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* Awards are worn over the right-hand breast pocket.
* Awards are worn over the right-hand breast pocket.
* The Corps number, in roman numerals, is worn on the collar.
* The Corps number, in roman numerals, is worn on the collar.
** The troops love war. Sometimes they shoot themselves on accident.

Revision as of 02:13, 26 March 2005

The Eternal and Holy Empire of The Schwartzwaldklan (Das ewige und heilige Reich des Schwartzwaldklans)

The Schwartzwaldklan
Flag of The Schwartzwaldklan
Motto: "Ein Land von Pelzlinger zu Pelzlinger für Pelzlinger."
Region FurNation
Capital Fuchsstadt
Official Language(s) Vulpine German, Vulpine Yiddish
Leader Kaiser des Schwartzwaldklans Friedrich Meil SilverScale-EinFuchs
Population 732 Million
Currency Kaiserlich Waldmark 
NS Sunset XML


National Capital


Provinces and Provincial Capitals

Eastern Schwartzwaldklan Province - Dachsstadt
Western Schwartzwaldklan Province - München


Imperial Court

The Imperial Court holds all real power in the empire, seated on the throne. To be selected for the Imperial Court is to distinguish oneself as an amazing asset to society. Imperial titles are hereditary by custom only, as they can be changed at any time.


The Emperor (Kaiser) holds all power; all other government offices either carry out his orders or advise him. The current Emperor is Friedrich Meil SilverScale-EinFuchs. There has never been a succsession, but EinFuchs has declared that because he is merging with SilverScaleNaga, that SilverScaleNaga will be the next Emperor of the Schwartzwaldklan unless SilverScaleNaga does not wish it.


The Empress (Kaiserin) is the declared mate of the Kaiser. The current "Empress", SilverScale, is currently administrating the nation of Yissing Scalies. It should be noted that Empress is a title only, and that SilverScaleNaga is very, very, male.


As the current Emperor has elected to take a fellow male as his empress, there can be no imperial offspring.


The Archduke (Großherzog), currently Archduke Alexander Scholl, is the chief adviser to the emperor on all matters, and holds considerable sway, the Archduke also crowns all nobility and the next Emperor.


There are two kings, East King (Ostkönig) and West King (Westkönig), who carry out the Emperors orders in the East and West districts of the empire. They currently are:
EastKing Marcus Tienman
WestKing Hans Artzgodt


The 48 dukes (Herzog) are leading experts in various scientific, medical, and business fields, and supply the Archduke and Emperors with all needed information.


The nobility are those persons recognized by the Emperors as being an extraordinary benefit to the nation. No noble title is hereditary.


The chancellor (Kanzler) is not appointed by the Emperor, but elected to represent the senate to him. He serves for two and a half years, and no noble may be elected to this post more than once.


All nobility aside from the Emperor and Empress vote for the 50-seat senate (Reichstag), the no noble may serve more than 20 years on the senate. Each term is five years. The senate can file any petition with the Emperor, who has granted them permission to criticize or censure any citizen, including the Emperor himself.


The 198 Barons (Baron) are appointed by the Kings to administer the cities in the Empire. They carry out the orders of the Emperor in their city, each Baron has the assistance of several elected officials. A Baron is similar to a mayor.

Lesser Nobility


Knights (Edelmann) are appointed by the Barons and Kings to supervise enforcement of the Imperial Decrees in local areas. Knights are the equivalent of Judges in other nations.


Squires (Edelknabe) are selected by Knights to assist them in their duties. Squires are the equivalent of Sheriffs in other nations.


The remainder of the population is considered peasantry. The peasantry receives many protections, however. For example, the right to petition is upheld in the House of Burgers.


The President (Präsident) is elected by the House of Representation to bring all peasantry matters to the attention of the Emperor.

House of Burgers

The House of Burgers (Bürgerstag) is a 100-seat senate for the peasantry; it serves the same function and operates in the same way as the Senate, but when the Emperor dies without declaring an Heir, the new Emperor is selected by this house.

House of Representation

The 5000-member House of Representation (Landsstag) is a massive group that is elected to 20 year terms by the peasantry. If the Kaiser wishes to change Fundamental Law, he must gain the consent of 70 percent of this house. This house is also the source for all appointments to the nobility.


Fundamental Law

No Citizen of the Empire will be deprived of: Life Absolute Freedom of Speech Absolute Freedom of Religion Absolute Freedom of Press Absolute Freedom of Assembly Freedom of Petition to any Noble, save the Emperor. Absolute Freedom to Wed any Other Being Absolute Freedom to Enter or Leave the Country Absolute Freedom to Pursue Happiness without Limiting the Happiness of Others

Imperial Law

Imperial Law is those edicts set out by the Emperor. A person who breaks a crime is tried by the local night. They may then appeal through the following levels: Baron, King, President, Chancellor, Archduke, House of Burgers, Senate, and Emperor.

Common Law

Common Law is those foundations and statutes set out by the Representative bodies. They are subject to the following appeal levels: Baron, Individual Senator, Senate, King, Archduke, House of Burgers, House of Representation, President, Chancellor, and Emperor.

Martial Law

Martial Law is forbidden by Common Law and Imperial Law.

Military and Public Service

Chain of Command

All military personnel are considered peasantry except for the Imperial Marshal and the Service Marshals, who are members of the Imperial Court. Officer’s are trained at the Academy at Dachsstadt.

Imperial Marshal

Imperial Marshal, Reichsmarshall Fritz Upservich, is the commander in chief of the entire military; he receives his orders directly from the Emperor.


The army (Heer), under the Field Marshal, Feldmarschall Alexander Freiburg, is in charge of all land operations. It consists of 38 million personnel, with a maximum fighting force of 23 million. There are 240 divisions, with 90 divisions of normal infantry, 30 armored divisions, 38 heliborne divisions, 63 airborne divisions, and 2 marine divisions in the fighting force. The army also maintains the nation's 1 Terraton Nuclear ICBM's, all 50 000 of them.


The navy (Kriegsmarine), under the Naval Marshal, Marinemarschall Fritz Bausmann, commands all naval operations. It consists of 4 million personnel, with 1 million of them serving aboard ships. There are three Fleets, subdivided into 30 flotillas. The navy operates 3 Dreadnaughts, 13 Battleships, 20 Aircraft Carriers, 72 Cruisers, 157 Destroyers, 148 Attack Submarines, 59 Nuclear Missile Submarines, and several thousand patrol vessels.

Air Force

The air force (Luftwaffe), under the Air Marshal, Luftmarschall Walter Brecht, commands all airborne operations, including the transport of heliborne and airborne divisions, as well as naval aviation. There are 42 million personnel in 373 divisions. There are 103 scouting divisions, 35 heavy fighter divisions, 72 light fighter divisions, 40 naval aviation divisions, 101 transport divisions, 6 bomber divisions, and 2 nuclear bomber divisions.

Guard Corps

The Guard Corps, (Gardekorps), under the command of the Marshal of the Guard, Gardemarschall Dieter Bertolt, is by far the largest. It consists only of non-active light infantry divisions that can be activated if the nation is attacked by invaders. There are nearly 70 million troops in this corps because all able bodied civilians must be a member of one of the armed forces for at least 4 years. It is also a considered high honor and public service to choose a career in the Guard Corps.


<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">bZP297547QT6.jpg
This is an example of a member of the Schwartzwaldklan's Army. All the uniforms are the same except for awards and beret color.
  • Beret Color Determines Service Branch
    • Green - Army
    • Blue - Navy
    • Red - Air Force
    • Black - Guard Corps
    • White - Marshal
  • Rank is worn on the shoulders.
  • Awards are worn over the right-hand breast pocket.
  • The Corps number, in roman numerals, is worn on the collar.

Rank Structure

Ranks are listed in order from highest to lowest. The titles are given, for each service, in the order: Army, Navy, Air Force, Guard Corps; however, the Air Force and Guard Corps ranks are normally the same as those for the Army, and are not listed when this is so. The Titles in parenthesis represent the English translation of the Vulpine German rank name.


Officer's are those trained in command at the service acadamy and have chosen a carrear in the military.

Imperial Staff

Imperial Staff includes all marshals.
eLW297539rI6.jpg - Reichsmarschall (Marshal of the Empire)
juM297509yT3.jpg - Feldmarschall (Field Marshal), Marinemarschall (Sea Marshal), Luftmarschall (Air Marshal), Gardemarschall (Marshal of the Guard)

General Staff

All Officer's of General Rank are considered General Staff.
FHN297538ou7.jpg - Meistergeneral (Master General), Meisteradmiral (Master Admiral)
tKX297520BT8.jpg - Hauptgeneral (Major General), Hauptadmiral (Major Admiral)
EHO297512AW0.jpg - Obergeneral (High General), Oberadmiral (High Admiral)
fjA297527EN7.jpg - General (General), Admiral (Admiral)
fxC297513EK5.jpg - Untergeneral (Brigadier General), Unteradmiral (Rear Admiral)

Staff Officers

Staff Officer's are those officer's chosen for high administrative duty.
yCX297529kS8.jpg - Oberst (Colonel), Hauptkapitan (Commadore)
DRV297533zF8.jpg - Obermajor (Lieutenant Colonel), Kapitan (Captain)
LOP297528IX8.jpg - Major (Major), Unterkapitan (Low Captain)
hxI297531tv9.jpg - Oberhauptmann (High Captain), Oberlieutenant (Lieutenant)
imD297534DJ3.jpg - Hauptmann (Captain), Lieutenant (Lieutenant Junior Grade)

Line Officers

Line Officer's are the backbone of the officer corps, and represent those officer's who command teams of men in combat or have minor administrative duties.
jRY297524yM3.jpg - Oberlieutenant (1st Lieutenant), Oberfähnrich (Staff Ensign)
lmz297525LX0.jpg - Lieutenant (2nd Lieutenant), Fähnrich (Line Ensign)
buG297514AF8.jpg - Oberfähnrich (Warrant Officer), Oberbootsmann (Warrant Officer)
uQT297521NY3.jpg - Fähnrich (Junior Warrant Officer), Bootsmann (Junior Warrant Officer)


Most of the army is enlisted troops, who serve as soldiers, technichions, and occasionally advisors.

General Staff

The only enlisted troops considered general staff are the Master Chiefs, who advise the Marshals on enlisted affairs.
dFK297535uv5.jpg - Obermeisterfeldwebel (Master Chief Sergeant), Obermeisterunteroffizer (Master Cheif Petty Officer)

Noncommissioned Officers

Noncommissioned Officers lead small teams of men in various duties.
brJ297522CK6.jpg - Meisterfeldwebel (Senior Chief Sergeant), Meisterunteroffizer (Senior Chief Petty Officer)
rDO297523vN7.jpg - Oberbefehlenfeldwebel (Chief Sergeant), Oberbefehlenfeldwebel (Chief Petty Officer)
hmM297516pH6.jpg - Befehlenfeldwebel (Master Sergeant), Befehlenunteroffizer (Master Petty Officer)
cIL297518jV5.jpg - Oberhauptfeldwebel (Senior Sergeant), Oberhauptunteroffizer (Senior Petty Officer)
dBN297532LX6.jpg - Hauptfeldwebel (Color Sergeant), Hauptunteroffizer (Petty Officer 1st Class)
HSU297519yE8.jpg - Oberfeldwebel (1st Sergeant), Oberunteroffizer (Petty Officer 2nd Class)
sxK297510DM0.jpg - Feldwebel (Sergeant), Unteroffizer (Petty Officer 3rd Class)

Line Troops

Line Troops are the lowest ranks in the service and consist of troops and technitions. They are the most important part of the military.
eky297537fO9.jpg - Oberbefehlengefreiter (Color Corporal), Oberbefehlenseemann (Color Seaman)
sJU297511CT8.jpg - Befehlengefreiter (Gunnery Corporal), Befehlenseeman (Gunnery Seaman)
jtv297517tV2.jpg - Oberhauptgefreiter (Lance Corporal), Oberhauptseeman (Lance Seaman)
ejt297515DX0.jpg - Hauptgefreiter (Staff Corporal), Hauptseeman (Staff Seaman)
buC297536TU5.jpg - Obergefreiter (Corporal), Oberseeman (Seaman)
kty297526TW0.jpg - Gefreiter (Private 1st Class), Seeman (Seaman Apprentice)
eZC297530PY4.jpg - Soldat (Private), Unterseeman (Seaman Recruit)

The Iron Cross


There are many awards in each service for various actions. But the Most Important is the Order of The Iron Cross. There are 7 levels of the Iron Cross. Each listed here, in the order of priority, with a short description.
The Civilian Iron Cross (Eisernes Kreuz für die Zivilsten), a.k.a. the Iron Cross of the Civil Degree, is issued to those who are not serving in the military who put their life in danger for the benefit of the country.
The Iron Cross for Merit (Eisernes Kreuz für den Vorzug), a.k.a. the Iron Cross of the Fifth Degree, is awarded for meritous military service.
The Iron Cross for Excellence (Eisernes Kreuz für die Fähigkeit), a.k.a. the Iron Cross of the Fourth Degree, is awarded for exceptional military service.
The Iron Cross for Valor (Eisernes Kreuz für die Tapferkeit), a.k.a. the Iron Cross of the Third Degree, is awarded for battlefield bravery.
The Iron Cross for Selflessness (Eisernes Kreuz für die Sebstlosigkeit), a.k.a. the Iron Cross of the Second Degree, is awarded for selfless battlefield bravery.
The Iron Cross (Eisernes Kreuz), a.k.a. the Iron Cross of the First Degree, is awarded for going above, beyond, and exceeding all expectations of a soldier of the Empire.
The Grand Cross of the Iron Cross (Großkreuz des Eiserne Kreuzes or Großkreuz) is awarded for reciving any three of the previous awards, or reciving the Iron Cross of the First Degree in combination with any other Iron Cross. The Grand Cross is held to be so great an award, that to earn it is to earn the right to be a member of the Imperial Court.

Awardings of the Grand Cross

There have been three awardings of the Grand Cross, the first was to Friedrich Meil SilverScale-EinFuchs before he was made Emperor as an initial reward for freeing the empire from the Drakonian Empire. The second was to Line Corporal Jurgen Moloski after he earned the Iron Cross for Valor twice and the Iron Cross for Selflessness once in a single battle, where he repeatedly risked his own life in defusing mines, saving several hundered lives. The third was awarded to Baron Karl Doverich after he earned the Iron Cross for Civillians repeatedly for his massive contributions to physics and mathematics. Of the three recipients, all three are living.