International Red Cross Organization

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The International Red Cross Organization (IRCO) was founded on Sep. 1, 2003 by UN Resolution 29, The IRCO, by a vote of 11,835 to 1,600. Originally set up as a non-profit organization, funded by donations and grants, the IRCO was designed to serve as a humanitarian first response team for disasters.

Since its original creation, IRCO offices have sprung up in many parts of the globe, as IRCO teams have been called upon in response to numerous disasters. The authority of the IRCO to respond to disasters was later enhanced by the passage of UN Resolution 76, Good Samaritan Laws, adopted Oct. 8, 2004 and UN Resolution 77, Epidemic Prevention Protocol, adopted Oct. 13, 2004. The IRCO has also been called upon to send in neutral observers in some conflicts between UN member nations in order to see that the Wolfish Convention on POW was adhered to by UN.

Different national agencies work together on IRCO, they are:

  • Celtayoshi Humanitarian Relief Angency,
  • Freedonian Healt Agency (FHA),
(Republic of Freedonia).
  • Gwenstefanian Emergency Aid & Military Assistance Corps (GEAMAC),
  • International Medical Federation / Red Globe (IMF),
  • Macisikani Red Cross,
  • Mikitivity Red Cross,
  • The Schnauzervolk Emergency Assistance Organization,
  • International Red Crescent Organization

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