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The nation of Rodesh was, until its deletion by the nationstates moderators for griefing, around august 2004.  At the time, Rodesh had a population of well over 2 billion.  If it had survived today, its population would thus exceed 4 billion!
The nation of Rodesh was, until its deletion by the nationstates moderators for griefing, around august 2004.  At the time, Rodesh had a population of well over 2 billion.  If it had survived today, its population would thus exceed 5.5 billion!

Revision as of 02:52, 19 November 2005


The nation of Rodesh was, until its deletion by the nationstates moderators for griefing, around august 2004. At the time, Rodesh had a population of well over 2 billion. If it had survived today, its population would thus exceed 5.5 billion!


Early history

Historically, Rodesh was founded when delegates from its ten greatest city states met to work out their differences in the Congress of Unity. Afterwhich, they signed the Decleration of Eternal Peace, in which each of the states pledged loyalty to an elected prince and parliament. The new Sovereign Prince, working closely with the equally new Parliament of the Nation, then set about centralizing the state.

Withen a centuary, the independence of the city states had been dissolved, and a hereditary principality had been formed. The first constitution was instituted by the year 163 AC ("After Congress"). Thus, a constitutional monarchy was established. Over time, it developed strongly socialist tendencies, and by 200 AC, Rodesh could fully be classified as a Liberal Democratic Socialist state, its King (the Prince having adopted this title in recognition of his nation's growing size) having little power.

The golden age

Meanwhile, peace was for the most part extant. The Kingdom of Rodesh moved from the region of the North Pacific, into Hybrasil soon after its creation. Hybrasil at the time was a glorious and lush region, very peaceful and tolerent. Rodesh rose in prestige there, fastly joining the United Nations, and soon gaining various international endorsements. Hybrasil's delegate, Pax Romantica, soon forged a strong alliance with Rodesh, and the Kingdom was elevated to near vice delegate of Hybrasil.

Rodesh's peaceful existence was shattered, however, in late 462 AC, when the Queen of Paxamica, a border nation also residing in Hybrasil, died.

War of the Lost

While Rodesh did send a representitive to the funeral, Paxamica's new King's foreign and domestic policy caused the current government of Rodesh to boycott the coronation. Tensions soon began to build, and when Paxamica declared war on Rodesh's ally, the Republica, the boiling point was reached.

The Emperor issued a proclamation, imploring Paxamica to pull out of Republica, and prevent any further inter regional warfare. In response, The King of Paxamica declared war on Rodesh. What followed was the fabled "Lost War". For seven long years, the two nations did battle. Rodesh, pacifist by nature and unprepared was taken by storm. King Enver III defended his nation as best he could, and upon his assasination two years into the war, his son, King Enver IV took up the mantle of defence. Soon even the generally pacifist Pax Romantica stepped in to aide Rodesh. King Enver IV finally managed to drive out the Paxamican forces (and their allies, the Kingdom of France) and secure his kingdom.


Peace was finally made between the three nations (Paxamica, Republica, and Rodesh), and the Treaty of Troillon signed. But Hybrasil was now torn apart beyond belief by the conflict. Those that had taken sides remained bitter, those that had not remained untrustworthy.

By now, Hybrasil was begining to decline. Inactivity meant the collapse of several influental governments. In a last effort to restore order to the crumbling region, Rodesh joined forces with its former enemy, Paxamica, and co founded the Hybrasilian Union, an organization dedicated to promoting civil rights and political freedoms in Hybrasil, as well as inter regional unity, including international currencies.

This ultimately failed when only two other nations joined, thus ending the dream. And, when Rodesh failed to gain enough endorsements to assume the delegatship and restore order to the falling Hybrasil, it all ended. Rodesh and Paxamica fled and set up the new region of Monarchies United. During this time, the catholic Rodesh made contact with many other monarchies, and established alliances with Tharra, Vatican City, and France.

Uneasy Anglo Relations

However, peace would soon end by 530 AC, when the NS Pope beckoned for all Catholic nations to move to the region of Sixteenth Centur=ry Europe, for an upcoming crusade. The Kingdom of England had broken with the Pope, who had refuesed the King the right to divorce his wife (much as in the RL historical situation). The King declared himself Head of the Church of England. Paxamica, Rodesh, and France joined as the "Holy Trinity" and declared war, along with the Pope.

In the end, nothing came of it, and only Cold War stand off was reached. The four then fled to a new region, to escape Anglo tensions: The Holy Land of God. It was at this time that, under the influence of the Pope, King Anton II of Rodesh instituted the dogma of the "Divine Right of Kings" and declared himself an absolute monarch. He then permenantly dissolved Parliament and ruled with unbridled powers, as did most of his decendants.

Fall of the kingdom

The year 600 brought a growing trend of revolutions. The King of Paxamica, seeing his kingdom collapse before his eyes, sent his only child and heiress, Crown Princess Isabel of Paxamica, to wed her cousin, the King of Rodesh. Thus, when Paxamica collapsed due to internal disorder, the King of Rodesh inherited his wife's claim.

By now of course, the citizens were becoming disolusioned with their country's current state. Rodesh's economy was falling apart, and worse yet, its people had little say in government affairs. Harsh censorship ruined any chance of change, at least for the time being. Instead the new King, eldest son of Paxamica's heiress, set about claiming his birthright. He declared war on the new Republic of Paxamica, and annexed it after an internal coup ended in his being declared king. His son, Olaf II, would be the last King of Rodesh and Paxamica.

The revolution began, when a hundred armed workers staged a protest in the capital, after the war with Paxamica had left them working overtime on lowered wages. All were brought down by heavy fire from police. A surge of Marxist Revolution was the response. And, when the Red Army seized the capital, the King was deposed and the "Marxist State of Rodesh" proclaimed in the year 632 AC.

Marxist State of Rodesh

Comrade Alexander, the famous revolutionary hero, died soon after taking control. The new state, trotskyist in nature, set about soon after ridding themselves of the last members of the Royal Family. The only survivor, HRH Princess Isable, was now in effect Queen Isabel of Paxamica and Rodesh. She ended up escaping, and fleeing to take refuge with her cousin the Emperor of Tharra, who wed her and thus inherited her claims.

Meanwhile, Comrade Andrew was made Premier of the Council of People's Commissars, and thus in effect, head of state. The Socialist Worker's Party, now numbering almost 20% of the population, began the move towards constant revolution, and ultimately Global Socialism.

The Marxist State of Rodesh moved from the Holy Land of God (in keeping with a newly established policy of athiesm), into the region of the Netherlands. There, Comrade Andrew established himself amongst the major UN members, and was elected UN Delegate for his efforts. Finally, after so many years of failed attempts, Rodesh had achieved its pinnacle of power as a UN delegate.

By the end of the delegate term, Rodesh was already on its way to glory. However, its new leader, Comrade Rhodri, was young and idealistic and proffered to set his sights on more attainable goals.


Comrade Rhodri moved Rodesh into the region of Marxism. But Marxism's slow approach to global socialism and its inability to act on certain matters frustrated the Premier. Rodesh just as soon left, and became a resident of the region of the Peoples Revolutionary Party (PRP). There it was the eldest, largest, and most experienced socialist nation.

By this time it was a trotskyist power. Citizens enjoyed a high standard of living parelel only to a superpower. Comrade Rhodri was a power player in PRP regional politics, and well known by many other socialist regions as a great proponent of marxism.

But it was all to end, when battle did call.

End of days

The region of the 1989 Anti Communist Alliance began bombarding all of the PRP with abusive messages, in response to their strongly left wing economic stance. It prompted Rodesh and the other top leaders of the PRP, including Comrade Shane, to declare war, in the name of global socialism.

Rodesh was made Commander-in-Chief of the PRP's Revolutionary Army. It was the nation of Rodesh that led the attack, forever known as "Operation Prol". Commanding a small collective of UN nations, Rodeshian forces departed the Warsaw Pact (the PRP's military HQ) and attacked the region of 1969 Anti Communist Alliance, a powerful satalite of the 1989 ACA.

The ACA was defeated, the region locked and closed to all others save the PRP, and the army then instituted a worker's revolution. Aiding the workers, Rodesh and its allies set up a new Socialist Region, ejecting all other capitalist nations.

But the victory was short lived. In response to the griefing incident, Rodesh's postition as leader became more precarious and apparent. It was soon all over. NS Moderators charged Rodesh, the new regional delegate, with griefing. Comrade Rhodri, along with his entire nation (one of the oldest in existence), was martyred. Rodesh was dissolved and ceased to exist.

While the 1969 ACA was temporarly restored to the 1989 ACA, it was soon dissolved by the region, and only refounded by none other than the PRP.


Even today, the slogan "I remember Rodesh" is quite common in the PRP, as a tribute to one of its greatest heroes and martyrs. And martyr is the right word, for Rodesh is considered a martyr for the cause, never to be forgotten.

As for other nations, the former Empire of Tharra (under its Emperor who was a direct descendant of the Royal Family of Rodesh) annexed the remaining territory that was left when Rodesh collapsed. Thus, a small part of the former glory still remained, in the "Successors to Rodesh". However, eventually, with the collapse of the empire and the formation of the Republic, the last of Rodesh fell, and the last descendant of the old royal family died.

Whatever the veiw point, it is true that in even capitalist circles, as well as communist circles, Rodesh will never be forgotten.