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(The Slynex)
(The Slynex)
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===The Slynex===
===The Slynex===
<center> http://aa.1asphost.com/binnsy/Bynzekistan/Slynex.jpg </center>
<center> http://aa.1asphost.com/binnsy/Bynzekistan/Slynex_in_flight_sm.jpg </center><BR><CENTER>A pack of Slynex in flight over the mountains of western Cadarun.</CENTER>
The majestic Slynex is Bynzekistan's national animal. Native and exclusive to the mountainous province of ~Weron and the Western parts of Cadarun, the Slynex resembles a large dragon, but is covered in a layer of thick, warm fur, and is able to fly over very long distances at high altitudes. Slynexs are pack animals, however some have been domesticated by the traditional Larylen landowners of Western Cadarun.
The majestic Slynex is Bynzekistan's national animal. Native and exclusive to the mountainous province of ~Weron and the Western parts of Cadarun, the Slynex resembles a large dragon, but is covered in a layer of thick, warm fur, and is able to fly over very long distances at high altitudes. Slynex are pack animals, however some have been domesticated by the traditional Larylen landowners of Western Cadarun.

Revision as of 09:20, 6 November 2005

Flag of Bynzekistan
Motto: "Liberalism through a firm grip on reality."'
Bynzekistan, Ancient Tolacor Cartograph
Region Volinoria
Capital Bynzek City
Official Language(s) Liranocunì
Leader President Georgi Bynschev
Population 2,500,000,000
Currency Zeki 
NS Sunset XML


The Supreme Council of Bynzekistan

The Supreme Council of Bynzekistan was first convened in the lavishly appointed Council Chambers in Bynzek City on September 1, 2004, and reconvenes every fortnight to discuss matters of national and international significance. The Council comprises twenty members, including the Grand Chancellor and several representatives from each of the major government departments, including the Bynzekistan Department of Defence (BDD), the Bynzekistan Intelligence Service (BIS), the Bynzekistan Space Agency (BSA) and the Bynzekistan Environmental and Agricultural Authority.



Originally known as the land of Tolacor, Bynzekistan was formally recognised on NationStates on August 12, 2004. It now has a population in excess of 2.5 billion people and continues to grow. The nation's current leader, President Georgi Bynschev has been in power since the Supreme Council's inception and continues to be the driving force behind the nation's policies and economy.


Bynzekistan's early history began with the merging of three very different species. The first were the Moruk (known in some historical sources as the Corunor), a short, stocky people who preferred to live underground, known for being hardworking labourers and expert builders, with a strong sense of nobility and warrior-like determination. The second species were the Larylen (also known as Miradu), a middleweight, human-like race known for their endurance, formidable strength and craftsmanship. The final species were the Romani (also known as Dimani), a tall, slender and graceful people who inhabited several beautiful cities in the forests and underwater.

It remains unclear what the definite reason was for these three species to come together and form one society. Some speculate that there was a single person (some romantic historians believe it was an impoverished Larylen) who united the three species, with a vision for a Utopian nation. Others postulate that resources were scarce, and the leaders of all three species believed it was only by joining together that survival could be ensured.

Whatever the reason, Bynzekistan stands today as a proud nation. The National Museum in Bynzek City pays homage to the heritage of all citizens. Over the centuries, the three species have interbred, forming a definitive Bynzeki body type. However, groups of pure-breed Moruks, Larylens and Romani still inhabit about twenty underground tunnel networks, cultivated pockets of Bynzeki wilderness and a few forest and underwater cities.

In a landmark decision, the government severed all diplomatic ties with these tribal remnants, on the insistence of the leaders of the tribes themselves. These groups are now self-sufficient, and show no signs of deterioration at all. The Bynzeki government acknowledges their existence, and the offer for help remains open if needed, but in the interests of preservation the groups are left to fend for themselves.

The Resurrection

On September 30, 2005, Bynzekistan's government inexplicably vanished. Not one member of the Supreme Council could be found in their quarters, none of them attended their daily meals and meetings, timetables and schedules went unadhered-to. Though daily life went on for the billions of citizens of Bynzekistan, their leaders and administrators were out of home, office, indeed out of existence.

It was later revealed by a government spokesperson that the Supreme Council of Bynzekistan had gone on a silent strike. Dissatisfied with the status quo, including salaries, fringe benefits and fuel allowances, the entire Council had flown out of the country under cover of darkness to an undisclosed location, where they stayed for several weeks.

On October 22, the Mayor of Bynzek City managed to get hold of the Councillor for Public Works on his mobile phone. He then implored him (in a grand speech of no less than 4 hours in length - the call is rumoured to have cost the Telecommunications Ministry over 500 zekis) to return to Bynzek City and take over the reins of the nation once more.

The Councillor for Public Works rallied the rest of the Council and they returned home, officially re-convening the Supreme Council on Tuesday, October 25, 2005.

This fiasco, and the eventual reinstatement of the Bynzeki government, has become known as "The Resurrection".

National Symbols

The Flag of Bynzekistan


The flag of Bynzekistan comprises three distinct sections. The left portion's background is dark blue, and consists of the constellation of the Tree, which can be seen in most regions of Bynzekistan on a clear night. The Tree consists of twelve stars, representing the twelve provinces of Bynzekistan. The middle portion has a crimson background, and proudly displays the Slynex, Bynzekistan's national animal. The right portion also has a dark blue background, and its three stars represent the original races of the land of Tolacor.

The Bynzekistan National Anthem

The Bynzekistan National Anthem was composed almost a century ago by a little-known Romani songwriter. It is traditionally sung in Liranocunì, and its name in that language is Mo Midorì, A'Cador, meaning "Three Peoples, One Land". The following is a literal English translation.

Three different peoples, three different names,
Yet under the banner, united became.
No longer Moruk, Larylen, or tall Romani,
Now proud to be Bynzekistani.
Our great and marvellous nation,
How tall and wondrous, triumphant you stand,
Upholding the rights of liberty,
And always defending our beautiful land.
Let we your people be loyal
To the laws our forefathers laid down,
And forever will we be content
In this great land, Bynzekistan.
And forever will we be content
In this nation Bynzekistan.

The Slynex


A pack of Slynex in flight over the mountains of western Cadarun.

The majestic Slynex is Bynzekistan's national animal. Native and exclusive to the mountainous province of ~Weron and the Western parts of Cadarun, the Slynex resembles a large dragon, but is covered in a layer of thick, warm fur, and is able to fly over very long distances at high altitudes. Slynex are pack animals, however some have been domesticated by the traditional Larylen landowners of Western Cadarun.


The basic language of Bynzekistan is Liranocunì, a strange and beautiful language that is Romantic in style and very nearly poetic. The three ancient species of Tolacor all speak in varying dialects of the language, but in the major townships and cities a generic and modernised version of the language has been agreed upon.

Liranocunì is comprised of fifteen characters. These are: a, c, d, h, i, l, m, n, o, r, t, u, w, ~w, ng.

Some basic Liranocunì words are:

mir - light
bor - dark
noviran - child
niar - water
lirunai - sing
vanit - face
miridor - tongue
miruli - princess
rodu - mountain
rotalan - ravine

The true nature and origins of the language are shrouded in mystery, and parts of speech not defined in the ancient texts of the Larylen and Romani have been either omitted or improvised.

Climate and Geography

Bynzekistan is in a moderate climatic zone. The temperature ranges from around 15-20°C in the winter to around 30-35°C in the summer. In the Northern realms temperatures can drop to below -25°C in the coolest months.

Bynzekistan comprises several land masses and archipelagoes. The two largest regions, Cadomir and Cadarun, are connected by a landbridge several hundred kilometres wide. The southwestern regions Hidura and Nimiara are famous for their seasonal deluge of rain. The capital Bynzek City is located in a geographically central location, on an island amongst the northern atolls of Nimolu.

Historic Figures

Georgi Bynzschev

Born August 17, 1941, the son of Alexandr Bynschev and a seamstress, Georgi Rufinschky Bynschev's early life is shrouded in mystery and speculation. However, he began studies at the Bynzeki School of Law and Academia in 1962. He graduated seven years later and entered public service. He became Minister for Economical Affairs in 1970 and held this position until his swearing-in as President in June, 1991.

Perhaps Bynschev's most famous and renowned policy was the revolutionary Telemarketing Prohibition Act of 2002. Never before had the citizens of Bynzekistan been given such political, legal and constitutional freedom. The most important clause of the Act read as follows: It is hereby decreed that all citizens of Bynzekistan shall have the right and responsibility, upon being unnecessarily accosted by a representative from a telemarketing institution, to use whatever means necessary to bring about the death or incarceration of said representative. This right and responsibility is bestowed with the authorisation of the President himself.

Bynzschev lives in the Administrative Quarter of Bynzek City with his wife and four children.

Christopher Tanilor

Elected Mayor of Bynzek City on August 12, 1998, Christopher Novilar Tanilor's father was a Larylen, his mother a Romani. Tanilor is theatrical, eccentric, thoughtful, hardworking and considerate and is very popular among the citizens of Bynzekistan's capital.

Notable achievements include the Nature Preservation Decree (2000), which protects the city's parklands and natural environment from commercial and residential development and the establishment of the Regional Connections Summit, which aims to bring regional delegates together to discuss matters of importance. The first Summit was held in December 2002, and was a great success.

Tanilor attracted international attention in 2005 for his involvement in the sequence of events that became known as "The Resurrection". After the entire Supreme Council of Bynzekistan went on a silent strike, a phone call from Tanilor was the catalyst that led to the Council's reconvention.

Lihodar Ronam Roncor

Battleseer Roncor was a great Moruk commander who fought during the Tolacorì Civil War (dates unknown, best estimates around 10,000 years ago). His account of the War from the Moruk perspective has become one of the most priceless artifacts amongst historical circles. The geographical details of his account remain a mystery, however the invention of a weapon known as cormud by the Romani is chronicled with frightening detail.

In the latter parts of ... the Dimani developed cormud, the tool of change in the war. By combining pure duviam taken from Danedor with a helium/granite compound, a massive explosion was caused. This explosion suspended gravity for a period of 40 minutes, rendering anyone still alive within 1000 land lengths completely helpless... A triple batch of cormud was manufactured and sent to Raimu from Caminhul in a small metal cargo ship... The tremendous explosion killed 7,820 Corunor, 3,450 Miradu and 4,800 Dimani. More than 50,000 warriors were seriously injured.

The tattered surviving fragments of Roncor's account of the Tolacorì Civil War are on display in the National Museum in Bynzek City. Ronam Roncor went on to become a Moruk delegate on the Council that was formed after a ceasefire was called. The Council lasted twenty years until the delegates gradually drifted apart. The three species would remain disunited until the Supreme Council was formed some 10,000 years later.


Visit the blog of Bynzekistan's Prime Minister: Binnsy's Hovel

Bynzekistan on NSTracker

Bynzekistan on NSEconomy