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Flag of Cealadonia
Motto: Fear God and Dread Not
SmallCealadonia.jpg [1]
Region Crusader States
Capital Cealadon
Official Language(s) English
Leader Grand Duke Maximilian II
Population 5,000,000
Currency Ceal 
NS Sunset XML

Cealadonia (long form: The Grand Duchy of Cealadonia) is a country occupying the Great Penninsula with a population of over five million. Cealadonia borders the Arcanium Empire to the north and The Great Sea in all other directions. The largest city is its capital, Cealadon, and is administratively broken up into 9 historical Duchies:

1. The Duchy of the Highlands 2. The Duchy of East Tarrant City 3. The Duchy of Morecombe 4. The Duchy of Avondale 5. The Duchy of Tulla Bay 6. The Duchy of the Isle of Morgado 7. The Duchy of South Cealadonia 8. The Duchy of West Rhondale 9. The Duchy of Cealadon

The Head of State is the Grand Duke, who oversees all of Cealadonia. Cealadonia is a member state of the Crusader States.

History of Cealadonia

Anarchy to Empire

While the earliest history of human settlement has been lost to time, archaeological evidence suggests the first settlements were from sea-going tribes. THe oldest established settlement sat just west of the current city of Tulla Bay, suggesting the tribes sought a safe harbour in present-day Tulla Bay.

Ecclesiastical records show a well-established Christian Church by the 11th Century, culminating in the establishment of the Primacy of Cealadon in the 12th Century.

In 1538, at the request of the Archbishop of Cealadon, the Emperor Augustinian occupied the Peninsula under the pretense of putting a stop to the inter-city violence between Tulla Bay, Cealadon, and Tarranta. It became immediately clear that the abundant and rich soil of the Southern Lowlands had the potential to become the breadbasket of Empire.

After subduing an overwhelmingly inferior force at the First Battle of Arun Pass and either exterminating or buying the cooperation of the local chieftains, the Emperor began the 150-year occupation of Cealadonia.

Occupation and the Seeds of Rebellion

The Emperor Augustinian began the most accelerated economic and political reform in Cealadonian history. The Emperor selected local strongmen and wealthy leaders and granted them titles and almost unlimited power over their areas of control. They had unlimited authority to legislate, tax and raise armies to fight for the Empire and garrison Cealadon. These local barons were, in turn, responsible to the nine regional Dux, or dukes. Of their nine, the Dukes elected the Grand Duke to be their personal representative to the Emperor and to be the nominal ruler of the entire Cealadonian Peninsula.

Tulla Bay became the western headquarters for the Imperial Navy, and the Southern Lowlands did, indeed, become the breadbasket of the Empire. But the residents of Cealadonia saw none of the benefits; money flowed out of the Peninsula, into the pockets of the Empire and its collaborators.


But by the 1680s, lingering resentment against the Empire boiled over into open rebellion when the seaside village of Nor Malach in West Rhondale failed to pay homage to the visiting wife of the Imperial Crown Prince. Instead of kneeling, the denizens of Nor Malach remained seated and silent in protest of an Imperial decree raising tariffs on inter-Peninsular trade. Enraged, the Emperor Augustinian II ordered a flotilla of battleships to take up positions off the cost of Nor Malach. The Emperor declared a state of emergancy and suspended the government of the Dukes. An ultimatum was issued. Either the village turned over the organizers of the protest to the Imperial police, or the guns would wipe the village off the map. The Dukes and Grand Dukes travelled to the village in solidarity with the people of Nor Malach

Forty-eight hours before the expiration of the ultimatum, the turrets of the anchored Imperial ships ominously turned towards the village. When the ultimatum expired, the guns roared to life, killing the Grand Duke and 83 villagers before the commander of the flottila ceased the operation and steamed back to Tulla Bay.

The Dukes promptly and unanimously elected one of their number, His Grace Maximillian Grossen, Duke of Cealadon to be the next Grand Duke at the Election of Nor Malach. The Emperor, having already disbanded the Dukes' rule, appointed his brother, High Prince Roland, viceroy of Cealadon. Grand Duke Maximillian responded with the Declaration of Nor Malach. It declared the independance of Cealadonia, the sovereignty of the Grand Duke and the freedom of the Cealadonian people from "foreign potentates." Signed by all the Dukes and other nobles, all of the bishops and archbishops, and read in all churches and published in every village, the Cealadonian people and its indiginous army rose up in rebellion. The Cealadonian-commanded coastal defense fortress on the Isle of Morgado shelled the returning flotilla from Nor Malach, forcing the flotilla back to Arcanium waters, and forcing the surrender of the remaining Imperial Naval forces in Tulla Bay remaining Imperial forces in Tulla to surrender. The Emperor sent High Prince Roland with an Army to 'pacify' the Cealadonians and to exterminate the Grand Duke and Dukes.

The Second Battle of Arun Pass

The High Prince split his army. Half would invade via The Arun Pass in the Northern Mountains. The other half would invade via Tarrant to the southeast at the foot of the mountains seperating Cealadonia and the Empire.

The Grand Duke, knowing that he could not split his inferior forces, knew that it would take longer for the Imperial Army to arrive at Tarrant than it would to arrive at The Great Pass, ordered the now-surrendered Imperial Navy to Tarrant to delay the occupation of the city as long as possible. He then assembled his Army in the Pass, waiting for arrival of Imperial forces.

Grand Duke Maximillian arranged his forces to take advantage of the terrain. The Cealadonian Infantry was hidden behind the highland hills that make up the Northern Mountains. Two brigades hid behind the western side of the pass. His remaining brigades two on the high hills to the south. And his artillery arranged on the highest ground. They would shell the Imperial forces on the road as they approach the pass. Then, detonate the two bridges crossing the Arun River. Shell the forces stuck on the Island Arun in the middle of the River, and surprise the remaining forces with the infantry.

Prince Roland's plan was simple: Break through at any cost.

BattleofTheGreatPassSmall.jpg [2]

On 16 July, 1688, the Imperial Army was sighted nearing the Arun Pass. At 7:43 a.m., Cealadonian artillery opened fire on the first echelons of the Imperial army. Through the artillery bombardment, the Imperials seized the first bridge, crossed over the Island Arun, and began crossing the second bridge. Upon sighting the Cealdonian Infantry, the commander of the Imperial leading forces ordered a halt and began taking up defensive positions on the bridge. Behind him, the Imperial Army bottled up on the island and the road leading to the first bridge. Prince Roland, realizing the danger he and his army was now in, ordered the remaining forces on the Empire side of the river to leave the Road and take the western pass. He galloped on his horse towards the front of the line, urging his troops to press on.

At 9 a.m., Grand Duke Maximillian saw the Imperial forces turning to take the western pass and the rest of the army bottled up on the bridge. He ordered his Infantry to engage the enemy and ordered the demolition of the bridges. The High Prince, together with the forces bottlenecked by artillery on the second bridge, was killed in the explosion.

Leaderless and now faced with a rain of artillery and a surprise infantry attack, the remaining Imperial forces stood their ground along the Cealdonian/Arcanium border. Soon, with artillery beating down on them and unable to find any cover from the Cealadonian infantry, the Imperial Army sounded a retreat back into Imperial Territory.

Meanwhile, abandoned by their comrades to the north, the forces trapped on Arun Island surrendered. By 3pm., the Arcanium Empire had been defeated.

Battle of Tarrant City

Grand Duke Maximillian had underestimated the speed of the approach of the remaining half of the Imperial Army towards Tarrant. With only a few cruisers and an aging destroyer flotilla in the city, Tarrant seemed doomed. And if Tarrant fell, the road to Cealadon would be open.

On 17 July, the Imperial forces under the command of General Jozeph Weishauptbegan occupying the western suburbs of Tarrant City, outside of the range of the Cealadonian navy, foring the Duke of Tarrant to flee. On the 18th, the Imperial Army was within range of the Naval guns and the advance stalled. On the 21st of July, news of the defeat at Arun Pass reached both the Emperor in Imperial City and General Weishaupt. With an almost fully intact army making progress towards Tarrant City, General Weishaupt called a ceasefire.

The Armistice

On 22 July, Grand Duke Maximillian entered the eastern portion of Tarrant and formally requested parley with General Weishaupt. In a tent constructed on the middle fork of the East Arun River, General Weishaupt and Grand Duke Maximillian agreed to armistice terms. All non-indigenous Imperial forces in Cealadonia were to be surrendered to the Grand Duke, and the opposite to the Empire. Both Armies agreed not to violate the border as it stood on 22 July, 1688. Areas occupied or controled by Cealadonia were to remain Cealadonian. Areas occupied or controlled by the Empire were to remain Imperial, resulting in the division of Tarrant into Cealadonian-controlled East Tarrant City and Imperial-controlled West Tarrant. The Empire agreed to refrain from interfering with Cealadonian sovreignty, but without recognizing the independance of Cealadonia itself. The clergy of the Church in Cealadonia were made independant of the Imperial Church, receiving its own ecclesiastical independance. The intention of the armistice was that a formal treaty was to supercede the armistace, but no such treaty has emerged.

On 5 August, Grand Duke Maximillian rode into Cealadon accompanied by a victorious army, and was crowned Grand Duke of Cealadonia by the (now) Cardinal-Archbishop of Cealadonia.

On 6 August, Emperor Austinian II was deposed and assassinated by his own bodyguards, and Crown Prince Arnotto came to the throne, silently recognizing the validity of the Armistice by elevating General Weishaupt to Imperial Chief of Staff.

Since the Great Rebellion

Grand Duke Maximillian sought and gained for his country the recognition of independance and support from other countries. He modernized Cealadonian defensive fortifications and began the process of democratization. He died in 1705, at the age of 82, and buried in the Great Mausoleum in Nor Malach, loved by all.

His son, Francis, appointed Duke of Cealadon by his father, was elected by the Dukes to replace his late father. He proved to be much less capable than his father, and allowed the Empire to violate the terms of the Armistice by massing armies along the Cealdonian/Imperial border. Francis' authority was gradually subsumbed by the ambitious Field Marshal Fredrick Holstein, who became the defacto ruler of Cealadon in 1720, and when Francis died in 1732, Field Marshal Holstein was elected by the Council of Dukes to be Grand Duke. For the next 30 years, Grand Duke Fredrick ruled with an iron fist, introducing repressive laws, the hated Secret Police Service, and organizing the military around his own personal command. A burgeoning republican movement was crushed. When the clergy spoke out against the disappearence, the Holstein regime reacted in the only way it knew: three archbishops were arrested and executed for treason. Riots broke out across the devout country; the dukes and Grand Duke fled the country.

With no electoral mechanism to fulfill the role of Ducal Electors, the Cardinal-Archbishop filled the power vacuum. The laws of the Grand Duchy were simply disregarded as the Cardinal and the Synod of Bishops ruled. For 80 years, the Grand Duchy was ruled without a Grand Duke.

In 1848, the Cardinal Archbishop announced he would abdicate and retire. The announced the rescinsion of all legislation from the Synod soon followed. A Constitutional convention was soon called under the chairmanship of Michael Grossen, the great-great-great grandson of the first Grand Duke was called.

The Constitution of 1848 proved to be a milestone. The State had, for the first time, an inviolable government that safeguarded the rights of al. Five years after the adoption of the Constitution, Michael Grossen was elected Grand Duke. In 1854, his son, Maximillian succeeded him after a period of unprecedented economic growth.

The Government and Politics of Cealadonia

Despite a history of political instability, Cealadonia has, for the first time, a constitution to help guide governing the Peninsula.

The Legislature

The Cealadonian Legislature is called the Grand Ducal Congress. Consisting of three Legislative Houses and formally convened and dismissed by the Grand Duke, the Congress originates and must pass all proposed laws before going to the Grand Duke for the Royal Assent. Joint Sessions of the Congress occur very infrequently; for the State Opening of the Congress, for the Enthronement of a new Grand Duke, and as called by the Grand Duke.

Legislation must pass all three houses; however, the Diet and the Holy Synod are informally 'prorouged' for the duration of the Congress, except for four meetings year. The Leaders of these two Houses give their assent to new laws, pending the quarterly convening of the Houses. By convention, the upper two houses merely act as a rubber stamp to measures approved by the Senate.

The Senate

The Senate is the lowest House of the Congress, but is the largest, most powerful and most representative. All fiscal bills and any bill touching on 'protected rights' of the civil population must originate here. Membership in the Senate is elected by universal male suffrage broken down by district senators (per 10,000 people) and two from each Duchy, for a total of 518 senators. Elections occur as called by the Grand Duke after the Congress is dissolved by him, usually at the request of the Supreme Chancellor. The Supreme (or Lord) Chancellor is the leader of the House, and a Speaker of the Senate chairs the assembly. Nobles are allowed to stand for election, but may not take their seat in the Diet if also a member of the Senate.

The Diet

The Diet is the second most senior House of the Congress. Membership is comprised of the nine Dukes and all other nobles in the Grand Duchy. Its Leader is called the Lord Chamberlain. He/She normally grants functional assent to measures passed by the Senate. Its chairperson is called "Lord Speaker."

The Holy Synod

The Holy Synod is comprised of all bishops and archbishops of the Church of Cealadonia. The Cardinal-Archbishop is both the leader and presider of the house. In addition to its constitutional civic duties, the Synod also passes legislation for the Church of Cealadonia. Cardinal-Archbishops are elected by and from the nine Archbishops.


The executive of the Grand Duchy is divided between the head of government and cabinet, and the head of state, though with overlapping responsibilities.

The Grand Duke

The Grand Duke is head of state. He/She is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, head of the Church, and must give royal assent to all laws passed by the Congress. Assent must be given within 10 days of reception, or the measure fails. The Grand Duke appoints and receives all ambassadors, the Supreme Chancellor, the Royal Council, senior civil servants, the Grand Marshal and Grand Admiral of the Fleet and Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, and formally commissions military officers. He may enter into treaties, declare war, and grant titles of nobility with the advice and consent Once elected from the Nine Dukes, the crown of the Grand Duke is now restricted to the first born heirs of the Grossen Family, though a formal, if unnecessary 'election' takes place as well.

The Supreme Chancellor

The Supreme Chancellor is the head of government, and is appointed from the Senate by the Grand Duke. He/She appoints cabinent members who are the heads of the three constitutional governmental departments: Foreign Ministry, Chancery (Interior Ministry), and treasury. The Grand Duke, in his role as Commander-in-Chief, appoints the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, the constitutional office for national defense policy. He is called 'Lord Chancellor' if noble.

The Royal Council

The Royal Council is the advisory body to assist the Grand Duke in decision making and setting broad national policy, while the details are carried out by the Cabinet. It is comprised of all the Leaders of the Legislative houses, the Cabinet, the Nine Dukes and others as appointed by the Grand Duke. Bills requiring the Royal Assent are presented in Council meetings. If the Grand Duke is incapcitated or is otherwise unfit to rule, the Council rules in his/her name.

The Nine Dukes

The Nine Dukes are the historical officers for the governing of the Provinces. The Grand Duke appoints the Dukes for life, though a writ of referendum, petitioned to and passed by teh Senate, may remove the Duke. Though essentially ceremonial, they are the chief law enforcement officer of the province and personal representative of the Grand Duke.

The Judiciary

The Judiciary is independant, and free from political control. Judges are appointed by the Grand Duke and approved by the Senate. The High Court hears final appeals and adjuticates constitional disagreements. The Lord High Chief Justice swears in the new Grand Duke at coronations.


Solid domestic demand boosted economic growth to 4.1% in 1854. Strong export growth, in turn, pushed economic growth to a still-strong 4.2% in 2003 and 5.4% in 2004, despite a downturn in household consumption. Multiple reasons entailed a GDP growth of 6% in 2005, the 4th highest rate in the continent. GDP growth is expected to reach 8.2% in 1856 (the year-to-year growth amounted to unexpected 9.8% in the 3th quarter of 1856 and stayed high at 9.5% year-to-year change in the 4th quarter of 1856), and 8.0% in 1857. The 9.8% growth came as a surprise to local analysts (6 % were expected).

Military of Cealadonia

Military service age and obligation:

18 years of age for compulsory and volunteer military service; conscripts serve an initial training period that varies from 4 to 12 months according to specialization; reservists are assigned to mobilization units following completion of their conscript service.

Manpower available for military service: males age 18-49: 1,175,108

Manpower fit for military service: males age 18-49: 955,168

Manpower reaching military service age annually: males age 18-49: 31,317

Military expenditures - percent of GDP: 1.5% (2005 est.)

Army of Cealadonia

The Army is divided into three Army Groups: AG 1, AG 2, AG 3. Each Army Grp is divided into two Armies. One is deployed for 8 mos. in forward positions, while the other is 'drawn down' for four months for training and rest. Four months of overlap occur while each Army rotates its brigades out of its deployment.

Army Group One defends the Northern Border with the Arcanian Empire. Army Group Two defends East Tarrant City. Army Group Three is stationed in the Isle of Morgado. Each army is made up by four brigades: infantry, armour or cavalry, mechanized infantray, and logistical support. Artillery batteries are combined into the operational brigades. Army Group One utilizes armoured tanks for rapid, heavy reaction and defense in the Arun Gap. Army Group Two utilizes horse calvary because the narrow streets of Tarrant City. Army Group Three disepnses with cavalry altogehter and instead has a brigade that operates the coastal defense guns on the Isle of Morgado.

Two other brigades are commanded seperately from teh Regular Army structure. The Grand Ducal Brigade provides ceremonial and body guard services for the Grand Duke. Its regiments are: The Foot Guards, The Mounted Guard, and the Black Watch. Of the four companies that make up the Black Watch, one is the oft-seen black-robed ceremonial bodyguards, while the remaining plain-clothes Black Watch companies operates as plain-clothes protection for the Grand Duke, external intelligence, and internal intelligence services.

The remaining brigade is a part-time, National Guard brigade desgined for quelling internal revolts and insurrection.

Each Brigade is commanded by a one-star Brigadier General. Each Army is commanded by a Four-star General, and each Army Group is commanded by a Field Marshal. Other grades of general fulfill staff or executive officer roles.

The Royal Navy

The Navy is comprised of two battle groups, each comprised of a four pre-dreadnought class battleships, four cruisers, a scouting airship and eight destroyers. The BattleGroup is commanded by an Admiral, while the Full Fleet, including the Airship Service, is commanded by the Grand Admiral. The Navy operates a rotational programme similiar to the Army.

The Airship Service

The Airship Service is comprised of the two operationally-independant military Airfleets based in Nor Malach and Cealadon, plus the four commercial passenger airships. Four Airships comprise a fleet commanded by an Air Commodore. The entire service is commanded by the Air Admiral, who is in turn responsible to the Grand Admiral. The "Great Grossen," the Grand Duke's royal airship, is included in the Airship Service.

The High Command

The Grand Duke is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, but functional day-to-day administration is handled by a Field Marshal who is the Grand Duke's military Chief of Staff. The Grand Duke's military staff is colloquially refered to as 'The High Command,' recruiting and retaining the best and brightest staff officers in the entire Armed Forces.

In times of great need, the Grand Duke may delegate all command responsibilities to a Lord Marshal, who commands the Armed Forces in the name of the Grand Duke. The constitution demands the appointment of a Lord Marshal during an interregnum, on coronation day, a regency or the incapcitation of the Grand Duke.