Difference between revisions of "Sibastia"

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Line 340: Line 340:
'''2nd Fleet'''
'''''2nd Fleet'''''
-Hurricane Class-
'''-Hurricane Class-'''
SNS Polypheme
SNS Polypheme
-Storm Class-
'''-Storm Class-'''
SNS Reprisal
SNS Reprisal
Line 352: Line 352:
SNS Vendetta
SNS Vendetta
-Thunder Class-
'''-Thunder Class-'''
SNS Fortune
SNS Fortune
-Lightning Class-
'''-Lightning Class-'''
SNS Medusa
SNS Medusa
-Typhoon Class-
'''-Typhoon Class-'''
SNV Kai-Tak
SNV Kai-Tak
Line 366: Line 366:
SNV Temblin
SNV Temblin
-Tsunami Class-
'''-Tsunami Class-'''
Line 378: Line 378:
'''3rd Fleet'''
'''''3rd Fleet'''''
-Hurricane Class-
'''-Hurricane Class-'''
SNS Colossus
SNS Colossus
-Storm Class-
'''-Storm Class-'''
SNS Vengeance
SNS Vengeance
Line 390: Line 390:
SNS Punisher
SNS Punisher
-Thunder Class-
'''-Thunder Class-'''
SNS Blessing
SNS Blessing
-Lightning Class-
'''-Lightning Class-'''
SNS Cyclops
SNS Cyclops
-Typhoon Class-
'''-Typhoon Class-'''
SNV Chanchu
SNV Chanchu
Line 404: Line 404:
SNV Jelawat
SNV Jelawat
-Tsunami Class-
'''-Tsunami Class-'''
Line 416: Line 416:
'''4th Fleet'''
'''''4th Fleet'''''
-Storm Class-
'''-Storm Class-'''
SNS Retribution
SNS Retribution
Line 424: Line 424:
SNS Retaliation
SNS Retaliation
-Thunder Class-
'''-Thunder Class-'''
SNS Advantage
SNS Advantage
Line 430: Line 430:
SNS Godsend
SNS Godsend
-Lightning Class-
'''-Lightning Class-'''
SNS Minotaur
SNS Minotaur
-Typhoon Class-
'''-Typhoon Class-'''
SNV Ewiniar
SNV Ewiniar
Line 442: Line 442:
SNV Kaemi
SNV Kaemi
-Tsunami Class-
'''-Tsunami Class-'''
Line 458: Line 458:
'''5th Fleet'''
'''''5th Fleet'''''
-Hurricane Class-
'''-Hurricane Class-'''
SNS Kraken
SNS Kraken
-Storm Class-
'''-Storm Class-'''
SNS Avenger
SNS Avenger
Line 470: Line 470:
SNS Justice
SNS Justice
-Thunder Class-
'''-Thunder Class-'''
SNS Oppurtunity
SNS Oppurtunity
-Lightning Class-
'''-Lightning Class-'''
SNS Hydra
SNS Hydra
Line 480: Line 480:
'''6th Fleet'''
'''''6th Fleet'''''
-Typhoon Class-
'''-Typhoon Class-'''
SNV Prapiroon
SNV Prapiroon
Line 494: Line 494:
SNV Wukong
SNV Wukong
-Tsunami Class-
'''-Tsunami Class-'''
Line 518: Line 518:
'''7th Fleet'''
'''''7th Fleet'''''
-Storm Class-
'''-Storm Class-'''
SNS Requital
SNS Requital
Line 526: Line 526:
SNS Reckoning
SNS Reckoning
-Thunder Class-
'''-Thunder Class-'''
SNS Kismet
SNS Kismet
-Lightning Class-
'''-Lightning Class-'''
SNS Griffon
SNS Griffon
Line 540: Line 540:
SNS Dragon
SNS Dragon
-Typhoon Class-
'''-Typhoon Class-'''
SNV Sonamu
SNV Sonamu
Line 548: Line 548:
SNV Yagi
SNV Yagi
-Tsunami Class-
'''-Tsunami Class-'''
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'''8th Fleet'''
'''''8th Fleet'''''
-Storm Class-
'''-Storm Class-'''
SNS Chastise
SNS Chastise
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SNS Counter
SNS Counter
-Thunder Class-
'''-Thunder Class-'''
SNS Fluke
SNS Fluke
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SNS Mazel Tov
SNS Mazel Tov
-Typhoon Class-
'''-Typhoon Class-'''
SNV Xangsane
SNV Xangsane
Line 590: Line 590:
SNV Soulik
SNV Soulik
-Tsunami Class-
'''-Tsunami Class-'''

Latest revision as of 15:07, 22 July 2005

Flag of Sibastia
Motto: Through fear and suffering, come strength and loyalty.
Region Northern Expanse
Capital Delphi
Official Language(s) English
Leader Sebastian, Supreme Bishop
Currency Duree 
NS Sunset XML

With a climate as frigid as the government's commpassion toward it's populace, Sibastia is no stranger to tough times. The metropolis, now beginning to unfold, has an incredibly hideous and bloody background, but instead of keeping these skeletons in it's proverbial closet, uses them as a twisted form of control over the citizens. Since the old ages, the Church-controlled government has made such fantastic and abhorent spectacles of its criminals, that crime alltogether has nearly vanished.

The new crime-free Sibastia uses its newborn industries to help it grow and is taking a very strong interest in developing its military strength. It is mandatory to serve a minimum of 6 years in Sibastia's Royal Gaurd, and as such, has never been in shortage of soldiers. The citizens of Sibastia not having to worry about crime or invasion, cannot, however, rest entirely at ease. The High Church of Mythocracy does not like its people to stray far from the church. Those who wander from the Lord's good word often wind up missing. And those who are found, were deemed to be better off missing.

Through fear and suffering, come strength and loyalty.

The Lord will slay our foes.

Sibastian Cities

Kratosia Kratosia accounts for 15% of Sibastia's total population. The unique aspect about Kratosia is that is actually on its own individual island, seperate from the larger island which is home to Sibastia's other nine cities.

Known as one of the cleaner cities in Sibastia, Kratosia is governed by Bishop Damocles. Under his cold and meticulous supervision, countless legions of Sibastia's High Gaurdsman are trained and hardened. The city itself, designed by Damocles, actually resembles a military base, and in times of attack, doubles as a fortress which the Supreme Bishop retreats to for safety.

Other than the numerous millitary barracks and training centers scattered throughout, the city truly has no major attractions. The simple buildings are squared and faceless, and even the colors seem to be specifically bland and unordinary. Indeed, one could easily discover that Kratosia was designed, built, and governed by Sibastia's Minister of Warfare and Defense.

Delphi As the nation's capital, Delphi accounts for 40% of Sibastia's total population. The metropolis spans across the entire northern tip of the island, dotting the sky with its immense corporate buildings and skyscrapers.

Delphi's center is nearly devoid of all buildings. The open square, roughly 9 city blocks large, contains only a single building; the High Church of Mythocracy. This gargantuan temple rises up from the ground 6 stories. On top of the church, stand three steeples, each stretching up into the cold air 4 stories. It is from within this mammoth of a structure, that the Supreme Bishop, Sebastian, governs the growing nation of Sibastia. The pearly white church, decorated with many tapestries and ancient religious artifacts, would almost appear as more of a museum. Every last inch of the building is painstakingly cleaned daily, and decorated with an abundance of flowing ribbons of blue and orange. Its exotically vaulted ceilings are painted, depicting scenes of the nations past and the history of Mythocracy itself. The High Church's inner walls are utterly choked with extravagant mirrors, and portraits of the Sibastian blood lines. Robust marble pillars line the church's many halls and the Royal Sibastian flag can be found in nearly every room. Nowhere in the region has royalty, government, and religion been displayed so harmoniously and so beautifully than in Delphi's Royal Square.

Outside of the Royal Square, the buildings get increasingly larger. Dark and ugly, Delphi's corporate buildings loom over the entire city like black cloaked gaurdians, and rise up into the air piercing the tumultuous clouds above. Surrounding the corporations are many smaller buildings and the occassional factory or two. The city, cluttered with businesses and apartment buildings, is essentially devoid of anything natural. It is rumored that nowhere in the confines of the entire city, could one find a single blade of grass, a single tree, or animal, other than the large rats which frequently visit the bustling street for a quick meal. Smog and litter may be a way of life for the citizens of Delphi, but not nearly as much as their religion.

Hypnos Hypnos is a quiet rural town governed by the Bishop Maur. The tiny town is home to a mere 1% of Sibastia's total population. Although the area is barely inhabited, its borders stretch a considerable distance, due to the amount of farm land and livestock it posseses. Because virtually no factories or other corporations are present, the scenery in Hypnos is quite pleasant. Snow-covered rolling hills, topped with small coniferous forests are generally all that can be seen, save the large fenced in regions for livestock, and the few ranches and barns in the area. Peaceful and serene, Hypnos is the place to come to, to rest your weary eyes.

Icelos Icelos is a small suburban region just to the south east of its brother city, Hypnos. Only mildly larger than Hypnos, Icelos' population represents 2% of Sibastia total. This town is similar to Hypnos in that is has no industries within its borders. However, as opposed to a vast farmland, Icelos is clustered with suburbs. Fitting the stereotypical "this is where you raise your kids" format, Icelos is a generic small scale town; A haven for those sick of the filth found in the metropolis.

Abydosia Abydosia accounts for 4% of Sibastia's total population, and is the nation's largest agricultural sector by far. Nothing can be said about the beauty or grandeur of Abydosia, but what can be said is that because of ths sector, the rest of the island can live on.

Apart from Hypnos, Abydosia is the only source of food production in Sibastia, and as such, as been viewed as a potential target for would be invaders. With this in mind, Bishop Damocles has permanantly posted two regiments of Sibastia's soldiers in Abydosia. The 22nd Infantry stands vigilant around the area's borders, night or day, snow or ... snow. Backing the 22nd, is the revered 4th High Gaurdsman; arguably the most devout, and ruthless regiment of soldiers to stride out of the gates of Kratosia. If the brain of Sibastia is Delphi, then Abydosia would most definitely be it's heart.

Maura Accounting for 12% of the nations total, Maura is the largest research and development center in all of Sibastia. It's city, most of which is located underground, is teaming with scientists and scholars alike. Spanning both industrial and military houses, Maura is never ceases to provide Sibastia with new technology.

Maura is home to a number of government officials. Bishop Cyprian, who heads the department of transportation and agriculture, governs, while Farris, Minister of Law Enforcement, and Boss Mcghee, Regional Affairs Officer live in the intricate residential complexes deep underground. Lord Acheron created man, but Maura created everything else.

Kaja Kaja is merely a suburb that encompasses the tiny portion of Maura that isn't underground. Much like Icelos, Kaja is nothing to look at but a blanket of colorful rooftops and such covering the entire region. Sibastians raise their children in peace, take them to school, and then head to their laboratory and tech jobs below the surface. Out of shear convenience, Bishop Cyprian also governs this small but dense suburb as well as Maura. Kaja accounts for 4% of Sibastia's total population.

Metta For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, and for every Maura, there is a Metta. Accounting for 12% of the total population, Metta is the nations center for education and spirituality.

The Great College of Mythocracy is easily the region's most widely known attraction, teaching the children of Sibastia about life, death, religion, and revenge. Bishop Daemon, Minister of Healthcare, Social Equality, and Education, is the govenor of Metta as well as the Dean of the college.

Although religion and science are generally thought to be rivals, it is quite ironic that some of the greatest and most brilliant scientists to ever grace the halls of Maura, came from the classrooms of Metta.

Zelusan Located at the far south end of the island, Zelusan is the nations industrial powerhouse. It's population accounts for only 9% of Sibastia's total, but one could never guess this, due to the shear size of the region. As far as the eye can see, which isnt too far given the plumes of black smoke and hanging clouds of dust and smog, are factories upon factories. A staggering amount of smoke stacks line the horizon, as well as oil refineries, and chemical plants. But amidst all of this, lies a single automotive factory which dwarfs all of the other buildings in the area. It's walls stretch beyond imagination, and it's confines employ literally 26% of all the population of Sibastia.

Such a fantastical amount of pollution is pumped out of this region, that it has actually affected the weather. Since the 4th year the imdustries have been present, it has yet to snow a single flake. In fact, a passer by might actually be able to see green grass, had it not withered and died ages ago from the acid rain. No tree nor animal has survived the frightening growth of the area's factories, and no man has sought to live here. Zelusan, as productive as it may be, is a wasteland of wastelands.

Geryon Geryon. The city that should no be. What nation is without it's black sheep? Geryon is a small city, that at some point early in its life, fell from grace, and slowly but soundly turned into a cess pool. A broken reflection of traditional life. It represents 1% of Sibastia's total population, but only because the records have a difficult time keeping track of how quickly its civilians reproduce, and were they to pin that statistic down, actually finding the people of this city would be an equally difficult task, as many of them have sought existance in abandoned subways to avoid topside crime. Life in Geryon is the reason other city officials handle business with a serious tone. Crime is low for the area, and non-existant amongst teens, but those who still commit crimes, commit the worst of them; rape, murder, child crimes, and practicing law.

Aside from Kratosia's military prison, geryon holds the nation's only federal prison. The prison actually isn't very large, on the account that not many criminals come in. Most serious crimes are punishable by death, so only criminals committing petty crimes are locked away. A curiously high percentage of the inmates also suffer lethal accidents during their stay, which also assists in population control within the prison.

Although, he refuses to reside within its borders, Farris is the governor of Geryon.

Royal Sibastian Military

The Royal Sibastian Military has seen many battles throughout the ages and has tailored itself and refined itself into a machine of extraodrinary efficiency. All it's members serve their God single-mindedly and without question, charging headlong into battle fearing only their Bishop's dissappointment. Their Bishop, Bishop Damocles is the Minister of warfare, and is a man of immense stature. His brain, like a cold and calculating computer, is programmed with a single focus; Achieve Victory in any and every battle, through whatever means neccessary. Damocles has such tremendous suppory from the High Church and such financial backing by the government, that some deem him to be equally as powerful as the Supreme Bishop himself. The individuals who have made these claims in the past, have incidentally dissappeared, but their words remain nonetheless. The royal military does not make a habit of losing battles.

Infantry Regiments Duty Assignment

The High Church of Mythocracy - 1st

Delphi - 2nd, 3rd, and 4th

Kratosia - 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th

Zelusan - 17th, 18th, and 19th

Abydosia - 22nd

Regional Patrol - 23rd, 24th, and 25th

Currently outside of Regional Borders - 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 20th, and 21st

High Gaurdsmen Units Duty Assignment

The High Church of Mythocracy - 1st

Delphi - 2nd

Kratosia - 3rd and 5th

Abydosia - 4th

Armored Tank Unit Duty Assignment

Delphi - 1st

Kratosia - 2nd and 3rd

Zelusan - 4th

Regional Patrol - 6th

Currently outside of Regional Borders - 5th

Royal Air Force

Stationed in Kratosia

Royal Fleet Duty Assignment

Pacific Ocean - 1st

Bering Sea - 2nd

Yellow Sea - 3rd

Sibastia's Western Coast - 6th, 7th, and 8th

Currently outside of Regional Borders - 4th and 5th

Sibastian Naval Inventory

Storm Class Imperial Destroyer

6 RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles

4 VLA Tomahawk cruise missiles

6 Mk-46 Torpedoes

-on board-

2 SH-60 Sea Hawk helicopters

Thunder Class Imperial Cruiser

6 Tomahawk cruise missiles

6 Mk-46 Torpedoes

2 Mk45 5" 54.cal guns

2 Phalanx 20mm CIWS

-on board-

2 SH-60 Sea Hawk helicopters

2 SH-2 Seasprites

Lightning Class Imperial Frigate

6 Mk-46 Torpedoes

1 76mm 3" 62.cal Mk75 rapid fire gun

1 Phalanx 20mm CIWS

-on board-

2 SH-60 Sea Hawk helicopters

1 SH-2 Seasprite

Hurricane Class Imperial Aircraft Carrier

3 NATO Sea Sparrow RIM-7 Missle Launchers

4 Phalanx 20mm CIWS

-on board-

up to 85 medium or small size aircraft

Maelstrom Class Attack Submarine

12 VLS Tomahawk cruise missiles

4 Mk-48 ADCAP Torpedoes

Moskoestrom Class Ballistic Missile Submarine

24 Trident II Multiple Independently-targeted Re entry Vehicle missiles - 12 8 warhead missiles - 12 12 warhead missiles

4 Mk-48 ADCAP Torpedoes

Typhoon Class Amphibious Assault Ship

2 RIM-116 RAM Launchers - Mk-49 5" supersonic missile cannisters

2 NATO Sea Sparrow RIM-7 Missile Launchers

3 Phalanx 20mm CIWS

4 50.cal machine guns

4 25mm Mk38 machine guns

-on board-

4 AH-1W Super Cobra helicopters

6 AV-8B Harrier Attack jets

12 CH-53E Sea Stallion helicopters

3 UH-1N Huey helicopters

Tsunami Class Dock Landing Ship

2 25mm Mk38 machine guns

2 Phalanx 20mm CIWS

6 50.cal machine guns

-on board-

4 personnel landing crafts

Sebastian Class Imperial Battleship

9 16" 50.cal Mk-7 guns

12 5" 38.cal Mk-12 guns

4 Phalanx 20mm CIWS

2 Bushmaster 25mm Chainguns

2 12.7mm HMG Browning Automatic Rifles

2 40mm Grenade Launchers

32 RGM-74 Tomahawk cruise missiles

16 RGM-84 Harpoon Anti-ship missiles

Royal Sibastian Navy

1st Fleet

-Hurricane Class-

SNS Leviathan "Imperial Flag Ship"

SNS Behemoth

-Sebastian Class-

SNS Omega

-Storm Class-

SNS Equalizer

SNS Payback

SNS Vindicator

-Thunder Class-

SNS Karma

SNS Serendipity

-Lightning Class-

SNS Chimera

SNS Cerebus

-Typhoon Class-

SNV Damrey

SNV Kirogi

-Tsunami Class-





2nd Fleet

-Hurricane Class-

SNS Polypheme

-Storm Class-

SNS Reprisal

SNS Vendetta

-Thunder Class-

SNS Fortune

-Lightning Class-

SNS Medusa

-Typhoon Class-

SNV Kai-Tak

SNV Temblin

-Tsunami Class-





3rd Fleet

-Hurricane Class-

SNS Colossus

-Storm Class-

SNS Vengeance

SNS Punisher

-Thunder Class-

SNS Blessing

-Lightning Class-

SNS Cyclops

-Typhoon Class-

SNV Chanchu

SNV Jelawat

-Tsunami Class-





4th Fleet

-Storm Class-

SNS Retribution

SNS Retaliation

-Thunder Class-

SNS Advantage

SNS Godsend

-Lightning Class-

SNS Minotaur

-Typhoon Class-

SNV Ewiniar

SNV Bilis

SNV Kaemi

-Tsunami Class-







5th Fleet

-Hurricane Class-

SNS Kraken

-Storm Class-

SNS Avenger

SNS Justice

-Thunder Class-

SNS Oppurtunity

-Lightning Class-

SNS Hydra

6th Fleet

-Typhoon Class-

SNV Prapiroon

SNV Maria

SNV Saomai

SNV Bopha

SNV Wukong

-Tsunami Class-











7th Fleet

-Storm Class-

SNS Requital

SNS Reckoning

-Thunder Class-

SNS Kismet

-Lightning Class-

SNS Griffon

SNS Centaur

SNS Basilisk

SNS Dragon

-Typhoon Class-

SNV Sonamu

SNV Shan Shan

SNV Yagi

-Tsunami Class-







8th Fleet

-Storm Class-

SNS Chastise

SNS Counter

-Thunder Class-

SNS Fluke

SNS Profit

SNS Mazel Tov

-Typhoon Class-

SNV Xangsane

SNV Bebinca

SNV Rumbia

SNV Soulik

-Tsunami Class-







