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'The Democratic-Socialist Union of Labhekistan
labhekistan.jpg |
National flag
Motto Державой с помощью свободы
Capital and largest city Augustgrad
Official Languages
  Russian, English
 - Total

  - Total (NSD)
  - GDP/capita (NSD)

Currency Labhekistan Dollar (L$) = $0.39 USD

Labhekistan (Russian: Лабонкыятн), officially The Democratic-Socialist Union of Labhekistan, is a vast, culturally diverse nation, with citizens from a variety of ethnicities. It's official languages are Russian and English, with both languages being spoken by the majority of the population. However, many other languages are spoken across the country, including French, Arabic, and Japanese.

Labhekistan is a Social Democracy with the leader being elected in democratic elections. The current head of state is Prime Minister Alexi Strumov. A technologically advanced and industrialized nation, Labhekistan is a leader in its region for healthcare and education. Labhekistan has abundant natural resources, including oil, natural gas, lumber, and hydro-electric power.


Labhekistan is currently a democracy with strong socialist infulences. The Prime Minister, Alexi Strumov, is also the leader of the People's Socialist Party, which currently holds a majority of seats in the parliament.

All the legal framework of Labhekistan is contained within the Constitution of Labhekistan. The Constitution contains the rights and freedoms of Labhekistani citizens, which generally cannot be overridden by any level of government, except in the most extreme of circumstances.

The position of Prime Minister is held by the leader of the party which recieves the majority of votes in a Federal Election. The Cabinet is formally appointed by the Prime Minister, and its members are drawn from the party of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister exercises vast political power in the appointment of various officials within the government and civil service.

The Federal Parliament is made of of two houses, the House of Commons and the Senate. The Members of the House of Commons, more commonly referred to as the Members of Parliament (MPs), are elected by a majority vote within their electorial district. An MP may come from any party, the the number of MPs elected during a Federal Election determines the overall winner of the election. A general election can be called by the Prime Minsiter at any time. The maximum term for a Prime Minister is ten years, and a federal election must be called every five years. The Senate is also appointed by the Prime Minister, and often used to pass complex legislation, but may not originate any bill imposing taxes or appropraiting public funds.


Labhekistan has a very strong economy. The people of Labhekistan have many traditional socialist values when it comes to the economy. The government is more involved in the economy than more traditionally capitalist nations, and several industries, including healthcare, public transportation, and education, are all subsidized by the government.

Income tax rates are at an extremely high 83% in Labhekistan, however, much is provided by the government. Because of the high income tax, the government is able to devote a large amount of funding to healthcare, which is free to all citizens of Labhekistan.

Labhekistan's exports include natural resources (oil and natural gas, zinc, uranium, coal, gold, aluminum, lumber, etc.), automobiles, pharmaceuticals, computers, and aeronautics.


The population of Labhekistan is currently more than one billion people, the majority of whom live in dense urban areas, such as the capital, Augustgrad. The majority of Labhekistan citizens are Russian (35%) and English (32%), but there are also many citizens of other ethnicites, including Arabs, French, Spanish, German, and Japanese.

Labhekistan has a very high immigration rate, which is partially responsible for the surging population. Labhekistan also accepts many refugees, who often settle in or around the largest cities.

Labhekistani citizens practise a wide variety of religions. The majority are Christian (52%), however, there are also many Muslims (21.2%), and Jews (6%). 18% of all Labhekistani citizens claimed no religious affiliation.


Education in Labhekistan recieves a very high portion of the government budget. While conservative in many areas, the people of Labhekistan are very progressive when it comes to eduction. Primary Education (mandatory from ages 6-18) is composed of twelve grades or "Education Levels", and is provided free by the government. The adult literacy rate in Labhekistan is 100%. Secondary Education (after graduation) is administered by the Federal Government. Secondary Education (including colleges and universities) is also provided free by the government, as long as certain qualifications are met. (For example: A student wishing to study medicine must score a certain mark on an entry examination to go to a medical university. If the mark is met, than the government will provide education free of charge.) More than 70% of all Labhekistani citizens have a secondary education.


The majority of Labhekistan's 1.5 billion citizens live in the southern part of the nation or on the group of large islands off the coast. Many of Labhekistan's largest cities are located on the coastal lowlands, amongst the many bays and river deltas that are located there. The southern lowlands are generally temperate throughout the year, however, unlike much of Labhekistan, they do not have the long, cold winter of the northern steppes.

The Byel Mountain Chain runs more or less through the center of the country, dividing the southern lowlands from the steppes and agricultural centers to the north. Cities in and around the mountain chain, such as Urengoyy and Voronezh, are popular tourist attractions due the excellent skiing conditions which occur throughout the long winter months, as well as their scenic beuty and mountain trails.

North of the Byel Mountains, the northern steppes feature gently rolling hills and unending wheat fields which stretch to the horizon. The northern steppes provide most of the agriculture for Labhekistan, but are also host to several large cities near the Labhekistan-Cravan border. The steppes generally have a colder winter than the lowlands due to their proximity with the mountains, but have more stable weather which is well suited for agriculture.