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{{Infobox Nation |
flag=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y89/ExtremeDumb/JenrakFlag.jpg |
region=Ascherach |
motto=Juh'zuun Elekith Amakrakrun Naskrojuh'Zuun |
map=No Map Available |
language=Tsellian |
capital=Haasdra |
population=667 million |
currency=Dollar |
leader=Rashkta Nirandu
'''The Azhujurius of Jenrak''' is a country bordering north of the country of Rithman-naar and the Krejei empire, south of the Sandurian ridge and west of the Aulok plains. The name Azhuj is derived from the ancient Ascheran word ''Akruj'', meaning ''Conflict''. Hence the appropriate word and translation for the term ''The Azhujurius of Jenrak'' means ''The Conflicted of Jenrak'', a name that suits the Jenrakian political and religious body fairly accurately. The country has been under regular civil strifes, though its borders are normally unaffected geographically.
== History ==
The name hails from Methronn, meaning 'black star' in Ascheran. The term Black Star applied to the dense fogs around the Haasdra cities, engulfing such a smog that it blocked out the vision of the stars from the ground, and hence the blackness and invisibility of the stars. Jenrak originally hailed from the province of Methronn, a capital province in the Ascheran Empire alongside the Barkruz Empire to the south, the Rithos. From Methronn, all the manner of political work was maintained, and while it held little militaristic value, it was important socially. The home of the main political leaders, it rarely exerted any power due to the overriding qualities of the city of Kenkur nearby, meaning ''Home of the Black Crown''. It's likely that ''Enkur'', meaning ''Black Master'', was derived from the city of Kenkur, or it was that he hailed from that region.
Later on, after the annexation of the Kenkur and Methronn cities by the fall of the Ascherans and the rise of the Karbul, the city of Methronn eventually rebelled against the Karbul at its broken height, later falling to the rising Gelectriax Empire. In the Gelectriax dynasty, the city of Methronn turned into the city of '''Sarajenerak''', where the name Sarajenerak hailed from the clip in the Ascheran bible in the phrase:
''Gughlizhu hraa juhsoun hraa krah'kruh hraa ithrimm methosvizith hraa hraa methosvizith krah'kruh hraa methosgulisk Sarajenerak hraa methogulisk juhthusk hraa krah'kruh Methronn.''
Which translated into:
''Ether sired a daughter of the darkened shadows, the shadows of the eastern enemy, the EastLords of the dire Sarajenerak, within crimson flames on the stone Methronn.''
This name later changed in use to a more simplified version of Ascheran, which was called Karbul, later becoming the official language under the state of Jenrak named '''Tsellian'''. However, it later was changed from Methronn to a more simple named, Haasdra, out of the honor of Haasdra Kriukhm, the name of the prophet in the script of ''Jhivikhal''. Through the name change, the cantering capital began to expand through trade relations, and Haasdra turned into an economic dominator amongst the other city states such as Horsingra, Sankkri, Egos, Rephalim and Kelakuzuum. This growing jealously of the city states led to the foundation of the first nations within the Ascheran region; Rithman-naar, Sanduras, Ssessloth and Suriga, all vying in desperate alliances to carve Haasdra from its wealth. This caused the way for the many strifes that led to the rise of the MekkroVizith, or Four Fathers of Jenrak.
=== The Four Fathers ===
Miraclus was the first leader, and the builder of the walls of Haasdra. He defended the city's strength against inward rebellion, and later became a head and steadfast leader in the uprising of the Ukmuun. Miraclus was crowned early in his life, and he was bent on the expansion of the Haasdra empire, labelled the MekloMethronn, the ''Methronn Empire''. He was a powerful political figure that controlled large amounts of power in the cities of Horsingra and Kelakuzuum during his peak condition of power, though he was later defeated and executed on charges of heresy in the city of Sankkri.
Miraclus also was able to afford the ancient Jenrakians the ability to cast vote upon their political leaders, and separated the church from the state entirely, creating two political bodies; the ''Meibuun'', and the ''Therax''. The Meibuun controlled the political entity, controlling and watching the economic controls of the country, making sure the social status of the people were respected and kept well. The Therax, on the other hand, was responsible for the military and religious doctrines, as well as the public talk and controversial issue regaling, as well as diplomacy.
Kelerius was a master general, one of the greatest of the age that dictated the laws of warfare on the desert. He was a powerful and influential commander that worked under oath by Herrissian Karbulia at his end, crossing the rivers of Kalaxus and Viraigius many times to lock blades against his foes and the foes of the MekloMethronn. He died on his deathbed, and his influence caused a power vacuum never before seen in the sands.
=== Kelirius' Laws of Battle ===
Below is the original Laws of Battle devised by Kelirius during his reign.
Kelirius’ Laws of Battle
Translated from Tsellian
[i]Herrissian Karbulia was one of the barbaric rulers of the northern mountains, stretching his empire to be almost larger than even Enkur’s, bringing Ascherach’s reach even greater throughout the eastern parts of the golden sea. Although some scholars point his success to the growing amount of chaos around them and thus flocking to him, most agree on the fact of his General, Kelirius, whom is argued today as the most brilliant commander either Jenrak or Ascherach has ever seen. As detailed in his scripture, Kelirius’ Laws of Battle.
(1) The Church and the States are to be together into two parts, acting as one. The Church is to be fed to the soldiers as much as they need. Like bread and Water is their physical supplement, their preaching is their spiritual supplement. Supplying the soldiers with all of the needed requirements would keep them fresh and ready for battle.
(2) Never go to war for religious reasons. Should there be a victory, there would be theocratic arrogance. Should there be a loss, there would be a dissent. Should there be a standstill, there would be a schism.
(3) The Church is to maintain their own military for their own uses. The state is to never ask from the church for military. The military of the church is to be entirely different in motives from the state.
(4) All legions are to deploy in formations best suiting their environment, not their divine intersection. All divine intersection is to happen during after victory, for ritual revitalization. All ritual revitalizations are to be complete and whole.
(5) Fear is not allowed to be utilized in the church during war. When there is fear, there is uncertainty. When there is uncertainty, there is a riot. When a riot breaks out, the strength is divided. Control by fear would only bring new offspring of dissentions by others.
(6) In no way is the state to endorse the church in their wars. Any wars involving direct religious declarations are to be wholly from commercial or private industries, and any state controlled entity is to be stopped from aiding them. Should there be a breakdown in the religious beliefs, the state is to maintain control.
(7) Should the enemy utilize the church to help his units gain morale, use atheist men. Should there be no atheist men, follow their laws of religious warfare. When an enemy is humbled by the common features, they would deem your forces as converted, and they would grow arrogant. Use your soldiers to turn the battle around.
(8) Keep your priests at the back of the front line if there is a surprise attack, and designate your legions to constantly protect your priests. Although this may seem to your legions as a method of defending their beliefs, it would be actually give them a common rally point when ever they are divided.
(9) Have the priests treat your soldiers well. When they fall, the soldiers would be pressed with grief, and control that aggression towards the foe.
(10)Have all churches stopped preaching, and use any form possible. When different churches send mixed messages, everybody replies with different messages. Different messages cause dissent.
(1) All wooden ships are to be on the outside of a fleet, so when the enemy launches arrows of fire you can move your ships away from your unaffected ships without having to avoid catching on fire.
(2) Use the water as a weapon. Prepare your fleet at the highest intensity of a storm at sea. When you launch, you will only go through the dying storm, and your enemy will be able to fight you when they were being battered by nature.
(3) Fog is never to be used by your fleet unless you know the geography of your enemy. However, if there is a thick fog, send a small fleet with small ships carrying many men, pretending to be your enemy’s ships. Board ships if needed.
(4) Fear at sea is deadlier than fear on land. Launch damaged and decoy ships at your enemy in your initial assault, so it uses their ammunition.
(5) Place your navy in groups that would have the offensive force firing clearly from the back of the defensive force. Keep your defensive force only in defence, never offence.
(6) Never switch duties. When there is no more of a crucial ability, flee to safety and rejuvenate. However, there must be none of that ability, for you to be valid to flee.
(7) Never assault a fortified area. If the enemy is broad, then launch a large false force to attack one spot, and direct their legions to another spot.
(8) Keep your navy in correct conditions. Wood rots; metal rusts; string breaks. Keep your arrows plenty and ready.
(9) Never leave behind wreckage if possible. Take the remains of lost ships and turn the wood into arrows. Take the metal and turn it into armoury. Take the string and create rope. Use the remains of your enemy’s and your fallen brethren’s supplies to fuel your continuous attacks.
(10)Cannons and arrows can hit far away, but cannot hit close. Train your men to swim and board ships, so that should they survive a ship wreck, they may set fire onto the enemy’s ship.
(1) All mountains have a way up. If there is no way, make a way.
(2) Anything can be destroyed. Mountains blocking your way can be too.
(3) Never let your enemy, should he be on a mountain, know of your arrival.
(4) Always climb on at least two sides to reach your foe.
(5) Crush them, but do not destroy their items. Take what you have.
(6) If possible, do as little damage to the mountain – when they retaliate, use the mountain against you.
(7) Have a good understanding of your terrain.
(8) A tunnel is good, but time consuming. Destroy their trade routes.
(9) Goad your enemy out. Disrupt their supplies. When against a foe on heaven, live forever against them on earth.
(10)Never let them understand your plan. It is easier to stop a foe on the ground than a mountain.
(1) Sleep at day – attack by night. When your enemy bakes bread and drinks water, destroy them in their camps.
(2) Attack light before a sandstorm. Let nature ravage them, and attack heavy after.
(3) Cut off their supplies of water. A mirage is more dangerous than a sword.
(4) Use the corpse of the fallen to keep your men’s thirst quenched. Water runs out – blood does not.
(5) Never water with metal. You cannot fix armour in sand.
(6) Shine the shields of your men so it glitters like a mirror. When the enemy comes, blind them with the sun.
(7) Heat is unbearable. Fire is insanity. Use fire in the heat of the desert – set fire to their camps, launch arrows of blaze.
(8) Always change horses and carriers of catapults. Do not let them fall behind.
(9) When on horseback, man and beast must have equal fervour and energy. It is tiring for the horse to carry the man, and it is uncomfortable for the man to ride a sweating horse. Attack on horseback – travel on foot.
(10)Travel light. Use your shield to block arrows, and avoid enemy melee. Let them dry out from the heat.
(1) Prepare 4 plans in case of mistakes. Anymore will be forgotten, and any less will result in incompetence.
(2) Have the best men – never make it stronger with every attempt.
(3) Never send a man on his first job in an impossible mission. Experience is a greater weapon.
(4) Having enough weapons is illogical. As such, have them trained to know of the potency of any object they come in contact with, such as forks, sticks, butter knives and relics.
(5) Do not rely on the gods. They have better things to do than aid in your quarrel.
(6) Have assistance ready, but tell your initial men to not expect help. It would increase their efficiency when they work, and increase their morale when they fail and receive reinforcements.
(7) Always have the strongest man at the front to draw the bullets.
(8) Bring a fan and chemical weapons. Never let the gas paralyze its starters.
(9) Patience is key. Wait and be silent – to be quick and sleek is to fail. To be quiet and lengthy is to receive victory.
(10)Commend all victories in secret. Any enemy must not know of enemy infiltration if allowed.
(1) When losing a battle, tell your soldiers to retreat and take supplies with them. Leave a handful of men without wives and sons or is not the firstborn of a family to fight.
(2) When surrendering troops, give up the leader on certain demises. If there was an uncalculated attack by nature, then have the leader flee for his incompetence was not his whim. If he lost this battle as a first, second or third failure in a war of many victories, have him flee. Otherwise, he will suffer alongside his soldiers.
(3) The wise General keeps supply routes directed to other camps once news of defeat is reached.
(4) When a battle is lost, have all supplies and eligible soldiers move to the next force so the next battle could be won.
(5) Never give up on a battle that is crucial. If the battle is losing, then enlist all around to fight.
(6) Have all men use second hand weapons if loss is inevitable. When an enemy takes over, they will not have any supplies nor weapons of your own to take.
(7) Use the dead as a wall. Infest them with sickness.
(8) Make it seem as if the enemy was savage and barbaric, if they were not so. This would gather the people around you, against a common foe. If necessary, allow any outlying villages to be destroyed.
(9) Destroy your siege weapons. Never keep them. It would be a shame to have your castle felled by your own catapults.
(10)A paper is official. Pride can be manipulated. Never let a paper get in your way of stopping your pride.
(1) To fight a flawless battle is to grow arrogant troops.
(2) Leave your weaker parts so that your more crucial parts can be too heavy to be taken.
(3) A foe is foe when they have sides opposite to you. Coerce them into an ally, and betray them when they are least expecting it.
(4) Should an alliance is not available, then assault them from behind.
(5) There is no such thing as a bad tactic. If it works, then use it. Pride is deadly.
(6) Let no enemy force die meaninglessly. Let loose all prisoners of war to fight on your behalf.
(7) Gain favour through compassion and courtesy – not torture and imprisonment. Even if it is not for the reason you are fighting, it will give them a deluded reason to join your side.
(8) To lose too many battles is to lose all. To win too many battles to risk losing too many. Only win a landslide victory if you need the forces for the next battle.
(9) A close battle wins the hearts of the people better than a quick battle. Suspicion rises when a battle is quickly won.
(10)Any attacks on civilians would certainly gain distrust from your own people, as well as your enemy’s hatred.
=== Therax ===
The most important of the Fathers, Therax was instrumental in gaining stability within modern day Jenrak, and is, argued by some, to have nearly unlimited political control over Jenrak, his order without question, a deeply religious figurehead, Therax is a dangerous opponent, but highly intelligent. He was the one famous for translating the scripts of Enkur, Ciranaar and Eduhria.
Script of Enkur
(1) In this world, there is nothing but chaos. In such a universe of blackened hearts, there is nothing more lethal to taste than defeat. It was so, and in this universe, in this coercive blade of existence that allowed such a small sliver of life to prosper, something rose. He rose. He was Ackthal, the great father of us all. He fathers all things, and in all things they are his sons, and as his sons they must obey great Ackthal and his whim. For from Ackthal, from his blood for which he sacrificed to give us life, comes everything we desire and everything we need to reach our desires. For that is what we wish – to gain our desires from our loyalty. From our loyalty Ackthal becomes pleased. He made the World. He made it whole, and he made it with his blood. And in his drop of blood be made the sword of creation, the dried blood creating the Sword which separated life from death. And in life, He made what was required to keep the test going. He made food, and He made sorrow, and he made trust and friendship. And in each, he gave a perfect trait to all. He made the world for his sons.
(2) Yet Ackthal was alone. He was all great, all powerful, but he knew he would give up his power to be naught of loneliness. He made great power. He made his children from the formations of blood from his eyelids. And in his eyelids, he turned himself into a window for his will for his children. But they were flawed. They were too weak to work with Ackthal. They were too unintelligent to listen to him. They were too untrustworthy for him to tell his secrets. These children were unreliable. So he made the opposite of these children. He made only one, a great child from his left hand, the hands of chaos. He made his hand no longer a hand of chaos, and he sired his child. And thus Ackthal made his child, whom in his name he called Arkthary.
(3) Arkthary was a great being. He made great things, such as passion, vengeance, ambition. But he made worse things, like betrayal, destruction and all things imperfect. He made betrayal against his siring brother, Ackthal. Ackthal was not pleased. He chained Arkthary to the dark rivers of the empty void. In a river that never existed, to a stone that is not real, Arkthary was chained in his own mind, and Ackthal kept him confined. But chained in his mind was his sanity and normality, and Arkthary existed still, but against his brother. Ackthal shielded himself against Arkthary, but something was wrong. Arkthary knew he could not fight against such a great foe, so he fought against a weak foe.
(4) And thus Arkthary took to the world, which hung on a silver chain from the bottom of the ocean, and he said to himself “I will make your children mine.” And so he did. In this whim and falter he turned a corrupt beast into a terrible foe, and in this terrible foe they turned on Ackthal’s teachings.
(5) First were the sea-people, the great Duhladuhns, on which they built all their ways to the whim of Arkthary. And Arkthary did not find it pleasing. In such a great way, over a single night, Duhladuhn was ravaged and sunk beneath the waves of the ocean. So it was, that Arkthary whom so cherished such solitude punished his followers when he wished none. Arkthary made children, and his children were great and strong like their father. They were named Scion, Izmishna, Enkur. Arkthary was pleased with his children, but Ackthal made his own. His children were born in the womb of his greatest child, Adelena. Adelena gave birth to Ciranaar, Sethlion and Zarazego. And they were thus. And a great schism begins.
The Script of Ciranaar
(1) The trumpet was blown, and Arkthary was in a great rage. The trumpets blew harder, and his ravaged fingers sent forth the legions. Great causeways and castles of the bones of the Duhladuhns were built, and Arkthary began to flee to the sanctums of his great castle, Thornduhn. In Thornduhn, he made a great world on a silver chain, and he made this world small, but it was not touched with life as Ackthal made this world. And he called this world Moon. And this so this was a moon. And all others like it were called a moon. And many days and many times Arkthary’s Moon would block out and stop the power of the fist of Ackthal, called Sun. This Sun would emanate great danger and life, both testament to the whim of Ackthal. And in his fortress, Arkthary built his legions from blood that did not exist. And he made this blood, and this blood became his soldiers.
(2) Arkthary told to his daughter Izmishna to bring destruction to this battle, and she did. And she ravaged and brought destruction to the lands for all greatness, and thus she brought damnation and chaos to the world once more, and thus it was given that all wars were to touch Izmishna’s destructive kiss. And thus Izmishna was at every war, and destruction and the undoing of Ackthal was the consequence. But Ackthal had greater will than either Arkthary or Izmishna, and Ackthal said, “Let all this war be done with, and in this I give my greatest power to my greatest son. Ciranaar shall bear Authority.” And so it was that Ciranaar bore authority on his shoulders, a great sword that was shining with a giant emerald glimmer.
(3) Ciranaar said “I will uphold all these things, and in my control, greatness will be formed.” And he did, and in the great roaring of the trumpets of Akhraduun, the great castle in the sky, the fortress of Arkthary was devoid of power.
(4) Arkthary was sentenced to a dark place, and in that dark place he lives in exile. And in exile he works his way. Ways that are of unleashing to allow Arkthary are: taking those of which you do not deserve, taking those of others you do not know of, taking those do you not wish to have yet you still do, taking the life of one, taking the life of one when they hear of a deed you do, taking your life, destroying such creation and resulting in the taking of life, dishonouring those of greater honour, and bearing false work to others. Arkthary works on these, and they are slowly weakening the joints of the realm when he is fed these things.
(5) And thus Ackthal said I am done of all this labour, and I give such labour to all my children, and all my brother’s children, and in them they will govern as they see fit.
The Script of Eduhria
(1) But as the Gods wallowed in their power upon the skies that dangled above the earth, a rebellion was forming, an uncertain god of his stature. Enkur was a great god but he did not enjoy his power which was measly and unattainable. And Enkur was angry, and in his righteous anger he slaughtered all his followers in his domain of Khrandiusk. And in Khrandiusk he broke the realms and took great soldiers from the dead towards his brother.
(2) And in the league of his brother Ciranaar, Enkur waged war. A great trumpet was roared again in this war, and it started under the watchful eyes of Ackthal, who said “My children may die, but the world and the universe will benefit from them.” And so the war began.
(3) And Enkur pushed his legions to Godhza. In Godhza Enkur made a new sword, the Aghurwrath, and he swung it with great fury to destroy all the armies of knowledge from Zarazego. But Zarazego foresaw it, and Zarazego attacked with the bows of Carcarus, but it was blocked by the Aghurwrath and the arrows nothing more than a breaking of splinters. And the breaking of splinters caused rain, and in this, the rain gave water to the world which no longer hung on upon the finger of the great Fate. And the war continued.
(4) In a great attack upon the castle of Zarazego, Enkur unleashed the Aghurwrath and he said ‘my sword is my finger and my finger will crush your form, to show my strength’. And it was, for the sword began to cut through stone and metal alike, and the waves crashed and the ground shook with every chasm that was made in every swing. Zarazego was surprised, but he foresaw it and launched against Enkur, but he could defeat him. Enkur then wooed Izmishna to join him, and the two of them joined to great a child, Delidhack, a great villain of old. Delidhack was a general and he fought with great tenacity, before he fell in love with the child of Ciranaar and Iaian, a human. This child was named Arnah, and she gave great love to all, and she was thus instrumental to defeating Delidhack.
(5) Arnah killed Delidhack, but she was imprisoned in the world of fire by Enkur for vengeance. Arnah was to suffer pain for a thousand millennia, but she was freed by a group of men who tried to rape her. However, they fell in such love that they no longer wished to harm her, and she was saved and went to the safety of Sethlion.
(6) Sethlion created a fortress for Arnah, and it was called Arnisiah. In this fortress, Zarazego helped Arnah pushed back the outposts of Enkur and Izmishna, but they could not fight Enkur for he was too powerful with Izmishna on his side. So Ciranaar descended and broke their powers. Ciranaar sentenced Izmishna to wander the world aimlessly, and Enkur to be stripped of his powers and forced to help in the land of Earth below.
(7) In the skies above, peace was reigned, but in the world below the world would shatter under Enkur’s fist.
(8) Enkur said “In my vengeance I will turn my suffering into joy, and through suffering of Ackthal’s children my joy will grow.” And he made others join to his side. And this was thus the beginning of the Heretics, the Ascherans. And the Ascherans followed and worshipped great Enkur.
(9) But Enkur wanted more power, and he quickly forced his people down to the south, and killed more, and he enjoyed it more. And it was thus that he built the empire of the Heretics, the Ascherans. But eventually they were shown the ways of the old lands, and they followed Enkur and his ways. And they became great believers, and no longer they were heretics, but still they kept their name to remember.
=== Arcarum / Arborgard ===
The rebel leader, Arcarum is the first father of the modern Sadicistra, and the first Jenrakian to have used terror tactics against his enemy, being one of the few to have strayed from the laws of Kelirius.
== Economic Influence ==
Jenrak's economic power is massive, rivalling nations much larger than itself, due to the fact that Jenrak's economic system is incredibly technology oriented, always on the cutting edge. It focuses on the increased production and cultivation of agriculture in its climate, allowing cheaper and readily healthier produce within such an environment. Using its technology, Jenrak is also prone to being corporate havens. One such corporation, the ''Tsellian Enterprises'', is such an exploiter of the massive technology firms within mainland Jenrak.
Jenrak's economic influence also spreads into its many city states, such as Nakros Eimuun and Nakros Sentiauhk.

Latest revision as of 20:34, 1 February 2007

Flag of Jenrak
Motto: Juh'zuun Elekith Amakrakrun Naskrojuh'Zuun
No Map Available
Region Ascherach
Capital Haasdra
Official Language(s) Tsellian
Leader Rashkta Nirandu
Population 667 million
Currency Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

The Azhujurius of Jenrak is a country bordering north of the country of Rithman-naar and the Krejei empire, south of the Sandurian ridge and west of the Aulok plains. The name Azhuj is derived from the ancient Ascheran word Akruj, meaning Conflict. Hence the appropriate word and translation for the term The Azhujurius of Jenrak means The Conflicted of Jenrak, a name that suits the Jenrakian political and religious body fairly accurately. The country has been under regular civil strifes, though its borders are normally unaffected geographically.


The name hails from Methronn, meaning 'black star' in Ascheran. The term Black Star applied to the dense fogs around the Haasdra cities, engulfing such a smog that it blocked out the vision of the stars from the ground, and hence the blackness and invisibility of the stars. Jenrak originally hailed from the province of Methronn, a capital province in the Ascheran Empire alongside the Barkruz Empire to the south, the Rithos. From Methronn, all the manner of political work was maintained, and while it held little militaristic value, it was important socially. The home of the main political leaders, it rarely exerted any power due to the overriding qualities of the city of Kenkur nearby, meaning Home of the Black Crown. It's likely that Enkur, meaning Black Master, was derived from the city of Kenkur, or it was that he hailed from that region.

Later on, after the annexation of the Kenkur and Methronn cities by the fall of the Ascherans and the rise of the Karbul, the city of Methronn eventually rebelled against the Karbul at its broken height, later falling to the rising Gelectriax Empire. In the Gelectriax dynasty, the city of Methronn turned into the city of Sarajenerak, where the name Sarajenerak hailed from the clip in the Ascheran bible in the phrase:

Gughlizhu hraa juhsoun hraa krah'kruh hraa ithrimm methosvizith hraa hraa methosvizith krah'kruh hraa methosgulisk Sarajenerak hraa methogulisk juhthusk hraa krah'kruh Methronn.

Which translated into:

Ether sired a daughter of the darkened shadows, the shadows of the eastern enemy, the EastLords of the dire Sarajenerak, within crimson flames on the stone Methronn.

This name later changed in use to a more simplified version of Ascheran, which was called Karbul, later becoming the official language under the state of Jenrak named Tsellian. However, it later was changed from Methronn to a more simple named, Haasdra, out of the honor of Haasdra Kriukhm, the name of the prophet in the script of Jhivikhal. Through the name change, the cantering capital began to expand through trade relations, and Haasdra turned into an economic dominator amongst the other city states such as Horsingra, Sankkri, Egos, Rephalim and Kelakuzuum. This growing jealously of the city states led to the foundation of the first nations within the Ascheran region; Rithman-naar, Sanduras, Ssessloth and Suriga, all vying in desperate alliances to carve Haasdra from its wealth. This caused the way for the many strifes that led to the rise of the MekkroVizith, or Four Fathers of Jenrak.

The Four Fathers


Miraclus was the first leader, and the builder of the walls of Haasdra. He defended the city's strength against inward rebellion, and later became a head and steadfast leader in the uprising of the Ukmuun. Miraclus was crowned early in his life, and he was bent on the expansion of the Haasdra empire, labelled the MekloMethronn, the Methronn Empire. He was a powerful political figure that controlled large amounts of power in the cities of Horsingra and Kelakuzuum during his peak condition of power, though he was later defeated and executed on charges of heresy in the city of Sankkri.

Miraclus also was able to afford the ancient Jenrakians the ability to cast vote upon their political leaders, and separated the church from the state entirely, creating two political bodies; the Meibuun, and the Therax. The Meibuun controlled the political entity, controlling and watching the economic controls of the country, making sure the social status of the people were respected and kept well. The Therax, on the other hand, was responsible for the military and religious doctrines, as well as the public talk and controversial issue regaling, as well as diplomacy.


Kelerius was a master general, one of the greatest of the age that dictated the laws of warfare on the desert. He was a powerful and influential commander that worked under oath by Herrissian Karbulia at his end, crossing the rivers of Kalaxus and Viraigius many times to lock blades against his foes and the foes of the MekloMethronn. He died on his deathbed, and his influence caused a power vacuum never before seen in the sands.

Kelirius' Laws of Battle

Below is the original Laws of Battle devised by Kelirius during his reign.

Kelirius’ Laws of Battle

Translated from Tsellian [i]Herrissian Karbulia was one of the barbaric rulers of the northern mountains, stretching his empire to be almost larger than even Enkur’s, bringing Ascherach’s reach even greater throughout the eastern parts of the golden sea. Although some scholars point his success to the growing amount of chaos around them and thus flocking to him, most agree on the fact of his General, Kelirius, whom is argued today as the most brilliant commander either Jenrak or Ascherach has ever seen. As detailed in his scripture, Kelirius’ Laws of Battle.

RELIGION (1) The Church and the States are to be together into two parts, acting as one. The Church is to be fed to the soldiers as much as they need. Like bread and Water is their physical supplement, their preaching is their spiritual supplement. Supplying the soldiers with all of the needed requirements would keep them fresh and ready for battle.

(2) Never go to war for religious reasons. Should there be a victory, there would be theocratic arrogance. Should there be a loss, there would be a dissent. Should there be a standstill, there would be a schism.

(3) The Church is to maintain their own military for their own uses. The state is to never ask from the church for military. The military of the church is to be entirely different in motives from the state.

(4) All legions are to deploy in formations best suiting their environment, not their divine intersection. All divine intersection is to happen during after victory, for ritual revitalization. All ritual revitalizations are to be complete and whole.

(5) Fear is not allowed to be utilized in the church during war. When there is fear, there is uncertainty. When there is uncertainty, there is a riot. When a riot breaks out, the strength is divided. Control by fear would only bring new offspring of dissentions by others.

(6) In no way is the state to endorse the church in their wars. Any wars involving direct religious declarations are to be wholly from commercial or private industries, and any state controlled entity is to be stopped from aiding them. Should there be a breakdown in the religious beliefs, the state is to maintain control.

(7) Should the enemy utilize the church to help his units gain morale, use atheist men. Should there be no atheist men, follow their laws of religious warfare. When an enemy is humbled by the common features, they would deem your forces as converted, and they would grow arrogant. Use your soldiers to turn the battle around.

(8) Keep your priests at the back of the front line if there is a surprise attack, and designate your legions to constantly protect your priests. Although this may seem to your legions as a method of defending their beliefs, it would be actually give them a common rally point when ever they are divided.

(9) Have the priests treat your soldiers well. When they fall, the soldiers would be pressed with grief, and control that aggression towards the foe.

(10)Have all churches stopped preaching, and use any form possible. When different churches send mixed messages, everybody replies with different messages. Different messages cause dissent.

ATTACKING BY WATER (1) All wooden ships are to be on the outside of a fleet, so when the enemy launches arrows of fire you can move your ships away from your unaffected ships without having to avoid catching on fire.

(2) Use the water as a weapon. Prepare your fleet at the highest intensity of a storm at sea. When you launch, you will only go through the dying storm, and your enemy will be able to fight you when they were being battered by nature.

(3) Fog is never to be used by your fleet unless you know the geography of your enemy. However, if there is a thick fog, send a small fleet with small ships carrying many men, pretending to be your enemy’s ships. Board ships if needed.

(4) Fear at sea is deadlier than fear on land. Launch damaged and decoy ships at your enemy in your initial assault, so it uses their ammunition.

(5) Place your navy in groups that would have the offensive force firing clearly from the back of the defensive force. Keep your defensive force only in defence, never offence.

(6) Never switch duties. When there is no more of a crucial ability, flee to safety and rejuvenate. However, there must be none of that ability, for you to be valid to flee.

(7) Never assault a fortified area. If the enemy is broad, then launch a large false force to attack one spot, and direct their legions to another spot.

(8) Keep your navy in correct conditions. Wood rots; metal rusts; string breaks. Keep your arrows plenty and ready.

(9) Never leave behind wreckage if possible. Take the remains of lost ships and turn the wood into arrows. Take the metal and turn it into armoury. Take the string and create rope. Use the remains of your enemy’s and your fallen brethren’s supplies to fuel your continuous attacks.

(10)Cannons and arrows can hit far away, but cannot hit close. Train your men to swim and board ships, so that should they survive a ship wreck, they may set fire onto the enemy’s ship.

ATTACKING BY MOUNTAINS (1) All mountains have a way up. If there is no way, make a way.

(2) Anything can be destroyed. Mountains blocking your way can be too.

(3) Never let your enemy, should he be on a mountain, know of your arrival.

(4) Always climb on at least two sides to reach your foe.

(5) Crush them, but do not destroy their items. Take what you have.

(6) If possible, do as little damage to the mountain – when they retaliate, use the mountain against you.

(7) Have a good understanding of your terrain.

(8) A tunnel is good, but time consuming. Destroy their trade routes.

(9) Goad your enemy out. Disrupt their supplies. When against a foe on heaven, live forever against them on earth.

(10)Never let them understand your plan. It is easier to stop a foe on the ground than a mountain.

ATTACKING BY DESERT (1) Sleep at day – attack by night. When your enemy bakes bread and drinks water, destroy them in their camps.

(2) Attack light before a sandstorm. Let nature ravage them, and attack heavy after.

(3) Cut off their supplies of water. A mirage is more dangerous than a sword.

(4) Use the corpse of the fallen to keep your men’s thirst quenched. Water runs out – blood does not.

(5) Never water with metal. You cannot fix armour in sand.

(6) Shine the shields of your men so it glitters like a mirror. When the enemy comes, blind them with the sun.

(7) Heat is unbearable. Fire is insanity. Use fire in the heat of the desert – set fire to their camps, launch arrows of blaze.

(8) Always change horses and carriers of catapults. Do not let them fall behind.

(9) When on horseback, man and beast must have equal fervour and energy. It is tiring for the horse to carry the man, and it is uncomfortable for the man to ride a sweating horse. Attack on horseback – travel on foot.

(10)Travel light. Use your shield to block arrows, and avoid enemy melee. Let them dry out from the heat.

ATTACKING WITH STEALTH (1) Prepare 4 plans in case of mistakes. Anymore will be forgotten, and any less will result in incompetence.

(2) Have the best men – never make it stronger with every attempt.

(3) Never send a man on his first job in an impossible mission. Experience is a greater weapon.

(4) Having enough weapons is illogical. As such, have them trained to know of the potency of any object they come in contact with, such as forks, sticks, butter knives and relics.

(5) Do not rely on the gods. They have better things to do than aid in your quarrel.

(6) Have assistance ready, but tell your initial men to not expect help. It would increase their efficiency when they work, and increase their morale when they fail and receive reinforcements.

(7) Always have the strongest man at the front to draw the bullets.

(8) Bring a fan and chemical weapons. Never let the gas paralyze its starters.

(9) Patience is key. Wait and be silent – to be quick and sleek is to fail. To be quiet and lengthy is to receive victory.

(10)Commend all victories in secret. Any enemy must not know of enemy infiltration if allowed.

LOSING A BATTLE (1) When losing a battle, tell your soldiers to retreat and take supplies with them. Leave a handful of men without wives and sons or is not the firstborn of a family to fight.

(2) When surrendering troops, give up the leader on certain demises. If there was an uncalculated attack by nature, then have the leader flee for his incompetence was not his whim. If he lost this battle as a first, second or third failure in a war of many victories, have him flee. Otherwise, he will suffer alongside his soldiers.

(3) The wise General keeps supply routes directed to other camps once news of defeat is reached.

(4) When a battle is lost, have all supplies and eligible soldiers move to the next force so the next battle could be won.

(5) Never give up on a battle that is crucial. If the battle is losing, then enlist all around to fight.

(6) Have all men use second hand weapons if loss is inevitable. When an enemy takes over, they will not have any supplies nor weapons of your own to take.

(7) Use the dead as a wall. Infest them with sickness.

(8) Make it seem as if the enemy was savage and barbaric, if they were not so. This would gather the people around you, against a common foe. If necessary, allow any outlying villages to be destroyed.

(9) Destroy your siege weapons. Never keep them. It would be a shame to have your castle felled by your own catapults.

(10)A paper is official. Pride can be manipulated. Never let a paper get in your way of stopping your pride.

WINNING A BATTLE (1) To fight a flawless battle is to grow arrogant troops.

(2) Leave your weaker parts so that your more crucial parts can be too heavy to be taken.

(3) A foe is foe when they have sides opposite to you. Coerce them into an ally, and betray them when they are least expecting it.

(4) Should an alliance is not available, then assault them from behind.

(5) There is no such thing as a bad tactic. If it works, then use it. Pride is deadly.

(6) Let no enemy force die meaninglessly. Let loose all prisoners of war to fight on your behalf.

(7) Gain favour through compassion and courtesy – not torture and imprisonment. Even if it is not for the reason you are fighting, it will give them a deluded reason to join your side.

(8) To lose too many battles is to lose all. To win too many battles to risk losing too many. Only win a landslide victory if you need the forces for the next battle.

(9) A close battle wins the hearts of the people better than a quick battle. Suspicion rises when a battle is quickly won.

(10)Any attacks on civilians would certainly gain distrust from your own people, as well as your enemy’s hatred.


The most important of the Fathers, Therax was instrumental in gaining stability within modern day Jenrak, and is, argued by some, to have nearly unlimited political control over Jenrak, his order without question, a deeply religious figurehead, Therax is a dangerous opponent, but highly intelligent. He was the one famous for translating the scripts of Enkur, Ciranaar and Eduhria.

Script of Enkur (1) In this world, there is nothing but chaos. In such a universe of blackened hearts, there is nothing more lethal to taste than defeat. It was so, and in this universe, in this coercive blade of existence that allowed such a small sliver of life to prosper, something rose. He rose. He was Ackthal, the great father of us all. He fathers all things, and in all things they are his sons, and as his sons they must obey great Ackthal and his whim. For from Ackthal, from his blood for which he sacrificed to give us life, comes everything we desire and everything we need to reach our desires. For that is what we wish – to gain our desires from our loyalty. From our loyalty Ackthal becomes pleased. He made the World. He made it whole, and he made it with his blood. And in his drop of blood be made the sword of creation, the dried blood creating the Sword which separated life from death. And in life, He made what was required to keep the test going. He made food, and He made sorrow, and he made trust and friendship. And in each, he gave a perfect trait to all. He made the world for his sons.

(2) Yet Ackthal was alone. He was all great, all powerful, but he knew he would give up his power to be naught of loneliness. He made great power. He made his children from the formations of blood from his eyelids. And in his eyelids, he turned himself into a window for his will for his children. But they were flawed. They were too weak to work with Ackthal. They were too unintelligent to listen to him. They were too untrustworthy for him to tell his secrets. These children were unreliable. So he made the opposite of these children. He made only one, a great child from his left hand, the hands of chaos. He made his hand no longer a hand of chaos, and he sired his child. And thus Ackthal made his child, whom in his name he called Arkthary.

(3) Arkthary was a great being. He made great things, such as passion, vengeance, ambition. But he made worse things, like betrayal, destruction and all things imperfect. He made betrayal against his siring brother, Ackthal. Ackthal was not pleased. He chained Arkthary to the dark rivers of the empty void. In a river that never existed, to a stone that is not real, Arkthary was chained in his own mind, and Ackthal kept him confined. But chained in his mind was his sanity and normality, and Arkthary existed still, but against his brother. Ackthal shielded himself against Arkthary, but something was wrong. Arkthary knew he could not fight against such a great foe, so he fought against a weak foe.

(4) And thus Arkthary took to the world, which hung on a silver chain from the bottom of the ocean, and he said to himself “I will make your children mine.” And so he did. In this whim and falter he turned a corrupt beast into a terrible foe, and in this terrible foe they turned on Ackthal’s teachings.

(5) First were the sea-people, the great Duhladuhns, on which they built all their ways to the whim of Arkthary. And Arkthary did not find it pleasing. In such a great way, over a single night, Duhladuhn was ravaged and sunk beneath the waves of the ocean. So it was, that Arkthary whom so cherished such solitude punished his followers when he wished none. Arkthary made children, and his children were great and strong like their father. They were named Scion, Izmishna, Enkur. Arkthary was pleased with his children, but Ackthal made his own. His children were born in the womb of his greatest child, Adelena. Adelena gave birth to Ciranaar, Sethlion and Zarazego. And they were thus. And a great schism begins.

The Script of Ciranaar (1) The trumpet was blown, and Arkthary was in a great rage. The trumpets blew harder, and his ravaged fingers sent forth the legions. Great causeways and castles of the bones of the Duhladuhns were built, and Arkthary began to flee to the sanctums of his great castle, Thornduhn. In Thornduhn, he made a great world on a silver chain, and he made this world small, but it was not touched with life as Ackthal made this world. And he called this world Moon. And this so this was a moon. And all others like it were called a moon. And many days and many times Arkthary’s Moon would block out and stop the power of the fist of Ackthal, called Sun. This Sun would emanate great danger and life, both testament to the whim of Ackthal. And in his fortress, Arkthary built his legions from blood that did not exist. And he made this blood, and this blood became his soldiers.

(2) Arkthary told to his daughter Izmishna to bring destruction to this battle, and she did. And she ravaged and brought destruction to the lands for all greatness, and thus she brought damnation and chaos to the world once more, and thus it was given that all wars were to touch Izmishna’s destructive kiss. And thus Izmishna was at every war, and destruction and the undoing of Ackthal was the consequence. But Ackthal had greater will than either Arkthary or Izmishna, and Ackthal said, “Let all this war be done with, and in this I give my greatest power to my greatest son. Ciranaar shall bear Authority.” And so it was that Ciranaar bore authority on his shoulders, a great sword that was shining with a giant emerald glimmer.

(3) Ciranaar said “I will uphold all these things, and in my control, greatness will be formed.” And he did, and in the great roaring of the trumpets of Akhraduun, the great castle in the sky, the fortress of Arkthary was devoid of power.

(4) Arkthary was sentenced to a dark place, and in that dark place he lives in exile. And in exile he works his way. Ways that are of unleashing to allow Arkthary are: taking those of which you do not deserve, taking those of others you do not know of, taking those do you not wish to have yet you still do, taking the life of one, taking the life of one when they hear of a deed you do, taking your life, destroying such creation and resulting in the taking of life, dishonouring those of greater honour, and bearing false work to others. Arkthary works on these, and they are slowly weakening the joints of the realm when he is fed these things.

(5) And thus Ackthal said I am done of all this labour, and I give such labour to all my children, and all my brother’s children, and in them they will govern as they see fit.

The Script of Eduhria (1) But as the Gods wallowed in their power upon the skies that dangled above the earth, a rebellion was forming, an uncertain god of his stature. Enkur was a great god but he did not enjoy his power which was measly and unattainable. And Enkur was angry, and in his righteous anger he slaughtered all his followers in his domain of Khrandiusk. And in Khrandiusk he broke the realms and took great soldiers from the dead towards his brother.

(2) And in the league of his brother Ciranaar, Enkur waged war. A great trumpet was roared again in this war, and it started under the watchful eyes of Ackthal, who said “My children may die, but the world and the universe will benefit from them.” And so the war began.

(3) And Enkur pushed his legions to Godhza. In Godhza Enkur made a new sword, the Aghurwrath, and he swung it with great fury to destroy all the armies of knowledge from Zarazego. But Zarazego foresaw it, and Zarazego attacked with the bows of Carcarus, but it was blocked by the Aghurwrath and the arrows nothing more than a breaking of splinters. And the breaking of splinters caused rain, and in this, the rain gave water to the world which no longer hung on upon the finger of the great Fate. And the war continued.

(4) In a great attack upon the castle of Zarazego, Enkur unleashed the Aghurwrath and he said ‘my sword is my finger and my finger will crush your form, to show my strength’. And it was, for the sword began to cut through stone and metal alike, and the waves crashed and the ground shook with every chasm that was made in every swing. Zarazego was surprised, but he foresaw it and launched against Enkur, but he could defeat him. Enkur then wooed Izmishna to join him, and the two of them joined to great a child, Delidhack, a great villain of old. Delidhack was a general and he fought with great tenacity, before he fell in love with the child of Ciranaar and Iaian, a human. This child was named Arnah, and she gave great love to all, and she was thus instrumental to defeating Delidhack.

(5) Arnah killed Delidhack, but she was imprisoned in the world of fire by Enkur for vengeance. Arnah was to suffer pain for a thousand millennia, but she was freed by a group of men who tried to rape her. However, they fell in such love that they no longer wished to harm her, and she was saved and went to the safety of Sethlion.

(6) Sethlion created a fortress for Arnah, and it was called Arnisiah. In this fortress, Zarazego helped Arnah pushed back the outposts of Enkur and Izmishna, but they could not fight Enkur for he was too powerful with Izmishna on his side. So Ciranaar descended and broke their powers. Ciranaar sentenced Izmishna to wander the world aimlessly, and Enkur to be stripped of his powers and forced to help in the land of Earth below.

(7) In the skies above, peace was reigned, but in the world below the world would shatter under Enkur’s fist. (8) Enkur said “In my vengeance I will turn my suffering into joy, and through suffering of Ackthal’s children my joy will grow.” And he made others join to his side. And this was thus the beginning of the Heretics, the Ascherans. And the Ascherans followed and worshipped great Enkur.

(9) But Enkur wanted more power, and he quickly forced his people down to the south, and killed more, and he enjoyed it more. And it was thus that he built the empire of the Heretics, the Ascherans. But eventually they were shown the ways of the old lands, and they followed Enkur and his ways. And they became great believers, and no longer they were heretics, but still they kept their name to remember.

Arcarum / Arborgard

The rebel leader, Arcarum is the first father of the modern Sadicistra, and the first Jenrakian to have used terror tactics against his enemy, being one of the few to have strayed from the laws of Kelirius.

Economic Influence

Jenrak's economic power is massive, rivalling nations much larger than itself, due to the fact that Jenrak's economic system is incredibly technology oriented, always on the cutting edge. It focuses on the increased production and cultivation of agriculture in its climate, allowing cheaper and readily healthier produce within such an environment. Using its technology, Jenrak is also prone to being corporate havens. One such corporation, the Tsellian Enterprises, is such an exploiter of the massive technology firms within mainland Jenrak.

Jenrak's economic influence also spreads into its many city states, such as Nakros Eimuun and Nakros Sentiauhk.