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The new Anumian democracy caused an election to be called for Anumia's parliament - the House of Representatives. Voting was peformed through the STV version of proportional representation and the results are as follows:
The new Anumian democracy caused an election to be called for Anumia's parliament - the House of Representatives. Voting was peformed through the STV version of proportional representation and the results are as follows:
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Revision as of 12:26, 24 June 2006

Flag of Anumia
Motto: "Forever bonded to Anumia and the Anumist Alliance"
No Map Available Yet
Region The Anumist Alliance
Capital Anumia
Official Language(s) English
Leader Julius Suntarian-Antillius
Population 2.019 billion
Currency Anumist Credit 
NS Sunset XML

President of The Anumist Revolution

History of the Anumian Democracy of Anumia

Colonial Times

Following the exodus after the Persian War (1310-1314), when The Anumist Alliance saw two of their most important members, Këlë and Pheta, leave to create their own regions, the region began to descend into chaos and ignominy. Finally, as order began to be restored by the leader of The Anumist Alliance 2 (created after the destruction of TAA), Këlë’s region, the Neo Socialist Alliance, sent colonists to form the Colony of Anumia in 1327, in an attempt to re-establish links with the broken region. The Colony was small, and was almost swallowed up by the ensuing chaos in the newly created TAA2, but by allying itself with its weakening neighbours and other tribes in the area, it began to expand and eventually broke off from Neo Socialist control, forming the United Socialist States of Anumia in 1352, under control of its own government.

United Socialist States of Anumia

The government of the United Socialist States of Anumia was heavily dominated by the military, with the majority of the elected leaders being either the General of an Anumian Army, or the Admiral of the Anumian Navy. Of course, these were mere terms; with the ‘General’ or ‘Admiral’ being nothing more than a Warlord with more control over the Anumian Armed Forces than the next Warlord. One such Warlord, Julius Antillius, was the Admiral of the Anumian Navy in 1389, and ascended to the head of the Anumian Government in 1392. He used his dictator-like powers to gain control over the Anumian Army as his first act, giving him complete control over the Anumian Armed Forces. After using his combined political and military powers to spurn, banish and murder his enemies in the Anumian Government and Anumian Army, he declared himself King of Anumia in 1395.

Kingdom of Anumia and the Council of Six

The Anumian Government became completely centred around the warlike Kings that ruled the nation, expanding its borders to dominate the other tribes in the area. The heirs of Julius Antillius continued their dynasty without fail until 1604, when the six heirs of King Septius Antillius, Mansius, Octian, Perseps, Leontis, Kalius and Wastus, conspired to kill their father and take the throne as a group. Septius’ death however, heralded problems. Mansius had previously been far wealthier than the younger five heirs, Octian was the Vice Admiral of the Anumian Navy and Perseps was the Lieutenant General of the Anumian Army, while the remaining three heirs had far less political, military and financial power than the others.

Mansius left the group first, only 2 months after the death of Septius. He purchased land to the east of the capital of Anumia, Anumia, forming his own province, and declared his land seceded from the Kingdom. Octian and Perseps, upon gaining control of their respective militaries, combined forces in an attempt to rule Anumia on their own, and left the group in 1607. The remaining three heirs combined their relatively meagre financial and political powers and attempted to oppose Octian and Perseps.

The political, financial and military standoff came close to civil war, but in 1608, as a combined assault of the capital city was planned to commence by the forces of Octian and Perseps, Mansius returned with his own private army, and the six met each other in the streets of Anumia. Kalius and Leontis managed to broker a truce with Octian, Perseps and Mansius, while Wastus attempted to calm the mob of citizens that had gathered to see the spectacle.

The newly formed Council of Six managed to work together enough to make Anumia a powerful nation in TAA2, expanding its borders almost to the ocean on all sides. Eventually however, the last remaining member of the original Council of Six, Kalius Antillius, died in 1647. The heirs of the six Councillors were unable to resolve their issues with one another and after a brief civil war (1648-1650) between the Councillors’ heirs and their private armies, one heir rose to dominate the others.

Tactis Antillius obliterated his competition, hunting down and murdering all the remaining heirs of the Councillors, and established himself as the one and only King of Anumia. Unfortunately for him, the civil war had ruined Anumia’s reputation with the neighbouring tribes/nations, and almost half of Anumia’s land had been annexed by its neighbours due to the lack of control in the area. As a result, Tactis spent much of his reign rebuilding alliances and reclaiming land from the barbarians. His death in 1678 heralded the beginning of the end for the Anumian monarchy.

Formation of the Republic

The Antillius Dynasty continued to rule Anumia until 1741, when the other three noble families overthrew the King without bloodshed and established the Anumian Republic, controlled by the four noble families of Anumia, Antillius, Sipus, Oscius, and Suntarian. The Republic was ruled by a Consul, who was elected for life from a Government comprising of the head of each noble family. For the first 60 years, Consulship was shared between the Sipus, Oscius and Suntarian families, but the noble families were slowly weakening and dying out. In 1813, the Socialist Movement officially began, beginning the Anumian Civil War. The war lasted until 1824, when both the Sipus and Oscius families were completely wiped out in an uprising in Fidelis City. The Suntarian dynasty and the Socialist Movement negotiated a truce, and a third group, the Conservative Movement, was formed, from disgruntled members of both the public and the remaining two noble families.

In 1826, the Conservative Movement merged with the Antillius Dynasty and most of the Suntarian Dynasty, and attacked the Socialist forces. Nobles born of both Suntarian and Antillius heritage attempted to quell the fighting, but the battle spilt into the streets of the Anumian capital. Both the Conservative Movement and the Suntarian Nobles claimed that the nobles born of both Suntarian and Antillius heritage had no claim to either title, but the Socialist Movement claimed that they were a product of an attempt by both dynasties to preserve the weakening noble lines.

By 1829, both the Conservative Movement and the Socialist Movement were broken, with their official armed forces destroyed. The fighting between both Movements was carried out by civilians in the streets, fighting for whichever cause they supported. The Suntarian-Antillius Nobles (S.A.N.) stepped in with their armed forces and ended the fighting. The head of the S.A.N., a noble by the name of Flavian Suntarian-Antillius, assumed Consulship and control of the Anumian Armed Forces.

Decay of the Republic

From that point on, Consulship was held by a successful dynasty of the S.A.N. members. Each Consul assumed control of the Anumian Government and part of the Anumian Armed Forces, either the Anumian Navy or the Anumian Army, but never both. Towards the end of the 1800’s, the term “Anumian Empire” began to be used in outlying territories and major cities, instead of the term “Anumian Republic”. The Consuls of the mid to late 1800’s were jokingly referred to as “Emperor”; a habit that the Consuls did not make any attempt to cease.

The remnants of the Conservative Movement made a comeback in 1894, gaining entrance into and by 1899 control over much of Anumia’s financial and industrial institutions. The Socialist Movement (completely rebuilt by 1882) began to complain in the newspapers and demonstrations outside of government buildings. The Anumian Government saw a need to placate the Socialists without enraging the Conservatives. In 1903, the Conservative Movement’s grand scheme unfolded, as the Conservatives (which now comprised of both of the ‘pure’ Noble groups) left the country with most of the country’s financial resources hidden in the holds of their ships. The Consul, Persius Suntarian-Antillius, enlisted the help of his brother, Tulla, who was Admiral of the Anumian Navy, to hunt them down, to no avail.

The 1910’s almost saw an end to the Anumian Republic and the Suntarian-Antillius Noble family; an uprising by the citizens resulted in the slaughter of most of the remaining nobles in Anumia. Persius used his control over the army to suppress the uprising, but not before his reputation with the people was seriously damaged. He died in 1913 and his son, Ulio, gained Consulship. Ulio swore to the Anumian people upon his ascension to Consulship that he would expand Anumia’s borders to control the entire mainland.

In 1917 he began to make good on his promise, beginning a decade-long campaign that saw the subjugation of the barbarian tribes and small nations surrounding Anumia. By 1929, he had almost completely solidified his control over the newly annexed coastal provinces of Anumia, but before this last act was finished, he died after having a stroke. His successor, Tulius, fulfilled the promise of his father, but was faced with a problem. The conquests of the remaining lands on the Anumian mainland had not generated a large enough financial gain to finance Ulio’s expansionist campaign, and what little funds the nation had left had been used up. Anumia was completely bankrupt of funds.

Tulius managed to work with the Socialist Movement to convert most of the Anumian public to Socialism in an attempt to eliminate the need for money, and almost succeeded, but a brief period of ultra-conservatism brought about by fears of Anumian bankruptcy completely shattered the Anumian economy. Tulius spent the remainder of his long reign suppressing riots in the streets and demonstrations outside government buildings.

Imperial Anumia

When Tulius died in 1997 after an incredibly long term in office, his young son, Julius, rose to Consulship. Julius was very popular amongst much of the Anumian citizenry, in addition to being exceptionally popular in the Suntarian-Antillius Noble group. He had spent his childhood watching the moves of his father and planning improvements on the designs, while gaining the public support for his ideas. In 1998, Julius founded the Fabian Party, abolishing the S.A.N. group, which had lost popularity due to Anumia’s financial difficulties.

Julius attempted to establish a more proper democracy in Anumia, but both the working class and the Suntarian-Antillius nobles supported his rise to a throne. The term “Anumian Empire” had come into common use during Ulio’s reign, and both classes sought to make this term official. Julius had the title Emperor thrust upon him by the Suntarian-Antillius nobles, and in 2001, he accepted the title, with other plans in mind. As Emperor, he took control of the Anumian Armed Forces, as both the Admiral and General of the Anumian Navy and Anumian General respectively. Julius revealed his plans to the Anumian public in 2003, when he used his political powers to revolutionise the class system, obliterating both the working and the noble classes. The Suntarian-Antillius family at first resented these changes, but finally submitted by the end of 2003. This new system removed the need for money, thus solving Anumia’s financial woes.

Anumian Democracy

The social and economical system now ‘fixed’, Julius set to work on the Anumian political system, and by 2005 had turned the nation into the Anumian Democracy of Anumia. Julius handed power back to the people, abolishing all of the Anumian Empire aside from the Imperial Legions and Imperial Navy, which still remain to this day as elite troops under the command of the elected Anumian Government. Julius Suntarian-Antillius, head of the Fabian Party, remains in elected power to this day, and continues to govern Anumia fairly.

The new Anumian democracy caused an election to be called for Anumia's parliament - the House of Representatives. Voting was peformed through the STV version of proportional representation and the results are as follows:


House of Representatives
Party Comments Seats (of 200) Votes %
Fabian Party Anarcho-Socialist/ 'Anumist' 148 73.5%
Citizen's Platform of Anumia Social & Economic Conservatives 19 9.7%
New Social Democratic Party Social-Democrats/ Centrist 17 8.6%
People's Movement for Liberalism in Anumia Economic & Social Liberals 11 5.2%
Anumians Abroad Abroad Party for citizens abroad 4 2%
Strength Nationalist 1 1%