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Wine And Cheese
Forum: [URL Forum Name]
Population: 16 nations
Delegate: none
Founder: The Confederacy of The Steveites
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Founding Date: May 5th, 2005

Countries of Wine And Cheese

East Deskan Territory
Moving Units
New Candenia
Sexta Feira
The Steveites

Recent Regional News

News 5.13

AP NEWS-Heati Mayor, Mrs. Adriana Sadretti, Announces Candidacy in Heati’s Gubernatorial

Heat, Wakeland- Three days after Sensible Patrick O’Rielly slipped during a press conference, making as he made a sexist comment regarding Eleanor Denver’s bid for Governor of New Bookhaven, a female has entered the race for Heati’s governor seat. Sadretti, announced her intention to beat O’Rielly today in a speech delivered from Luketown University where she said, “the time for passive standoffish women has passed. It is time for women to demonstrate that we too can hold even the most distinguishable positions in Wakeland, this is a democracy with no room for O’Rielly’s narrow mindedness.” Sadretti has served the past five years as the first woman mayor of Heati and holds great popularity there; however, it is unclear as to how the rest of the state will react to her liberal social policies. She has become, in the past decade a leading force in the Liberationist party and while few expected her to make a run at the governor’s house, it comes as little surprise that she is already leading in the initial polls. Initial polls show 60% of Heati residents supporting the 36-year-old candidate, while Kunik, former Delegate Minority Leader is trailing at 30%. The once leading contender for the position, Sensible O’Rielly, now trails even Kunik in the polls and has frantically attempted to make up for his remark. His new press secretary Ms. Jessica Smith issued this statement on behalf of the O’Rielly campaign today, “Patrick O’Rielly loves women, he’s a man for the women, he is the woman’s candidate, and he will show his appreciation for women by appointing Mrs. Sadretti to the House of Sensibles, and sparing her a defeat, if she withdraws from the race now.” Mrs. Sadretti replied to that comment, reportedly saying, “he can go to hell if he thinks I’m going to lye down and give him this election.”

News 5.11

AP News- Torpedo Assault Sinks LRS Charlemagne

Clothpil, Lukish East Candenia- In a day that was marked with violence throughout the occupied Candenian countryside, in car bombings in Grossburge and an ambush on a police station in Messton, the carnage extended to the sea this evening as the LRS Charlemagne was torpedoed by what Lukanthonland officials believe to be a rebel U-boat. At approximately 7:41pm a great explosion rocked the deck of the ship and a moment later another explosion in the hull fatally wounded the ship which sank quickly. That battleship had been positioned in the Strait of Wal in order to contain the New Candenian nation in an ongoing blockade. Its sinking adds a new twist to the unrest in Candenia, suggesting that the National Candenian Liberation Movement may have access to more powerful weapons than automatic machine guns. The Royal naval units in the area have been put on high alert following the assault and a number of destroyers are searching the strait for the assailant U-boat. Initial investigations suggest the torpedo was Confederate made. This provides legitimacy to the concern’s Royal Ministry of Defense’s concerns that the Confederacy was supporting the rebel groups in New Candenia.

AP News- Liberationist Primary Battle Led By North Dresser Governor Tim Schneider SR

Atlasville, North Dresser- The liberationist nominee for Prime Chancellor is likely to be current North Dresser Governor Tim Schneider who declared his candidacy today from the steps of the general assembly building where he promised, “to win this race for the people and to serve Wakeland as he has so humbly served North Dresser.” Schneider, the third North Dresserian to throw his hat into the Chancellorship race has served for eight years as Governor after serving eight previous years as a sensible. His son Tim Schneider JR, the current Sensible, is expected to be the leading contender for the open seat in the governor’s race this year as well. A less known candidate entered the race this afternoon as well; Victor Martinez, the Minister of Education, from Heati, told Wakelander’s he would seek the Chancellorship, “to bring the disadvantaged immigrants of Wakeland a chance at sucsess.” His speech today focused on providing healthcare to immigrants and specifically to his plan to provide free education even to non-naturalized Lukanthonland children living in Wakeland.” This platform is controversial in mainstream Wakeland politics but is likely to draw the attention of the extreme Liberationist voter.

AP NEWS- The Heati Gubernatorial Heating UP as Leading Contender Slips: O’rielly’s Sexist Remark May Cost Him

Springfield, Heati- Patrick O’Rielly was leading in all the polls this morning as Heatians top choice for governor but today’s “sexist comment” is expected to cost him, says political analysis’s. O’Rielly without realizing a microphone was live made the mistake of saying, “So Sanchez is going to be beat by a woman? Well maybe Roberto shouldn’t be spending all his time bare foot in the kitchen and do some campaigning, but I guess he doesn’t have a wife to take care of him.” O’Rielly said this jokingly but was alarmed when he realized the mikes were live. A number of feminist groups are upset with his insensitive speech and Tony Kunik, who lost his Delagate seat to Jose Rizzia recently pounced on O’Rielly today calling him, “a backwards thinking relic of the pass.” Kunik declared his candidacy two days ago saying he would take back the governor’s house from the Freedomists. Kunik after his narrow lost three years ago spent the past two years teaching law at the university of Luketown in Heati. This is likely the last stint of his political career.

News 5.09

AP NEWS- Lukanthonland Celebrates “Patriot Day” While New Candenians celebrate “Independence Day”

Lifetimescow, Lukish South Candenia –In a show of military prowess and national pride Lukanthonlanders celebrated what the Lukish crown calls “Patriots Day” today as the Wakeland Second Chancellor Juan Pedro Sanchez was publicly flogged in Waketon today before a crowd of thousands of Lukanthonlanders, many of whom were chanting ‘kitten murderer’ or in the Lukish tongue, “kittenzie murdosochie!” Since his conviction five years ago from crimes against the crown Sanchez has been publicly flogged annually in what has become a festival of national pride for Lukanthonlanders. He appeared to have passed out at some point during the flogging and many have speculated that he is much thinner than even last year, the last time he was seen publicly. His son, Governor of New Bookhaven, said today, “This is a horrific celebration of the tragedy of human existence and the suffering of Lukanthonlanders.” Lukanthonland soldiers marched in the streets of Waketon as well as in Lifetimescow today waving flags, as soldiers marched before tanks and a procession of the nuclear arsenal as a display of the Lukish military might. In Lifetimescow the parade symbolized the Lukish dominance of the newly occupied city. Meanwhile the streets of Blanki were filled with New Candenia’s display of national pride in a parade that President Slovadak Berglundskie led to celebrate what he called “A Celebration of our new national Independence.” While New Candenian soldiers marched in the streets, they were celebrating the Lukish withdraw from their borders, but not all New Candenians were pleased by this celebration. The militant leader Vladimir Schwantanskie, believed now to be affiliated with the National Candeian Liberation Movement spoke up today in an internet message to his followers calling the celebrations, “a Lukanthonland and Confederate puppet festival intended to diffuse our anger and our rightful discontent with this laughable treaty, in which Berglundskie betrayed his brethren in his surrender of Candenia to the infidels.” Despite the threats to security no violence occurred during the festivities although some sources report mortar fire upon the workers in East Deska constructing the Calhoun’s Great wall. Those reports are unconfirmed. President Slovadak Berglundskie said today that New Candenia aims to, “Begin a new era of prestige, in which we can put the troubles of the past behind us and move forward with the optimism that has forged the good fortune of all great men.”

AP NEWS- Eleanor Denver Announces Candidacy in New Bookhaven Gubernatorial

Chessburge, Newbookhaven- To the surprise of many the New Bookhaven gubernatorial race will be another Denver v Sanchez and the only difference is not that Sanchez is the incumbent, but that Denver is Mrs. Denver. Eleanor Denver, wife of the former New Bookhaven governor Ben Denver, announced today that she would challenge Roberto Sanchez as a Freedomist in the this years election. Denver, now 56, has spent eight years as the state’s first lady and now seeks to make her husband Ben, the first husband. He introduced her in a press confrence which many believed would be his announcement to seek the Freedomist nomination for the Prime Chancellorship. Instead he came forward saying, “I’m not here today to announce my candidacy for anything. Quite to the contrary I’m here to introduce to you the next governor of this great state; and I must say I love this candidate, they will serve us well, MRS. BEN DENVER!” Roberto Sanchez, now 28, is seeking his second term as New Bookhaven governor and with remarkably high ratings it was believed he would see little challenge, however, the Denver name is huge and following such a close election the Freedomist party believes it can win back the seat from young Sanchez. Roberto Sanchez had only this to say, “Well I’m glad to see I have such a fine opponent, I suppose now I have to act like a gentleman and not a politician.” While this joking comment was well received Mrs. Denver replied to it later saying, “Well if he thinks that because I’m a Lady I wont throw any punches he has another thing coming.” Mrs. Denver would be the first female to hold an office higher than Delegate in Wakeland.


Atlasville, North Dresser- North Dresser has become the center of Wakeland’s political battlefield for the liberal coalition’s push to gain real control over the Chancellorship in the upcoming election as now two North Dresser representatives have thrown their hat into the race for Prime Chancellor. While Hanz Hitler declared his intentions to win one of the two green party nominations very early a month ago, his fellow statesmen Vince Carlton announced today that he would seek the People’s Party nomination.

Political analysts believe the party recruited him to run because he was a two term delegate from a traditionally conservative and rural state; many have speculated that Hanz Hitler and Vince Carlton can appeal to the more conservative marginal voters in swing states like Heati and New Bookhaven.

Still, while the annalists have speculated that Hitler and Carlton aim to appeal to the marginal voter, they have come out swinging in the past two weeks, not only attacking the conservative coalition for their “rush to arms” but in a litany of heated speeches both candidates have come at Prime Chancellor Del Monitti from the left, saying he was, “too weak to stand up against the hawks in Parliament.” Third Chancellor Wake has certainly received the blunt of the criticism, from Del Monitti as well, who said, “there was no need for nuclear strikes, we could have made the same point with coordinated non-nuclear strikes on legitimate military targets.”

Wake is believed to be the conservative coalitions leading contender for Prime Chancellor in the next election however he has yet to formally declare his intention to seek the office, nor has anyone else in the coalition declared candidacy.


The Lukanthonland Ministries of State, Defense and Intelligence confirmed to the international community the growing concerns of an increase in militant behavior in New Candenia which is now being led by the National Candenian Liberation Movement, led by General Mobuto a Canrissian and an oppositionist to the old inner party and now with joint leadership from the militant leader Vladimir Schwantanskie who until recently had been a sworn enemy of General Mobuto and the Canrissian rebels who overthrew his Inner Party in the Former Peoples Republic of Candenia. Now the two are believed to have forged a shaky alliance with their common hatred of Lukanthonland and the Confederacy uniting them.

Lukanthonland Intelligence reported this upon intercepting telegrams, many of which took weeks to despiser from their encrypted codes. Now the two leaders have reportedly set their common discontent with each other to create what they referred to as a “united Candenian Resistance front.”

President Slovadak Berglundskie has been quite since the Speakerville Accords were signed and has been hesitant to condemn these militant groups as Lukanthonland officials have continually urged him to do, in order to, “keep the peace.”

He would only say today that, “we will work to make peace in the region and I will be speaking with the leaders of the opposition parties to make sure this peaceful resolution holds.” General Mobuto released a video today taking credit for a car bombing in Lifetimscow and the kidnapping of a Lukanthonland Today journalist who is being held captive somewhere in New Candenia. Lukanthonland has yet to issue a statement on these new developments. Their intelligence also warns of a wave of attacks they expect to unfold in the next month coordinated between Lukanthonland controlled Candenia and the Deskan territory of East Deska. Lukanthonland is reportedly, “taking measures to defend against acts of terror” and issued a staunch warning last week to New Candenia to, “resolve the issue before we are forced too.”

News 5.07


New Chicago, Cadencia- President Thadeus Thurnback III, in a press conference today, announced that the country was seeking the support of fellow UN members in Cadencia's effort to become Wine And Cheese's UN delegate.

“It’s time that Cadencia does more for the region than just what is in the best interest of Cadencian citizens. As we’ve seen recently, the UN delegate can completely destroy a peaceful region and it is our plan to keep that from ever happening.”

Turnback made mention of the recent DEN Trooper overthrow of Being in the Region as a prime example of what can go wrong without proper UN representation.

“While not every country may choose to be a part of the United Nations, they are certainly affected by the tyranny of other power hungry factions. Cadencia hopes to serve as the watchdog for the entire region’s security and longevity. Under our fastidious eye, what happened to Being in the Region, will NEVER happen to our new home.”

The Cadencian administration hopes the other UN members in the region, namely The Republic of Sexta Feira and The Rogue Nation of Moving Units, will support Cadencia’s bid and give their endorsements within the next few days.

News 5.05


Heati, Wakeland- In a whirlwind three week span the international community was shaken by a regional conflict of power and authority with the threat of UN domination culminating in this mornings coinciding allied bombings of Samsonitezz, Old Gloriana and El Toro de andlvcia. The multi-lateral nuclear strikes destroyed every city of consequence in these countries as Wakeland, The Confederacy, Sexta Fierra and Lukanthonland declared war on the UN and the UN delegates attempting to force international will upon the autonomous nations of this once peaceful region.

Three weeks ago when Samsonitezz declared itself the regional delegate and overthrew the former regional Delagate, Copeland. This immediately was a concern in the Wakeland Parliament, the Council of Secretaries in the Confederacy and in the court of King Luke IV. Previously the nations of the region had tolerated the UN delegate Copeland but had made it clear that they would not adhere to any of the UN resolutions. The militant Samsonitezz regime would not be so passive and this immediately arose fears in the Confederacy and in Wakeland of UN domination and international manipulation of national autonomy. The day of his confirmation as delegate the Samsonitezz named formally declared that the UN would not recognize the legitimate creation of New Candenia, which was created in the Speakerville Accords, in the three state agreement ending the conflict in the Former Peoples Republic of Candenia.

Samsonitezz issued a decree later that afternoon announcing that all nations in the region would be required to comply with “current UN standards and measures.” The office of Regal Affairs in Lukanthonland released this statement regarding the Samsonitezz decree, calling the UN, “a body with no authority over the people of this nation.” While Wakeland and other nations released similar statements, Lukanthonland initially intended to blatantly ignore the UN delegate as they had for years while Copeland was the delegate.

While the policy of ignoring the UN had worked in the past, peaceful coexistence became an impossibility for Lukanthonland last Saturday as UN troops, headed by the Samsonitezz entered Lukanthonland international waters and made ground fall in Lukeshire. The Lukanthonland Royal Navy was immediately mobilized to intercept the ship, believing it was headed for New Fubar, while the UN soldiers made landfall before the Naval Patrols intercepted them, the Lukanthonland Royal Knights arrived on the scene within twenty minutes when Lord Arthur Dontenes reported to the local authorities that foreigners were on his property, carrying weapons and were rounding up surfs.

The Royal Knights immieditly arrested a half dozen UN soldiers before three UN soldiers resisted their arrest; a gun fight insued between the UN soldiers and the Knights which was quickly resolved when the Naval forces arrived on the scene, commandeering the UN ship and with the aid of two hundred Royal Sailors the Knights killed 67 UN soldiers in a fifteen minute melee. Three Lukanthonlanders were killed in the fighting all of them children and surfs. 589 UN soldiers surrendered to the local authorities at this point and were loaded onto their craft, sailed to New Fubar and given trial, before all were hung publicly as enemies of the State.

Samsonitezz also attempted to free slaves in the Confederacy however the local authorities there were just as quick to respond and, as one observer called it, “mow the invaders down.” The Samsonitezz UN assault continued, as they attempted to strike targets in a bombing campaign Sunday morning on New Fubar. Their planes were intercepted by surface to air defense systems. Lukanthonland officially had declared war on the Samsonitezz and the UN, meanwhile the Parliament of Wakeland was debating the issue. The conservative coalition demanded immediate action, while the liberal coalition was calling for Wakeland to open up peace talks and even urging Wakeland to break its anti-UN policy and to state Wakeland’s case before the international community on the floor of the UN. The Liberationist Party was hesitant to condemn the UN actions at first as some in the party saw it as an effort to free the surfs of Lukanthonland; with their support the controversial decision to join the UN was approved in both the House of Delegates and the House of Sensibles. Prime Chancellor Del Monitti and Third Chancellor Wake signed the bill officially and appointed former New Bookhaven Governor Ben Denver to represent the interests of Wakeland to the international community on the UN floor. Many in the region pledged their support to Wakeland in the attempt to win the Delagate seat, including Sexta Fierra, Trotland, East Deska and Cadencia. Lukanthonland originally pledged support but at the last moment withdrew their support calling for East Deska to be the representative instead.

To the surprise of the entire region Ben Denver was arrested by Samsonitezz mercenaries “for opposing the Samsonitezz rule” outside the UN headquarters. This occurring just hours before Denver was to be named the UN regional delegate. HE immieidetly filed suit against Samsonitezz who released him from prison only to arrest him again as he attempted to enter the UN headquarters Monday morning.

This immediately outraged the Wakeland community as well as those in Sexta Fierra, Cadencia, Trotland (a historically isolationist nation) and East Deska was calling for the multilateral military action against the Samsonitezz as a display of the region’s autonomy from the UN. Lukanthonland and the Confederacy were already pledging to go to war with the Samsonitezz by mid-day likewise East Deska was intent upon using force with the militant regime of Samsonitezz.

Wakeland was called upon as an ally of the confederacy to join in the attacks to directly give retribution for the invasion of the Confederacy. While there was some debate on the issue Wakeland was shook at 2pm when news came of a Samsonitezz strike against the W.S. Pocket, a Wakeland aircraft carrier which had been harbored in the mouth of the Bathimico Sound. Murdoch Media Networks broke the story as the Wakeland navy was pounding artillery into the sea, where a Samsonitezz submarine was destroyed. The Samsonitezz attack on the W.S Pocket was intended as a strike against Lukanthonland, which was already openly at war with the UN and Samsonitezz. The Wakeland air carrier sustained minimal damages in the torpedoing.

This event sent a rush of temper through Wakeland and in the parliament, the declaration of war was immediately passed at 4pm Wakeland Standard Time. Third Chancellor Wake responded to the attacks by praising the Parliaments decision to go to war and in issuing a statement to the people of Samsonitezz warning them of the wrath they were bringing upon themselves.

Immediately the Ministry of Defense began coordinating plans for an assault on Samsonitezz; the Confederacy was pushing for nuclear strikes and the Ministry of Defense concurred with those measures. Prime Chancellor Del Monitti would not, however, endorse the use of nuclear warfare. Chancellor Wake very vocally was calling for nuclear strikes and he went before the Parliament calling upon them to pass a measure calling for nuclear strikes. He argued, “failure to handedly defeat them in such a nature would illustrate weakness on our part and would draw us into a long maintained ground war which would take the lives of many Wakelanders.”

The measure passed in both houses but was vetoed by Del Monitti at once. Wake brought the bill again before the House of Sensibles, now at 11:30PM, calling them to overturn the veto. All but one sensible voted in favor of the nuclear strikes.

By 3AM the Allied forces lead by the Confederacy of the Steveites, Lukanthonland and Wakeland were striking cities across Samsonitezz. East Deska and Sexta Fierra, participating in the strikes which lasted until 7am, when Wakeland General Dwight D. Hassenfeffer declared victory and an end to conflict. Initial reports from Samsonitezz suggest that only roaches inhabit the now ruined nation. The nations participating in the strikes hoped that in doing so they illustrated their autonomy from the UN and international manipulations; as Ferdinand Wake said, “perhaps they’ll think twice before messing with us again.” This was the first time Wakeland has engaged in Nuclear warfare in forty four years.

=====AP- BELL ANNOUNCES FALL OF DEN TROOPERS "A GREAT VICTORY"===== Capitilia, The Confederacy of The Steveites- Secretary General Moses Bell announced today that "a great victory has been won for The Confederacy, the UN oppressors have been vanquished!" The three fledgling nations that arose from the defunct Constitutional Monarchy of Carltonsheets, led by Samsonitezz were defeated today when a multilateral effort to destroy the rebellious nations was undertaken. The strikes, led by The Confederacy, Wakeland, and Lukanthonland, similtaneously bombed all cities of 100,000 in population with nuclear weaponry. The devistating result cripped the nations, which had tried to use the United Nations to enforce their will contradictory to the soverignty of their economically and culturally superior brethern. Celebrations are still being held in the streets of many cities and towns across the Confederacy, even at this late hour. Secretary General Bell has vowed to "never again be tangled up in the manipulative body which is the United Nations."