Kevinngzh Archipelago

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Kevinngzh Archipelago
Flag of Kevinngzh Archipelago
Motto: "In stocks we trust"
No Map Available Yet
Region SWGB Heaven
Capital Yani
Official Language(s) English
Leader Haily Sieng (Governer-Director)
Population > 300 million
Currency Currency 
NS Sunset XML

The Federation of Kevinngzh Archipelago is a huge, economically powerful, socially progressive nation, renowned for its compulsory military service, its absence of drug laws, its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of more than 300 million enjoy some of the most opulent lifestyles in the region, unless they are unemployed or working-class, in which case they are variously starving to death or crippled by easily preventable diseases.

The medium-sized, liberal, pro-business government juggles the competing demands of Social Welfare, Healthcare, and Defence. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 9%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Automobile Manufacturing industry, followed by Book Publishing and Soda Sales. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is pervasive, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Kevinngzh Archipelago's national animal is the penguin, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the kevinngzh kredit.

Kevinngzh Archipelago (Central Kevinhesia) is a puppet nation of The kevinngzh