Popeleoma Del Signe

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The Popeleomatoriate of
Popeleoma Del Signe
Flag of Popeleoma Del Signe
National motto: Peto lux lucis per obscurum
National anthem: O, “Tutte La Libertad ola Popeleoma Del Signe, Mya Hvarm”
No map available yet
Region First Reich of Der Fuhrer
Capital Troyes Island, Troyes Region
Largest City Augmentoriaville
Population 3.799 billion +
Suffrage 18 years of age, universal
Official Language(s) english, Chisinauic, Rosolov Popeleoman, Fallorian Popeleoman
His Royal Majesty King and Autocrat of the Popleomas and its Unified Lands and Regions
Heir Apparent
First Minister
Second Minister
Speaker of the Duma
King Sven XII
Crown Prince Bradley
Joseph Mahon Farragut
Martin Francis Goyez
Arman Witteshauld
Sovereignty by Electorate and Election
Tye Trublus
Constitutional Day
War Against the Outer Regions

March 22, 1873
November, 1916
April, 1940
January 2006
ISO Nation Code PDS
Currency Krona (Kr)
Time Zone 00:00
• Summer (DST) 00:00
Internet TLD .pds
Calling Code +0-00-456-12
National Symbols
 • Sport
 • Animal
 • Fruit
 • Flower

UN Status Member, Former Diplomatic Nation
Info: NationStates NSEconomy Pipian NS Tracker XML


Popeleoma Del Signe is a small sized nation in the north having a moderate mediterranean climate for the majority of the year. All the cities within the country have been following the Roman Catholic religion since 1482 until 1902 when a large influx of immigrants began introducing new religions. Today, the Orthodox church, Chysenauian Church and the Scottish Presbyterian Church all hold firm grips in small pockets of the country. The region is remarkablly humid for most of the year and to the east lies the Nordsee and is dominated by the large island airport Rickenbacker International, the nearby Saro Hospital Island Complex and Rickett's Air force Base in the south. In the east, lies the mountanious regions and the frontier lands. Four natural reserves still are in public use and are maintained by the government. Skappe, Spaden, Sköda and Svä reserves surround the Troyes region on three sides. In the heart of the country lies the capital Troyes Island surrounded by Chalons, Kvarv, South Troyes, Outer Troyes and Kiruna. Andebork in the north boasts Popeleoma Del Signe's oldest unviersity as well as the site of the first royal palaces of King Muskar. Between the Troyes Region and the Nordsee lies the city of Temple Grove which until the 1960s became a center of the arts and literature. It's Duma is a mixture of conservative and liberal views as well as neutral ones. The current monarch is King Sven XII who was crowned on June 16, 2006. The First Minister Joseph Mahon Farragut has held office since 1999 and had watched the country plunge into war temporarly and ordered the immediate withdrawl as well.

General Information

National Name (translation): The Popeloematoriate of Popeleoma Del Signe

Alternate Name (translation): The Unified Regions and Lands of Popeleoma Del Signe (obscured)

Short Form: Popeleoma Del Signe

Abbreviations: PDS, P.D.S.

National Anthem: “Tutte La Libertad ola Popeleoma Del Signe, Mya Hvarm”

Coat of arms

Shield with four fields and a center shield. Flanked by a pair of elks and draped with the royal yellow silk banner.

First quadrant: Diagonal alternating bars of black and yellow with a bale of wheat for the country’s agricultural department

Second quadrant: horizontal field, two colors blue and green with image of a gear to represent the industry

Third Quadrant: horizontal field, two colors blue and green with image of calipers and scale for education and sciences

Fourth Quadrant: diagonal alternating bars of black and yellow with image of a ship for the naval power

Government Information

Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy. Three branch legislative branch consisting of the Duma, Politiburo and the Royal Cabinet. King/Queen holds executive power.

Government Divisions: Executive: King/Queen & Cabinet which includes hand picked officers of minor departments. Has the power to carry out laws and conduct all diplomacy, make judicial appointments, veto/abolish laws and to call elections.

Legislative: Duma (Democratic Ulschuzag Meschtang Alliance): "The People's Representation" Includes members from all regions and representation is based on 1 representative for ever 2842 persons. Politiburo "The Higher Representation" Elected officals who run the largest Departments of the Country. Laws from the Duma pass through the Politiburo before the Royal Cabinet then to the King. The Polituburo currently has 10 department representatives and 1 aide each. The Chief minister and assistant minister have 4 assistants and the total amount of representation is 30 members. Representation is based on popularity. The Royal Cabinet: Hand picked by the king. A minor group, but boasts 100 seats and examines passed documents through the Duma and Politiburo. All three branches have the power to oust incumbunt, create laws and overturn veto with 4/5 majority from each level.

Judicial: The Court of the land is a group of Judges of the highest degree. Hand picked by the king himself, the judges must undergo a 5 month period of constant and rigorous study of the constitution and laws. They hold the power to deem any law unconstitutional and to try government officials.

Government Departments: Department of the Interior, Department of Defense and War, Department of the Economy, Department of Transportation, Department of Health, Department of Home Affairs, Department of Civic Rule, Department of Education, Department of State Affairs, Department of Municipals, Department of Justice, Department of Individual Security, Department of Civic Architecture, Department of Water, Department of Energy, Department of Consumption

Capital City: Troyes Island. Temple Grove (Secondary)

Constitution: Proposed 1870. Ratified on March 22nd, 1873

Legal System: Common law. Very similar to the British and American Democratic systems.

Suffrage: 18 years of age, universal.

Political Parties (in order of size): Centralist Party, Union Party, Preservation Party, Republican Party, Reform Party, Liberalist Party

Ports and Harbors: Svan, Kandet, Sarajano, Bent, Braan, caaene, Bolveza, Tinne, Gibson, Daachim, Saro Island


Terrain: Most of the country is flat grassy land. Further west enters rugged mountainous regions but only in the South. Only one river runs through Popeleoma Del Signe but it run through the entire country. Popeleoma Del Signe has a mediterannean climate meaning for an extremely long growing season. Located about 892 Km from the equator.

Location: 892 Km north of the Equator, 1,259 Km south of Callisdrun

Climate: Short, cold and extremely wet spring season, hot humid summer season and short dark winters. Temperature drops to about 45 degrees Celsius. Overcast most of winter, but rest of year is fairly clear except for occasional thunderstorms.

Elevation Extremes: Highest point: Mt. Presarivitch, 8,291 ft. Lowest point: 3.6 miles south-south west of Hur, -2 ft

Natural Resources: Bauxite, Coal, Limestone, Uranium (exhausted), Peat, Tomato Crops, Wheat, Buckwheat and Potatos.

Hazards: Heavy Thunderstorms, Widespread flooding of farmland


Population: Look on the nation page, since it changes all the time.

Sex Ratio: .89 male/female

Population growth rate: .5% (OOC: I RP as if whatever my population is at the time is constant)

Birth Rate: 10.2 births/1,000 population (2006 estimates)

Death Rate: 8.56 deaths/1,000 population (2006 estimates)

Infant Mortality Rate: 1.2 deaths/1,000 live births (2006 estimates)

Life expectancy at birth: Male- 89, Female- 92.3, Total- 91.1

Total Fertility Rate: 1.95 children born/woman (2006 estimates)

Nationality: Noun- Popeleoma Del Signian(s) (Abbreviated: Popeleoman(s)), Adjective- Popeleoma Del Signian

Ethnic Groups: Popeleoma Del Signian: 67%, Falloranic: 16%, Callisdrunian: 3.5%, French: 3%, Holisivic: 4%, Chisinauic: 6%, American: .5%

Religions: Roman Catholic: 80%, Chysenauian: 11%, Orthodox Christian: 6%, Presbyterian: 3%

Largest Churches:Largest church is in Outer Troyes: Holy Church of St. Joseph. Service in normally held on Sundays and special mass is held on Saturday nights as well. Presbyterians hold church only on Sunday, as do Orthodoxes. Chysenauians worship on Saturday and Sunday. They are an extremely focused religious group, but still liberal and open to new ideas.

Languages: English is understood by 72% of the population, Chisinauic is still spoken in the coastal regions. Rosolov Popeleoman is spoken in the capital region alongside with English. Fallorian Popeleoman is the national language since it is the only surviving language before the government attempted to unify the country with Rosolov Popeleomian in 1882

Literacy: 99.23% (Definition: All persons over the age of 17)


National Unification: Starting out as small regions controlled by a town committee, these were found unsatisfactory. The first recorded king was King Muskar, elected by chieftains in 1328. He spent his life attempting to unify the lands. A decisive battle at the modern-day city of Hur eventually led to the creation of The Unified Regions and Lands of Papeleoma Del Sagnarus. The exact date of national unification is still unknown but is celebrated on May 15th. Muskar’s first order was to have all the chieftains executed. The new army marched through small villages, killing chiefs and their families. Of the 429 Chieftains in Popeleoma, after 1331, only 1 remained. Olas Grievitken survived the mad king’s orders to kill off the chieftains. The royal palace, formerly at AndebØrk, was lightly guarded since Muskar had little fear of anyone killing him. Olas had walked right up to Muskar and chopped off his head without little difficulty. Olas was crowned as Olas I and his only surviving son was named heir apparent. Olas I died later in 1348 and Olas II was seated. He ruled as a benevolent king from 1348 to 1404. Olas II did not have a single child since he suffered from impudence. The nation soon fell into panic after Olas II had died. Who would succeed the former king, and how would they decide who would accept the throne.

Tyranny: One man grabbed for the throne after the next. This continued on for the next 10 years where nearly 43 kings have been seated. Very few of them lasted even 3 months.

Order is Restored: By 1419, a new bloodline was introduced with assistance from foreign countries. Skaaga was seated in the new royal palace at Temple Grove (then Takeral Girrove). Skaaga fathered 2 boys and his eldest, William took the throne after his father’s death in 1461. William then took a new family name and designated himself as John I. His son ascended the throne in 1478 after John I’s death. John II started the Royal Charter Exploration company to start trade with neighboring countries. A strong link with Callisdrun was soon established and still exists to this day. John II’s second greatest move was to move all government offices to an island in the middle of Lake Scharnon. John II died in 1543 leaving 13 children and their mother. John III ascended the new throne at the new capital city of Troyes on July 15th, 1544. John III was the first monarch to leave the country on a tour of the region in 1572. He visited England, France and Italy as well. A small group of Frenchmen returned with John III to help with construction projects. They eventually populated the 2% of the country. John III passed away peacefully in 1589 leaving no son. His brother took the throne after him in 1590 and had 2 sons. Harkon I passed away in 1612 and his eldest son ascended the throne in 1613 as Harkon II. Harkon II initiated the reconstruction of Troyes and the bridges that connect the island to the rest of the country. Every house in Troyes soon was made out of stone or brick. The entire lake region (modern day Capital region) was a thriving community. Harkon II was always an ill child and it followed him into adult hood. He did have several illegitimate sons, but none that could be considered royalty. Harkon II soon died in 1632. His brother ascended the throne but soon proved to be a difficult ruler. The Court of the land had him impeached at the request of millions of citizens and by March of 1633, Harkon II’s brother had lost his royal appointment before even choosing a name.

General Election of a new King: So the events preceding 1633 eventually led to the election of another king. Alswyth Berole was elected and took the name John IV. He was a moderate ruler, founding the National Library, Hospital and Postal Service. His Son Erol followed as John V in 1654. John V passed away in 1682 living an uneventful life and his son Rodelorero became John VI. In 1721, While traveling through Italy, he was stabbed to death since he was mistaken as the Pope. John VI had no sons as many kings before him and a third general election soon followed.

The People Speak: In the summer of 1722, A national assembly was formed but not exactly a governing party. They elected Sven Nobenfelt to the Throne. The Nobenfelt Dynasty still lasts and is the current ruling house today. Sven I’s first order was to have Skagen, Hur, Andebork and Dolton razed and rebuilt with modern facilities such as sewage and clean water piping. Sven I then ordered the construction of the Gamewald Locks. It enabled the river to be shut off to prevent the passing of boats into Scharnon lake. Today, it stands wide open. An inviting weak spot for merchant shipping and fishing boats. Sven I passed away on July 21st 1777. His son Sven II ascended the throne and continued on the massive building projects Sven I had left unfinished. Sven II was an architect savant and constructed Temple Grove’s Famous arches, Arc of Honor and Arc of Victory. Sven II died on September 12th, 1803 leaving only Hur unfinished. Sven III ascended in 1804 and continued with the massive project. In the spring of 1806, Napoleon had moved his troops through the Parpal Pass to the North west. Upon hearing the news, he ordered every city west of the river to move either into Troyes island or to the other side of the river. He also ordered that bridges once crossed must be burned down or destroyed. The Popeleoma Del Signian Royal Navy moved quickly up the rivers. The Crest and the Volt stationed themselves in Lake Scharnon and gunboats sat in the south river and the Cruiser Impardee stationed itself at Mayeres Lake. Napoleon was driven off and Popeleoma Del Signe retained it’s Sovereignty. This victory occurred on April 29th and is still celebrated to this day.

Change of Pace: On January 8th, 1835, Sven III died of heart problems. His son followed as Sven IV but died within a few weeks. Sven IV’s brother retained the name Sven and became Sven V. In 1835, he ordered construction of massive railways, paving of roads and rebuilding of the port system. Popeleoma Del Signe continued to prosper under Sven V’s rule. In the summer of 1863, news of the civil war finally reached Popeleoma Del Signe and the country erupted into chaos. The country’s civil war was fought between Rosolovs and Fallorians. The war ended by 1868 with nearly 5 million civilians dead. This would be Popeleoma Del Signe’s bloodies battle of the 19th century. In 1869, the Democratic Ulschuzag Meschtang Alliance was formed DUMA. It would soon be the common man’s governing body. It developed a new constitution that seemed reasonable. In 1870, the Politiburo was formed with only 2 departments and 12 members. Today it has 10 departments and nearly 30 members. In 1872, the Royal Cabinet was formed and the constitution was accepted on March 22nd, 1873. Today, it is celebrated as Constitutional Independence Day. Sven VI was old and weary by 1873 and was soon passing on. His eldest son Rosteyev would ascend the throne in 1875. Since Sven VII, all kings had to sign at the bottom of a copy of the constitution to acknowledge that they obeyed and stayed within the limits of their power. Although they lost 62 percent of their power, the heads of state still had some powers left. Sven VII visited Paris in 1883 to visit the Eiffel tower and in Popeleoma Del Signe, he had the Spaden Natural Reserve formed. For the first time in Popeleoman history, never has there been an area of land designated for preservation or pleasure. Most of the land had usually been contracted for use as farm land or as estate lands. Sven VII returned home and after a few years, he was assassinated on Unification Day, 1896. Sven VIII immediately quelled the anti sovereign movement and kept a tighter grip on the country. During Sven VIII’s rule, he had the Duma dissolved and the Politiburo losing nearly all its power. The Court of the land soon impeached Sven VIII and his son took the throne as Sven IX on the Annunciation day, 1901. Sven IX had taken into great care not to be a harsh ruler as his father had before him. He started the national library, invited industry into the country, and even had shaken Henry Ford’s hand. A statue of Henry Ford remains in Troyes. Sven IX met with many other industrialists like Rudolph Diesel who had developed a new engine powered by Diesel fuel. The Rudolph Diesel Bridge was constructed in 1912 at the request of Sven IX. During the First World War, Popeleoma Del Signe retained it’s neutrality for the most part and only saw some slight defence. A German cruiser had attempted to dock at Sarajano, but the HRS Ruryk was docked there and defended Sarajano from the Germans. In 1920, Popeleoma Del Signe saw massive changes in architecture and cars had become common all around. Sven IX died peacefully at the summer palace in Gon on December 31st, 1931. Sven X ascended and was the same as Sven IX. They both were lenient rulers and granted many royal construction projects. Sven X formed the Centralist party in 1929 before becoming king. During WWII, Hitler had invaded Popeleoma Del Signe briefly, but respected it’s neutrality. After the war, many new interests came into play, the National Bauxite Mining company formed in 1948 to search Popeleoma del Signe for the precious material for aluminum. A large underground packet was discovered and to this day, all the bauxite still has not been excavated. In 1952, Sven X suffered a series of heart attacks and died on July 1st, 1953 of massive heart complications. Sven XI ascended after him and continued the Sven IX policy of niceness. In 1976 a former military/naval base stationed on Saro Island was falling into disuse. On May 4th, the government passed the Saro Island Hospital Act. It meant the construction of a massive hospital on the former base grounds. It certainly was a hospital to be proud of. In 1983, Sven XI ordered the refurbishment of the Eddie Rickenbacker International Airport. It now features extensive modernization, fire blimp landings and half of all of Popeleoma Del Signe’s Helipads. On December 28th, 2005, The International Relief Hospital on Saro Island burst into flames. The fire had engulfed the island's Burn ward, Clinical study hall of Child related diseases and largest surgical ward.

War: War had been raging through out the entire region and Popeleoma Del Signe was sucked into the war. A junior minister Daniel Wilberforce had pulled the entire country into the war at the cost of 1,485 lives. Inside his journal, it was found that he knew the cost of lives and still unmoved sent in those men to their deaths. He was found dead inside his office, after committing suicide. He was succeded by new Junior Minister Joshua Tozer who has a less militiant policy

Tragedy: On March 19th, Upon leaving the Duma, Sven XI had played with some young children on the Ocean Beach of Troyes Island. Within the massive Rudyard Kissenger Ferry Terminus, an unknown assasin had shot Sven XI. The assasin was later identified as Hardunne Oldenflot. Oldenflot had claimed that the king was a serpent and he declared insanity on March 22 during his trial. Sven XI had lunched earlier and suffered a crippiling stroke after the shooting. He clung onto life for 14 hours before falling into comatose and dying on March 20th, 2006. His body laid in state for 10 days and was interred at St. Joseph's Basilicia in Chalons.

Ascencion: At the moment, the Duma had finalized the approval of the ascent of Crown Prince Andrew Nobenfelt. The bill moved speedily through both Politiburo and Royal Cabinet which its last and unfourtunate action was to name their new king announcing their resignation from their posts. The Duma and Politiburo will remain with its current incumbents. Princess Dana Nobenfelt was flown back into Popeleoma del Signe on Monday, June 5th where her uncle would be pronunced king on June 16, 2006.

National Holidays

New Yeras Day: January 12. Celebration of the new year according to the Kalishno Calender

National Unification Day: May 15th. It celebrates the Unification of the Regions of Popeleoma Del Signe in 1328. Since then, all businesses have recognized this day as a holiday.

Easter Friday: Recognized in Popeleoma Del Signe as the second Friday of May. Catholics are allowed leave work.

Savior of Popeleoma Del Signe: April 29th. It celebrates the defeat of Napoleon at the river. Observed by all businesses except printing companies and soft drink companies

Constitutional Independence Day: March 22nd. It celebrates the acceptance of a Constitution within the country. Observed by all businesses and industries.

Christmas Day: December 25th: Celebration in honor of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is observed by al businesses.

St. Valentine’s day: Feb 14th Not observed

Chisinau Day: October 1st. Recgonizes the mass of immigrants that have come in and suffered under discrimination. Observed only by government offices

Armistice Day: November 11th. Recgonizes the few citizens who chose to fight wars and die in honor. Memorial located in Royes airport. Observed only by Royes government offices.

Economic Information

National Currency: The Krona

Government Priority: Education, the Environment, Transportation

Income Tax Rate: 100%

Major Industries: Printing, Wheat, Bauxite mining, Ship Building, Automotive Industries, Small Arms industries

Percentage of population below poverty line: .25%

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