The New Roman Empire

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The New Roman Empire
Forum: New Roman Empire Forum
Population: 39 nations
Delegate: Heimlichsburg
Founder: The New World Empire
Info: NSEconomy RC XML



  • Added Officers and Member List



A strong and united region. Institutions include the Roman Senate, the United Roman Military Task Force, the Roman Diplomatic Corps, and the Roman Tribunal.

The Roman Constitution

We, the great Delegates of the Sovereign States whom we serve, have come together in body and in mind to join together to obtain a more perfect Harmony. We hereby lay down the guidelines of a State under which we can all flourish and expand, grow, and nourish our peoples and our lands.

We hereby state that the Executive body of this state be comprised of one Proconsul, elected every two months by the Senate. The Proconsul will have ability to Veto any non-anonymous Senate Bill that is suggested by any member of the Senate.

The Senate, the Legislation, will have the ability to vote and discuss certain Issues that might arise in the administration of the State, and to debate the best course for the State to take in pursuing the common good of the member Nations. The Senate may propose and pass Legislation but only by a two-thirds Margin. Any bill proposed by a Proconsul will instead need a simple Majority. The Senate may remove a sitting Proconsul with an anonymous vote.

The Judicial branch, the Tribunal, will be composed of a body of three Tribunes. Their sole duty will be to discuss and decide whether certain Bills meet or do not meet the standards set within this Constitution. A Majority in the Tribunal can veto any Bill passed by the Senate. The Tribunal is appointed by the Proconsul and is appointed for Life or until such Time as they decide to step down from the Post.

The Ideals embodied within this Constitution are thus: Equality within the States, Freedom of Political Choice within the States, and a greater Judgement to Guide the States. By signing this Constitution, your Nation agrees that it becomes for once and all a Member of the State and will agree to abide by all Decisions of the State, for good or ill, as it recognizes the Ability of the State to choose rightly for all concerned by its lawmaking or judgement.

As the direct Representative of the State, the Delegate, a position elected by and through endorsements, must attempt to serve the region's preference. Whenever there is an issue for voting, the Delegate should inform the assembled Senators of the vote and its import. The Senators then vote on the outcome and the Delegate acts accordingly. The Delegate assumes Proconsulate if the Proconsul is somehow disabled.

The Delegate may serve as a Senator but once elected Proconsul must surrender the position to another. The Delegate is a backup as well as Delegate, so the two positions are mutually exclusive.

The body of Senators or the Secretary entrusted with the moderation of that Senate has the ability to call a Grand Council, where the leaders or highest-ranking officials of each member Nation meet to discuss the best path for the State. At the same time, new leaders and Senators would be elected, and Tribunes re-affirmed. Nations' leaders' are not required to attend, and may send a proxy, but they are strongly recommended to, as decisions in the Council will not wait for affirmation before enaction.

Each Nation has certain Rights imparted to it at its Creation.

Independence of Government, where the nation will always retain its own independent government, and always retains freedom from the other states. Unless a state has sentence passed upon it, that state has freedom from invasion or attack. To do so would result in charges of treason against that nation's government. All nations within the Empire posess the Right of Equality in Senate. No matter the size of the nation, all nations have the right to have their candidate elected Senator.

If any Nation violates the rules of this Charter and Constitution, their leaders will be tried before a Jury of their Peers and presided over by the Senior Tribune. Crimes committed within one State will be tried by the State of which they claim Nationality, including Terrorism and such Crimes that occur in the course of War.

We will create a Committee of Foreign Diplomats will the sole aim of reaching to other States and extending an offer of alliance with them. They will be Chaired by the Seniormost among their ranks.

For the greater Defense of the State we hereby create an Organization known as the Praetorian Guard. These Guards consist of one hundred men from each Member State, and would provide a security and guard force for Nova Roma.

In addition, whenever such Conflict arises as is threatening to the Well-Being of the State, such military or civilian personnel and equipment as is needed can be requested from the individual Nations, up to a Total of Fifteen Percent of the Total.

All who sign here and below agree to abide by all the Terms and Standards set in this Document and understand the State’s ability to Judge and Protect all beneath its wings.

“Quia erat Roma, quia eris”.



  • The Island of Rose


  • In Election


  • Orlia
  • Not Appointed
  • Not Appointed

Head of the Diplomatic Corps

  • Scimar

Diplomatic Corps

  • Not Appointed


  • Not Appointed

Member States