Government of Allech-Atreus

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Leader: His Most Excellent Majesty Emperor Allech-Atreus XVI, Walanda XXVI
Region: Union of Independent Nations
Motto: "Praise to Holy Allech, Glory to Atreus"
Capital: Imperia Prime/ Vanda Khal
Population: ~4 billion
Currency: Klar
Language: Gaddam, Poplaran, Abdicin, Vardacian, Artaxian, Atraxian, Osmanan, Danaan, Vepazan-da
UN Status: un_delegate.gif
Endorsements: 4

The Government of Allech-Atreus is the main administrative body of the Great Star Empire of Allech-Atreus. Semi-federal in nature, the actual apparatus can be divided into three sections: The Imperial Household and Directorate; the Agundan In Phar; and the Ao In Ten, the Chamber of Regents. Each section has different duties and resonsibilities, but for the most part the Emperor has absolute authority, though he rarely excercises it.

The Imperial House

The Imperial Family is the head of the government, with near supreme power vested in the Emperor himself. Allech-Atreus XVI, the current Emperor, is the current Emperor of the Allech-Atreus family, and one of the most popular at that.

The Imperial Royal Household is composed of Emperor Allech-Atreus XVI, Empress Uria III (Lady Kerana Lakarik), Imperial Crown Prince Scion Mammaran, Imperial Princess Orpheia As, Imperial Prince Theran, and Imperial Prince Perin. The Imperial family itself is a farflung assortment of lesser princes and nobles, tied together in blood and marriage. For example, the Allech-Atrean ambassador to the UN, Landaman Pendankr, is a cousin to the Emperor through his father's side, and by marriage on his grandmother's side.

The Emperor has a massive number of advisors and councillors, and it is often decptive how much power he actually does wield. The Emperor is advised in matters of state by the Star Chamber Grand Privy Council, made up of 4 Privy Councillors. He is advised secondarily by the Imperial Grand Directorate, composed of 10 Imperial Directors.

Star Chamber Grand Privy Council

The Star Chamber are the Emperor's closest advisors. The post of Star Privy Councilor is one of the most important and prestigious offices in the Empire, and His Most Excellent Majesty appoints each of them. They provide the Emperor with advice and information, and in some cases attempt to dissuade the Emperor from decisions. The Star Privy Councilors are allowed ultimate freedom of speech to assist the Emperor, and only a few have ever been executed for gross disobedience or foolishness. Most take their jobs very seriously, and those that displease the Emperor immensely are not kept for long.

Current Star Privy Councilors

Imperial Grand Directorate

The Imperial Grand Directorate has a more functional, political role than the Star Chamber, as the Directors have a function more akin to a Cabinet. Currently, there are 10 Directors, but in reigns past there have been as many as 23. Appointment is usually by the Emperor, with the exception of a few cases appointed by the Chamber of Regents. The Directors administer most facets of the vast Imperial bureaucracy, and are responsible for the Fleet and Army budgets.

Grand Directors

The Agundan

Agundan is an archaic Gaddam term meaning "The Eye." The Agundan are the eyes and ears of the Emperor, disseminating throughout the Empire and collecting information and applying Imperial Law. The Agundan system was originated by the Valten Emperor Jiygan II, and was reformed under Yanovus I. The agents of the Agundan, called Aushedars, were a sort of magistrate, assisting the Imperial Governors in their application of Imperia Law. They function as quasi-judges, hearing grievances and condemning criminals.

The Agundan is divided in terms of application: the lowest of the system are Ur Gan, or simple magistrates. Next come the An Yun, advisors to the Governor or the Planetary Judge. Above them are the Au Hat Pharnatay, who oversee the regions and hear important cases. Working in close conjunction with the regional governments, they are very important people.

The highest echelon of the Agundan is the Council of Five, five lord of the Agundan who serve as the highest wing of the system. although technically the Emperor has the highest Agundan office, the Council is the most important.

The term Aushedar was originally applied to a distinct group of functionaries within the Agundan system, a broad class of secret agents who tested loyalties and ensured Imperial loyalty. However, they began to alienate local governors and became troublesome and corrupt. In the reign of the Keltan Emperor Itanda XVII, the Regents eliminated the Aushedars, and the term was henceforth applied to all in the Agundan system. However, Allech-Atreus III re-instated the Aushedar rank, and turned them into a sort of quasi-inquisitional justic of the peace, investigating disturbances and acting as an interstellar marshal/detective.

The Chamber of Regents

Made up of 700 representatives elected from the largest Imperial planets, wht Chamber of Regents in the main legislative body of the Empire. In truth it has little power, as the Emperor is required to approve all of its decisions before they are enacted. However, the Regents wield enormous power in terms of political capital and personal influence, with some Regents having the power to depose royalty and command troops.

The most powerful man in the Chamber is the Lord Provost, who directs the voting and floor debates. the Lord Provost is elected from within the Chamber, and can be voted out at any time. The position confers upon the holder a noble status, and is highly coveted.

The second most powerful man in the Chamber is the Lord High Chancellor, the representative of the Emperor in the Chamber. He wields voting power, and is empowered to refuse legislation on the Emperor's will.

As well, within the Chamber there are numerous voting blocs which play against each other and try to gain supremacy. A regent in the reign of Allech-Atreus I described the Chamber as a "great game, with each of the pieces playing against each other for that great, impermanent prize: power." The most famous conflict within the Chamber was that of the Taurigans and the Ursa At Ursagans. The Taurigans held the position that the Empire was in conflict, and that the failing Aushedars should be continued. As well, they called for martial law, and the suspension of the Kam En In. The Ursa At Ursagans opposed this, and after a long political struggle, defeated the voting initiatives of the Taurigans in session. The Lord Provost, the leader of the Taurigan bloc, found his intiatives blocked by the Ursagan leader, and was voted out of office when the Taurigan bloc dissolved. The Aushedars were disbanded, and a motion to summon a Grand Fleet was defeated.

The Regents are elected from the general population, but in practice they are always military officers or nobles.

The Imperial Military

The Imperial Military is the most powerful military force in the galaxy. Divided into several different sections and commanded by a byzantine array of officers, admirals, generals, and lords, the Military is nevertheless a force to be feared.

Divided into Army, Navy, and Ocean, the military holds most of it's strength in the Navy.