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Flag of Zanski
Motto: We have risen, and we shall rise more!
No Map Available Yet
Region Zanx Allied Forces
Capital Xanka
Official Language(s) {{{language}}}
Leader Merech Zanski
Population 535,000,000
Currency Zansk 
NS Sunset XML

Capital: Xanka


Terezanskidom and the uprising Zanski was once part of Terezanskidom, a small but brutal country, floating in the sky on a mothership that was ruled by crispin terezanski. Back then Zanski was called Terezanskiland and was surrounded by tall walls, trapping the Zanx under control of soldiers, who, by tradition would pick off one civillian every day. One day, when the legs of lamb were thrown to the people, the zanx started hacking at the walls with the bone. The soldiers started picking off individuals, but this didn't stop them. There are reports of people clawing at the walls with bleeding hands. Eventually the walls gave in, letting the Zanx pour through the hole. They then got through to the government building and killed everyone in there. according to the president Merech Zanski, who was one of the ones in the building, Crispin Terezanski jumped out the window in fear of the rebels. The soldiers, in an effort to kill themselves, blew up the control part. No one knows what happened then, but nearly every single rebel survived the crash.

President Merech Zanski with the Defensive Army after the ZATA bombings."Merech.jpg

Establishment The ship crashed in the land of Gharraka, a land full of lush rainforests and mountains. The Zanx people then chose a leader out of the three rebels who overthrew the Terezanskidomian government and were in the building. They chose Merech Zanski, nephew of Crispin Terezanski. They travelled for many miles until they got to Xanka, a large city where the Gharrakan government was based. They won an unlikely win against the Gharrakan soldiers (5 Zanxmen to 20 Gharrakans) and put the government building on top of Xankasharamount, a large mountain into siege. Eventually the dictator died and the Zanx took over Gharraka.

ZATA, GATA and the North Xanka Siege. Just two weeks after the Establishment, a group of rebels called GATA (Gharrakan Armed Terrorist Army) was formed. A formal letter was sent to the President of Zanski, warning to let Gharrakans be relocated to better houses, as they were squashed into small rooms in North Xanka, the poorest part. He refused and a bomb was let off in north Xanka, killing two. Another letter was written, stating that GATA had driven the whole of the Zanx community in North Xanka out and they were all trained to kill. Three more were let off in the same area. Merech Zanski asked for twenty soldiers to patrol Northern Xanka and to report at the end of the day. only fifteen returned, stating that they had seen the other five shot with handguns. Another three bombs were let off, this time in cars on the busiest high street in Zanski, killing about fifty. This time Merech was disgusted and ordered three hundred soldiers to put Northern Xanka under siege. GATA had snipers in tall flats and mortar bazookas. Twenty soldiers died every day. Eventually, after three months, GATA gave up and came out. When the general asked Merech Zanski what to do, he asked for them to be given one more chance. Merech told him to let them and the Gharrakans live where they want as long as they swore never to use Terrorism in a country we are not at at war with and they agreed. Feeling one with the country, they changed their name to ZATA

Yrttal and the Chitze invasion Once the population had grown and a decent army was gathered, the Zanx Offensive Army joined a coalition and invaded the city of Yrttal in Chitzeland because of a breach of civil rights and racism which used the disguise of an anti-terror phamphlet. The invasion started at about 6:30 AM when planes dropped Paratroopers on the motorway to set up roadblocks in order to put the city into seige. Then, the remainder of the Paratroops moved in to successfully take over the council buildings and take control of the city. Once the city was under control, Karrulia offered the coalition some help in rebuilding the cities under control. Then a prison was built especially for Chitze rebels. The war is still going on. After this, larger planes flew in with tanks to patrol the city. Then a nation named Pudu invaded the Chitze city of Locke. Zanski sent in bomber Planes and tanks, all part of Operation Condor, Which, overall did not affect the huge Pudite army. There are rumors of ZATA being involved in the operation. The war is still going on.


There are three main cities in Zanski:

Xanka is a large capital city under Xankasharamount, a rainforest-covered mountain which is where the government building stands. When Zanski was established, the Gharakkans were living there and were driven into the northwest. There was great misery and hatred towards the Zanx people and a group of rebels called GATA (Now ZATA) were formed. They now have peace with the Zanx government and Gharrakans are allowed into any part of the city or country. There are large, old, graceful Gharrakan buildings and monuments in the center, the most famous being the "Tower Of Misery", built in the time when Zanski invaded the former Gharrakan city.

In Gharrakan, Xanka means Guardian, referring to the gods they thought lived on Xankasharamount.

Xanka.jpg Xanka, and Xankasharamount.

Ghollomo is a wealthy city built on an old Gharrakan settlement next to the sea. the famous Shokly Market, measuring four miles squared, the biggest in Zanski, attracts a huge three million tourists every day. it is also the home to the Zanx Defensive and Offensive Navy.

Shoklymarket.jpg Shokly market. this is the food section.

Shuza is actually the biggest and most densely populated city in Zanski, with around seventeen million legal civillians. Unfortunately it is very poor and is estimated to have a population of one million immigrants living illegally in the city, but these are frequently being relocated to special immigrant hostels and well-paid work at the Uranium mines is being reserved for the immigrators.

Here is a list of all 28 cities, from biggest to smallest.








8.Central Desert City

9.Eastern Desert City





14.Western Desert City

15.Southern Desert City


17.Northern Dersert city




21.Slabstone Town/Dulkara


23.Ghosma Port


25.New Terezanskidom



28.Yatta Island

Zanx Uranium Trade (ZUT)

Zanx Uranium Trade (ZUT)
Headquarters: Shuza
Nationality: Zanski
Specialty: Uranium
Storefront: [1]

This is a large part of Zanski's defence regime, but a large part of the buisness is corrupt and Top Secret, for instance, who owns ZUT is a sensetive topic but, due to conspiricy and urban myth, is thought to be owned by the Zanx Armed Terrorist Army. Uranium mining is a well-paid job and is reserved for immigrants.

religion and ethnics

Religion not an important topic to the atheist government but discrimination is a crime that is closely looked out for and is punishable by a 1000 Zanx dollars fine and three year jail sentance

Ethnics is also unimportant and the Zanx president can be any nationality as long as they live in Zanski.

Here are the Ethnic statistics:




And religious:







There are two sectors of the Zanx Military:


ZOA Zanx Offensive army:

navy, air force, Paratroops, Tanks, Assassination Team.

ZDA Zanx Defensive Army

Navy, Ground Troops, Tanks, Air Force, Nuclear Force, Espionage Team, Assassination Team.

ZDA is bigger than ZOA, as the Zanx army saying goes, "Defence not Offence!" Merech Zanski once said:"National security is what makes a good country." The Nuclear Force gets its Uranium from ZUT.

and there`s also:

ZRA the Zanx Resistance Army

This is a top secret subject, But Merech Zanski insists that, should a foreign nation invade, this force will jump into action.


Population:Rising rapidly, uncountable.

Life expectancy: Male:78 years | Female:83 years

Median age: 31

Country Total Area:720,817 KM


Army Population:Fifty Million

Deforestation rate:1KM/Year

Reforestation rate:3KM/Year

Carbon Emission Size:Small

Nuculear Weapon count:900

Prime Job: Soldier

Political parties

Three Main Parties: The Merech Zanski Party (IN POWER)

What they stand for:

  • No death penalty
  • Atheist/Agnostic Government
  • Defence not Offence
  • Compulsary Army Service
  • Recreational Drugs Illegal

Xanka Liberational Party

  • Xanka to be country run by ZATA
  • Zanski run by Merech Zanski Party

Alternative Party

  • Atheist/Agnostic Government
  • Death Penalty
  • Army not Compulsary
  • Offence not Defence


Zanski is a country of many Geographical

Xanka is a Mountinous volcanic area with rich, fertile soil.This accounts for the rainforest on Xankasharamount, an extinct volcano. This is also how the settlement started with Gharrakkan farmers in the Iron Age, farming rice, corn and maize on the nutritious soil.

Shuza is on a flat plain which was thought to have once been covered by a large Glacier. The Raxa river runs through here from the mountains in the east with hard, warm water.

The Raxa river is a small one that was, by popular theory, made spring water from the east cutting through the rock. It runs through to Ghollomo and into the sea.

There is some marshland a couple of miles east from Shuza, next to the Raxa river. The Gharrakans call this land the "Death Marshes" or Khuamath (koo-a-mat) because in the Zanx Invasion, many Gharrakan soldiers marched into Khuamath and were sucked down into the soil. There is a large tree that has been wrapped completely in constrictor vines that is meant to be the home of Khua, the Gharrakkan God of Death.

There is a stretch of desert, in the sense that it is inhospitable, with an oasis. This Oasis is home to the five Desert Cities. they are actually joined, but the Gharrak'man (The religion of the Gharrakans) political board say that due to tradition, they must remain politically apart.


The Zanx government does its best to make sure that the state is full of well-educated, smart citizens and does its best whenever an issue comes forth to think of the children sitting at their desks.

If a school is deeply unsatisfied with a child or a child is a truant, the school can send evidence and the child may do the appropriate amount of army service.

School food is also a big part of education. A working brain needs food, especially a growing one and the government makes sure school food is tasty and nutritious. If a large complaint is issued into school food, the government may send special detectives called Education Detectives in. If the E.D's complain, the school can be shut down or the company that makes the food.

Clause of justice

The clause of justice is a clause issued by Merech Zanski stating that all nations that breach the following:

Class A Breaches:

  • Genocide
  • Incitement Of Widespread Racial/Religious Hatred
  • "Unnessisary" Invasion/war
  • Misuse Of Nuclear Weapons
  • Military Siding with a COJ-breaching Nation

...Will be closely watched And/Or be invaded

Class B Breaches

  • Glorification of a COJ-breaching Nation without Military action
  • Being A Dictatorship

...Will be closely watched

Xai Xatai Sul

Xai Xatai Sul (Translated from Zanx:The Eternal Laws) or The Xatai in English, is a group of laws that were founded after the escape from Terezanskidom by Merech Zanski.They cannot be changed or abolished.

  • Clause Of Justice (See above)
  • No human may deforest the Xankasharamount rainforest or build inside the rainforest limits.
  • The Tower Of Misery in Xanka may not be taken down as it is holy to the Gharrak'man religion.