D'ron Smith

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D'ron Christopher Smith
Imperial President
Years in Position

Early Years


D'ron Christopher Smith was born on October 18th, to Margaret and Dale Smith, in the town of Gaithersburg, in the northern areas of the then Federation, now Federated Commonwealth, of Sentient Peoples. He was their first and only child for the next thirteen years of his life.


He begin attending school in at age four, moving through the Candlewood and Indra Primary Schools, then in the Redland Middle School, and finally attended Montgomery High School. When his paternal grandfather died at age six, D'ron convinced his parents to let him take up swordsmanship training in his honor, for Daniel Smith had been a Grand Master at Competition Swordwork. Interest in martial skills expanded with his interest in history, and at age 9, he took up target shooting and horseback riding. He graduated with honors from the Accelerated Education Program in his High School.

Childhood Interests

D'ron was especially interested in history, reveling in the stories of his father, who was a history professor at Gaithersburg University. As a young boy in a culture enshrining Federal Service, he naturally grew up fascinated with military history, and as he matured, added the study of international relations to that to further understand the causes of military conflict.

Further, he was nearly as obsessive over the study of space, though this tapered off as he got older, though science fiction continued to be a major interest for him. He also enjoyed virtual reality simulations and hologames, along with of all things, Lego toys. If asked about that interest, he would tell you about how it taught him all things work together to make the whole stronger, and that if one connection is weak, all the parts can fail.

When he entered middle school, he joined the Federal Boy Scouts program, which taught him an appreciation of nature and outdoor skills, as well as continuing to encourage his interest in weapons and horseback riding, as well as other outdoor activities.


D'ron, following his parent's lead, became a fairly devout follower of Eru-Christianity, attending church regularly throughout his entire childhood and participating actively in it.

Federal Service

Upon graduating from high school, D'ron enrolled in the Federal Service to earn his citizenship and his right to vote, as much of the Federation population does. At that point in time, no choice was given in Federal Service option, and it was assigned by monitoring committee as a result of qualifications tests.


Average: 93

Known Scores:

Ranged Combat: 100

International Diplomacy: 81

Tactics: 92

Strategy: 98

Assignment: Battle Center

Battle Center

An experiment that has since been disbanded, the Battle Center was a place where young men and women would be placed in charge of combat teams and through the use of secure radio links and other communications devices, control them in combat from the secure environment of the Battle Center. D'ron was placed in charge of the First Combat Team.

War with the Dominion of Barry Manilow

The night after D'ron completed his qualification tests for Federal Service, the Federation was attacked by the Dominion of Barry Manilow, which initiated hostilities with a bomber offensive against northern Federation cities, including Gaithersburg. The initial attacks killed both D'ron's parents in the same night, leaving him the oldest surviving member of his family, with his five year old sister. He brought her to the Battle Center and kept her in his room, while hiring a military approved tutor to educate her, which cost nearly all of his base pay. Fortunately, everything else he needed was provided by the military.

D'ron was highly successful, leading his team to success, rarely failing to meet his primary objectives, despite the occasional complete destruction of his team. First Combat Team became known among the rank and file as a good way to end up dead, though it was recognized that the commander knew what he was doing. But even with the Battle Center, the Federation Forces were being slowly pushed back under the onslaught of the Manilowian forces, for the nation had for years been geared towards an aggressive war.

At the beginning of the conflict, despite his comments that he was not seeking revenge, D'ron would serve for many days in a row in the Battle Center, controlling his unit and expending them as ruthlessly as necessary to complete his mission. He was good, possibly even the best Combat Team commander, but Battle Center suffered a glaring flaw. However good the commanders were, they could only concentrate on so many things at a time.

It was in Battle Center that D'ron met Catherine Powell, his first serious relationship. She was commander of the Third Combat Team. Whether they were forced together by their environment or simply truly attracted to each other, their relationship continued for the next four years of combat as the nation was slowly ravaged by continuous warfare. This continued until Central Command elected to redeploy the Battle Center commanders to add better tactical command.

D'ron was retained in Battle Center as commander of the entire military while the other eleven commanders were deployed near the front in mobile command centers. By this point, the army was nearly half a million combat soldiers, fighting along an ever decreasing perimeter, slowly being pushed back towards the capital of Griffin. At this point, new weapons placed in crash development earlier in the war were finally available in large enough numbers to be useful. D'ron and the other commanders used these advantages ruthlessly, forcing a final battle for Griffin.

During the battle, D'ron was forced to send Catherine and the Third Combat Team, by that point numbering nearly four divisions, into a small opening in the Manilowian lines. The Third Combat Team was completely destroyed, and Catherine died, in visual communication with D'ron until her command vehicle was hit by tank fire. But the attack broke the Manilowian lines, and D'ron committed his reserve. Effectively, he managed to destroy the Manilowian main field army, which was unable to withdraw as their communications broke down.

Within six months, D'ron guided a reconstructed Third Combat Team as it rolled into the streets of the Manilowian capital. During the last seven months of the war, he took exactly fourteen days out of the Battle Center control room, seven of those before Catherine's death. Everyone he had ever known was shut out of his life as he fought the war.


Following the war, D'ron received the Sentient Star (Black), the Federation's Highest Honor, given for his extraordinary service during the war. He was promoted the rank of Field Marshal and made governor of the conquered Dominion of Barry Manilow. He served in this position only a month before retiring from Federal Service. Four million Federation Citizens and civilians had died during the conflict, along with nearly eight million Manilowians.

Post Military Life

Warrior for Peace

Following the carnage of the Federation-Manilowian War, D'ron traveled about Dor Lomin, meeting with many national leaders, of his own accord, not associated with the Federation government in any way. He argued for peace and cooperation between the nations of Dor Lomin, reasoning that they could become more successful should they work together and not compete. Sometimes, his pleas fell of deaf ears, but other times, his entreaties found a receptive audience. His desire to end the fighting that had plagued Dor Lomin for centuries would guide his for the next few years of his life.

It was on these journeys that D'ron met Lesley Ann Collins, then elected Empress of Peitha. They became close friends.

Age 25

When D'ron turned 25, his name was submitted into the national election for Vice President of the Federation, which were occurring that year. Vice President is a position held for life, or at least, until the Imperial President dies or retires, and the Vice President serves as an understudy to the Imperial President, learning how to be the next President of the Federation. He allowed his name to be entered, not expecting to win anything, still feeling horrible about the devastation he had been unable to prevent. To no one else's surprise, he won handily, carrying 63% of the vote, three times that of the next highest candidate.

D'ron had been Vice President for just over six months, when, on a visit to the former Manilowian capital with the Imperial President William Jackson, he was turned into the Imperial President by a railgun sniper rifle, which required a closed casket funeral for the late President. D'ron ascended to the post of Imperial President after six months as Vice President, a position Jackson has held for fifteen years before becoming President.

Dor Lomin Regional Alliance

One of D'ron's first acts as Imperial President was to throw his full weight behind the idea of a regional alliance, a brain child all his own. When the Imperium of Melkor Unchained invaded the Kingdom of All Elves, he managed to ram the DLRA Treaty through all the nations in the region, allowing the dispatch of a combined force late in the conflict, too late to make any difference, but not late enough to avoid being ravaged by the combined forces of Arda.

The Imperial President