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Flag of Malartia
Motto: E pluribus Unum'
No Map Available Yet
Region The Hrydonian Orbit
Capital Undecided
Official Language(s) English, German, Russian
Leader President Christopher Langston
Population Population
Currency aureus 
NS Sunset XML


The Confederacy of Malartia was formed April 21st, 1866 A.L. (ante litteram) by 6 formerly small states (more info addendum), which united after Ministerpraesident Wilhelm von Auttenberg, Viskont Maksimov, and several other, less well-known, diplomats and heads of government signed the Malartic Pact, which officially formed the Confederacy. Since 1870 AL, several smaller "territories" have been made for land settled and/or annexed by the various southern States, which has expanded to the nearest coastline. After education of Malartians in various oceanic and naval disciplines (ship-building, naval architecture), the port of Kelton was established.

Government and politics

The Confederacy of Malartia is comprised of 6 'states', plus a theoretically more powerful central government, led by a President, currently Christopher M. Langston. According to the Malartic Pact, the sovereign states are to be prepared to relinquish their authority to the new Confederate Government by 1920 A.L., and by the early 1890s A.L. 4 of the 6 founding members had relinquished their authority to the central government (Libarovy, Proisen, Sarevus, and Whitgreen). Currently the Confederation is having troubles with incorporating the two remaining founding states. The 6 'states' agreed that von Auttenberg would remain President of the Government for the first five years, then he would be replaced by a candidate elected by the people of the Confederacy. Elections for Senators, which were due to be held 'by 1870', were not held until 1872 but were a success, and are due to be held every 3 years. Voting is only allowed to responsible male citizens over the age of 18.


Due to the accession of a majority of the members of the Confederation to the new "Federation", a moderately successful law system has been created. The "Confederate System", as it is called, is both similar and dissimilar to the established law systems of the States. The Supreme Court of the Confederacy is the highest court for all cases, civil and criminal, in the Confederacy; initially, it was proposed that there be 7 judges, but debate still rages and in practice there is no Confederate Supreme Court; the few cases that require a final decision are heard by the Confederate Senate.


Called "barren and inhospitable" by some, the territory covered by the Confederacy is similar to RL Northern Europe, consisting of grassy plains in the warmer southern parts but mostly consisting of mountains, foothills, tundra, and the occasional coniferous or deciduous forest. The main river is the (tocomeupwithlater).

Cities The largest cities of the Confederacy are generally considered to be

Libarova, the capital of Libarovy
Lucundas, the capital of Sarevas




To be added in the future


The Confederate Army is under the control of the Confederate Ministry of War, currently headed by Nikolai Zolnerowitch, former War Minister of Libarovy. So far, 4 of the 6 founding members are members of the Confederacy, and have given the entirety of their armies (other than, say, a battallion retained to guard the Duke or Prince) over to the Confederate War Ministry. The Confederacy is supposed to maintain the only army, with the armies of the constituent states to be disbanded by 1920 A.L. as well, but so far two of the states have not given up all of their militaries over to the central government, the two holdouts together having only sent about a regiment to the Confederate Government. A navy is under construction. Despite the visions of various authors, an air force is not yet possible either, as the Confederacy is at the approximate tech level of the RL 1890s. A medium-sized army is effective, equipped with Maxim guns and bolt-action rifles.