Emmitian Religion. Rules twenty years.

Imperator Julianus Anchiseus – United Emmitians and brought up strength. Ruled twenty-one years.

Imperator Julianus Aeneas Augustus – Reconquered and Liberated Emmitia. Ruled nineteen years, ten more in Emmitia.

Imperator Severus Tertius – Treaty with Crusaders. Ruled twelve years.

Imperator Leonitus – Treaty with Elizhians. Ruled nine years.

Imperator Numidion – 1st, Yearof Five Emperors. Ruled twenty days.

Imperator Proelius – 2nd, Year of Five Emperors. Ruled four months.

Imperator Brutus Nicanor – 3rd, Year of Five Emperors. Ruled five months.

Imperator Vepertius – 4th, year of Five Emperors. Ruled two months.

Imperator Veseteru – 5th, Year of Five Emperors. Ruled fifteen years.

Imperator Severus Linguor- Developer of Emmitian language. Ruled twenty five years.

Imperator Lucius Miseror – The Miserable, Third Crusade. Ruled six years.

Imperator Dacianus – Lost much ground to Crusaders. Ruled fourteen years.

Imperator Nuraldinu Augustus – First counterattack against crusaders, retook Sece Emmitia. Ruled thirty years.

Imperator Salaen Augustus – Son of Nuraldinu. Completed conquest. Retook half of Emmitia. Annexed Crusader states. Doubled the size of Emmitia. Honorable and loved. Ruled twenty-eight years.

Imperator Meteron – First Imperator with Emmitian Name. Ruled twelve-years.

Imperator Leceron Nautor – Deflected the Fourth Crusade and the Crusader Armada at the Battle of Vonici. Ships outnumbered twenty to one, but still destroyed the fleet. Died in the final conflict. Ruled five years.

Imperator Yumigon – Gained much ground for Emmitia. Ruled sixteen years.

Imperator Aristaton – Greatest Emperor. Doubled the size of the Empire, universal health care, security for all citizens of the empire, built many temples, theatres, concert halls and museums. Made Emmitia a cultural powerhouse. Encouraged artists and writers. Ruled eighteen years.

Imperator Aristaton Secundus – Chronicler King. Wrote the histories of Emmitia. Ruled thirty-two years.

Imperator Retegon – Reform in the government, combated corruption. Encouraged youth group. Ruled five years.

Imperator Retegon Secundus – Growth of the Military. Purged his enemies and citizens. Many trials. Many deaths. Tyrant. Began the Imperial Civil War. Ruled fifteen years.

Imperator Retegon Tertius – Last of the Retegon dynasty. Lost the Imperial Civil War. Ruled two years.

Imperator Alastor Angelicus – Winner of the Imperial Civil War. Current Emperor. Ruling one year and counting.

329 years in total.


The Emmitian alphabet is, first of all, syllabic. That is, no sound can exist without a consonant and a vowel. Therefore, the exact spelling of “llama” would be possible to express in Emmitian characters. The Emmitian consonants are..

K S T N H M Y R W N (Nasal) V P J F L C G TS

The Emmitian vowel are the same as in English – A, E, I, O, U. The sounds expressed by the vowels are..

A – Long ‘A’ (such as the a in ALE) when the firs character or in the middle of a word. At the end, it is a short ‘a’, such as in all.

E – Long “E”, such as with the English double e. (mEEt)

I – Long I, as in (t-IE). When at the end of a word, except in declensions, it is barely pronounced, and is more like an extension of the previous sound rather than one to itself.

O – Short o, such as in the English “out.”

U – Long o, as in fOOd.

The Emmitian consonants sounds are..


S: - Note, some special rules, see end.::: SAE (SAH), SHEE, SHAI, SOH, SHOO:::














C: - Special Rules, see below. CAE (CAH, CHAEU, CHA), CHYE, CHAI, CHU (CU):::



S: The consonant S is pronounced the same as in English only with the vowels A and O. Otherwise, it is pronounced as an SH. And, at the end of the word with either I, E, or U, the vowel is silent and the word is ended with SH.

C: "C" is by far the most troublesome of the Emmitian consonants. Before the vowel A, it is pronounced the same as a K, except when the vowel symbol ahead of it has an I or an E. When the those vowels are put ahead of it, the C is pronounced CH, and the vowel A is transformed into a pronunciation phoeneticized as eau when in front of E and as a a more simple CHA when in front of I. When placed with the vowel E and I, it also becomes a CH sound, although with E it becomes ye, to make the sound Chye. With I, it stays as CH to become CHAI. However, at the end of words with the vowel I, the vowel is silent and the word is simply read ending with a CH. It stays as CO with O. When placed with the vowel U, it transformed into a CH sound, to create the sound CHU in the middle or beginning of a word, but at the end of the word, it is read as CU.

Nouns and Declensions

Emmitian has declensions similar to Latin. There are three declensions. Even though there is no gender in Emmitian, the words feminine, neuter and masculine will be used for simplification.

1st Declension – Feminine, ending with a vowel A

La nesicu – In Example Declension List

		Emmitian noun TISARA (Girl) used.






2nd Declension – Masculine: Ending with I, E, U

La nesicu – In Example Declension List Emmitian noun PIROKAZHU (Emperor) used.






3rd Declension – Neuter: Ending with O, sometimes E or I.**

La nesicu – In Example

Declension List Emmitian noun SERATO (Sailor) used.






  • – The apostrophe signifies that the I is pronounced, but just barely. It is almost an extension of the TS, rather than a separate sound.
    • - Except in the nominative (first line) of the neuter declension, the vowel at the end of the word is taken out of the word when it it declined.

Prepositional case

When a noun is used in conjunction with a preposition, the word goes into the prepositional case. The prepositional case is simply a noun without any sort of declension.

For example: La nesicu

La – in Nesicu – Example

Normally, nesicu would be declined according to the 2nd declension. However, since it is accompanied with the preposition la (in), it is placed into the prepositional case. A few prepositions include..

English Emmitian








On--------------La (Same as in)




The Emmitian word NU is used to signify a negative with a verb. (I didn’t go to the store, didn’t would be the negative.)

Adjective case

When a word is used as an adjective, a special ending is added to it.

Recusu – Traitor.

Recusem – Traitorous

Note: When one wants to make a noun negative, such as to emphasize a the opposite of a trait, one adds nu to the beginning of the word. When one wants to emphasize a complete lack of something, you add “dininu”.

Tumepesite – Faith

(There is no word unfaith)

Tumepesitem – Faithful

Nutumepesitem – Unfaithful.

Dininutumepesitem – Faithless.


Su One

Ku Two

Tu Three

Ne Four

Ru Five

Lu Six

Fu Seven

Ma Eight

Wu Nine

Sare Ten


Emmitian verbs are almost algebraic in nature. There is no imperative form, but rather they are known by three consonants. As children’s and foreigner’s textbooks are written in Imperial Latin, they are able to be expressed.

La nesicu – VLR (To love)

There are three vowels that have to be filled in. Each of the vowels will stand for a part of the verb. The first vowel, after the V, stands for the person and the number of people doing the action. The second vowel determines the state of the verb, whether it is polite or informal, and the final vowel determines the tense of the verb.

1st vowel – Person and number

A – I ela - We E – You ele – You (pl) I – He/she/it ile – They

2nd vowel – Formal, informal

E – Informal U – Formal

3rd vowel – Tense A – Present E – Past I – Future O – Imperfect Ate – Future perfect Eti – Imperfect singular Etite – Imperfect plural

The use of the word AND

The word AND is called an enclitic in the Emmitian language. It is attached to the end of the word that is described by the “and.”

He went to the store, and to the bar.

In Emmitian, the AND between the store and bar would be attached to the end of BAR.

He went to the store, to the bar-and.

The word in Emmitian which means AND is Sice.


Emmitian is a SOV (Subject-Object-Verb) language. The subject comes first, the person who does the action, the object comes second, the person the verb is happening to, and the verb finishes the sentence or the thought.

I went to the store. – English syntax.

I to the store went. – Emmitian syntax.