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language=English |
language=English |
capital=Hikasui |
capital=Hikasui |
population=120 million |
population=332 million |
currency=Baby |
currency=Baby |

Revision as of 14:14, 10 January 2005

Flag of Atacama
Motto: "Disproving that caring is only the wish of Emo journals"
None drafted
Region Common Realms Alliance Pacific
Capital Hikasui
Official Language(s) English
Leader IdioC
Population 332 million
Currency Baby 
NS Sunset XML


Atacama is a small island discovered after explorers from Kurui with guidance from Japanese WW2 maps discovered it lying just over the apparent horizon. The indiginous peoples, whilst communicating in their own language for many centuries, have only just become partially understandable to outsiders - their discovery to the rest of the world in 1981 has only left them 23 years to grasp new languages to communicate. As such, Atacama has no intention of joining the UN yet due to lack of comprehension (more than half wouldn't know the two letters of the alphabet to write it, for starters), and it's history remains a secret told in native dialect only.

The History we DO actually know

When Atacama was discovered in 1981, it was by Kuruinin ("Kurui People" literally), experimenting with new technologies learnt from the Japanese. Some of the existing Kuruinin natives found similiarities in the indiginous languages of the two nations and small trades were begun. Within the same year, the main volcano on Atacama (Mt Fuegomente) erupted, and so many of the locals were taken to Kurui until it was safe to return. Some were not so lucky due the lack of communications on the island - some of the forests on the island were burnt to the ground by hot lava, as were all the villages, and villagers in their path. On their return, the main city was divided in two by a stream of lava. While life on Atacama became harder, the Kuruinin technique of mudbaking fish helped feed the homeless Atacamans, and the heat from the warm magma provided enough heat to cook the fish. The Kuruinin now engage in trades with the Atacamans for their earths because they believe they make a better bake. This is the main external trade for Atacama. A steady process of rebuilding has begun since, the main settlement, Hikasui ("Fire stream" - named by the Kuruinin as, as mentioned earlier, the indigenous language is hard to comprehend), being chosen as home to a new government to replace an existing council of elders.

Modern Government and History

The habit of co-operation between their peoples from the tribal eras continues in Atacama's modern constitution. Their entrusting of a central leader/representative with matters of state allowing for matters to voted on make Atacama a Democratic Socialist nation. The absence of a religion on the island but belief in respecting others have created a somewhat liberal attitude to life. The rebuilding of Atacama from the volcanic eruption of Fuegomente has rebuilt three main settlements with very few villages for fear of getting burnt again. These are Hikasui (the capital), Yakeno ("burnt fields") and Zenshou ("burnt to the ground" - someone had an appalling sense of humour). These settlements have automonous control of their own issues and affairs so that if one fails or benefits from an idea, the others can evade or adopt it accordingly. Atacama was offered a protectorate pact with Kurui in 2004 to help the young nation exist with international support. Kurui had acquired some Japanese and some English in its 62 years as a recognised state, and the Common Realms Alliance Pacific was formed.

The 10th of January Automotive Initiative

In a move towards international participation, the Atacaman Trade and Industry Executive confirmed an agreement with Kurui to set up ACAR (The Atacaman Collective Automotive Representative), a state-run company to produce automobiles for global sale. It is hoped that the quality of the vehicles will help Atacama obtain a more independant stature on the world stage and be slowly weaned off reliance on Kurui. The move, whilst unprecedented, saw Atacama's formerly lagging GDP multiply 6-fold, saw it take the highest regional trade surplus in the Common Realms Alliance Pacific, and hopefully start a way for the nation to embrace business.

It is also rumoured that with the need of more roads between the other settlements on the island (which will be now more accessible), maps will be chartered of the island.