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By about 2020, there was a mainly Eshirian run nation, called the Republic of Kyanges. (Kyanges's initial name in NS, when he was still MT.) It was a small and un-noteworthy nation somewhat similar to Taiwan. While the details are sketchy at best, it is believed that sometime in early 2021 of the Terran Calendar, a small group of time travelers from the future Kyanges state had decided to come to the past, and jumpstart the Eshirian Nation into launching into space. Using a primitive FTL drive technology the citizens had set off in colony ships, set off searching for a new home once again. After a short three years, a long range scout from the Eshirian Sovereignty, which was founded by those who had refused to settle on Earth all those years ago, bumped into the ships, and from there, the split race had once again become one. The day this happened is known as the day of the “Second Ascension.”.
By about 2020, there was a mainly Eshirian run nation, called the Republic of Kyanges. (Kyanges's initial name in NS, when he was still MT.) It was a small and un-noteworthy nation somewhat similar to Taiwan. While the details are sketchy at best, it is believed that sometime in early 2021 of the Terran Calendar, a small group of time travelers from the future Kyanges state had decided to come to the past, and jumpstart the Eshirian Nation into launching into space. Using a primitive FTL drive technology the citizens had set off in colony ships, set off searching for a new home once again. After a short three years, a long range scout from the Eshirian Sovereignty, which was founded by those who had refused to settle on Earth all those years ago, bumped into the ships, and from there, the split race had once again become one. The day this happened is known as the day of the “Second Ascension.”.

Latest revision as of 00:17, 19 November 2005

Flag of Kyanges
Motto: Enlight, Rinse, Repeat
No map yet
Region Uberasia
Capital Sapherion Prime
Official Language(s) Ashir
Leader Ki Menoshi
Population 2.08 Billion+
Currency The Ki 
NS Sunset XML

The Enlightened Sovereignty of Kyanges is also known as the Eshirian Sovereignty. As it stands today, the Eshirian Sovereignty is at the height of its development. Founded in the equivalent of roughly 7,000 BC through the union of nations from a shattered world, the Sovereignty has endured countless wars throughout its history, with the Sovereignty itself, forged in war. Its people are highly educated and from birth, are instilled with a strong will, sense of morals, and desire to serve for the greater good of the people. Through simple genetic manipulation, and advanced medical technology, the average citizen has an average expected lifespan upwards of 3,000 years. Also through these technologies, each citizen of the ES also has limited psionic ability along with unparalleled physical and mental fitness which brings an added level of sophistication, work ethic, and discipline to the culture of the Sovereignty that is truly unique.

Much of the credit for establishing many of the seemingly utopian aspects of the ES, such as zero crime, a desire for peace, advanced technology, an incorrupt leadership, and a love of knowledge and enlightenment can be given to the first Emperor in the Imperial Age. The ES has been thrown back in terms of technological development many times, either through war, or one of the few “Stupid Ages” of Eshirian History. Were it nor for these few times of hardship, the Eshirian Sovereignty would be no less than Gods in the Modern Era.

Kyanges (The Eshirian Sovereignty) is a Future Tech nation while Kyanges itself originally began as a Modern Tech Nation.

Being a future tech nation, Kyanges is made up of many Systems.


The people of the Eshirian Sovereignty hold life, peace, and science all in high regard. Although religion is allowed, there are hardly any devout citizens in the ES. Throughout Eshirian history, there have been several bloody crusades as a new fanatical leader would attempt to convert all into their faith. After about the 300th crusade during the imperial age, religion was banned, and the citizens were brainwashed into the Yen Ideals. Nearly 7,000 years after the imperial age, religion had been reintroduced, although due to various cultural changes, there were hardly any converts, a condition which remains to this day.

Entertainment for the people of the Sovereignty comes in the form of various sports, HoloCasts, scattered PsiBars (Imagine people getting high off of each others Psi energy…), and above all, Anti-Gravity racing. One visiting various worlds in the ES would find the people rather open on matters pertaining to sex, race, or other issues considered taboo, or indecent to speak of in modern times here on Earth. The people are also very open minded and accepting, preferring reason over any immediate judgment, or irrational actions. The children of the ES are also among the most intelligent in the region, and are even capable of constructing a replicator or an AG drive by the age of 7.

Thanks to the incredibly long life-span of the average citizen, and the population's somewhat easy going regard towards sex, overpopulation and overcrowding in urban areas has begun to increase in severity, although thanks to recent purchases in the Galactic Real-estate, the issue is likely to fall from the media’s ever critical attention soon. Immigration is a fairly simple and short process as only a simple brain scan is required to determine one’s history, and other records, including what is the purpose of their visit.


All the Citizens of the ES share a common language, although thanks to various historical projects, older languages used before the unification of the Kyanges and Eshirian nations have been preserved and are used in everyday life. Like any other language, the Common language is sometimes spoken in differing accents varying from region to region however the language and the writing itself remain largely unchanged. Aliens visiting the ES are given Universal Translators loaded with 7 million of the most commonly spoken alien dialects to facilitate their visit.


Since it's creation, the Eshirian Sovereignty has always had a strong democratic tradition. Presidential candidates are allowed to run based on stringent qualifications. The Government has always been quick and efficient in its actions and clean in it's methodology. It is a Government based on strong ideals that have been established from the Yen Ideals, (The Great Awakening) and a commitment to upholding them. The power of President of the Sovereignty is always held in check by various balances, and assures that under no circumstances may any one person, party or group may ever be given full power over the Government.


The Economy of the Sovereignty benefits greatly from a bustling and robust industry, and an advanced technologies sector. At the moment, the strength of the economy is the highest it has ever been, and seems poised to grow even stronger. In the past, the economy was set in a very rigid and rather sluggish government controlled environment, with little to no growth in any sectors. After a gradual and carefully planned series of steps which introduced greater freedom and a more open market to businesses, the growth was phenomenal, and the purchasing power parity of the nation jumped to remarkable levels, with many goods that were previously unattainable now were available including certain many advanced technologies that furthered the economic growth of the Sovereignty.


Industry in the Sovereignty is highly developed, with several worlds devoted entirely to the manufacturing of goods and supplies. Various words have also been completely transformed into ship manufacturing plants. While this may give the impression that the Sovereignty can churn out ships like the little toys in those 25 cent machines, this is entirely false. Every single vessel in the ES fleet is highly advanced, and incredibly sophisticated, often taking nearly a decade to complete. As such, the ships of the fleet are relatively few in number, but superbly built, every bulkhead, and weld built to exacting specifications. Such precision is present throughout every industry in the Sovereignty, from the hover cars to the toilets, and continues to be a source of pride for the government and its citizens.

Eshirian Techs and Specs

Eshirian Technology is among to most advanced in the galaxy, and quite possibly the universe. While Eshirians are rarely caught even thinking such arrogant thoughts, history has proven time and time again that Eshirian technology, and simple ingenuity have been their saving grace on countless occasions

To the right is a link for an offsite database on: Eshirian Techs and Specs

Eshirian Planetary Systems

Of the many worlds of the Sovereignty, there are some that manage to make a distinct impact unlike any other. From the Home Worlds, to the “Vegas” of space, there is a planet for nearly every quality under the Universe’s ambient radioactive glow.

To the right is a link for a quick list of stats and general info on major: Eshirian Worlds

The Eshirian Military


The Eshirian Military is a powerful force. One that utilizes some of the most advanced technologies ever conceived. Its Soldiers, and Commanders were all trained and conditioned to the highest degree. It defended the old Sovereign Interstellar Republic until its collapse after 3,000 years of loyal, and unwavering service. Nearly 150,000 years later, after the Eshirian Sovereignty rose in its place, the new military continues that proud tradition of service.

Its space fleet comprises largely of BattleCarriers which form the basis of a battle group, which itself is made up of various elements of support ships. There are currently over 100,000 combat vessels in the fleet, from battlecarriers, to cruisers, with innumerable numbers of fighters, supply ships, and other craft supporting them. The size of the fleet is not expected to grow for some time as each Eshirian vessel is incredibly sophisticated, and requires an immense amount of resources to construct.

The information listed below are all very general facts and figures about the Eshirian Military. For additional and more precise information please visit the: / Eshirian military database

===Military Branches:=== Army, Space Fleet, Marine Corp., Talon SpecOps, and Home Guard. All under command of the Sovereign Space Command, or SSC.

Prominent Commanders:

General Fu Miune


General Jia Chen


General Tanku Xia


Military Recruitment Information:

Service Age: 17 Total Enlisted: 20 million Fighting: 9.5 million (Includes pilots, ship crew, in addition to infantry and armor operators.) Logistics and Support: 10.5 million

17-22 years of age for compulsory military service, with 36-month service obligation; no minimum age for voluntary service.

===Military Regions:=== Four regions. 2 fleets to each regional command. 4 sectors in each region, with 20-30 sub-sectors in each sector, with one star system in each sub-sector.

Fleets are comprised of one or more of each type of ship. Ship types include, but are not limited to the following types, command, strike, bombardment, supply, and transport types. One task force will be equipped with greater numbers of one or more types of ships based on the standing orders for that task force.



Important Dates in ES History

=== Creation:=== The beginning of the “Ascendant Race” Nearly 4 million years ago, the primitive people evolved on a planet now known as Sac’tec. Believing that they were a race descended from the stars and were destined the return to them in a glorious ascent; they named them-selves the “Kiant”, or Ascendants. The Kiant quickly advanced from nomadic tribes into a stable agrarian society which would persist for hundreds of years. From the start, it was apparent that they had horribly violent tendencies, yet had a keen interest in their surroundings, nature, and a great puzzlement about why they couldn’t adequately explain their own environment. It is believed that it was this interest that planted the first seeds of Kiant science, and certain major religions that survive up till this day. Their violent nature however, would be the overriding aspect of their nature for hundreds of years, and would seriously hamper Kiant development. Until the Great Awakening, the height of Kiant civilization would remain at a primitive feudal level. This strange mix of violence, interest in technology and science, and extreme belief in religion would result in much bloodshed, but would serve as the Kiant’s greatest strength in the later years.

Nearly 1,000 years into development, the many tribes of the Kiant were already embroiled in war. Although the fighting involved only the most primitive of weapons ranging from rocks, spears, arrows and clubs, the sheer ferocity, they were fought in meant for a huge loss of life. The largest tribe, known as the “Undai” or the Vengeful, held a dominant position over the other tribes for the majority of these early years, and would later develop into the powerful Hun’yen Empire of the Imperial Age.

===History of War:=== The Imperial Age About 3,000 years into Kiant development, 8 major feudal empires had grown out of the tribes along with 20 minor kingdoms. These empires, which were located in the Eastern Hemisphere of Sac’tec, were essentially the only civilizations that existed on the planet. Had any alien race decided to invade the planet, their job would have been quite easy, since all the major population centers were only clustered in two continents. But for the now, the aliens wouldn’t come until much later… As the wars continued, the Hun’yen Empire (named after is ruler) of the northeast quickly established it self as the dominant kingdom. Idealistic, and unyielding, Hun’yen’s primary drive was to unite all kingdoms under his rule, to form history’s first Dynasty. After 27 years of unrelenting violence, and endless bloodshed, he had succeeded. The Hun’yen, Empire became the Hun’yen Dynasty, and Hun’yen himself, a self proclaimed deity.

Those who consider Hun’yen to have been a fanatical leader with a lust for power, and a slightly unstable mind are partially correct; however, his intentions were not entirely malignant. As a man tightly bound to his own ideals, and a belief that the Kiant people were truly destined to serve a meaningful purpose, Hun’yen had, like many other leaders of the time, found the overriding violence in each person to be the most severe difficulty to overcome if the Kiant people were to develop out of the feudal eras, and into their self prophesied return to the heavens.

===The Great Awakening:=== The Rise of Rationality, Science, and the End to 3,000 Years of War As Hun’yen would have it, there was no way to overcome the violent and passionate nature of the Kiants without taking drastic measures. Among these, was the path to logic, or overt and wide scale brain washing. Which path was taken is not clear, as he seemed to have merged the two, into one major ideal that would later form the basis for the “Yen Ran”, roughly translated into the Yen Ideals, or more correctly, the Yen Faith. The main aspects of the Yen Faith were quite obviously, complete, and unyielding loyalty and devotion to the state, its people, and of course, Hun’yen himself. However, the Yen Faith also espoused such ideals as gender equality, respect of life, and even the love of peace. The people of the lands he had conquered, who still clung to their old leaders, and the old ways, obviously did not take well to such an obvious attempt to steal their free will, culture and in a sense, their very souls. There were mass rebellions, however, they would not last, as this was the time of rational, and logical thinking. Rather than rely solely on brute force and martial law to put down the rebellions, Hun’yen devised intelligent ways to slowly eliminate resistance. In addition to the early use of force to hold of the insurgent attacks, large inquisitions were implemented to weed out the dissidents. This, coupled with largely publicized “Education Initiatives”, which were quite obviously propaganda programs aimed at children, and cleverly performed publicity campaign, Hun’yen was able to portray himself as not only a stable and effective ruler who had brought peace to the land, but also a demigod, who would lead the Kiant people to the heavens as they had long dreamed to do. Through the long run brain washing programs, the Hun’yen Government had also slowly subdued the Kiant’s deep violent tendencies, and established a stable rule where the equally deep-rooted love of science was able to flourish.

By the time, Hun’yen finally died he had lived an unnaturally long 300 years, and his government, however oppressive, had finally overcome the greatest hurdle that Kiant civilization had faced up till that time, its own people. For the next few thousand years, an industrial revolution came and went, and Kiant Civilization developed at a dizzying rate.

The Yen Faith slowly became the very fabric of Kiant culture, integrating itself so deeply, that it ceased to be a religion, and simply became the Kiant way of life. For better or worse, Hun’yen had secured a spot in history for himself as one of the greatest leaders to have ever lived. Although, remaining pockets of fanatical resistance had somehow stole his body and through ways that should even be told, convinced even die hard believers in the Yen Faith, that he at least was not a god.

===The Black Death:=== When what came from space, was far deadlier than any mere virus… Roughly 10,000 years into the Kiant Development, the language of the Kiant had been refined and slightly altered. “Kiant” was now pronounced “Kyang”, and a new name for the people had entered acceptance. The “Eshirians”, or the “Ascended” was used as it was felt that their return to the stars has been for the most part achieved. The fourth generations of FTL vehicles were just coming online and a relatively new space republic known as Sovereign Interstellar had replaced the Hun’yen Nation, which had stood for nearly 6,000 years. Its people were reaping the benefits of genetic alteration, and there were even rumors of a newly discovered way of achieving a higher state of being, in the form of pure energy. Sovereign Interstellar controlled a fledgling interstellar empire, and was well on it’s way to becoming a galactic power, when the first reports from deep space outpost came flooding in about some mysterious force that was ripping its way through the best of the SI defenses. Thus began the 1,000-year struggle against this force. Few records survive of this enemy, although it is known that they were called the “Phantoms”, due to the fact no one was ever able to see one and live to tell about it. They were also dubbed the “Phantoms” for their dark and mysterious nature, and their uncanny and unnerving ability to strike quickly and effectively out of the shadows. It is also known that they far out stripped SI in technology, and military power. The battle was a losing one, and soon, the people of the Sac’tec would need to flee to find a new home world, one hopefully safely hidden from these “Phantoms”. At the end of the last great battle, many of the Eshirians had already fled in massive colony vessels to seek out a new home. Sovereign Interstellar would be remembered as the last great civilization on Sac’tec.

Unbeknownst to those who had fled, Sovereign Interstellar scientists had found ways to penetrate the cloak that the “Phantoms” used. Deprived of their greatest strength, the ”Phantoms” found it increasingly more difficult to defeat the SI forces, though they still had innumerable forces in reserve, ready to serve at a moments notice. In the final days of the war, the two factions were locked in a bloody stalemate, with SI forces holding the enemy off with superior technology, and the “Phantom” forces slamming the SI with endless numbers. It is not known exactly what prompted the “Phantom” withdrawal; however, it is known that just when it seemed that the SI would emerge victorious, the “Phantoms” employed one final, insidious device that proved to be the finishing blow in the war. The remaining Home Guard and straggling civilians quickly fled, while the front line forces covering their retreat were left to suffer their fate at the cruel hands of the “Phantoms”. Had those who fled first instead stayed to fight, they SI might have been able to press the brief advantage they gained when they first neutralized the “Phantom” cloaking technology.

The remaining Home Guard were either destroyed by the “Phantoms” or forced into slavery. The loss of the front line defense, coupled with the near annihilation of the civilian population meant that the Eshirian race was cut in half. This was the first split of many that would later follow. When the colonists finally managed to settle on a new world, they would be quickly divided by a number of leaders who claimed power in their respective regions. The majority of the knowledge the Eshirians knew had been compiled into various databanks and hidden away in various ships of the ragtag fleet. Their location was held a secret and known only to the top officials of the remaining government. It is not known why this was done, but its effects were far and wide. Unfortunately, each one of the vessels carrying a databank was either lost or destroyed. This essentially threw back the Eshirian civilization to the equivalent of modern day America.

===Exodus:=== A new hope, and a new home. 10,001 years into Eshirian development, the small fleet of ships that had escaped their ravaged home world of Sac’tec and its colonies were still searching for a new home. Escaping through a series of dangerous jumps that extended far beyond the outlined range for a “secure” jump”, most of the crew settled on a backwater planet, Earth, sometime before modern Humans had even evolved. Here, they slowly rebuilt with what ever they could scavenge from the ships they used, and rebuilt, piece by piece, a new civilization. The rest of the settlers refused to settle here, and moved on. At the time, it was not known where they did eventually land, but in the following centuries, the two splinter groups would find each other again. To those who had refused to settle on Earth, those who had chosen to stay, became known as the “Lost”.

The settlers built a small, community that flourished for years. With the new home, the age old prophesy to return to the stars gained new life. Every Eshirian felt the urge to fulfill it once again, however, they were fearful of once again loosing everything they had worked for to the “Phantoms”, whom could discover them at any time, or some other space fairing race that would try and take advantage of their current state of weakness. In the end, they stayed in the shadows, and decided to attempt a peaceful existence with as little of the old ways was possible. They stayed throughout the rise of Mankind, and its own early steps into the black of space. Around this time, the descendants of the ancient settlers received a sudden and startling word of their long lost brethren.

===Rebirth:=== The Second Ascension and the reunion of the Lost The few colonists that had landed a few millennia ago had slowly grown to enjoy their new home, each preceding generation taking a greater and greater number of secrets to their grave. Each new generation began to see themselves as more Human than anything else, and had long since lost the driving urge to explore the heavens. The Human desire to explore was far more than off set by their own violent nature; something the Eshirians had long since bred from their psyche. For the most part, no Eshirian even knew their own ancient roots in the stars. Such, was the extent of the damage caused by losing the historical archives.

The new generations of Eshirians were not much different than Humans of the time. Even their biology had grown increasingly similar as a greater number of Eshirians interbred with the Humans than ever before. However, the genetic programming of each individual Eshirian carried over to their offspring, ensuring that the core of the Eshirian Race would not, and could not be lost, no matter what extent the breeding stretched to. The basic blueprint for a limited Psionic ability, which sadly manifested itself either in “Phycic Hotline” scams, or insanity, and a deep sense that there was something else out there, was in each and every Eshirian Child.

By about 2020, there was a mainly Eshirian run nation, called the Republic of Kyanges. (Kyanges's initial name in NS, when he was still MT.) It was a small and un-noteworthy nation somewhat similar to Taiwan. While the details are sketchy at best, it is believed that sometime in early 2021 of the Terran Calendar, a small group of time travelers from the future Kyanges state had decided to come to the past, and jumpstart the Eshirian Nation into launching into space. Using a primitive FTL drive technology the citizens had set off in colony ships, set off searching for a new home once again. After a short three years, a long range scout from the Eshirian Sovereignty, which was founded by those who had refused to settle on Earth all those years ago, bumped into the ships, and from there, the split race had once again become one. The day this happened is known as the day of the “Second Ascension.”.