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language=Dhala |
language=Dhala |
capital=Abredin |
capital=Abredin |
population=Changing |
population= 250 million |
currency=Equiliant |
currency=Equiliant |
leader=Horan II
leader=Horan II

Latest revision as of 17:54, 26 March 2006

Tse Moana
Flag of Tse Moana
Motto: I have a trout up my nose, please hand me the banana.
Link to Map
Region Equilism
Capital Abredin
Official Language(s) Dhala
Leader Horan II
Population 250 million
Currency Equiliant 
NS Sunset XML




Tse Moana is an island located in the Polar sea in the northern area of Equilism. It's mainland neighbours are Moo-Cows with Guns to the southeast and Equility to the south. To the west one finds the island of Millitarism.

Natural Environment

Tse Moana is an abundantly forested island with a large range of mountains (the Moana Mountains) with an average height of 2500m (highest point 3349m) along the northern bulge. Smaller mountainous areas are located in the South (Rangari Mountains, average height 2100m; highest point 2730m), middle (Ghriya Mountains, average height 1850m; highest point 2239m) and the east (Shekestri Mountains, average height 1700m, highest point 1994m).

In the province of Rovallen, south of Lake Dryul, one finds a semi-dormant vulcano (Regellen) whose last eruption occured in 1824. Luckily, due to the advance warning signs given off by Regellen, all people in the area were evacuated in a timely manner and no one was hurt or killed.

Tse Moana has several large lakes that together are responsible for a great deal of Tse Moana's durable energy. Lake Moana is the large lake situated up in the Moana Mountains, its neigbour is Lake Strinn. In the Rangari Mountains one finds Lake Senar with Lake Samut in between these two mountain ranges.

The Griya Mountains holds Lake Mikyal while in the Shekestri Mountains one finds Lake Shekestri. Finally, near the vulcano lies Lake Dryul and in the north, on cape Ludau, lies Lake Rysh.

The province of Remoriha is home to the lowest point of the island. Lake Samut and the area around it, including Remoriha City, range between -1 and -3 meters below sea level.


Tse Moana has a temperate, marine climate. The average summer temperature 15-20 degrees celsius (extremes up to 35 and down to 7 degrees). Average winter temperature -7 to 5 degrees celsius (extremes down to -20 and up to 10 degrees). The Northern Mountains have regular snowstorms in the winter.


Tse Moana is divided into five provinces. These are, from left to right on the map, Rasarin, Remoriha, Abredin, Rovallen & Shekestri. The provinces are named after their capital cities and daily affairs are taken care of by a Governor.


Led by Governor Pyn Rhetir.


Led by Governor Strodl Gronwes.


Led by Governor Pirath T'Chal Marac, Prime Minister.


Led by Governor Hiyaw Tygun.


Led by Governor Desy Refyk.


Moans have always been a seafaring people and water still defines their lives a great deal even though the traditional fishing methods are diminishing due to industrial fishing (although always with regard to the environment) and the rising of tourism to Tse Moana's clear, and life-abundant waters.

Tourism (largely water-based) now provides 25% of Tse Moana's national income while processing and export of fish has dropped from being 75% to 25% of Tse Moana's national income. Industries now take up another 25% and the remaining quarter is filled with a little agriculture, a great deal of scientific endeavours and a little of everything else.

Resources and Land Use

Tse Moana is fairly rich in natural gas and oil but is cautious in accessing and using it so as to not risk any descent of the earth, endangering the residents. In the mountains and the immediate surroundings, iron and silver can be found as well as some other precious metals and stones.

A large part of the land is used in environmentally friendly agriculture which is stimulated by the government. Large parts of the region are designated as national reserves and although some of these may be inhabited and developed, the natural environment may not be disturbed or endangered.

Heavy industry is permitted but only in designated areas near the bigger cities. Most heavy industry focuses on dealing with Tse Moana's own natural resources. Besides that, a lot of the industry deals with science related work as Tse Moana has a great deal of scientists in all fields. Rovallen takes up a special place in this regard as this is the university and science city and a lot of related industry has found a place either in or around the city.


Moan Culture is one where hard work is valued but not worshipped. People work hard during the week and are generally willing to do a little bit extra if asked but when they are free, they enjoy it to the fullest. They are a passionate, yet somewhat reserved people that approach almost everything with an open mind.

If you're a foreigner, it might take a while before a Moan opens up to you, but they will always be friendly and polite to you and willing to take an extra step to help you.


Head of State (Monarch)

The Head of state is Tse Moana's Monarch, currently Horan II. In the past, the monarchs had absolute power but, with the advent of modern times, democracy has found its way into Tse Moana. Nowadays, the Monarchs power is still great but no longer 100% absolute. The Monarch rules the country together with the Council of Ministers and the Prime Ministers.

Council of Ministers

The Council of Ministers consists of fifteen Ministers, each of them responsible for a specific department. Ministers are chosen by the Senate from amongst them. The departments, and their current Ministers are the following. The format is "department" ("minister name" | "gender")

  • Foreign Affairs (Medeo T'Huc | m)
  • Internal Affairs (Ashanga Merlo | f)
  • Defence (Vereni S'Dren | f)
  • Justice (Nuhrare T'Kon | f)
  • Financial Affairs (Perro Fryks | m)
  • Agriculture (Leander Jillon | m)
  • Tourism (Owhynn Hylkal | m)
  • Industry (Nimua Herthu | f)
  • Education (Shander Ughot | m)
  • Science (Reshy Maras | f)
  • Environment (Whenna Porill | f)
  • Health (Joghash F'Gell | m)
  • International Aid & Immigration (Drass M'Ghron | m)
  • Art (Tyrena Hyser | f)
  • Sports (Alder Zereky | m)

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister is chosen by the Monarch and is usually someone well versed in politics and a close friend of the monarch. The Prime Minister, who may not be a member of any political party, serves as liaison between the Monarch and the Council of Ministers and takes over the Monarch's duties if he or she is unable to attend a Council meeting due to other obligations.


The Senate consists of 250 people. Every one of Tse Moana's five provinces elects 50 Senators in a general election in which all citizens over the age of 18 may vote. It is the Senate's job to come up with bill proposals and matters in general that require the attention of the government.


The Cabinet reviews proposals and other matters brought up by the Senate and decides over these with the King. Afterwards, the matter is often returned to thte Senate for a final check up and approval (which is not needed but has been common practice and courtesy for more than half a century) after which they send it back up and it is accepted.

Electoral System

General elections for the senate are held every five years with the last one being held in January 2005. Every province chooses 50 Senators who together form the Senate. Every region has a number of political parties, some of which are strictly provincial and some that are national with regional departments.

To be able to run for election, one has to be a member of a registered political party. However, every person aged 18 or over may register a political party, provided they have at least 4 members at that time. Usually though, the parties that get the most votes are the bigger ones that have a bigger budget to campaign and a better balanced program.


Elections take place in January and are separate in each province. The procedure starts in November. Then, all parties wishing to take place in an election register themselves at the Election Office of their province. Once they have done so, they may campaign.

On the first day of December, all parties taking part in the elections have to hand in their Senate List. This lists all the people of that party that are eligible for a Senate seat. After this date, no new parties may join the election.

On January 5, the election period is opened. All people over 18 now have 5 days to go to a voting station and cast their vote. Then, on the tenth, the election is closed and the votes are counted. By January 13, the results are published.

To determine how many seats each party gets, the Seat Minimum is used. This number is calculated by dividing the number of voters through the number of Senate seats. Then, the number of votes for each party is divided through the Seat Minimum and the resulting number (which is cut of) gives the number of seats for each party. If at the end of this procedure a few remainder seats are left, these are given to the parties with the biggest decimal. For example, if two parties get 31.4 and 31.8 seats, the party getting 31.8 seats will get a remainder seat before the other one.

Each party then selects the first x people of their Senate List (where x is the number of seats) and they become Senators. These Senators then have the remainder of January and the whole of February to select the fifteen Ministers from their midst. This goes by election as well.

A party nominates several members for these positions. The big parties usually nominate at least one person for each position while the smaller ones only nominate a few as no party may nominate more than 50 percent of their number of seats. So a party with 8 seats may only nominate 4 people.

After nominations are complete, the Senate takes a vote per position (so fifteen in total) and the winners of these elections become the Ministers. In the case of ties, a run off election is held between the tied people.

After the Minister have been selected, the parties they are from may fill the Senate seats that have been emptied with the next x people from the Senate List.

Legal System

There are several layers of courts beginning with Local Courts in counties going up to Provincial Courts in regions and the High Court as top level.

Levels of Court

Local Courts deal with all civil suits and minor criminal cases. Appeals for verdicts reached here need to be done at a Provincial Court. Judges here are appointed by the Provincial Court of the Province the Local Court is in. Terms are generally indefinite but subject to five year reviews.

Provincial Courts deal with all civil suits and criminal cases. Appeals for verdicts reached here need to be done at the High Court. Judges here are appointed by the High Court. Terms are generally indefinite but subject to ten year reviews.

The High Court deals with issues that have a nationwide effect as well as with appeals from the Provincial Courts. As cases originating at a Local Court have two possibilities of appeal (once to a Provincial Court and then to a High Court), cases originating at a Provincial Court may appeal to the High Court twice. In such a case, the judges hearing the second appeal will be different than the ones hearing the first appeal. Judges here are appointed directly by the Monarch for an indefinite period but subject to five year reviews by the Monarch.


Traffic violations are usually punished by fines ranging from 25 up to 500 equiliants. In serious cases, the police may also take away a driver's license. Fines are also given out for general civil misdemeanours and violations.

Next step is community service generally ranging from 10 (for small violations by minors) to 1000 hours. People sentenced to this are required to register with the Community Service Agency (CSA) where they are required to attend some classes pertaining to their particular violation, misdemeanor or crime after which the CSA will assign them work.

Prison time is the next step on the ladder and sentences can range from 1 month to life in prison. Life in prison is also the highest sentence possible as Tse Moana outlawed the death penalty in 1811.


Tse Moana abolished compulsory military service in 1983. Every person between the ages of 18 and 35 may join the military. They can choose between army, navy, air force and marines. Eighteen-year-olds that have not yet finished Level 3 education may choose to finish that while in service. These kids follow a special program where they receive their final year regular education and learn the basics of being a soldier. If, however, they want, they may apply for a drop-out permit and skip their final year of Level 3 education. From age 16 on, youngsters wanting to join the army may enroll in a prep school where, besides regular education, they get an introduction to what it's like being in the military. Afterwards, they may or may not decide to pursue a military career.


Tse Moana's population is mostly of a tanned skin colour with hair in different shades of brown and black with red popping up every now and then. Blonde hair is extremely rare and people having it are often stared at or even ridiculed. To the Moans, blonde hair is considered unhealthy and as a result, people born with this hair colour often dye it.


Tse Moana has no state religion yet most people believe in the Triad. Two Goddesses (Zhyrana & Shyrae) and a God (Zhirouan), siblings of each other, that guide and protect the Moan people.

Zhyrana is the Goddess of Health and Nature. She is patrongoddess of Tse Moana's hospitals and national reserves.

Shyrae is the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom. She is patrongoddess of universities and schools.

Zhirouan is the God of Strength, Stamina and Success. He is patrongod of sports, both events as well as sporting facilities, and industry.


A person is considered an adult at age 18. This is when they are permitted to vote, run for elected office, drive a car, join the army, drink alcohol and smoke.

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day
  • Festival of Shyrae
  • Spring Day
  • Festival of Zhyrana
  • King's Day
  • Midsummer
  • Fall Day
  • Festival of Zhirouan
  • Midwinter
  • Old Year's Day/Evening
  • January 1
  • March 1
  • March 21
  • April 15
  • June 15
  • June 21
  • September 21
  • October 25
  • December 21
  • December 31