Repeal "Stop dumping - Start Cleaning"

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Revision as of 17:45, 6 January 2006 by Safalra (Talk | contribs)

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TG Campaign

The resolution proposal was submitted on the morning of Tuesday 3rd January 2006. That day Safalra telgrammed the delgates of the 240 largest regions (excluding those who stated in their World Factbook Entry or national motto that they did not want telegrammes).

By the morning of Wednesday 4th January 2006 the proposal had received 39 approvals. That day Safalra telegrammed the delegates of the next 103 largest regions (all regions containing at least 30 nations). That evening, Safalra started telegramming some of the 202 delegates that had supported Repeal "Mandatory Recycling".

By the morning of Thursday 5th January 2006 the proposal had received 69 approvals. That day Safalra telegrammed the remaining supporters of Repeal "Mandatory Recycling". With the resolution still lacking support, that evening Safalra telegrammed another 200 delegates who's last activity time suggested they would be active before voting time expired.

By the morning of Friday 6th January 2006 the proposal had received 103 approvals. After a tense wait, the proposal final reached quorum of 125 with approval by Pulcifer, delegate of CRNFT, at 9:30pm GMT.

Resolution Text

Additional Materials