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(GDI Intervention and the Hanover Treaty)
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==GDI Intervention and the Hanover Treaty==
==GDI Intervention and the Hanover Treaty==
As the war was drawing on, Kanami felt if they could hold out just a little longer, they would have the victory.  However with I.H.'s sudden withdrawl from [[The Global Defence Initiative]] on the basis of Kanami's actions, GDI and the leader nation of H2 began to get involved.  At first they sended medical ships to Hanover with no intrest in fighting, then called for a Peace Accord.  Elenore Romeny and the other leaders saw it as a welcome relife.   
As the war was drawing on, Kanami felt if they could hold out just a little longer, they would have the victory.  However with I.H.'s sudden withdrawl from [[The Global Defence Initiative]] on the basis of Kanami's actions, GDI and the leader nation of H2 began to get involved.  At first they sent medical ships to Hanover with no intrest in fighting, then called for a Peace Accord.  Elenore Romeny and the other leaders saw it as a welcome relief.   
===The Peace Conference===
===The Peace Conference===
The first part of the confrense was mostly constructed of Q&A forum.  Basic questions were asked such as who is the responsible one, the casutalty ammounts.  Kanami attributed a fair share of blame, but also made sure Stevid was attributed for their lack of cooperation.  Aqua Anu blamed Stevid in whole, and I.H. blamed Kanami in whole.  And unfortunatley a lot of it was bickering from all nations.
The first part of the confrense was mostly constructed of Q&A forum.  Basic questions were asked such as who was the responsible nation, the casutalty ammounts.  Kanami attributed a fair share of blame, but also made sure Stevid was attributed for their lack of cooperation.  Aqua Anu blamed Stevid in whole, and I.H. blamed Kanami in whole.  And unfortunatley a lot of it was bickering from all nations.
As the first confrense winded down, a lot of attention began to get turned to [[Aqua Anu]] and Magic Sorcery, that they would be ''dealt with'' seperatley.  This pretty much scared Elenore to death that they were poltically attacking their freinds.  Romney managed to talk them down after a lot of arguing, and historical refrenses.  
As the first confrense winded down, a lot of attention began to get turned to [[Aqua Anu]] and Magic Sorcery, that they would be ''dealt with'' seperatley.  This pretty much scared Elenore to death that they were poltically attacking their freinds.  Romney managed to talk them down after a lot of arguing, and historical refrenses.  
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to a DMZ.  It came to the point where they kept ignoring her comments, so she played her last wild card.  She brought in a thousand people from the various islands in the region to tell how Imperialist Nations had caused endless suffering. However the testimonies seemed to get lost in thin air as non of them had anything do with Stevid.  Romney inisits although it wasn't the situation at hand, it was a grim and worst case scenario if Hanover wasn't taken.
to a DMZ.  It came to the point where they kept ignoring her comments, so she played her last wild card.  She brought in a thousand people from the various islands in the region to tell how Imperialist Nations had caused endless suffering. However the testimonies seemed to get lost in thin air as non of them had anything do with Stevid.  Romney inisits although it wasn't the situation at hand, it was a grim and worst case scenario if Hanover wasn't taken.
Finally a final treaty was reached, in order to protect themselves and their allies, Elenore signed the treaty, and paid any and all fines.  
Finally a final treaty was reached, in order to protect themselves and their allies, Elenore signed the treaty, and paid any and all fines.

Revision as of 11:51, 16 December 2006

The Hanover Conflict
Date: July 2017 - August 2017
Locations: The North Hanover Islands Dependency and surrounding waters
Outcome: Ceasefire Agreement Made While Hanover was Returned to Stevidian Control
Deaths (approx.)
Military: EST: 8562+
Civilian: 49
Total: EST: 8611+
Main Participants
The Empire Republic of kanami and Allies
Adaptus Astrates (Political)
Independent Hitmen
Kurona (Officially Neutral)
Aqua Anu
Magic Sorcery
Kurona (Officially Neutral)

The Hanover Conflict is a war on a relatively small scale in comparison to others around the world but is a very important one in the military histories of all the nations involved. The Hanover Conflict is a continuation of worsening relations between the two sovereign nations of The Holy Empire of Stevid and the Republic of Kanami and their claims to the island chain of over eight islands that make up the Hanover Dependency. Since a diplomatic incident between the two countries over Stevid’s deportation policy of certain people due to their religious beliefs, Stevid and Kanami have never been the best of national friends and eventually things spilled over into conflict over the Hanover Islands that lie dangerously close to Kanami. The war would start over the continued ignorance of Stevidian politicians towards Kanami- seeing them as simply an “annoying nation trying to look powerful”. This underestimation of Kanami led to the invasion and part occupation of the islands under Kanami and their allies’ flags.

Background of Hanover

Stevid occupied the entire island chain that was Hanover in the early months of the year 2001. Kanami was a nation that was unknown then and the proximity to the large land mass was ignored seeing as such that Stevid had the military might to counter any invasion attempts. The islands were claimed by the Stevidian Throne and were part of Stevid and the colonisation policy at the time. During this period Stevid was a member of the UN and in so doing meant that Hanover was officially recognised by the UN as Stevidian territory. As far as Empires are concerned, colonised and claimed colonies over seas actually become that nation the conquered them. Similarly, as soon as Stevid claimed the islands they effectively became an extension of Stevid.

Many see the Hanover islands as a chain with an array of climates that mimics the Falkland Islands and the geography is similar (although the shape and size of the islands are entirely different). Like the Falklands are to Britain, they are a very long way from the mother nation and is nearly a three-day trip at flank in a destroyer from Stevid to the mainland island of Hanover. However, Kanami is only a day’s trip, even a sixteen-hour trip, from Hanover’s further most western island. Stevid did not know of Kanami’s existence until they protested towards the deportation policy. Stevid decided not to tell Kanami politicians of the Hanover Chain’s existence and how close it was to the Kanami homeland until the time was right.

It seemed that Kanami did not know of the islands being under Stevidian control or that they existed at all until Stevid finally told them that then led up to the building blocks of the war. It was also confirmed that they did not know that on the far Western island of the Chain had several maximum-security prisons holding the most hated and dangerous of criminals but also, more recently, have been used to hold religious criminals until they can be safely deported to a willing colony. When Kanami discovered the prisons then relations dipped further. This all reinforces the decision Stevid made to withhold information on the islands from Kanami in fear of relations breaking down any further. Upon discovery, Kanami would look at Stevid with more hostile intent than the last time they met.

Kanami’s Discovery of the Islands

Discovery of the islands came when an increase of air traffic appeared on the fridges of Kanami’s radar coverage and political statements relating to the apparent existence of a chain of islands not too far from Kanami. When Stevid again arrested and tried a family of Satanists and sent them to the islands did Kanami step in again to try and sort things out. In the political barrages that both sides threw at each other in the opening days, Hanover was inadvertently mentioned which led to Kanami falling silent for a few days. Kanami were in fact revelling in the fact that Stevid actually had an Imperial colony between 200-300 nautical miles of Kanami with minor military bases on it. Soon Kanami came out with the intent of uncovering how and why Stevid acquired the islands and the possibility of swaying Stevid into divulging information about the islands and about the capabilities of the military forces stationed there. They also brought to the table the issue on religious criminals and common terrorists being held in the prisons.

Stevid Prime Minister David M. Conroy managed to convince the Kanami politicians that the military threat Hanover posed was so negligible that Kanami shouldn’t worry about the islands. Stevid also continued to state that the islands had the flag of Stevid flying and had UN and Imperial recognition that the Chain belonged to Stevid and the Empire. While convincing, Kanami didn’t buy many of the explanations and eventually saw the Hanover Islands as an illegal colonisational move made by Stevid and were using the Stevidian sovereignty over the islands as an excuse to keep the islands.

Diplomacy and the Road to Conflict

Prime Minister Elenore Romney of the Republic of Kanami invited Prime Minster David Conroy of Stevid and some associates to Kanami for diplomatic talks about the North Hanover Islands Chain and the deportation policy of Stevid. Conroy, along with a number of civil servants and ministers, arrived in Kanami and were transported to PM Romney under heavy escort. Many Kanamian protesters and reporters of many nationalities met them when they arrived at the government building where the talks would take place. Also accompanying then would be the Kuronan Princess who’s nation is a close ally of Kanami but also a member of the Stevidian Empire- they would remain neutral until further notice.

The political talks would take place in a large room in the Kanami presidential building where they would talk to each other on the subject of the Island Chain. Kanami had concerns with the surrounding regional islands that bore a close proximity to Hanover and the chain by at least 100 nautical miles while Stevid kept the interest of the Empire and Imperial Colonies at heart. Kanami also wanted to get detailed information from Stevid on the islands and why Stevid had occupied them, also why there were maximum security prisons placed on the islands. Stevid’s other agendas were to persuade Kanami that there was no threatening presence on the island other than a small defence force of ten places and a garrison of troops with armoured transports.

Kanami pushed for explanations and legitimacy in the Empire’s claims to Hanover and the island chain, they also presumed that Stevid was holding weapons of mass destruction on the islands and asked for information on whether they existed on the islands. A claim Stevid swiftly denied and condemned, Stevid also exclaimed that the islands were legally colonised by the Empire in the name of King Alistar I of Stevid in the year 2001. Soon after basic colonisation was established and a local government and constituency formed, the islands were deemed Stevidian and were officially recognised by the United Nations and multiple other nations that knew of the islands and there whereabouts. Kanami continued by bringing past engagements into the equation and the fact of religious prisoners being held in prison on the islands were debated. Stevid remained defiant and stated that the prisoners were being well treated while they awaited deportation, they continued to exclaim to the Kanami government that they should not be concerned with Hanover since they had gotten on fine without the knowledge of a Stevidian colony being so near to the mainland of Kanami- also that Stevid maintained a sovereign right to keep Hanover safe from foreign intervention without consent with the government. However Kanami still had great concerne over Stevid having bases so close to Kanami's waters, when they were barely on speaking terms. In addition, many nearby colonies existed that were extremly fragile, that could decended back into chaose if Stevid were to tread near them.

Talks continued for several hours before Kanami decided to draw up a Demilitarised Zone around the islands that the chain neighboured. Stevid politicians saw this as pointless since the airspace that they wanted the DMZ to include was not Stevidian and so a DMZ being drawn was pointless to both parties. They declined to sign; further arguments ensued about the islands and their legality, their purpose, their possible threat to Kanami and the government that controlled them. Kanami politicians continued to protest and draw arguments for and against the presence of the islands under Stevidian control but continued to claim that a DMZ would safeguard the peace they still held after the Kurona Strom Crisis. Stevid remained defiant, even arrogant to the treats and issues Kanami presented to them and walked out on the conference leaving Kanami, Aqua Anu, Kurona, and Magic Sorcery, routed in the room.

Many claimed that this move by Stevid sparked off the chain of events that then started the war, Stevid remained confident that Kanami wouldn’t be stupid enough to declare war on such a military and economic superpower like Stevid over eight little islands. While the government pondered this, Kanami continued to have doubts over Hanover and began secret operations of surveillance and military build up as they prepared for war. Kanami tried numerous times to get the Stevidian government to reconsider but to no avail. Kanami didn’t want to make a blatant invasion of the islands look imminent and so decided to bite back at Stevid and move naval units towards an island not far West of Stevid in the Otium Aqua. Despite Kanami having the legal right to be in the Otium Aqua Sea, it was a fierce war zone with the blood and bodies of many in it, little to the Kanami Government's knowledge. It was a theatre of war in the Golden War of Succession against the Golden Throne of The Maccabees. The Maccabees had proven to be a deadly foe but not invincible, the combined might of the Royal Navy and Independent Hitmen Navy had secured the entire Otium Aqua Sea in favour of the Haven Pact. It had cost thousands of sailors their lives to keep the Otium Aqua Sea safe in Royal Navy hands and now Kanami were waltzing right into the hot zone without a peaceful intent but merely to be a nuisance to Stevidian Naval activity. Their excuse was that they were participating in naval test firings in this section of seas. The Stevidian military saw this as none valid since Kanami was a day and a half away by air and nearly a week by sea. Two RAF Nightwalker fighter planes were scrambled to the Otium Aqua and investigate.

Despite informing the Kanami and Aqua Anu naval forces of the war in Otium Aqua and abroad and the danger they faced from the enemy and the Haven Pact, they refused to leave the sea. Orders were given to try and force the removal of Kanami and Aqua Anu from the Otium Aqua without firing on them. Wing Commander Barrett deliberately broke the sound barrier fifty feet above the Kanami capital ship causing havoc on the shipping below and mild health scares- ranging from mild heart attacks to temporary impaired hearing. Kanami and Aqua Anu issued threats to the planes whose pilots decided life was more precious than death and left the area with their heads held high. News of the engagement reached Kanami top brass ears extremely quickly and left many furious at the tactics used by the Stevidian RAF. This blind arrogance was the last straw for Kanami and Aqua Anu and the decision was made to attack and hopefully occupy The North Hanover Island Chain dependency. The Republic of Kanami declared war on the Empire of Stevid and The Hanover Conflict began.

The Hanover Conflict

Although hostilities were declared, conflict took days to start and would take even longer before Stevid held the advantage of power. Kanami and Aqua Anu banded together under a treaty that bound them together in cases of war and decided to attack Stevid in military harmony. Stevid had a brief advantage at the beginning since Kanami did not have much knowledge on the Stevidian technological capabilities on the islands. Stevid boasted excellent radar technology such as CELLDAR and excellent anti-air abilities and good levels of ECM and ECCM pulses. Whether Stevid had applied that level of technology to the islands was a mystery to the Kanami- the only way they would find out was by attacking the islands.

An invasion force comprising of Kanami and Aqua Anu landing craft was quickly assembled and sent to Hanover. Before the invasion would begin, Kanami sent a small force of B2 Spirit stealth bombers against the coast. If Stevid possessed CELLDAR radar emplacements on the island then the Spirits would be detected and engaged by the local air force. It soon became obvious to Kanami that CELLDAR was not present on the islands and launched their missiles before heading home. The missiles attacked and destroyed the roads and bridges and also landed in the main airfields and barracks of the military. It was only a few hours later when the enemy landed troops and light armour onto the beaches of Hanover where, according to Kanami intelligence, Stevid hadn’t positioned troops or armour to counter the invasion.

Invasion of Hanover

Weather was poor but acceptable for an invasion as a light snow was falling and easily settling on the forest floor and the beach. Stevid troops had anticipated a Kanami invasion before war was declared and positioned five hundred men with various equipment along the targeted coastline, they were supported by APCs with anti-tank weapons. When Kanami and Aqua Anu forces landed they encountered no Stevidian fire and advanced diligently up the beach, it was when light tanks and vehicles rolled onto the beach when Stevidian troops and armour opened fire. The brilliantly camouflaged APCs fire AT missiles at Kanami and Aqua Anu light tanks and jeeps, destroying them on the beach will missile equipment tanks tried their hand at attacking the armour as well. Troops engaged light vehicles and troops as they were caught in the open beach- cutting down twenty in less the a few seconds of firing. It was in the first ten minutes that Stevid held the advantage of surprise and amount of casualties Kanami were sustaining was rising to intolerable levels. Unless Kanami and Aqua Anu could counter attack, the following up landing craft would be unable to land and the invasion would be a failure. Recognising this, the invading forces rallied and gathered their shattered courage and composure and began returning fire. What surviving tanks there were left opened fire on the Stevidian APCs and destroy three out of five they also used light air support to strafe Stevidian troop positions.

It wasn’t long before strength in numbers out weighed surprise and Stevidian commanders ordered a retreat from the beach and for the fleeing soldiers to use the forest as cover. Snipers remained in the forest as a last line of defence to allow the few hundred surviving Stevidian troops time to escape back to the local population centre (town or village). They placed bombs, trip wires and C4 on trees as well as anti-personnel mines which the unaware Kanami and Aqua Anu force triggered while routing the Stevidian soldiers. Snipers killed those who survived the bombs before retreating as well with their comrades. And thus added the opening chapter of the war and the invasion of the islands.

Stevid quickly learned of Kanami’s successful invasion of the mainland islands although didn’t see it as a defeat for the home defenders. They had fought bravely and had only conceded two miles of ground to the invading forces despite the odds stacked against them. The continued resilience of the home defenders would prove to be Stevid’s main ace-in-the-hole. If the army could continue to stave off the advancing forces for as long as possible then help would arrive in time to relieve the islands of the enemy forces. With high hopes of winning this war in less than four months, the government ordered the admiralty to prepare a naval task force to retake the islands.

The Arrival of the Navy and Aqua Anu

Aqua Anu had claimed on many numerous occasions that their navy was large and seriously formidable, now was the time to prove it to Kanami, Stevid and the world. Kanami and Aqua Anu were close to one another and a very large fleet was assembled by the Aqua Anu admiralty to provide close naval security and support to their allies Kanami and their own navy. This fleet consisted largely of battleships and light cruisers and was the bulk of the Kanami defence force of the invaded islands, such a large fleet was recognised as a large threat by the Royal Navy and so topped the list of immediate priorities to “deal” with. The arrival of Aqua Anu complicated matters since the waters surrounding the Hanover Chain were now almost under total control of the invading navies.

Also, Kanami had good satellite coverage of the entire region that provided them with a good early warning scheme that could probably see the Royal navy moving towards Hanover with remarkable pace. The Royal navy had the better of their enemies with technology and used it to their advantage, the ‘’’Type-66 Dweller Class Frigate’’’ was used primarily to track and shoot down enemy satellites and would be used to destroy Kanami’s eyes and ears over the sea for such a time so that the Royal navy could slip into the area undetected. Three missiles were launched at three target satellites and easily destroyed all of them without mishaps. The Royal Navy began their campaign under the cover of the fog of war. It was several hours before Kanami got an uplink back via a satellite feed over the war zone to find the huge fleet belonging to the Stevidian Royal Navy just entering Hanoverian waters. While this was a surprise, it would mean their allies would be able to engage the Royal Navy far more quickly than before guessed. Aqua Anu had ordered their naval task force to attack the Royal navy to buy time for Kanami to take at least 40% of the two mainland islands. Aqua Anu was supposed to slow the advance of the Royal Navy before reinforcements were landed on the Stevidian side. The Royal Navy intended to destroy the enemy navy before landing troops therefore making the landings far easier than if enemy naval units were still active.

The sea war of the Hanover Conflict was about to begin.

War of the Sea

Stevid excelled at naval warfare, they had been up against near impossible odds of the Guffingford navy and the wrath of the Golden Throne’s latest naval contraptions and survived victorious. In light of that, the crews of many of the Royal Navy ships thought that the battle against Aqua Anu would be a simple walkover made even easier by the used of the new Gothic Anti-Ship missile system employed on most ships and naval aircraft. No one would underestimate each other too much- both sides boasted incredible navies- except Stevid could prove it with it’s previous actions in the Otium Aqua, while Aqua Anu were merely making claims that Stevid were dismissing as pitiful propaganda. They would all soon see who was better than whom in this war of the sea. The control of the seas around the islands was something Kanami and Aqua Anu couldn’t afford to lose while Stevid merely needed a small gap of se occupation to land armed forces on the islands. If the sea fell to Stevidian control then Kanami would struggle to maintain the upper hand in this war despite now controlling 75% of the island chain.

The ‘’HMS Qatar’’ a command and control cruiser watched the Aqua Anu fleet composition sail towards the Royal Navy flotilla with glee. The satellites showed an extreme lack of escorts in the Aqua Anu fleet, five frigates was all that was defending the thirty battleships, even more incredible was that there wasn’t a single aircraft carrier in the Aqua Anu fleet. Stevid took advantage of the poorly comprised fleet and opened up with their huge cannons that far out fired Aqua Anu’s older Iowa Class Battleships with the more inferior 16” gun. The aircraft carriers launched the XF-24 Scorpions armed with Gothic AS missiles banked off on the right (North) flank of the Aqua Anu fleet while the battleships of the Stevidian fleet continued to suppress the enemy guns.

Aqua Anu played a crazy game of unexpected tricks. Scuba divers made the huge trek by boat before diving under water towards the Stevidian fleet before planting EMP charges in small rafts which then disabled fifteen escorts of the Royal Navy. A similar tactic was used again when actual bombs were managed to be planted on the hulls and destroyed a further six ships. It was then the Fleet Admirals decided in the utter destruction of the Aqua Anu fleet. The contacted the opposing Admirals of Aqua Anu and offered terms of the surrender of Aqua Anu shipping. The Admirals of Aqua Anu rejected the offer and so over 150 Gothic Missiles were fired and countless shipping was destroyed including several Admiral capital ships- the lack of Aqua Anu escorts made the survival rating of the missiles shoot well above 85%. Before the missiles hit there was reportedly another request for surrender that was again rejected. The Aqua Anu fleet was in pieces and flames burned for hundreds of kilometres away. Few vessels had survive the missile attack and a further 150 missiles were due for launch- the Royal Navy Admirals tried for a third and final time to get their enemy to surrender. Aqua Anu cut a deal that they be let go as long as Aqua Anu naval forces never attack Royal naval shipping for the duration of the war. Stevid agreed and the first naval battle of the war ended with a total victory to the Stevidian Royal Navy with the loss of a few ships.

Kanami would prove to be more difficult than Aqua Anu. With Aqua Anu defeated at sea, the tide was turning in favour of Stevid and so Kanami needed a victory at sea to both keep morale up and to prevent the Royal navy dominating the Hanoverian Sea. Kanami Admirals need not make the same mistakes that Aqua Anu; along aside a large flotilla of battleships were escorts and a lot of carriers. This battle would prove to be far more difficult to win and it showed when Kanami adopted a strategy the involved a high usage of aircraft against Stevid instead of resorting to shelling. Kanami commanders knew that to use there inadequate 16” guns they had to sail for twelve minutes right into Stevid’s own guns. The chance of causing shell damage to most of the Stevidian ships was small as well- more chance was available with aircraft. Stevid launched their own aircraft in reply and took the fight to Kanami and attacked their shipping with medium-range missiles while others engaged the Kanami fighters.

It was supposed to be an easy victory in the air for Stevid. Their aircraft were far superior in nearly every way to Kanami’s but they couldn’t hold back the waves of aircraft Kanami were throwing at them. Soon Stevidian aircraft were outnumbered and ad been pushed back all the way from the Kanami fleet right back to the doorstep of the Royal Navy. AA fire in the air and from the sea took its toll on the Kanami aircraft but they continued to fight and even fire off pot shots with AIM-9 sidewinders at the lighter naval vessels in the Royal Navy.

It soon became not a battle of the sea but rather the air. Exchanges of fire between ships were few and far between and only the odd shell was fired at the Kanami fleet but most attention was on the fur ball dogfight was ensuing. The Scorpions were still in the air and away from the fighting- they fired off their remaining Gothic missiles at the Kanami fleet destroying over thirty ships before heading back to their carriers. He main naval battle continued but only involved aircraft.

War of the Air and the Local Hanover Resistance

Kanami were now taking the advantage and only stopped the fighting to refuel and rearm their aircraft, likewise with Stevid but since the fighting was nearer them, re-supplying was far quicker. Kanami, however, got their pilots into a sequence that work well, every time a squadron had to turn back, a freshly re-supplied one would arrive- it would continue in this fashion for hours while the Stevidian Fleet Air Arm struggled to contain the enemy aircraft. Black Widow air superiority fighters modified to be carrier borne were launched by Kanami to provide a final punch against the Fleet Air Arm. Kanami failed to kill of the Stevidian aircraft and the Royal navy Admirals ordered the destruction of as many Kanami carriers as possible.

The Gothic missiles that had been fired destroyed lots of shipping but not nearly enough to halt the Kanami. Carriers were destroyed too and so enemy aircraft numbers began to fall. Stevid had just managed to survive and would play for the draw. Kanami continued to fight on and amazed the top brass of the Royal navy when news that a single Wing Commander had spotted that one of the Ace pilots was actually a female pilot rather than a male. Obviously Kanami did not have the same health restrictions on their pilots as Stevid did- pregnancy and ability to carry children is reduced due to the amounts of G-Forces on the female body. It was other sexist to women but that is Stevidian policy- Kanami followed different health and safety principles.

The stalemate in the air continued and Kanami now attempted to break it by destroying enemy AA guns. Anti-ship missiles targeted the IR emissions generated by AA guns and CIWS cannons and began destroying them systematically with their missiles. The ILMS cannon was not so easily confused but sacrifices were made on the Kanami side to destroy the difficult cannons. It soon became clear to both sides that neither could keep up the fight for much longer. Kanami were leaving the Royal Navy unable to fire AA flak from the escorts but in destroying the AA guns Kanami had lost lots of aircraft to Stevidian AA fighters and ship borne AA missiles. Both sides had had enough and the Royal Navy withdrew from the battle first and retreated towards the allied Royal Navy Reserve fleet. Kanami decided that pursuing the Royal Navy could quite easily lose them the war if the Royal navy destroyed them. Both sides had suffered enough and it was inadvertent mutual agreement between the two sides as both withdrew from the battle ending in a draw.

Neither had the real upper hand although morale rose on Kanami’s side while the Royal Navy had to make do with what they achieved. Kanami would never again attack the Royal Navy until replacement ships arrive- the same went for the Royal navy and both requested ships. Kanami asked for over 112 carriers while the Royal Navy called upon the Admiralty to send another huge fleet that included the New Prince of Wales Class Super Dreadnought. Stevid now had the slight advantage of firepower and an SDN that Kanami thought it would never see being used against them. News reach Kanami politicians that Stevid had sent in the big guns and were ready to possibly retake Hanover and even move on to occupy the neighbouring islands near to Hanover under Kanami control, or even Kanami itself. It got worse for Kanami as another nation entered the fray on Stevid’s side.

While the politicians were waiting for news on the identity on this new nation that had appeared by Stevid’s side, the forgotten land war beginning to calm. With the capital town centre in Kanami hands and Stevidian forces scattered around the islands, Stevid was losing the battle on the ground. But the army had rallied ten or twenty miles south of the capital and had erected a temporary Firebase where military operations were being conducted. Protected by the remaining 500 soldiers and two APCs, the firebase was a formidable defensive position despite being cobbled together with used metals.

Kanami never really threaten the Firebase but the base threatened Kanami’s occupation forces. Constantly, the Firebase sent out small raiding parties to attack bridges, military checkpoints and light strongholds. A large checkpoint on the outskirts of the capital was an example of an attack. Anti-Tank missiles used against concrete buildings, wooden checkpoint huts and light jeeps caused havoc amongst the Kanami ranks for finally counter-attacking and killing most of the attackers. Losses were high but the effects the military had were effective and Kanami constantly had to re-build checkpoints and reinforce areas of the city, thereby weakening other parts which were then swiftly attacked in response. Kanami were never allowed to put their feet up.

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This was the extent the ground war went to from this point on but it meant Stevid still had a noticeable presence on the islands, even if it was small and beaten.

Independent Hitmen

Kanami politicians were shocked to find out the Independent Hitmen was now on the scene and angry in contrast to Stevid politicians who were jubilant. Independent Hitmen, like Aqua was to Kanami, was an extremely close ally but brought together by different circumstances. The Golden War of Succession had made these two formally neutral nations into the best of friends. The two had actually met accidentally during the Kuronan Storm Crisis-or so it is believed. Two other submarines were detected but never identified it was then learnt that Independent Hitmen was actually present. Other issues were that Stevid Independent Hitmen were not actually supposed to be friends due to the alliances and foreign policies they each had with Credonia. Independent Hitmen was a close ally of Credonia while Stevid was the opposite.

A war, like many things in international politics, brought them together and The Hanover Conflict was another such example. Independent Hitmen’s obligations to Stevid were mainly defence, political and economical but strong and long standing. Hanover was a sovereign territory of Stevid and Independent Hitmen entered the war on Stevid’s side. Kanami were now fighting and large losing battle. Stevid and Independent Hitmen were very well known in this world and were both economically and militarily powerful and were now turning their heads towards Kanami.

Kanami was struggling under the political pressure and tried in vain to remove Independent Hitmen out of the war politically. They then turned to their other close ally Magic Sorcery in an attempt to even the odds- a fact that did not daunt Stevid or Independent Hitmen much and continued with the war with new hope and high spirits.

Independent Hitmen was in the Golden War with Stevid and so had an extremely large naval force in the Otium Aqua. They quickly assembled a task force including three super dreadnoughts and sent them to Hanover. It was in this time that Kanami and Co. stated talking over the diplomatic channel with all nations involved. Not only did this increase tensions but also fuelled the fires of hate that were now burning more furiously than the oil fires did in Kuwait in the First Gulf War. The burning smell of hate swept across the political mainstream and the scent was picked up by the alliance that included Adaptus Astrates (A long serving member of the Empire), Kanami and Independent Hitmen (left due to hostilities): The ‘’’GDI’’’.

GDI Intervention and the Hanover Treaty

As the war was drawing on, Kanami felt if they could hold out just a little longer, they would have the victory. However with I.H.'s sudden withdrawl from The Global Defence Initiative on the basis of Kanami's actions, GDI and the leader nation of H2 began to get involved. At first they sent medical ships to Hanover with no intrest in fighting, then called for a Peace Accord. Elenore Romeny and the other leaders saw it as a welcome relief.

The Peace Conference

The first part of the confrense was mostly constructed of Q&A forum. Basic questions were asked such as who was the responsible nation, the casutalty ammounts. Kanami attributed a fair share of blame, but also made sure Stevid was attributed for their lack of cooperation. Aqua Anu blamed Stevid in whole, and I.H. blamed Kanami in whole. And unfortunatley a lot of it was bickering from all nations.

As the first confrense winded down, a lot of attention began to get turned to Aqua Anu and Magic Sorcery, that they would be dealt with seperatley. This pretty much scared Elenore to death that they were poltically attacking their freinds. Romney managed to talk them down after a lot of arguing, and historical refrenses.

Finally the first half concluded, and a peace treaty was in draft, but the first draft greatly upset Romney. Calling for over a billion dollars in reperations, with absolutely no calls for reperations of Stevid's part, and absolutley slanted in their favor. While Romney agreed to pay for Hanover, she felt it unfair and biased by calling Kanami's acts foolish on the basis of strength. She argued and talked it down as long as she could. Romeny insisted time and time again because the area was fragile, and Stevid was showing little care for the impact of their military presence there, she had to take Hanover for the sake of millions of others. She time and time again insisted she was keeping a set series of protectorate agreements in-line, that Stevid could cause massive blood shed in the region if there ships wouldn't adhear to a DMZ. It came to the point where they kept ignoring her comments, so she played her last wild card. She brought in a thousand people from the various islands in the region to tell how Imperialist Nations had caused endless suffering. However the testimonies seemed to get lost in thin air as non of them had anything do with Stevid. Romney inisits although it wasn't the situation at hand, it was a grim and worst case scenario if Hanover wasn't taken.

Finally a final treaty was reached, in order to protect themselves and their allies, Elenore signed the treaty, and paid any and all fines.


The treaty left Kanami feeling frustrated and betrayed. Although technically Kanami lost the war, they felt like a moderate victory. They had proven themselves as a military might to Stevid and win lose or draw, Stevid wasn't the only superpower in the world. However feeling betrayed by GDI, they withdrew. Shortly after, I.H. was renstated back on. This has led many to cry "conspiracy" on GDI's part as I.H. is stronger than Kanami

There are now fears of the Conflict restarting due to an huge increase of tensions on both sides.