Nova Bazalonia

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The Formation of Nova Bazalonia

Nova Bazalonia is a recently formed Futuristic colony of the nation of Bazalonia. Sometime in Bazalonia's future a manned space mission to Mars happened upon a wrecked spaceship. This ship had a Faster Than Light engine. While the engine was inoperable itself. It directed research and allowed the Bazalonians to develope their own FTL engine. Based off of the inoperable engine but still done through Bazalonian knowhow. An orbital spaceyard was built and a plan for a colony ship where drawn up. As the construction of the first Bazalonian Space Federation Ship(BSFS) was just getting underway a potential debilitating problem arose.... The sun was predicted to go Nova in a few years time. The production schedule was greatily speaded up... programs for the computer systems where not properly tested ... calibrations and other quality controls where skipped to ensure that the deadline was met otherwise.. well it literally would be a deadline. The ship was named after now dead Bazalonian Prime Minister Steven Hawdon and was captained by a direct decendent, James Hawdon. The BSFS Hawdon as it was named was launched... The Hawdon was travelling through space when the Engine console on the Hawdon's bridge where showing wierd readings.... the field that the FTL engine relied upon collapsed. And they came directly into contact with Seaquestrian forces during a fracas with a hostile force. After the Seaquestrians and their water-based allies, Tidan, destroyed the hostile forces and helped the BSFS Hawdon find a planet to colonise.

Nova was found and settled upon

Diplomatic Relations



Diplomatic Relations

Amazonian Beasts - Still Negotiating
Mationbuds - Trade links
Harukabi - Still Negotiating

Non-Agression Pact



None that we know of

About Nova

The Planet is generally a very lovely on the surface, but there is a secret hidden within one that has yet to reveal itself but one that will lead Nova Bazalonia onto new heights. The Population has just started to call themselves Novaens. The native animal life, mainly the Novaen Slug - a Giant but very dumb Slug - is populous in un setltled areas of Nova. Nova is a peaceful place.

Space Image of Nova - 1
Space Image of Nova - 2
Space Image of Nova - 3
Space Image of Nova - 4

What's on Nova?

The only major Settlement on Nova is Hawdonia, which was mostly bit from portions of the Hawdon that where now no longer required... The Hawdon changed so much, that an entirely new name was decided upon.... It was now called the NBS Terra Nova. New land... or Land of Nova. In addition to the major settlement of Hawdonia there is a communications Sattelite that is in Geosynchronous orbit above the planet, which interacts with all the communication probes that where sent out into space.

Novaen Security

There are only 2 ways you can get to Nova, by finding the real-life co-ordinates of the planet and FTLing there or through the Stargate purchased from Seaquest. However both are fiercely guarded secrets of the Novaens who never tell anyone the co-ordinates of the planet (of course Seaquest and Tidan know as they found the planet) and when the Novaens do move around they usually use the Stargate and when they start heading home they use all kinds of methods to disrupt any followers.