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Flag of Turinas
Motto: Be Free
Region United Freelands of Gutlich
Capital Turranica
Official Language(s) Turinian (Official), English (In practice), Russian (Occassionally)
Leader Grand Count(-Elected) Gutta
Population Approximately 75 Million
Currency Decca 
NS Sunset XML

The People

The people of Turinas are hardworking folk, quick to take up pitchfork and torch is they spy somethin gwrong with their government. They are suspicious of capitalist countries, and mostly they do things for the wellbeing of humanity. Of course, every Turinian remembers their roots, and most secretly long for a day when they can once again claim a huge empire.


Turinas' population is 207 Million strong, with a life expectancy of 75 and an average age of 40, caused by the large elderly population (almost 20% of the total population is retired) compared to a small amount of young people (10% too young to work).

Nationalities are split as follows:

63% Turinian

7% Russian

3% Arab

12% Far Eastern

5% Eastern European

8% Western European

2% American

Almost the entire nation is literate, with most capable of speaking both Turinian and English fluently, and 20% capable of speaking Russian. About 7% can speak foreign languages (not including immigrants).

Very few Turinians migrate, and those that do usually state business or tourism as their reasosn, as opposed to differing political views. Coupled with this, there are quite a few immigrants from other countries.

Religions are distributed as follows:

65% Atheist or Agnostic

5% Protestant

3% Catholic

17% Russian Orthodox

10% Other

Politics and Government


As well as being highly supportive of the UN, Turinas prides itself on being the leading nation of the UFoG, a left-wing region which is effectively an alliance of closely placed nations. Turinas uses its Freedom Fighter units on the world stage to overthrow dictatorships and fight for people's rights abroad.

As to the politics of Turinas, it is a confusing affair. Run by a series of democractically elected councils, as well as elected leaders from each County ('Count' is their title, but normally '-Elected' is added when conversing with an outsider), an enormous government meets bimonthly to discuss matters of state, and this government may be attended by any member of the public, to express their opinions. Anyone may stand for Grand Count, but all Counts are automatically nominated.

The full title of Turinas is: The Free County of Turinas. Turinas is used by most people when referencing it, though. While the UN has called Turinas an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy, most Turinians refer to it as a Social Democracy.

The Council

The Council is the group of individuals (comprised of roughly 200 Councilors) that decides the majority of Turinas' laws. It is presided over by a smaller Council of 10, which have specialisation over 10 topics:

-Law Enforcement



-Health Service




-Immigration and Migration Control

-Travel Services

-The Enviroment

As well as these Ministers, there is the Master Councilor, who makes sure that the Council runs smoothly. Elections are held every year.

The Counties

In Turinas there are 10 Counties which each has an elected Count presiding over it, with 10 Ministers to help advise the Count. These counties are remnants from the days when Turinas was a monarchy, and the Turinian's pride in their ancestry allowed thme to surive, albeit with a democratic twist. No Count may control more than one County, except for Turranica. Elections are held every 2 1/2 years. The following are the counties:

Turranica (ruled by Grand Count)

Maskogul (former capital of Kogul Empire)

Esturia (coastal county)








The Grand Counts

Every five years, elections are held to decide the next Grand Count (attendance is compulsory unless a reason can be provided, however, the only punishment is a small fine of a Decca). The Grand Count is chosen from the following list:

-Master Councilor of the Council

-Counts-Elected of the Counties

-Previous Grand Count

-Any native person who is in good mental health and desires to run

The title of Grand Count is often considered an oddity in other countries, because it is usually used in a monarchy as a leader of a particularly large county. However, Turinas has styled itself 'Free County', as opposed to 'Free Land' or 'Free Kingdom', which would be logical. However, as a sign of respect to their history, the Turinians kept the old title, for they had always been a county, and only recently became independant.


The capital city of Turinas is Turranica, in the County of Turranica. Other major cities include the Maskogul capital of Maskog and the capital of the Esturia county, which is Port Gourteka.

Political Parties

Political parties are not as important in Turinas as thye are in other democracies, for it is fully acceptable for a Count or Councilor to be independant. However, many are party members, the parties being the following:

-The Social Democrat Party (most powerful, currently in power)

-The Turinian Imperial Front (no Counts representing it, although a small number of Councilors have shown interest in joining)

-The Kogik Supremacist Army (only has power in Maskogul, where there is a strong chance of there being a KSA representative running at the next election)

-The Communist Party (very small but growing)

Geography and Territories




Flanked by its two greatest allies, the Kingdom of Plentaca Lan and the Grand Duchy of Drakemonia, the Free County of Turinas is situated next to the Gutlichian Sea, in the small continent of Gutlich (now the United Freelands of Gutlich). In the north, the three 'Kogik' counties (Maskogul, Jaarald and Zurizalaa) are mountainous and cold, while in the south, the 'Pretty' counties (Jurika and Esteren) are flat, warm and possess good farmland. Mihgrew, Turranica, Dashiun and Daqiyf (the 'Midcounties') are hilly but pleasant enough. Esturia is a warm county, with many lovely beaches and beautiful sights.



Capital of Turinas, Turranica is the largest and most populace county. It has more cities and towns than any other county, and its people are generally considered friendly if occassionally arrogant.


While not very large, Esturia is the second most populace county in Turinas, with many people drawn to it in their old age to retire, because of its fresh sea air and likeable populace. Famed for producing wonderful seafarers, Esturia is the naval capital of Turinas. Its capital, Port Gourteka, is the most important port in the region, with much trade coming from Plentaca Lan, and even further abroad.


Once capital of the Kogik Empire, it is something of a rallying point for the capitalists and fascists residing in the region. It has a bad reputation for being greedy, cruel and prejudiced, something held up by the vast majority of its citizens. It has never supplied a Grand Count, and it is likely that the KSA will take over its government in the next election.

Jurika and Ysteren

The sister counties of Jurika and Ysteren are only sparsely populated by agricultural labourers, and they remian the only two counties to not possess any large cities, both being ruled from towns. Considered backwards by the north, most of the other counties regard them as friendly, if simple folk.

Mihgrew and Dashiun

Often forgotten in the list of counties, these are considered non-entities by the larger counties. They do not supply important generals, politicians or trade, and only remain counties because giving thme to another county would show favouritism. Not that they have done nothing in thier entire existance, it is normally forgotten that they have fantastic sports teams and of the peoples' fierce loyalty to Turinas, much more so than any other county.


A county with a fierce martial record, it was at the forefront of the fighting in the great rebellion that destroyed the Kogik Empire. While the men are blunt, and the women are regarded as strong evne by men's standards, they are not the most eloquent of counties, and thus the TIF has risen from several outspoken, but misguided, public speakers, who believe, like most Daqiyfians, that Turinas shoudl be out fighting wars.

Zurizalaa and Jaarald

These counties have a reputation for being bullies, something which stems from their alliance with Maskogul in the great rebellion. They are not the brightest of counties, and generally vote the same as Maskogul, therefore posing the greatest threat internally to Turinas, with at least three counties supporting the KSA.


New Tropez(Formerly Saint-Tropez)

After signing a peace treaty with Solenial during the Bjornoschkodel Civil War, the Free County of Turinas gained control of Saint-Tropez, the area that it had spent most of its resources trying to control.


After Geoffrey Baktak, fmaour war-hero, was elected to be Governor, the name was changed to New Tropez to reflect the change of ownership, and Turinian atheisim. Work has begun on the Bill Ashley Junior Airport, in honour of the dead Premier/ Chief Advisor.