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<TR><TD>[[Shaz City]]</TD><TD>POPULATION</TD><TD>Capital City</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>[[Berwin]]</TD><TD>POPULATION</TD><TD>Major City</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>[[Berwin]]</TD><TD>POPULATION</TD><TD>Major City</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>[[Joliet]]</TD><TD>POPULATION</TD><TD>Major City</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>[[Joliet]]</TD><TD>POPULATION</TD><TD>Major City</TD></TR>

Revision as of 19:57, 26 November 2006

Flag of Shazbotdom
Motto: Harm One, Harm Us All
Mainland, Colonies
Region CIN Headquarters
Capital Shaz City
Official Language(s) English, Italian, German
Leader George A. Loak
Population Mainland: 4.631 Billion
Colonies: 6.806 Billion
Currency The Black Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

A Short History on the Dark Empire

The history from the point of view of those who were there to live through it all.

For the Full History, See Here.

The Exile and Colonization

In the early 20th Century, a group of people who called themselves Shazonites were under constant prosecuted in Europe. Mainly in the nations of Germany, Austria, France, Spain and Portugal where they were fined heavily, and in some cases, jailed for their beliefs and way of life. In fact, the Germans even went as far as to torture the Shazonites for information about the location of more of their kind and what their names were. After 40 years of prosecution they left to find a place of their own. After making stops in the United States and Canada, where finally left to the open ocean in search for a land their own.

They then ran across and Island that was otherwise unknown. They named it Shazbot Island, after their leader and because it was orriginally desolate along the shoreline. After moving inland they found forests. They then began to build cities, the first was Shaz City, named after their leader and soon to be Emperor, Mr. Shaz Bot. Mr. Shaz Bot went to rule the Shazonite people for over 30 years as their Emperor

The First Election

After 30 years of being the Emperor, Mr. Shaz Bot made a degree. The First Imperial Election was to take place. And the kicker was that he was not running for the position in which he created. In this election, Mr Galen Q. Leotardia would pull away as the winner and would rule for two terms, winning the Second Imperial Election.

The Nuclear Attack and the Aftermath

It was an early morning in Shazbotdom when two nuclear missiles hit the nation. They hit two military bases where the Get To Know Your Military program was in effect. Several hundred school children from across Shazbotdom were being taken on tours of the buildings at two different military bases when missiels struck them. At the one military base, they had enough warning that all those at the base were hussled into bunkers underneith the base and were kept safe. Although at the other military base, they had no warning before the missile hit and several hundred school children, along with over 4 thousand marines, were killed instantly.

This caused Shazbotdom to fortify and construct a Missile Defence Shield. This MDS has expanded over the years to include orbital lasers and missile launch points on the ground. It has never been used but in simulations it has proved 99.9% successful with ICBM's and MRBM's and 100% successful against SRBM's.

The Third Election

The Third Imperial Election saw another change in leadership. Mr. Galen Q. Leotardia was not running in re-election. Instead, for his political party Mr. George A. Loak was running and won by a major margin. He then went on to win the Fourth Imperial Election by a slight margin, beating out the Socialist Shazbot candidate by less than 1,000 votes.

National Anthem

The Shazbotdom National Anthem is made popular by it's used in the old United States by a Wrestler in the WWE, Triple H. It was adopted by the Dark Empire 3 years ago, after the election of George A. Loak as his Second term in office. It was to show the power of the Dark Empire for those who tried to forcibly overthrow the government. The song is titled, "The King of Kings" and was used by the wrestler in early 2006, starting with the 2006 Wrestlemania and then for a month or two until him and Sean Micheals reformed DeGeneraiton X.

Lyrics And Sound File

The Lyrics and Sound File can be found on the National Anthem Web Page for the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom.

Government Officials

The Government is made up of several officials. Starting back when the nation was founded, a system was set into place and the first Head of State, Mr. Shaz Bot, came up with the name of Emperor for his position. It wasn't till the third Imperial Election in which the title of the head of state was changed from being called Emperor to being called Supreme Emperor. This was done by Mr. George A. Loak to show that his power was supreme in the government of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom.

Current Government Officials

Supreme EmperorGeorge A. Loak
Minister of the MilitaryGrand Admiral James E. Rockenbach
Minister of the IntereorMr. Gregory Kenith Vicrathrath
Minister of Foreign AffairsMr. Larry Williams
Minister of FinanceMr. Ken Rudenbak
Minister of Public RelationsMrs. Charrel Cralom

The Lay Of The Land

Topographic Informaiton

The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom is made up of mostly forested area. Although there is a large amount of prarie near the southernmost sections of the island near the area's of Shazbotdom Naval Base. There are three smaller islands near the enterance to Shaz Bay at the southern most part of the island. They are Kent Island, Tip Island and Thero Island. These islands are the main safeguards for the bay area, where Shazbotdom Naval Base is. They are lined with Anti-Air guns and missiles as well as Anti-Ship Missile and Artillary Batteries. Thero Island has the most out of these defences while Tip Island and Kent Island have the least.


Political Information

The Land is not divided up into any specific states, territories, or regions per sae. Voting is done on a city/town basis for local governments and the people vote for the Supreme Emperor but there is no more Parliament as they were deemed corrupt and banned from assembling as over 90% of the Parliament was taking bribes for votes. Almost all decisions are made by the Supreme Emperor while decisions pertaining to normal operations of certain things are handled by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Ministers).


The Cities of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom are vast and many. The first and orriginal settlement of Shazbot Island was Shaz City. When it became too large for the people to live in, other settlements were founded all across the island and an infristructure of roads was set up all across the countryside. Other notable cities are Joliet, Bolingbrook, Blaglagand, Thompson, Jamestown, and Romeoville. Each of these cities has been home to past heads of state and other people of importance.

Romeoville, the south-eastern most city, especially has been a prominant residence for past Ministers and the orriginal home of Mr. George A. Loak. Shazbotdom University is also located within the city limits and is home to more than 500,000 Shazbotdom young people between the months of August and May. With the best Ph.D programs in the nation, Shazbotdom University has been the Prominant University for all major figures in business and public administration, information technology, medicine, and chemical engineering. The developers of the SCS Marine Project studied at Shazbotdom U.

City Names, Population and Type

Shaz CityPOPULATIONCapital City
BerwinPOPULATIONMajor City
JolietPOPULATIONMajor City
BlaglagrandPOPULATIONMajor City
El CaudilloPOPULATIONMajor City
ThompsonPOPULATIONMajor City
LivingstonPOPULATIONMajor City
RomeovillePOPULATIONMajor City

The Colonies

The Colonies of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom were colonized roughly 10 years ago, just shortly after the conception of the Shazbotdom Marine Corps SCS Division. The first stellers of the Colonies called them a random name, although over time they thus became the names they are today: Alraibris, Bolrasha and Halnara. They each have their own independent economic system which is only joined with that of Shazbotdom by trades that take place between the Colonies and the Mainland.

Prime Minister of Colonies

The Colonies of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom are rules under the government of the Dark Empire. Although they do make their own laws, but they are not to conflict with the laws already in place within the Dark Empire. The leaders of the colonies are picked by the citizens that live within the colonies. Below is the list of the current Prime Ministers in each of the Colonies.

Prime Minister of AlraibrisErnie Henderson
Prime Minister of BolrashaHugh Jackson
Prime Minister of HalnaraCreig Armbruster

The Marine Corps

The Shazbotdom Marine Corps is seperated into three main branches. The Main Marine Corps, the BlackOps Special Operations and the SCS Project. Other sections include the Marine Air Division under the Main Marine Corps.

The begining of the Shazbotdom Marine Corps caused the need for a new breed of weaponry to replase the outdated equipment that was currently owned by the Shazbotdom Government. This brought about the XR series of weaponry. Amoung these were a Battle Rifle, Handgun, SMG, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Shotgun and Stationary Gun designated with the numbers 01 through 07. The Marines also had new uniforms to distinguish them from other armed forces throughout the world.

Standard Marine Corps

Picture of a Marine

Standard Marine Corps Weaponry

XR-01 Crimson Battle Rifle
XR-02 Magnum Handgun
XR-03 Falgon Sub-Machine Gun
XR-04 Doombringer Sniper Rifle
XR-05 Screaching Hellfire Missile Launcher
XR-06 Big Blast Shotgun
XR-07 Multi-Magna Stationary Gun

Standard Marine Corps Vehicles

T-500 Scorpion Tank
WH-01 Street Warthog
WH-02 Jungle Camo Warthog
WH-03 Troop Transport Warthog
WH-04 Desert ATV Warthog
AT-01 All Terrain Vehicle

Standard Marine Corps Aircraft

AC-01 Pelican
AC-02 Garrison

Black Ops Special Forces

The Black Operations are highly trained in hand to hand and gurrilla warfare. They strike and then leave as soon as possible with precision tactics. Not much else is known or to be released to public knoledge.

Picture of a few Black Ops Marines

SCS Project

The SCS Project was orriginally concieved 5 years after the Marine Corps came into play. It's purpose was to design a Marine Unit that would be invincible to most amunition. It's armor is a composit that will take damage, but not be penitrated, by most types of amunition available on the open market.

Picture of a SCS Marine

The Shazbotdom Navy

The Conventional Navy

The Shazbotdom Navy was orriginally created as a defence force for the mainland. Although at first it was composed of 7 Battle Groups, it dwindled down to 1 but due to recent events has risen back up to 2 Battle Groups. Each of these Battle Groups is composed of multiple different types of ships, most of which are upgraded versions of ships used by the old United States. Just recently the Dark Empire has made contact with the Raven Corporation and is working out a deal to aquire ships that the Corporation does not need anymore. They will be dubbed HAVOC 3 as soon as they are aquired. (A space has been put aside for them)


1 x Illeva Vassali-class Aircraft Carrier
7 x Nimitz-class Aircraft Carrier
1 x Repulse-class Battleship/Aircraft Carrier
6 x Shughart-class LMSR
8 x California-class Guided Missile Cruisers
15 x Arleigh Burke-class AEIGS Destroyers
15 x Oliver Hazzard Perry-class Frigates
1 x SeaSquid-class Submarine
4 x SSN-688 Los Angeles-class Submarines
3 x SSN-774 Virginia-class Submarines
2 x Mercy-class Hospital Ships


1 x Illeva Vassali-class Aircraft Carrier
9 x Nimitz-class Aircraft Carrier
1 x Repulse-class Battleship/Aircraft Carrier
6 x Shughart-class LMSR
8 x California-class Guided Missile Cruisers
14 x Arleigh Burke-class AEIGS Destroyers
15 x Oliver Hazzard Perry-class Frigates
5 x SSN-688 Los Angeles-class Submarines
4 x SSN-774 Virginia-class Submarines
2 x Mercy-class Hospital Ships


Comming Soon!

The Space Navy

The Shazbotdom Space Navy is currently very small. Consisting of 7 different class ships. It was orriginally designed as a way that the Shazbotdom Marine Corps can quickly move from place to place without spending a lot of time in transit. Currently it is not used that often and is stationary in orbit above the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom.

Ships of the Space Navy

4 x Dragon-class
3 x Autumn-class
1 x Pillar-class
1 x Reconciliation-class
1 x Sabertooth-class
1 x Beckford-class
1 x Deathbringer-class

Space/Atmospheric Assault (Starfury) Fighters

The Assault Fighters were designed for fighting in space. Although they have been modified to be able to fight within the atmosphere. The Starfury Fighters, as they have been named, consist of three different variants.

Variants of Assault (Starfury) Fighters

Aurora-class Assault Fighter
Badger-class Assault Fighter
Thunderbolt-class Assault Fighter


The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom is a part of several alliances. Most of them are Mutual Defence Pacts although one of them is to help the United Nations strive to be better than it currently is. To help pass legislation to protect the UN Member Nations not only from themselves, but from outside forces.

List of Alliances

Commonwealth of Independent Nations
Global Alliance of Sovergn Nations
Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength
United Nations Alliance
United Nations (UN) DefCon
The Grand Imperial Alliance (Not a Full Member)

Economy Information For Shazbotdom

The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom keeps detailed records of all transactions made throughout the NS Year. To ensure that they do not go over their budgets, the leadership of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom has uathorized the use of several Economic Calculators to keep track of information pretaining to the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom's current budget during this fiscal year.

