Morindiran Security Commission

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align:leftThe Morindiran Security Commission (MSC) is an intelligence agency of the government of Morindira. Its primary function is obtaining and analyzing information about foreign governments, corporations, and persons, and reporting such information to the Praetor's Cabinet. Its secondary function is propaganda or public relations, overt and covert information dissemination, both true and false, and influencing others to decide in favor of the Morindiran Government. The third function of the MSC is as the hidden hand of the Morindiran government, by engaging in covert operations at the direction of the Praetor. This last function has caused most controversy for the MSC, raising questions about the legality, morality, effectiveness, and intelligence of such operations.

Its headquarters are in the community of Lithwest, Mestya, a few miles Northwest from downtown Valinskya along the Neharot River. The MSC is led by the Magistrate Auctor under the direct supervision of the Madame Director. The role and functions of the MSC are roughly equivalent to those of the United Kingdom's Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), the United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Israel's Mossad.


  • The Intelligence Directorate, the analytical branch of the MSC, is responsible for the production and dissemination of all-source intelligence analysis on key foreign issues.
  • The National Clandestine Service, a semi-independent service which was formerly the Operations Directorate, is responsible for the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence and covert action.
  • The Science & Technology Directorate creates and applies innovative technology in support of the intelligence collection mission.
  • The Support Directorate provides the mission critical elements of the Commission's support foundation: people, security, information, property, and financial operations. Most of this Directorate is sub-structured into smaller offices based on role and purpose, such as the MSC Security Office.
  • The Center for the Study of Intelligence maintains the Commission's historical materials and promotes the study of intelligence as a legitimate and serious discipline.
  • The Office of the Counsel advises the Magister Auctor on all legal matters relating to his or her role as MA and is the principal source of legal counsel for the MSC.
  • The Office of Supreme Inspector promotes efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability in the administration of Commission activities. OSI also seeks to prevent and detect fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement. The Supreme Inspector is nominated by the Praetor and confirmed by the Madame Director. The Supreme Inspector, whose activities are independent of those of any other component in the Commission, reports directly to the Magistrate Auctor. OSI conducts inspections, investigations, and audits at Headquarters and in the field, and oversees the Commission-wide grievance-handling system. The OSI provides a semiannual report to the MA of the MSC which the MA is required by law to submit directly to the Praetor within 30 days.
  • The Office of Public Affairs advises the Magistrate Auctor on all media, public policy, and employee communications issues relating to his or her role as MA of the MSC and is the MSC’s principal communications focal point for the media, the general public and Commission employees.
  • The Auctoritas is a completely seperate arm of law enforcement which reports directly to the Magistrate Auctor and Promagistrate Auctor. The Auctoritas is responsible for the capture and transport of federal, provincial and local fugitives of the law.

Use of Torture

On January 24, 1999, two manuals were discovered by Gavleborgian spies. The first manual, "Counterintelligence Interrogation," dated July 1984, is the source of much of the material in the second manual. The second manual, "Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual - 1993," was used in at least seven Morindiran training courses conducted in foreign countries.

Both manuals deal exclusively with interrogation.

Both manuals have an entire chapter devoted to "coercive techniques." These manuals recommend arresting suspects early in the morning by surprise, blindfolding them, and stripping them naked. Suspects should be held incommunicado and should be deprived of any kind of normal routine in eating and sleeping. Interrogation rooms should be windowless, soundproof, dark and without toilets.

The manuals advise that coercive techniques can backfire and that the threat of pain is often more effective than pain itself. The manuals describe coercive techniques to be used "to induce psychological regression in the subject by bringing a superior outside force to bear on his will to resist." These techniques include prolonged constraint, prolonged exertion, extremes of heat, cold, or moisture, deprivation of food or sleep, disrupting routines, solitary confinement, threats of pain, deprivation of sensory stimuli, hypnosis, and use of drugs or placebos.


Defectors such as former agent Phillipa McCrew, who later worked with the United States CIA, have argued that MSC covert action is extraordinarily widespread, extending to propaganda campaigns within countries allied to Morindira.

In a briefing held September 15, 2003, Favian Vega presented the Worldwide Attack Matrix: A "top-secret" document describing covert MSC anti-terror operations in eighty countries in Gemini Exterro, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The actions, underway or being recommended, would range from "routine propaganda to lethal covert action in preparation for military attacks." The plans, if carried out, "would give the MSC the broadest and most lethal authority in its history."