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Flag of Kelnoriem
Motto: "Its better to fight for something than live for nothing"
No Map Available
Region Vistogland
Capital Goolog
Official Language(s) English
Leader Lord Kele Nickolai
Population 7,000,000
Currency Kelnoriem Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

The The Fiefdom of Kelnoriem


Ancient History(???? B.C. - 200 B.C.)

Our record keepers are unable to set a date for the begining of Kelnoriem, but it is believed to be around 8000 BC, but are not certain. Some ruins out side the capital,
suggest that it was an important city in ancient Kelnoriemian culture. These ruins are believed to be some kind of ancient temple. The exterior is very well preserved but the insides had been gutted by thieves, along time ago. Form what we can tell ancient Kelnoriemians worshiped many gods, as much of they're writings are gone we do not know they're names, but from the artwork on many temple walls we have an idea of what they represented. We have counted 10 major gods. They appear to represent, the Sun, the Moon, death, good growing seasons, good health, war, peace, celebrations, the royal line, and water. These are just guesses though, from the pictures on the temple walls. We do have a record of the royal line from this time. We do not know what the dates mean so we will not list them but we assume they are in chronological order. They are as follows,


     I.) Jorkone I
II.) Heplos
III.) Stroger
IV.) Jorkone II
V.) Gorkly I
VI.) Uliose
VII.) Gorkly II
VIII.) Gorkly III
IX.) Lopos I
X.) Jorkone III
XI.) Gorkly IV
XII.) Linkoses
XIII.) Lopos II
XIV.) Jorkone IV
XV.) Gorkly V
XVI.) Lopos III
XVII.) Killinger I
XVIII.) Jorkone V
XIX.) Lopos IV
XX.) Lopos V
XXI.) Killinger II
XXII.) Killinger III
XXIII.) Lopos VI
XXIV.) Killinger IV
XXV.) Killinger V
XXVI.) Killinger VI
XXVII.) Killinger VII
XXVIII.) Killinger VIII
XXIX.) Killinger IX
XXX.) Killinger X

The Enlightened Period(199 B.C. - 800 A.D.)

The Enlightened Period was a time of great scientific advancement. It started around the time of the founding of the Great University of Benningtan. From there came some of the greatest Kelnoriemian thinkers, Lithos, Delpost, Jonglae, and many more over the nearly 1,000 years that the university was in use. Ideas developed there included, Democracy, the use of paper money in stead of gold coins, the crossbow,
chain mail armor, the compass, and many others that were lost. It was also a period of artistic explosion. Exquisite Kelnoriemian artist such as, Kitus, Hyliot, and Grondow lived during this period. This was also an extended period of peace and prosperity, which some believe was the reason for The Collapse. The previous royal linage appears to have dead ended somewhere. This was followed by a power struggle from 199 B.C. - 56 A.D.. It appears that the victors where the Nickolai family, who rules to this day. The following list of rulers, and the times they ruled, were given to us from the Nickolai family:


(All Dates A.D.) 56-72 A.D. Lord Rolf Nickolai

72-118 A.D. Lord Han Nickolai I

118-120 A.D. Lady Victoria Nickolai

121-173 A.D. Lord Han Nickolai II

174-199 A.D. Lord Joel Nickolai I

200-275 A.D. Lord Han Nickolai III

276-310 A.D. Lord Joseph Nickolai

311-376 A.D. Lord Kevin Nickolai I

377-432 A.D. Lady Fiona Nickolai

433-434 A.D. Lord Gunther Nickolai I

435-462 A.D. Lord Han Nickolai IV

463-550 A.D. Lord Joel Nickolai II

551-558 A.D. Lady Kelly Nickolai

559-642 A.D. Lord Kevin Nickolai II

642-687 A.D. Lord Gunther Nickolai II

688-690 A.D. Lord Han Nickolai V

691-743 A.D. Lord Han Nickolai VI

744-779 A.D. Lord Han Nickolai VII

780-822 A.D. Lord Gunther Nickolai III

The Collapse(801-822 A.D.)

The term “The Collapse” was coined by famed Kelnoriemian philosopher Gregory Von Licklestien, to describe the period between 801-823 A.D. It was started when Lord Gunther Nickolai III issued an edict stating that all institutes of learning be immediately closed until further notice and that all men ages 16-19 must immediately join the military. He also order that all things that had been invented in the last 50 years were evil and must be destroyed. It is believed he was suffering form some kind of mental disorder. It ended with his death in 822 A.D.

The Age of Peace and Prosperity(823-1356)

The Age of Peace and Prosperity was a long period of great economic growth, while other areas, such as military, technology, and civil rights, suffered. Money was said to be what was most important to the nation, and the public was inclined to believe that because they themselves were making a lot of money. Exploration was big during this time too. At the begining of this period the nation was basically what it had been form the begining, but during this period it quadrupled in size. The intresting thing was that all that land was taken without any blood being spilled.