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(The Rise of the EAC, The Dissaperance of the Great Houses and the Advance of the OPA)
(Intervention of Foreign Powers and the Victory for the OPA)
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The southern rebels pushed their way to the Tharivos Gap where a suicide mission by fanatic blew the five hydroelectric dams on the north side of the Gap in order to destroy the EAC army defending the pass. This has become known as the Tharivos Gap Incident. They were then able to advance northwards on the capital, Nevareia City. Meanwhile several foreign nations had sent in small teams to try and get their embassy staff and other citizens out of the capital city. They fought their way through the city as the southern army advanced and the EAC began to collapse. As the situation worsened the rebels, now calling themselves the Orthodox Peoples Army (OPA) began to claim to be the legitimate government. The nations Pacifist Cowards and Feeniks responded by launching an invasion, intended as a peacekeeping mission. Feeniks tried to take the airport with paratroopers, where the refugees were and the Cowardly forces attacked by sea to land at Ravinea. They then discovered some mass graves where the EAC had buried the murdered members of the original Government, including Lord Nevarn, along with other victims of their purge. As the OPA continued to insist the foreigners had no right to be there and that they leave, diplomatic positions hardened so that Feeniks and Pacifist Cowards have now declared war on both Nevareies factions. Feeniks rage at the OPA and EAC caused them to accidentally bomb some of the refugees in the airport but they have now successfully seized control of the badly damaged airport. The nation of New Caldari hass joined it's ally, Pacifist Cowards and formed a second beachhead in order to attack Volos, still held by EAC forces. The OPA is advancing on the remains of the EAC command who have fortified their position in the docks of Nevareia City. The sieges of Hexamos and Phanavos have been lifted as once the mass graves were publicised the loyalist general attacking them joined the rebels rather than fight for the EAC. Other nations are now becomming involved as the OPA tries to use diplomacy to gain some friends in the region.
The southern rebels pushed their way to the Tharivos Gap where a suicide mission by fanatic blew the five hydroelectric dams on the north side of the Gap in order to destroy the EAC army defending the pass. This has become known as the Tharivos Gap Incident. They were then able to advance northwards on the capital, Nevareia City. Meanwhile several foreign nations had sent in small teams to try and get their embassy staff and other citizens out of the capital city. They fought their way through the city as the southern army advanced and the EAC began to collapse. As the situation worsened the rebels, now calling themselves the Orthodox Peoples Army (OPA) began to claim to be the legitimate government. The nations Pacifist Cowards and Feeniks responded by launching an invasion, intended as a peacekeeping mission. Feeniks tried to take the airport with paratroopers, where the refugees were and the Cowardly forces attacked by sea to land at Ravinea. They then discovered some mass graves where the EAC had buried the murdered members of the original Government, including Lord Nevarn, along with other victims of their purge. As the OPA continued to insist the foreigners had no right to be there and that they leave, diplomatic positions hardened so that Feeniks and Pacifist Cowards have now declared war on both Nevareies factions. Feeniks rage at the OPA and EAC caused them to accidentally bomb some of the refugees in the airport but they have now successfully seized control of the badly damaged airport. The nation of New Caldari hass joined it's ally, Pacifist Cowards and formed a second beachhead in order to attack Volos, still held by EAC forces. The OPA is advancing on the remains of the EAC command who have fortified their position in the docks of Nevareia City. The sieges of Hexamos and Phanavos have been lifted as once the mass graves were publicised the loyalist general attacking them joined the rebels rather than fight for the EAC. Other nations are now becomming involved as the OPA tries to use diplomacy to gain some friends in the region.
====Intervention of Foreign Powers and the Victory for the OPA====
====Intervention of Foreigners, the Battle of Volos and the Withdrawl of Forces====
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
===Caldarian Civil War===
===Caldarian Civil War===
Possiably Coming Soon!
Possiably Coming Soon!

Revision as of 11:12, 14 December 2005

New Caldari
Flag of New Caldari
Motto: The WIll of the State is Supreme
No Map Available Yet
Region Federation of Allied Nations
Capital Capitalworld, Caldari Prime
Official Language(s) Caldanese, English
Leader President Yakiva Tovia-Toba
Population 1.984 Billion
Currency Caldari Credit 
NS Sunset XML

The Caldari Race

A state built on corporate capitalism, the Caldari State is run by a few mega-corporations which divide the state between them, controlling and ruling every aspect of society. Each corporation is made up of thousands of smaller companies, ranging from industrial companies to law firms. All land and real estate is owned by a company which leases it to the citizens, and government and policing are also handled by independent companies. Although this gives the corporations dictatorial powers, they are just as bound by Caldari customs and laws as the individual, and the fierce, continual competition between the corporations ensures a healthy, consumer-based social environment, which benefits everyone.

While the Caldari State may not be nearly as big as that of the Gallenteans, they are still universally feared and admired. Their economy is strong, and their military might parallel to that of some nations combined. As most Caldari trade is conducted by individual companies rather than the State itself, this makes it difficult for the other empires to deal with them at a political level. If a company is found guilty of unethical business dealings, it simply disappears into its parent corporation, and before long another one appears to take its place. But if a Caldari company is threatened, the whole corporation and often the whole State backs it up with full force.

Caldari society is steeped in military tradition. Even if the Caldari have engaged in several wars over many decades, they still strive to be at the cutting edge of military technology and their vessels, weapons and fighting methods are inferior to none.

To curb their aggressive tendencies, the Caldari actively pursue and sponsor a range of sporting activities. Many of these are bloody, gladiatorial-like competitions, while others are more like races. But whatever the sport, the Caldari love betting on the outcome, making gambling a massive industry in the State.


The Rise and Fall of the Raata Empire

In around the 1200s,the Raata Empire had risen to power by force with the help of the Isuuaya Corporation. The First Emperor, Raata I, was a powerful and wise ruler who was able to harness the power of space travel. He was able to establish intersteller Trade and was also able to re-discovered how to construct jumpgates. However, after Raata I's reign, the empire had separated into 8 smaller regions, each governed by a major corporation.

The Dark Ages and the Rise of the Current Corporations

Between the late 1200's and thru to the early 1500's, trade had declined, leadership landed in the hands of the CEO's of the emerging corporations and commucation between these 'corporation fiefdoms' also declined. These were rough times, the Caldari population decreased as food production was devastated by many failures as they were only able to produce enough to substain their fiefs citizens and that was all. The jumpgates started to also feel the pain as they become in disrepair and warmongering corporations attacked each other. To simply put it: this was a chaoic time and the people were unsure as what was going to happen next.

The Formation of the Caldari State and the Rise of the CEP

In the 1500's, after some 250 years after the collapse of the Empire, the territories of the Old Raata Empire formed the Present Day State. Each of the 8 major corporations, who governed their own fief, formed the Chief Executives Panel. After several failures at colonizing and expanding the State to other worlds, they began to bicker among themselves, almost causing the Chief Executive Panel to go into discord and destroy everything they have worked for but the CEO of the Lai Dai Corporation, Vemei Danjon, suggested that they elect someone as President for Life. And so they did. After that day, trade and commerce prospered and the State became very wealthy and technologlly-advanced. It was at this time that the

The Gevon Wars

The Gevon Wars were a bleak time for the State as well as the Federation of Allied Nations in general. Up to this point, this has been one of the laregest conflicts the region has ever seen. In the End, the Armed Republic of Gevon became a Protectorate and Provience of the Caldari State.

First Gevon War

In the First Gevon War, The nation of Gevon under Lord Steven declared war on the Nation of Maraudersoft (ally and friend of the Caldari State). The Ministry of War still has yet to figure out the real reason for this declaration of war. At first, it was only a minor conflict but then grew into a regional war, causing some of the region's largest powers to fight against each other. The DMD (or allies) made up of the nations of Maraudersoft, Velenora Heltzholm and the Caldari State vs. the Enemies or in this case, the Tzen Empire and the Gevon Lordship.

Several Weeks into the War, the Tzen Republic began an invasion of Maraudersoft at Fort Neptune at location Turtle. A heavy firefight on the beaches happened when Tzen Imperial Forces landed on the beaches, Caldari Legionaries fired several hundred rounds until they were outnumbered and they flef from the field to take up ambush positions.

As Tzen forces move into towards the capital, Caldari forces won a victory in a small town about 20 miles southwest of Raven City. However, this victory caused the Tzen Air Force to attack Perimeter Island and assulted the naval base there, the attack was a failure. A few weeks after the invasion landed, Gevon forces moved in to surround the city and were soon decimated by Operation Venus Fly Trap and most were exteremated. Tzen forces after the failed attack on Raven City, the Tzen pulled out of the war but Gevon forces continued. Caldari forces attacked Hong, capital of Gevon and almost completely leveled it. In the end, the Gevon State surrendered and that ended the first Gevon War, but a much deadly but faster Gevon War happend only a few years later.

Second Gevon War

In the Second Gevon War, the Gevon attacked the Caldari State, the main victor of the 1st war. The cause of the 2nd war was pure aggression and the want to destroy who had defeated them. Gevon Forces blocked all ways out, the mainland bridge, the Bay of Tovil-Toba and Perimeter Naval Base. Gevon forces moved in and took most of the Caldari major spaceports and even Haki. A full scale evacuation was called for, only a few military personnel stayed to protect the refugges.

Later that week, Typophiles entered the war on the Gevon side and with that, the Typophilen Government supplied the Gevon with a space navy, which almost decimated the Caldari Terra Fleet who were protecting the jumpgate.

After Several days, the Citadel and Lonetrek Militas met with the Navy and they launched a full scale retaking of the State and they won, the Gevon were in retreat and the Caldari regained Haki. In the end of the 2nd Gevon War, the Wachi-Skymorse Treaty was signed and all Gevonians came under Caldari Rule. At this present moment, the Gevonians are citizens of the Caldari State.

In the aftermath of the 2nd War, the Caldari State evicted all Gevonians from their present homes to be relocated to the newly-opened region in the Bleak Lands. The State then handed all former Gevonian Territory to the Grand Duchy of Heltzholm. Also from the aftermath, created the Caldari-Tzen Cold War.

Caldari-Tzen Cold War

The Caldari-Tzen Cold War was a dark and mysterous time where spies on both the Caldari and Tzen sides tried to take over each plans and technology. Both sides came very close to open warfare several times, but every time, they worked out an accord to halt the war temporaly. However with the Breakout of the Pandora War, a temporay peace was called between the Chief Executives Panel and the Tzen Republic. However, after this truce was signed, both sides still held a grudge against each other and they still do today.

The Gevon Crisis

Tuesday, October 4: Typophilean Prime Minister Edwin McDowell receives intelligence reports from the EI-7 that Yakiva Tovia-Toba is planning to invade the Typophilean half of Gevon.

Wednesday, October 5: McDowell announces increased security along the border and moves ships, aircraft, and ICBMs within range of Caldarian half of Gevon. McDowell also welcomes Caldarian defectors, saying they "will be welcomed with open arms". Caldari Ministry of War deploys along the netural zone the same day as Typophilean forces arrive in Gevon.

Thursday, October 6: The crisis continues to escalate, and at 6AM, McDowell orders a complete naval and air blockade of the Caldarian half, preventing Caldarian military units from entering or exiting Gevon airspace or waters. He also gives the Caldari State 48 hours to back down or face a full nuclear attack. Twelve hours later, Tovia-Toba orders a naval blockade of his own. Typophilean ships, upstanding the original blockade order, destroy seven Caldarian ships that tried to establish their own blockade. McDowell also orders 90,000 additional troops to patrol the border, bringing the total number of Typophilean troops to 100,000. He also orders 1000 ICBMs to be pointed at the Caldarian half. McDowell also encourages Gevonians in Caldari territory to not give up hope: "The forces of freedom and liberty will always triumph over the opressive forces." Meanwhile, Tovia-Toba reinforced his military bases but at the same time evacuated non-essential military units. Tovia-Toba also said that any attack on Caldari holdings in Gevon or anywhere else would be regarded as an act of war. He finished by stating: "The doomsday clock is ticking."

Friday, October 7: Tovia-Toba denies claims by McDowell that Typophiles won half of Gevon in a military victory. McDowell retorts by saying: "Then how the hell did we gain it?" Tovia-Toba also blasts McDowell for the massive troop and missile deployment, saying, "We shall not fire the first shot of this unneeded war, but we will finish it if it happens." To this, McDowell responded by saying that the Typophilean Army had defeated the Caldari before and could do so again.

Saturday, October 8: In a letter to McDowell, Velenorian head of state James K Rivera blasts the Typophilean Prime Minister and Tovia-Toba, saying "Both of your nations as major regional powers should set a better example for the rest of the region. I hereby must request that you and the Caldari stand down all Military operations in the contested Gevonian territories." Rivera also proposed a tribunal to decide the Gevon affair, and announced the severing of all trade ties between his nation and the two other nations. McDowell defended his actions, and the actions of his rival, saying that "James K. Rivera does not have the right to broker a peace treaty or a tribunal between us and the Caldarians. With all due respect, Mr Rivera, you do cannot tell myself and Yakiva Tovia-Toba what to do. You certainly can have your own opinion, and we will consider it." He also stated that "we are not at war, we do not plan to go to war, and if relations did deteriorate to the point where war did occur, it would NOT involve and/or harm other nations".

Monday, October 10: Officials from both the Caldari State and Typophiles meet in Garamond to discuss the establishment of a Neutrality Pact over the disputed territory.

Tuesday, October 11: Officials conclude talks and signed the Caldarian-Typophilean New Gevon Pact, and over the next two weeks revert the agreed territory over the the Typophilean Republic. Since the agreement of this pact, the Caldari State controls one-third of Gevon and still holds control of the metropolis of Hong.

The Nevareion Fiasco

The Rise of the EAC and the Advance of the OPA

It began as demonstrations by rival Orthodox Christians and the Democratic Oppostion Party. Both had issues with the ruling government. The Christians disliked the secularism and materialism of the capitalist Great Houses (it was like a modern Venice with merchant houses ruling) and the democrats wanted, well, more democracy. As the demonstrations became riots the army became involved with about a third of it staging a coup. A civil war began with the army in the south siding with the Christians. As chaos spread the capital became a battle ground with suicide bombings and street warfare. Foreign refugees became trapped in the city airport, still controlled by the Emergency Army Council (the new military dictatorship). The EAC was also fighting to keep the southern Christian army trapped south of the mountains near Nitikia.

In the west a section of the army, still loyal to the deposed regime was fighting christian rebels in Hexamos and Phanavos.

The southern rebels pushed their way to the Tharivos Gap where a suicide mission by fanatic blew the five hydroelectric dams on the north side of the Gap in order to destroy the EAC army defending the pass. This has become known as the Tharivos Gap Incident. They were then able to advance northwards on the capital, Nevareia City. Meanwhile several foreign nations had sent in small teams to try and get their embassy staff and other citizens out of the capital city. They fought their way through the city as the southern army advanced and the EAC began to collapse. As the situation worsened the rebels, now calling themselves the Orthodox Peoples Army (OPA) began to claim to be the legitimate government. The nations Pacifist Cowards and Feeniks responded by launching an invasion, intended as a peacekeeping mission. Feeniks tried to take the airport with paratroopers, where the refugees were and the Cowardly forces attacked by sea to land at Ravinea. They then discovered some mass graves where the EAC had buried the murdered members of the original Government, including Lord Nevarn, along with other victims of their purge. As the OPA continued to insist the foreigners had no right to be there and that they leave, diplomatic positions hardened so that Feeniks and Pacifist Cowards have now declared war on both Nevareies factions. Feeniks rage at the OPA and EAC caused them to accidentally bomb some of the refugees in the airport but they have now successfully seized control of the badly damaged airport. The nation of New Caldari hass joined it's ally, Pacifist Cowards and formed a second beachhead in order to attack Volos, still held by EAC forces. The OPA is advancing on the remains of the EAC command who have fortified their position in the docks of Nevareia City. The sieges of Hexamos and Phanavos have been lifted as once the mass graves were publicised the loyalist general attacking them joined the rebels rather than fight for the EAC. Other nations are now becomming involved as the OPA tries to use diplomacy to gain some friends in the region.

Intervention of Foreigners, the Battle of Volos and the Withdrawl of Forces

Coming Soon!

Caldarian Civil War

Possiably Coming Soon!

The Caldari State Today

Today, the State is well over 220 systems large, 4 regions wide and the State is ever continuing to expand due to jumpgate technology and continues to hold more monopolies in off-world industry then any other nation in the Democratica combined, in part due to the excellent economic policies of Yakiva Tovia-Toba and the Current Chief Executives Panel. The Caldari State Armed Forces continue to be on the cutting edge of weapons technology and with the new Titan-Class Destroyer, the Navy is one of the most powerful in the region. The Home Guard has been able to almost destroy crime but terrorism has increased in the last decade.

Provinces of the Caldari State

Caldarian Gevon

Caldarian Gevon is the southern half of the defunct Armed Republic of Gevon. The Jewel of Caldarian Gevon is the metropolis and capital of Gevon, Hong. Hong is the largest city in the south, while the city of Rivalt in the Typophilean Gevon Protectorate is the largest city in the north. Other cities in Caldarian Gevon include the port cities of Lito and Heilit. The city of Rivalt was once under Caldari authority but is now under Typophilean Republic due to pact terms.

Major landmarks and sights of Caldarian Gevon's capital, Hong include the heavily-protected Caldari Adminstration Tower, the bastion of Caldari authority, which is built ontop of the now-destroyed palace of Lord Gerald and Victory Plaza in front of the Adminstration Tower, where Caldari Forces knocked down the statue of Gerald and replaced it with the flag of the Caldari State, signaling the Caldari victory in the Gevon War. Military parades occur on major Gevonian and Caldari Holidays and they are times of joyfulness and renewing pledges of loyality to the Caldari State. In the qaint coastal city of Lito, you can vist the Dockyards and the Museum of Gevon Past, which is the only suriving building containing past Gevonian laws and artifacts when the Caldari Army sieged and almost completely obliterated Lito. However in the industrialized port city of Heilit, you can board one of the many cruise ships and take a trip up and down the Gevonian coast or eat a lobster on the Boardwalk in the Southern City Zone.

The Caldari Adminstration Tower is the pinacle of Caldari Authority through Caldarian Gevon, inside its walls contains all the ministries, bureaus and other departments reponsable for the running of Caldarian Gevon. Several ministries include the Ministry of War, which in charge of all Caldari forces in Gevon, the Ministry of Plenty, which is in charge of the Caldarian Gevon economy as well as in charge of all means of production including factories and manufacturing plants. Another important ministry in the Adminstration Tower is the Ministry of Truth, the confines of the Ministry is to control the population through Caldari propaganda and change Gevon's past so it is the Caldari present. You can barely find any books from as far back as the Gevon Wars unless they are in the Museum of Gevon Past, which is also controlled by the Ministry of Truth.

The Crown Colonies

The Crown Colonies of the Caldari State include UCP, Corporate Sector, TerranCorp, Daalai, Kali Nova and the newly-established colony of Rhan Var. The Caldari State has the absolute right to call upon the colonies to allot military and economic assistance at anytime. They cannot seperate from the State for any reason or circumstance. They are allowed in exchange for their eternal connection to the State, there own internal governments to run their day-to-day affairs but the Caldari State has the sole right to control their foreign polices as the State sees fit.

The Cygni Sector

The Cygni Sector is a very critical sector for the State as it has the largest weapons-grade materials mine in the State and this is also a hotspot for possiable terrorism. Cygni also home to the Xai-Xai Shipyards, which manufactures the navy's newest capital ship, the Titan-Class Destroyer and several other ships used exculsively by the Caldari Military, including the Scimitar Very Heavy Fighter.


The Vina'del System was discovered a few months quite by accident. The CSSN Doomhammer (Enforcer-Class) got seperated from the rest of the 37th fleet and punched in random hyperspace cordinates. When they arrived in the system, they were attacked by an unknown alien race, known now as the Ka'Mali. Ever since the intital attack from the Ka'Mali, the Caldari State have been at war with them. CSS Scouts later unveiled that Vina'del has 13 planets, most of which are ice and gas, however their are a few earth-like planets. The Hysayoda Corporation also did an exploration mission on the astroid belts in the system and several belts had Metal X despoists as well as large quantities of Tritainium and Nocxium, both used in the manufacturing of Caldari Naval Vessels.

Both Vina'del IV and VI are headquaters/Defense Stations for the Federation Allied Navy which is their to protect the system from Ka'Mali invasions. Colossus l JITA and Xai-Xai Shipyards have opened dry-docks near these defense stations to retrofit and repair any ship that is on duty in Vina'del. The Caldari State recently constructed a colossual shield wall around the majority of the system and each node which knits together the wall also carry a superlaser capable of almost destroying a battleship. The Fleets of the Caldari State, Maraudersoft and Imad protect this system.

The Caldari State Armed Forces


The Caldari State has a well-trained and deadly army which is able to do combat anything in any envioment. Their primary weaponry include the DC-6, the DC-8 and the DC-10 Blaster Rifles and they will used their other gizmos and gagets given to them to stop the enemy at all costs. They are supported by HERC's, all-terrain walkers, combat walkers (like the Goliath) and advanced tanks (The Leviathan Battle Tank). Their are also several other divisions of the Caldari Army which include the Seatroopers, the Snowtroopers, Spacetroopers, the DesertCorps and the Caldarian Legionaires, which are mentioned in detail below.

The Caldarian Legionaries

The Caldarian Legionaries are the elite infantry division who act as the State's perfectly trained Stormtroopers.

Legionnaires are put into legions (which is the largest formation) of 20,000 men, Cohorts of 2000 men, Maniples of 250 men and the smallest group of 100 men as a Century. The Legions also control mighty combat walkers and tanks. Providing reconnaissance and advanced scouting are the quick-footed and bird-legged Sentinels, which also engage in guerilla warfare to raid enemy positions. The Goliath Combat Walker and the Invader and Leviathan Battle Tanks provide support to the already deadly legionaries. These vehicles of war will ground the enemy down to the dirt.

Raata I first established them during his reign as the Caldarian Emperor back many, many years ago and they have been the symbol of Caldari might and power ever since. The legionnaires can be found on most worlds and maintain law and order on behalf of the Directorate of Police, their Commissars (military advisors) and the President himself. The Legionnaires have been used heavily in the last several decades since the formation of the CEP and they are one of two forces responsible for the large expansion of the State since the fall of the Raata Empire.

Caldarian Legionnaires are equipped with DC-6 and DC-15 Blaster Rifles as well as other types of rifles including the DK-1 Pulse Laser Rifle. Their armor is the most advanced in the State, as it has been researched and manufactured privately by Cirelere Laboratories, under contract with the Ministry of War. The name of this battle armor is AAE suits, better known as Advanced All-Environment Battlesuits. These suits can defend soldiers from chemical and biological agents, radioactive fallout particles, battlefield contaminants and several blaster shots.

The Legionnaires follow several values including for the Defense of the State, its Professionalism and Discipline. The Legionnaire’s goal is to defend the existence of the State, its independence and the security of the citizens and residents of the state. The State servicemen will acquire the professional knowledge and skills required to perform their tasks, and will implement them while striving continuously to perfect their personal and collective achievements. Discipline will always been enforced, no order will be ignored or questioned; all orders are to be carried out to the letter.

The Terminator Space Marines

Recently created by the Caldari Secert Service and the Ministry of War and forged in the fiery furnace of war, the Terminators are the pinacle of the State's forces and genetics technology. Though relatively few in number at the present moment, the Terminators fight with fury at the front lines of State's bloody battles against its enemies.

The superiority of the Terminator is the result of numerous genetic modifications, psycho-conditioning, rigorous physical training and unquestioning faith. A single Terminator is a formidable fighter, but when he fights with a thousand of his brethren (in organizations commonly referred to as chapters) they form a steely weapon of righteousness -- the State's living, breathing swords of destruction, serving its will and protecting its people throughout the State. They will not object their orders and will carry them to the letter like the standard Legionaries.

Terminators are armed with custom DC-16 Plasma Blaster Rifles as well as Dk-9 Blaster Assault Rifles which cut though enemies like butter. Terminators also carry mission-specific equipment ontop of his standard gear.

Terminators have been rigoriously trained to perform any task that is of the utmost importance. For example, these include pliots, spies and other discert and hidden tasks that need professionalism and complete loyality to the State.

Space Navy

The Caldari Navy is the big part of the armed forces. They have more battleships than any other fleet and the average age of the Caldari ships is considerably less. This is because the Caldari are constantly replacing their oldest ships with newer ones, with better hi-tech equipment. The strategic doctrine of the Caldari Navy is simple: to be able to defeat any other navy in the world. Most experts believe it is.

The Pride of the Caldari Navy is the Titan-Class Destroyer which is the most powerful ship in service today as it is armed with Graviton, Kyon and Polorian Cannons. Other warships used by the Caldari Space Navy include the fearful Enforcer Battleship, which are seen in all sectors as they patrol Caldari Space and do random inspections on transports and civilian transports.

The StarfighterCorps and Tactical/Intellegence are two other branches of the Navy.

Caldari Secert Service

The Caldari Secert Service is the Intellegence arm of the Ministry of War as they have spies everywhere and have eyes and ears in most nation's internal archives. They are also very elusive and they are the masters of concelment and spying. The CSS can be concidered the Caldari State's secert police, who oppress and terimnate anyone speaks openly against the State or the CEP. The CSS also are masters of the Mind Control Technology and they are very secertive in terms of explaining how it works and how its built.

The Caldari Secert Service also has several smaller branches, which make up the major secert police in the Caldari State and these are the Ordo Hereticus and the Ordo Xenos. Both Ordos are reponsable for prevention of corruption and alien activity inside the State. Few people see ether group as they work in the shadows.

Home Guard

The Home Guard is reponsable for protecting corporate intrests all over the State as they protect Caldari Sectors from pirates and terrorists. The Home Guard have their presence seen planetside as well as in space. Guardsmen used the standard army blaster rifle (DC-6) and the AA-1 riot stun blaster rifle if situiation calls for it. Their presence in space can be seen in their modified Condor Frigates and the now and again Moa Cruisers. The Home Guard is the major police force in the Caldari State, although the megacorporations (except the Kaalaikoita Corporation, who control the Home Guard) all have their own security and police arm.

Presidental Guard

The Presidental Guard is one of the most elite groups of the armed forces and they have sworn to protect the President with their lives as they will never retreat nor surrender to the enemy for any reason. These Guardsman used modified DC-6A Blaster Rifles. When the President is not on the Capitalworld, he is escorted at all times by the Presidential Guard. The values the Presidental Guard follow are similar to the Caldarian Legionaires but they have more like Responsibility, Credibility and Purity of Arms. They fly in their own modifed Swiftdeath Starfighters which are the most advanced and they have exteremly good armament for such a small and compact fighter.

Caldari Terra Forces

The Terra Forces are the Caldari State's special Earth forces and are in the middle of being retrofitted and renovated. This is this force include 3 sub-branches, the Terra Wing (Air Force), the Terra Navy (Surface Navy) and the TerraGuard (Army). Appoximately 500,000 men are deployed in the three branches of the Terra Forces.


A state built on corporate capitalism, the Caldari State is run by a few mega-corporations which divide the state between them, controlling and ruling every aspect of society. Each corporation is made up of thousands of smaller companies, ranging from industrial companies to law firms. All land and real estate is owned by a company which leases it to the citizens, and government and policing are also handled by independent companies.

Although this gives the corporations dictatorial powers, they are just as bound by Caldari customs and laws as the individual, and the fierce, continual competition between the corporations ensures a healthy, consumer-based social environment, which benefits everyone.

Chief Executives Panel

The Chief Executive Panel is a political entity jointly owned and run by the Caldari mega corporations. The CEOs of the mega corporations sit on the board of the Panel and make sure the mega corporations don't go overboard in competing with each other, smoothing over potential conflicts before they escalate out of control. In a sense, the CEP is the Caldari State's Senate and makes final rulings in terms of foreign policy and declarations of war.

Ministry of War

The Caldari Ministry of War is a powerful voice in State politics and usually gets the results it was even if they were not planned in the first place. The Ministry of War has control over all the Armed Forces of the State including the Army (including the Caldarian Legionaries and Terminator Space Marines), Space Navy, Home Guard (Directorate of Police) and the Caldari Secert Service (CSS and Ordo Hereticus).

The Ministry of War is also reponsiable for the recent intiation of a swift and deadly inquistion to root out dissents against the State and silently terminate them. The Minister of War can at anytime call on the Ordo Hereticus to issue a Declaration of Exterminatus against a planet, however this harsh and swift action has almost never been used and when has been used, it has been only as a final and last resort.

Ministry of the Interior

The Caldari Ministry of the Interior is the central internal affairs bureau which consists of hundreds and hundreds of major and minor departments which range from the Department of Health and Cloning Services to the Department of Finance to the Department of Welfare. In a sense, the Ministry of the Interior is the large bureaucracy of the State, although usually overlooked by the Chief Execuitves Panel.

Ministry of Truth

The Caldari Ministry of Truth is the propaganda arm of The State. It concerns itself with the media and all forms of relaying information to the general populace, controlling what the populace can know and what should not know. Several departments include for example Records (Controls and Recifies Caldari History). Another department is Censorship, which deletes from the Press the names of people who had been vaporized by the CSS and therefore are considered never to have existed.

There are huge printing-shops and their sub editors, there are typography experts, and their elaborately equipped studios for the faking of photographs. There is an tele-programmes section with its engineers, its producers and its teams of actors specially chosen for their skill in imitating voices; clerks whose job was simply to draw up lists of books and periodicals which were due for recall; vast repositories where the corrected documents are stored; and the hidden furnaces where the original copies are destroyed.

The Ministry of Truth mainly works within the confines of Caldarian Gevon, bring Gevon's past into the Caldari State's future.

Caldari Business Tribunal

The Caldari are not want to bicker over lost deals or ruthless competition, but when they do, this is the place they come to. The tribunal is the only organization within the Caldari State authorized to cancel deals or agreements made between companies. The Tribunal also hear civilian cases as well and swiftly annouces its verdict, but usually this is torture, execution or exile.

House of Records

The fragmentation of the Caldari government has often proved to be problematic when it comes to documenting events, deals and communications. The House of Records was set up by the Caldari mega corporations to act as a central source for all this information. Information on all transactions, business deals and governmental involvements within the State must be sent here and are stored in huge data banks. The House of Records is the largest facility of its kind and contains all the records and files on Caldari citizens as well as officials.


The Caldari State offers its citizens the best and the worst in living conditions. As long as you keep in line, do your job, uphold the laws and so forth, life can be fairly pleasant and productive. But for those who are not cut out for this strict, disciplined regime life quickly becomes intolerable. They lose their respect, family, status, everything, and the only options left to them are suicide or exile.

Their is a giant break in weath distrubution between the CEO's and major officers and the everyday citizen. Most people live in moderate flats which have slighty high rents but overall they are pretty good and more and more flats are built everyday. On the other side of the scale, the CEO's and high ranking officials live in luxurious penthouse and sometimes their own skyscrapers. Taxes are though the roof as everyone, even officials pay them, although most citizens disagree as to why the rates are high.

Social Classes

The Caldari social classes are very strict and its very hard to elevate from one to another, but it is very easy to drop down classes. The three important classes are the Corporates, the Working and the Poor. A fouth is foreigners but they don't fit within usual Caldari culture. The corporates enjoy wealth, they are the kings and queens of wealth and they show that in everything they build and make for the rest of the State. Corporates are in charge of all government posts, making the split between them and the working class very clear. The Working Class mans and works in the corporate factories and plants and make up a large propotion of the Caldari population. While we can see the first two classes clearly in Caldari society, you do not see many poor or poverty-stricken people. The people who make up the poor class recievie government pay checks as well as free food grants.

Social Classes by Population
Corporates      10.00%
Workers         85.00%
Poor            5.00%          

Ethnic Groups

Their are two different native bloodlines of the Caldari race and they are the Civire and the Dentis. The Dentis symbolizes the Caldari State in every way, as they are efficent, hard-working and duty-filled. The Dentis are usually found in posistions of authority, both in administration and in the military, something that suits their temperment very well. The Civere provide the backbone of the Caldari State. They are cool, level-headed and relentless in their approch to fighting. There is one other ethic group called the Achura. They have been the masters of science and techology and they work along with the Dentis to get the results they crave, the furtherment the State in all its glory.

Ethinc Groups by Population
Civere        5.09 billion
Dentis        3.90 billion
Achura        1.25 billion
Others        1.502 billion


The Caldari State are regarded as oppresive, hard-working, war-loving people, who wish to live as long as they can and live their lives to the fullest extent. Many Caldari believe, that although having fun and leisure is important, working is also very important, and many believe that hard work will lead to a succesful life. They do believe in absolute perfection, as it is possible. The wealth of a person is considered to be exteremly important, as many believe it is a reward given when one works hard enough in life. Wealth also is used to determine the social class your in.

The Caldari have no freedoms. They have no poltical nor civil right but they have outstanding economic rights which allow free enterprise but not so much to infringe on the rights of other megacorporations. They will also accept some peoples and species of all races, beliefs, and cultures as long as they stick to the laws and traditions of the State, Failure to do so will cause immidate deportation and possiable other problems within the bueaucracies.

The population like major ceremonies and parades as they are proud of their country and its history. Military parades shows the citizenry of the State that it does in fact have the grestest military in the world. Their are also cultural parades, like during Caldaria. The State frowns upon the people who don't enjoy the military parades and the CSS usually quietly terminates those people who do not like the parades.

To control their more aggressive habits, the Caldari organize a variety of sporting activities, most of which involve some form of violent competition such as gladiatorial matches. Betting on these competitions is very commonplace, so much so that gambling has evolved into one of the larger enterprises in the Caldari state.

Official Languages

The Caldari State has 2 official languages and dozens of planetary dialects. These official languages are Caldanese and English. Caldanese is a combination of Japanese and Scandivaian and used only by citizens of the State during everyday life. English is used like the rest of the Federation of Allied Nation, however this is only used for foreign policy and for trade with other nations. Aproximentally 1.70 Billion speak Caldanese while the Gevonians, who number around another 1.1 billion, only speak English and have no desire to learn the Caldari Language.


The people of the State, as with other places, have numerous hobbies and activities in which they engage to entertain themselves. The video game and computer industries in the Caldari State are expansive and some of the most lucrative market sectors, at the same time providing entertainment to countless citizens of the nation. Visual entertainment forms are also quite expansive in the forms of movies and television. Currently, the most popular forms of these are those presented in an animated medium or in a science-fiction of fantasy setting. If asked for a reason for this, the locals will frequently reply that focusing on the fantastic, both in terms of story and medium, provides more inventive and creative works.

The Holo-Movies are a very populur entertainment as they show features in all dimentions, usually in 5D. Popular genres include State, Foreign, Historic, War and Popular. State movies basically are shows broadcasting propaganda to the masses, to make them more loyal to the State. Their are not many foreign movies and the CEP have censored several hundreds of movies they deem, non-patriotic. Historic and War movies are propaganda in a way but in theory, teach the little people of their past and what cause the State to be the superpower that is in this day and age. Popular movies are shows that people really, really enjoy and will see anytime they feel like it. The most popular films in the State after the end of the 2nd Gevon War were "The Fall of Almasy" and "The Siege of Hong".

Unfortunally, due to unexistant civil rights, the media has been restricted only to government channels which continuously feed propaganda to the masses everywhere. The Ministry of War and the Interior are usually in control of the propaganda and news networks unless otherwise noted by the Chief Executives Panel.


Music is another popular form of entertainment. Egonics are a Caldari specialty and they are based on the tastes of what people like. The range is large between modern jazz to futuristic rock and roll. Egonics are based on DNA samples, social status and many other ways. Music is broadcasted to the Egone over wavelength, similar to radio, so in effect every Egonics customer is listening to his own personal radio station, playing only those songs he likes and has paid for.


Education is important to any great and proud Caldari. You will find hundreds of schools and universities, each specializing in a different field of trade or job that you want, but here a few very popular and important for all Caldari to attend if they are not going to join the Caldarian Legionaries or the Caldari Navy.

One School would be the Caldari Trade and Science University. At the University, Caldari learn to become sly and cunning traders, they also learn to be great and sneaky diplomats, for both political as well as Military spies. In the Science Department, Caldari learn to become great and noble scientists to help advance Caldari technology further.

Another famous Caldari School is the State War Academy. At the SWA, Young Caldari are trained since the age of 5, if they aren’t going into a trade or government job, in all arts of warfare, including the CSS, Caldarian Legionaries, Caldari Navy and recently Terminator Space Marines. Some are trained as officers and commanders, some are trained to be soldiers and some are trained in the arts of concellment and esponige. Discipline is a required to be part of the armed forces and to be Caldari citizen overall.


Sports in the Caldari State are unusually combative, largely composed of wrestling, boxing, martial arts, warfare, and fencing. The largest sport, however, is known as Combat. This sport takes multiple forms with multiple sets of rules depending upon the variant. However, what it consists of is the combatants using weapons, composed of foam for safety issues, and shooting each other with them in battle. These weapons must conform to certain restrictions put in place for both playability and safety. Weapons generally take the form of stun rifles. Each player is responsible for keeping track of the damage they recieve, with different damage having different effects. Players who are dishonest about taking damage, as determined by the heralds, can be barred from the leagues though this is the rarest and least used punishment. In a way, Combat is like laser tag, as it builds charcther and improves people's training and wepons handling for the armed services.

Combat, as mentioned above, comes in a variety of forms. Large battles, frequently consisting of upwards of a thousand people on each team, are seldom used in tournaments for league purposes beyond having a good time due to the difficulty of analysis of individual performance. Smaller teams have different leagues, dependent upon team size, weapons, location, and other factors, which contain individual ranking systems. The other major form of tournament Combat is dueling, which, as the name implies, is one-on-one combat. As with team battles, multiple leagues exist for duelists with independent ranking systems. The sport is also widely used recreationally as it is accessable to almost any age.


The Caldari State has no state religion as they don't put any money into the Religion Ministry as its a department that doesn't exist. The primary religion which the Trade Fleets worship are the Caldar.

The Caldar are the ancients who were supposedly the richest people in the universe. Some captains of the Trade Fleets believe that if they pray to the Caldar, they will get a special gift, although so far, no free gifts from the Caldar have been seen nor recorded.

The Caldari State when it was an Imperium under the rule of Raata I, he declared that seperation of church and state must happen and so it did. To this day, Religion has not come into play in State poltics.

Economics and Industries

The Caldari State is home to one of the largest manufacting and production facilities in the entire Federation. Some of the major industries include gambling, armaments manufacturing, food production, mining and starship construction.


The Caldari State has the largest gambling sector in the region and you can find a casino on almost every planet and spaceport thoughout the State. Major games that are played include Blackjack, Roullete, Craps, Poker, Baccerat and Pettokori. Only high ranking officials and officiers of the military can play Pettokori.

Armaments Manufacturing

The State is well-known for its large weapons manufacturing. The range of side arms go from basic blaster rifles (DC-6) to Graviton Quad Rifles (AH-9) to even the large cannons aboard the Titan-Class Destroyer (Kyon Blaster Cannons and Polarion Cannons). Isuuaya Imperial Armaments is reponsable for the manufacture of these weapons, as they help Cirelere Laboratories in the research.

Food Production

The State has the largest food production sector as well in the Fedetation. Over 250 planets are solely for the production of foodstuffs for the growing population of the State and even produces extras for other nations. Combined Harvest is the lead corporation in this field.


The Caldari State is home also to some of the largest caches of Tritanium, Nocxium and other space ores. Several belts including the Ta'Ka Belt and the Halak Fields have also some large catches of Tiberium, which at this time is equal in value to the credit. Metal X, used by OBERTH in Maraudersoft is also found in several undisclosed belts on the fringes of the State. Hysayoda, Minedrill and Combined Harvest all share the duties of collecting and refining the ores needed to continue the development of the State.

Starship Construction

The State is exteremly well-known for the Jita Shipyards (Part of Colossus l JITA), which produces some of the best starships in the Federation of Allied Nations. Jita Shipyards has been around since the rise of the Raata Empire and the rise of the weapons megacorporation, Isuuaya Imperial Armaments.

Some of the ships manufacture include the Enforcer-Class Battleship which are usually seen in systems as patrols and part of larger fleets. The Armageddon-Class is a more offensive ship, brisling with guns and are almost always seen in larger fleets and even as escorts of the larger ships. The Genesis-Class Mega Battleship is the moble 'battlestation' of the State, has tons and tons of cannons. It can take on whole fleets and take almost no damage. Only 3 of these benamoths are in active service and one more in still in constrction at the Jita Shipyards. Over 250 Million Citizens alone work in this one major industry.