Galts Gulch

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Galts Gulch
Population: 400 nations
Delegate: Leg-ends
Founder: Objectivist Chimpz
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

The famed Galts Gulch from Atlas Shrugged! A region of pure capitalism and objectivism! All nations with Conservative Economic Policies are welcome here, no matter what your social beliefs may be.

Galts Gulch has participated greatly in the creation of ACCEL, the Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives, and Economic Libertarians and is a founding member.

Galts Gulch prides itself on its active military that currently controls several warzones and has the longest delegacy records in several others.

Galts Gulch implements a republican style government with an assembly of elected representatives that control aspects of Galts Gulch such as the military, interregional affairs, internal affairs, recruiting, and other important duties.

Goals identified by leaders of Galts Gulch are becoming the largest region in NS, creating an omniscient intelligence service (GIMP - The Gulch Information Monitoring Project), and spreading capitalist views to people within NationStates.

Galts Gulch founded the Capitalist Economic Organization, a defensive alliance for Capitalists and Conservatives. CEO has been put to rest in wake of ACCEL.
