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Bostopism is the defining series of policies in Bostopian governments since 1830, when the first Bostopian government was formed. However, political commentators have argued that Bostopism can be traced back to the founding of Bostopia in 1785. The current system has been slightly modified by Emperor Boston.

Main View

Bostopism is a firm belief that the state should interfere in peoples lives as little as possible. As such, the welfare state in Bostopia is almost non existant, providing only State Education via the Tripartite System, tying in with Bostopite beliefs that people should be seperated by ability, therefore leading to large wage differences also. There is little direct taxation, though there are high levels of indirect taxation, to pay for public services such as education. Bostopites also believe that Trade Unions only exist to manipulate the Government for their own means, and to attempt to shut down the country if they don't get their own way. Bostopism is accompanied by nationalistic fervour, and undying belief that Bostopia is the single greatest nation in the world.

Social Views

Socially, Bostopites believe in the survival of the fittest, though this has lead to eugenics in recent times. Despite the nation's lack of welfare benifits, Bostopites do not oppose charities unless they begin to have negative impacts, such as a raise in unemployment due to handouts from charity groups. Bostopites are rarely religious, though there is toleration of Pagan faiths in Fenton State and Laquar State. Following the Schism, Bostopites have been able to express their approval of Paganism more while backing Fenton Pagans over their Laquari opposites. Bostopites are pro-choice on abortion, though do not agree with abortion-on-demand or late-term abortion. Bostopites are also believers in body freedom, in which people have the right to show as much or as little as their body as they want to, on the grounds that no lewd activity takes place during this time, to preserve the moral character of the nation.

Regional Views

Bostopites are generally against external regional bodies which are not purely militaristic in purpose, though it was they who set up the United Free Republics Regional Council, and then the United Free Republics Confederate Council. This was because at the time, Bostopites felt that by setting it up, they could easily take control and make decisions for the region on their terms. Bostopites are however favourable of military alliances, see for example, the Treaty of Fort Boston and then FIDA. Bostopites are especially favourable toward the Grand Alliance with Vladmiristak, as it serves as a non-aggression pact, and is not seen as taking sovereignty, with FIDA was seen to do somewhat.