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   <td>The entire of December is used as a chance to recover from the year just gone and to prepare for the year ahead</td>
   <td>The entire of December is used as a chance to recover from the year just gone and to prepare for the year ahead</td>

Revision as of 07:44, 1 March 2006

Flag of Kegmenistan
Motto: A Land Fit For Heroes
No Map Available Yet
Region Alliance of Honourable Peoples
Capital Stefangrad
Official Language(s) Aramaic & English
Leader Commissar Stefan Carney
Population 2.1 billion
Currency Kegro 
NS Sunset XML

The Public Limited Empire of Kegmenistan or Kegmenistan PLC is a large nation found on the Northern Continent of the Alliance of Honourable Peoples upon the southern borders of Super Rome. The borders that aren’t shared with Super Rome are drawn right up to the Golden Ocean which surrounds the remainder of Kegmenistan.

The Environment

The environment within Kegmenistan leaves something to be desired. Little lives within the expansive deserts of Kegmenistan and that that does is often mutated by the chemicals that are pumped into the wastelands. Within recent years the lack of industrial law has meant that the levels of pollution have reached embarrassing levels, so much so, in fact, that the people must wear respirators when leaving the air conditioned buildings of any major city.


The climate tends to involve very hot dry conditions. Temperatures during the summer can reach as high as 55oC in the desert and people are advised to avoid going into the streets if at all possible. During December however large tropical storms sweep across from the East and engulf the entire nation. Most travel is treacherous and flying is impossible during this time.

Time of Year Average Daytime Temperature Average Nighttime Temperature Other Conditions
Jan-May 30oC -10oC Dry conditions, little or no rainfall. Some winds, occasional sand storms. Strong sun. Cold nights
June-July 40 -5oC Dry conditions, no rainfall. Weak to no winds. Strong sun, little shade
High July 45/50oC 5/10oC Extreme conditions. Very strong sun, little shade. No rainfall, no cloud cover. Warm nights. Drought conditions.
July-Oct 30oC -5/-10oC Rapid cooling after summer heat. Strong sun. Little rainfall. Some winds. Few sand storms.
Nov 25oC -10oC Cooler Days and nights. Some strong sun. Some rainfall. Some strong winds. Sand storms.
Dec 15/20oC -10oC Much colder days and nights (for a desert!). Little sun. Heavy rainfall. Strong winds some severe. Tropical storms. Heavy cloud cover.

People & Culture

The population of Kegmenistan at the last census had risen to two billion. Families within Kegmenistan tend to be quite large with many families having seven or eight children and grandparents all living within one house.

People within Kegmenistan tend to find that they have low life expectancy compared to their neighbors from Super Rome and Roudland. It is generally accepted that this is due to the large amounts of pollution and children often working from an early age.

Keggys are free to relax as long as they don’t have too much fun. One of the largest chain-stores within Kegmenistan, “Barbucks”, has recently come under attack from the church due to it’s aggressive marketing campaigns which try to persuade people to buy it’s alcoholic coffee drinks. Instead of going out and enjoying themselves people tend to remain indoors and spend time with their families.


Suffrage is granted at the age of 18. This gives the right to vote, drink and gamble.


When not making money Kegmenistani citizens are devout in their worship of Cathol . The Catholic Church or Church of Cathol remains at the center of much of the culture that can be found within Kegmenistan. There is a great deal of superstition regarding the realm of religion present in the people.


As one of the only nations still to use the ancient language of Aramaic, Kegmenistan is a subject of great fascination to scholars, many of whom come to Kegmenistans few schools and universities to learn the language. In recent years, however, the use of the common language to the Alliance of Honourable Peoples, English, has meant that the country now effectively has two official languages.

National Holidays

There are a number of national holidays celebrated by the citizens. The major celebrations are listed below.

Date Name Description
1 January New Year's Day The first day of the new year
14 February St. Valentine's Day A celebration of love and romance. Cards and roses are traditional as gifts
16 March Lucky Duck Day A celebration for all the family
13 April St Dmitri Day A festival to celebrate the life of the nations patron saint
21 June Midsummers Day A celebration of the summer. Spent indoors due to the heat
21 October Independence Day A day to celebrate the independence of Kegmenistan
December December The entire of December is used as a chance to recover from the year just gone and to prepare for the year ahead
25 December Catholmas Day A celebration of the birth of Cathol
31 December New Years Eve The last day of the year

Government Structure

The country is effectively run by six people. One Emperor who is elected by the people for the length of his lifetime and five CEO’s who represent the different areas of the country which they have won the contract to take control of.

The CEO’s and Local Government Contracts

Local companies are invited to bid for the Local Government Contracts (LGC’s). These LGC’s give the company that holds them the chance to run every aspect of local life (excluding law and order and defence) for the duration of 4 years. These contracts are won by companies that bid for them. These bids outline exactly what these companies plan to spend the money that central government provides for each contract. Any money that remains un-spent by companies is passed into their bank accounts. Therefore, it is in their best interests to provide as much service as possible for the cheapest price available. The CEO of the successful business then represents his company and constituency in the national parliament.

The Economy

The economy of Kegmenistan is an extremely strong one. It stands currently as the strongest in the region, though it's growth has slowed in recent years and other nations may soon take this title from us. Never-the-less it is a source of pride for the Empire. Keggys are known for their devotion to the economy.

All are expected to work regardless of their personal situation. This has helped to produce a strong work ethic within Keg as those that do not work know that they will recieve no help from the state.

The economy is focused around certain industries. These are the industries of Arms Manufacture, Mining and the Commerical Sector.

The country has some well known brands which own international recognition. The two best known brands are Barbucks, a coffee shop, and MacroHard, producers of technical and electrical goods.

The economy at last count was worth around $84 trillion.


The military is one of considerable size considering the nations population. Kegmenistan stands as one of the safest nations in the region.


The Armed Forces of Kegmenistan are arranged into 3 main groupings:

Name Description
Imperial Guard The main groundforces of the Empire
Imperial Air Force The Imperial Airforce makes up the air defense of Keg. The Airforce is further divided up as described below
Imperial Navy The Naval fleet of Kegmenistan

As mentioned above, the Airforce of Kegmenistan is then divided further into 3 more categories. These are listed below:

Name Description
The Strategic Missile Corps. The SMC is responsible for the use of all types of missile employed by the Armed Forces of Kegmenistan
The Military Space Corps. Responsible for all operations of a military nature regarding space.
The Airborne Corps. The Airborne Corps. forms the force that defends and supports our groundforces and navy from the air

At last count there were around 15,200,000 serving military personnel. These were divided up between the three sections of the military. 4,500,000 serve for the Imperial Guard, 5,400,000 for the Airforce (divided between the three different Airforce corps.), and 2,100,000 serve the Imperial Navy. A large civilian workforce is also employed by the KMoD. On top of this there are a number of operatives spread out across the region who form up the Imperial Inquisition. Numbers are not released by the government.

At current a new force of around 720,000 is being trained to serve for the Rapid Reaction Force of the Alliance.

The Legal System

The law is given to the people based upon a very strict code that originated from the laws of the Catholic Church. As such the court operates a theocratic system whereby judges are made up of the clergy. It has changed very little in recent years except to keep certain laws up to date with more modern thinking and to introduce new laws for the same reason (e.g. the Electronic Protection Act was introduced to combat hacking and other such related crimes).

Some of the more notable laws that have been passed in recent years include the Right to Health Act which bans smoking because of the effects on the health of others, the Euthanasia Bill which allows the perfomance of euthanasia in extreme conditions as directed by two medical professionals and the Young Offenders Act which further strengthens the powers of police to detain and prosecute young offenders.

The police keep the order with an iron fist.