User talk:Quebrada/Nation talk

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errr, sorry to annoy you. but I think that you ought to write only about the things, which really happened (here in NS, this means: were roleplayed). Maybe you can either link me or provide other evidence that the 30 wars happened. ~Rejis

Quebrada's Horrible Wars

Regis, tonnes of NS countries have done roleplaying in where they have fought wars with real countries. Recently i have read that a country invaded Latvia and another country defeated Haiti at war. Furthermore, they continue to fight with other NS or real-life countries dozens of times maybe more than the great country of Quebrada. Therefore, they have been roleplaying war exaclty the same as i have been roleplaying war. unfortunately i do not have proof but the wars happened and i have full appropriate knowledge and recollection of those roleplay wars. (If you were wondering-Quebrada does NOT do any Godmoding).

The reason that Quebrada has had so many wars is down to three reasons-Imperialism, Possible annextion and anti-communism (Quebrada loves capitalism and hates communism with all it's heart).

If you know or not, After the Quebradan War of Attrition, Quebrada signed up with the U.N. in the hope of being a member or even a delegate. Therefore, Quebrada will have a less chance of declaring war with its enemies. So basically Quebradan Imperialism is over! I hope this has answered your questions.

P.S. I Just wondered-Regis do u have a country? (Don't worry, Quebrada isn't declaring war on you)

  • You don't need to add category tags to Talk pages, only articles.
  • Rejis runs Rejistania. He should learn to sign his posts.
  • I don't see how a NationStates nation that has been in existence for perhaps a month could have fought in 37 wars (so far), with 5% to 20% losses (compared to the opponents); and not be accused of godmodding. Saying "I don't godmod" isn't sufficient reason, frankly. If you'd take the time to fill out all those battle pages with reasons why you are apparently invinceable, we could at least study your rationale. As it is, everyone who looks at your military history is going to smile, say "godmodder", and move on. If you don't want that to happen, now is the time to present a plausible history. → Fris Θtalk 23:42, 29 Oct 2004 (GMT)
  • I completely agree. It is all a bit godmoding: the sheer number of wars and the casualties are extremely in your favour (and the fact that you basically won them all.) I also wonder if your 'wars' will get any description besides these table boxes with some numbers. Usually one tends to fight other players, not RL countries that cannot fight back. -- |Knoot|KNOOtalk 23:53, 29 Oct 2004 (GMT)
"(Don't worry, Quebrada isn't declaring war on you)" ... Que... (how appropriate--"what?") ...I think he could take you. Multiple times. --Scolopendra 00:16, 30 Oct 2004 (GMT)

Please respond on this page to discussions from this page. It isn't necessary (or appropriate) to respond on several different User:Talk pages with essentially the same information. The discussion is here, keep it here. Quebrada, you really should create an account. This isn't your user page, it's your nation page. → Fris Θtalk 16:52, 30 Oct 2004 (GMT)

>P.S. I Just wondered-Regis do u have a country? (Don't worry, Quebrada isn't >declaring war on you) Indeed I have. Guess its name :) --[[User talk:Rejistania:->Rejistania]] somewhen 7th november 2004

Qued, about my economy: large state controlled firms for the major industries. Everything required for living comes from the state. However in other industries, free competition is allowed. Also social-democratic ideals have an important place in rejistani politics. Our politics do not compare too much, I'd say since I am a left-wing social-democrat and you are a right-wing capitaliZt.

About the wars: I do not declare wars on RL nations. NS is NS and RL is RL and both are different, accept that. I am a sports RPer BTW. ~Rejis

This is not a user talk page

I saw a signature linking to this page. Let's make a few things clear here.

  • This is not your page for User discussions, User talk:Quebrada is. Talk pages are for discussions of the specific article, User Talk pages are for more general discussions
  • You are not your nation. NSwiki is not an In-character site. That's why we have separate User and Nation pages
  • NSwiki is not a discussion board. Nobody discusses the merits of your flag because that's not what we do here.
  • Comments like "YEAH...DO NOTHING! HAHAHAHA. Only kidding." do not belong on the wiki. Stop it.
  • Comments like "try telling us why an ns nation has a real-life currency like the Euro." sound particularly foolish coming from the author of the Quebrada wars against real-life nations.

I'll stop there, even though I have much more to say. → Fris Θtalk 14:41, 21 Nov 2004 (GMT)