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Flag of Khadrim
Motto: Power does not grant wisdom
Region Fatal Terrain
Capital Knossoss (Human), Ellandale (Elven), Frosthaven (Dwarven), Dragonic Peaks
Official Language(s) High Khadri, Elven, Dwarven, Dragonic
Population <8.194 billion
Currency Gem 
NS Sunset XML

The Beginning

Khadrim was forged by four dragonic gods that desired a place to bestow upon creatures made in their image. The nation was vast and the terrain varied, yet the dragons settled in the north, making the various mountain peaks and caves their homes rather than moving further south and roaming the open plains or exploring the dense forests. With the dragons almost exclusively settled in the north, the rest of the land was left uninhabited.

After some time, several other gods came across the land that was Khadrim and were allowed to take charge over certain regions by the dragonic gods. Thus three more races were born into Khadrim, humans, elves and dwarves. Centuries passed and for the most the four races kept to themselves. The dragons were very reclusive, as were their gods yet the humans and dwarves soon discovered there were few differences between the races and became friendly over time, the people and the gods got along well and whilst nothing was ever official, they were assumed to be allies.

To this day no one knows what caused such a conflict but a great war erupted between the humans/dwarves and elves. Many speculate this war was motivated by the gods as they too were involved in the conflict. Eventually the elves were overwhelmed by the combined might of the humans and dwarves. The elven people retreated further back into their forests and erected spells that would prevent those unwelcome from entering their land. Unfortunately for the elven gods, they were unable to withstand the force of human and dwarven gods, eventually being killed by their enemies. Being immortal beings, the elven gods did not truly die but simply dissipated into the very land, thus explaining the deep elven connection with the land.

After such a horrific war, Khadrim was draped in peace once again for ages, everyone besides the humans and dwarves keeping to themselves.

Departure of the Gods


With the elven enemies out of sight and out of mind, humans and dwarves continued to flourish, their populations growing and spreading throughout their respective regions. Over the centuries great minds unlocked many secrets in the fields of technological innovation and the arcane arts, giving the humans and dwarves a heightened sense of self importance. This continued for quite some time, the people becoming more independent and capable of managing the world around them without the guidance of their creators.

Eventually this independence reached a point when even the everyday peasants had little or no faith in the gods, the temples always empty and little respect was given to those of a religious conviction. Despite some mediocre attempts to regain the faith of their people, the gods had little success and essentially gave up. Saddened by the lack of attention and gratitude given to them by their very sons and daughters, the human and dwarven gods abandoned Khadrim and left the people to their own devices and have yet to return.


The dragonic gods remained within Khadrim long after the human and dwarven deities departed. They were not concerned with the affairs of the other peoples or gods so long as they did not interfere with dragonic affairs. Unfortunately a tension unknown to the gods existed amongst their dragons. Four races of dragon existed and whilst each possessed unique gifts, golden dragons were clearly the superior beings.

Not listening to voices of wisdom, the lower breeds of dragon rallied together out of jealousy in order to overthrow the power of the golden dragons and spread 'equality' amongst all dragons. What followed was perhaps Khadrim's most destructive and costly war ever. The entire northern region of Khadrim was burned to a crisp, the vast vegetation that once surrounded the mountains of the north was now a permanent desert due to constant dragon fire running rampant.

Whilst the golden dragons were not the aggressors, they would not stand down despite the wishes of their gods to cease all conflict. Unable convince their creations to attempt a peaceful resolution, the dragonic gods also left Khadrim, in disgust.

Eventually the golden dragons were able to subdue those that attempted to challenge them but the cost to Khadrim was great and when the dust settled, the dragons were godless and their once beautiful region was a desolate reminder of their senseless war.



Humans are the most populous race of Khadrim and occupy the western region of of the nation. All larger cities are enclosed within sturdy stone walls built in order to protect the occupants from a number of potential threats, mundane and magical. The largest of these walled cities is Knossoss, the capital and centre of the human domain. Despite a number of these fort-cities, towns and small villages litter the region, accommodating peoples of all in a number of dwellings.

Despite being very adept warriors, smiths, farmers and other such occupations, humans are a highly arcane people. Every Khadri born human has at least some magical essence within them, although the amount varies based on a number of factors. Whilst not everyone has enough 'talent' to become a mage, most people have received some form of arcane training and use it to accomplish everyday tasks.

For a long period the human nation was governed by an absolute king but after the elven wars the magical community realised the dangers of allowing one man so much power and thus changed the form of government upon the king's death. Leaving no sons, the transition was reasonably smooth and a council of five mages have held absolute authority ever since, whilst the ordinary running of the nation remained the same.

Whilst being competent in many fields, the humans of Khadrim have always been cautious about the other races, with dwarves being the usual exception. The war with the elves always lingered on the minds of the people and a fear of retribution resulted in a well honed standing army. After the unification, the needs for such an army vanished the it was broken up into a number of garrisons around region, answering to local commanders.

Whilst an average lifespan for a human is around seventy years, magi studied have determined the amount of 'talent' one possesses is directly proportional to their lifespan, more resulting in a longer life. Those magically trained are also able to prolong their lives even further. The magical community has taken a keen interest in the cultures of all other races within Khadrim yet the general populace tend to remain wary of the elves, are intimidated by the dragons and yet remain friendly with their long time dwarven allies.


The north-eastern region of Khadrim is simply known as 'dwarf country'. It is the most mountainous region of the nation yet none of the peaks are particularly tall, unlike those up north. The region is lacking in trees compared to the other areas of the nation. This is simply because dwarves are the highest natural resource consuming race in the country. Despite all the felled trees, one would be hard pressed to find any structures throughout the land.

All dwarven dwellings are deep underground, usually under mountain ranges and other such areas. The capital of the dwarven region is known as Frosthaven, beneath one of the few snow capped mountains in that part of Khadrim. Beneath the surface is literally a maze of tunnels and entire cities, a credit to the engineering and craftsmanship of the dwarves. The majority of stout creatures prefer to stay below ground but are more than willing to move about outside if they feel the need.

Most dwarves will never reach a stature over five feet but they are sturdy nonetheless, well muscled and tough from years of working the mines and various underground construction ventures. Despite their somewhat human appearance, dwarven culture is very different to that of humans, although that does not prevent them from getting along well. Dwarves also live a lot longer then humans, averaging around five hundred years, with any magical interference. Not particularly conscious about being well groomed or bathing regularly, their appearance is in part a tactic, many have underestimated the resourcefulness of a rugged looking dwarf emitting an unpleasant odour.

Whilst being magically able, dwarves prefer not to rely on such methods and rather practical use of resources around them. Whilst appearing rough and somewhat uncivilised, dwarves are in fact very intelligent creatures, excelling in fields of mathematics and physical sciences, thus being brilliant engineers. Dwarves are known for their innovation in technology, particularly mining machinery and tools of war. They are excellent metal smiths and have a keen eye for the many gems found beneath the earth.

Tending to be somewhat reclusive, dwarves are wary of strangers yet generally get along well with humans. Cautious of strangers, dwarves will take some time to decide upon the nature of others and if they find such agreeable they will be fiercely loyal friends. Despite this wary outlook, they are always happy to trade with outsiders assuming they deem such transactions to be fair.


Elves are considered the wise and peaceful race of Khadrim, despite having been involved in a war against humans and dwarves. Occupying the south-eastern corner of the nation, elves live in a region densely populated by forests. Instead of taking a human approach towards dwellings, elves actually integrated their settlements into the surrounding environment, building cities high above the forest floor and inside many of the massive wooden pillars of nature.

Standing taller than most humans and sporting the obvious elven ear trademark, Khadri elves are almost always pale in complexion unless they spend significant time outside of their homes and thus experience prolonged exposure to the sun. Most have long hair worn in braids, colouring differs from a golden wheat shade to strands blacker than night. Described by humans as an emotionless race, elves are rarely seen displaying much of any emotion in public, yet this simply stems from their wary nature around strangers, especially humans.

Magic is a strong part of elven culture, but not in the same way it is for humans. Every elf is naturally adept and attuned to the forces of nature around it, but not all will become mages. Depending upon the profession, certain elves will become competent in a number of spells and means to accomplish their tasks, whether they be hunters, smiths, warriors or craftsmen. Elven mages do exist but they are fare less common than human mages and are not necessarily leaders.

Whilst there is a strong reputation surrounding elven hunters, especially in regards to their tracking and archery, bragging is not in their nature and neither is revealing the secrets of their skill. Many assume it has something to do with the enchantments common on many elven items but it should be noted that whilst elves appear to be human, they are stronger, faster and possess much more acute senses.

The elven people are ruled by a king and an inner circle of elders, chosen for their skill and wisdom. Most elves will live for at least fifteen hundred years naturally, although it is not uncommon for some to live much longer without any magical aid.


Dragons are the oldest and most powerful race within Khadrim. Despite being outnumbered by humans and dwarves, they have never been threatened by the other races. A full sized dragon can dwarf a double decked bus and breathe a flame hot enough to incinerate most organic matter. Their scales are tough enough to withstand even a point blank bolt or arrow shot and their claws are more than capable of digging into stone. In addition to their superior physical prowess, dragons are naturally arcane creatures. They don't simply possess a magical essence, they live on it, magic comes as naturally to dragons as breathing comes to humans.

The northern region of Khadrim is dragonic territory, clearly marked by the beginning of a great desert. Whilst over the centuries significant effort has been made to restore the environment of the north, only small patches surrounding the mountains have been able to support any plant life. All dragons live within the peaks of mountains, taking advantage of natural caves and using their arcane abilities to further expand their dwellings.

Leadership rests upon the oldest living dragon and an inner circle of those only slightly younger. Each dragonic breed provides their elder to form this circle, consisting of four advisors and an absolute ruler. It is not known how long a dragon will live for but many are said to be over ten thousand years, claiming to be some of the first dragons of Khadrim.

With wings strong enough to carry their huge mass high into the air at great speeds, dragons are able to move around the nation quite quickly through mundane means and if necessary, they have other methods at their disposal. Age and breed are the major factors influencing magical ability, so it is important to distinguish between breeds, especially since they all possess different natural talents.

Gold dragons were the first race of dragons to be created and all possess the unique ability to transform into anything they can imagine. This particular breed is clearly endowed with a far stronger gift in the use of magic than other breeds. Like some humans are better athletes than others, gold dragons are stronger magic users than other breeds. Known as the wiser dragons, the golden breed tend to have a high female population are less prone to aggression but once trigged can prove to be far more ferocious than expected. Coated in bright golden scales, many humans and dwarves have believed them to be real gold, although they never returned to verify the theory.

Black dragons are seen by some as the evil breed of dragons. Whilst this is far from the case, their natural ability has unfortunately associated them with the likes of necromancers. The ability natural to black dragons involves being able to steal the life essence of any other living creature and feed upon it or use it to other ends. Unless aware of the attack and magically able to defend against such, there is very little a victim of such can do. Black dragons are perhaps the most fearsome looking breed, their obsidian scales dark as night several long horns upon the head and tail providing more than a slightly menacing image.

Red dragons possess an unparalleled control over the natural elements, earth, fire, water and wind. Due to their crimson red colour, red dragons are normally associated with fire and the spilling of blood, although this is a human association, not dragonic. Whilst fire is a weapon within the arsenal of any dragon, red dragons possess a unique control over the element which could even result in using another dragon's fire against itself. Whilst part of the initial dragonic uprising in the civil war, red dragons mostly dedicate themselves to restoring their once proud land to it's former natural beauty.

Green dragons are magically the weakest dragons, yet one would be foolish to underestimate their power. This breed is able to stop time within a certain radius and for a limited duration. Whilst this power is not limitless, the significance of such an ability was learned by the other dragons during the dragonic civil war as the green breed led the uprising. Coated in deep emerald green scales, green dragons are seen as being the friendliest breed and are generally a more curious creature than aggressive, although none of the older dragons have forgotten the past. Once caught in a green dragon's time trap, it is nearly impossible to escape unless the victim is an extremely powerful magic user.

The High Council




