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Flag of Fluffywuffy
Motto: "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"
Region North Aliados
Capital Rexicum
Official Language(s) English
Leader James McCall
Population 4.4 billion
Currency Imperial Mark 
NS Sunset XML



Noun: Fluffywuffy Adjective: Fluffywuffian


Christianity: 96% Islam: 2% Judaism: 1% Other: 1%

Racial Makeup

White 70.2%, Arab 7.2%, Asian 10.5%, Black 12.3%

Commonly Spoken Languages

English, German


Office of the Emperor

The Emperor, or the one who holds the Office of the Emperor, is constitutionaly mandated to defend the Empire, those who reside within the Empire, and its dependencies from tyranical and unjust rule. His constitutionaly mandated powers allow him to work towards that end through any means neccesary, including war and special operations. His powers do have a limit, however. The Emperor, or whoever holds his office, cannot use his power to enforce tyranical rule over the population. He cannot suspend elections of provincal leaders, and he cannot interupt the state democratic process in a way that would defeat local democracy. In more recent times, the Emperor was appointed by a council rather than by blood.

Local Rule

Each province within the Empire is allowed to elect a local government, including a provincal council to draft legislation. Each local government has three branches of government and a system of checks and balances. The provinces are generally free from Imperial rule, but cannot raise an army or refuse Imperial forces unless there is an extreme emergency or if the Emperor attempts to become a tyrant. At that point, the local governments are constitutionaly mandated to overthrow the Emperor.

Imperial Council

The Imperial Council is a body of provincal representatives. The sole purpose of the Council is to manage inter-provincal affairs and to impeach the Emperor, should the need arise. They cannot make up legislation (unless the Emperor and everyone who can hold the office is dead), and they cannot veto any of the Emperor's legislation. They are simply the safegaurd set in place to ensure that the Emperor does not excede his boundries.


The First Empire and the Rise of Fluffywuffy

Before the First Empire, the land of Fluffywuffy was an unimportant strip of land, populated by five million people. But that would change. The Empire of Fluffywuffy was founded in December 2002 by John Caldo, the first Emperor, a man who wanted his people to no longer be in the shadows. He was a great leader, leading a small and undertrained rebel army to power in Fluffywuffy. Within a few days of taking power, he founded the Empire.

One of the first tasks John Caldo set his mind to was making the Imperial Army one of the greatest fighting machines ever seen. Although he accomplished many goals in that department, the army leadership was filled with incompetent generals, a problem which has only recently been rectified. Caldo then set his sights on expanding Fluffywuffy and getting others to notice his nation. The blockade of the Bisons (a.k.a. Dark Terror, a.k.a. Iron Blood) catapulted Fluffywuffy onto the foreign scene. After fighting several wars against the Bisons, John Caldo died of natural causes.

The Bisonic Wars

The Bisonic Wars were a series of two wars, with a long cold war inbetween the two. The First Bisonic War began after Fluffywuffy blockaded the Bisons because of this appaling human rights record. Refusing to give up torture and genocide, Fluffywuffy and an international coalition invaded, leading to a stalemate after a nuclear weapon was used by the Bisons. The war left many bitter feelings, and a cold war made up for the lack of fighting until the Second Bisonic War.

During the Second Bisonic War, Fluffywuffy and a small coalition invaded Dark Terror, as the Bisons was known by then, and faught a successful naval campaign, putting a huge dent in enemy sea forces. On land, a stalemate was fought, and the war ended. It was realized that if Imperial forces had been able to advance, they would have had nuclear weapons used against them in desperation.

Shortly after the conclusion of the Second Bisonic War, Fluffywuffy and Dark Terror set asside their differances and started collaborating. After a long period of mistrust, careful diplomacy and many talks led to Fluffywuffy and Iron Blood (as the Bisons was then known) to become careful allies.

The Second Empire

Victor Ramius, a former commander in the tank forces, was appointed Emperor by the ironically titled Protector of the Confederacy. His appointment dissolved the Confederacy and formed the Second Empire of Fluffywuffy. Under Victor Ramius Fluffywuffy experienced an exponential growth in its international clout and military power. The Second Empire still maintained a high level of freedom, despite a non-elected chief of state, by giving provinces in the Second Empire greater autonomy. Also, before Victor Ramius's death due to a massive heart attack, he requested the next Emperor be elected.

The Aftermath of Victor Ramius's Death

The death of Victor Ramius created a transitional period. With the Emperor dead, the Council of Ministers assumed the Emperor's powers and voted on all executive actions. At first, the population believed that this seperated powers and would allow more just and free rule. However, after calls for the election of a new Emperor went unheeded, the population began to march outside Rexicum's Imperial Palace, where the Council was meeting. Treaties to increase free trade and improve economic conditions failed to pacify the population, and Defense Minister Jason McCall persuaded the Council to vote unanamously to invade Green Sun.

The Great North Aliadosian War

The Great North Aliadosian War, which is still being waged, began when Fluffywuffy invaded Green Sun. An international coalition of [[Nellisland], Yallak, The Massive Ethiopians, and Third Jerusalem demanded that Fluffywuffy withdraw from Green Sun. Rather than surrender, Fluffywuffy launched a first-strike attack to destroy the air force and much of the naval power of all of the Coalition. Ommiting Yallak, however, was a major blunder in the strike plan. Yallak launched its own retaliatory strike which destroyed half of Fluffywuffy's air bases.

Following the strikes, Fluffywuffy withdrew from Green Sun in order to defend its homeland. Also, the Council of Ministers, in an emergency meeting, declared Defense Minister James McCall as the new Emperor. The Council was dissolved and James McCall took on emergency powers and total military control. He began total mobilisation efforts and decided to fight a guerilla war against Yallak, which had landed forces near Garrentston. Garrentston was defended by roughly 10,000 highly trained guerillas, civilians, and even children. The imperial army, however, was no where to be seen; it lurked many miles to the east, with unknown (currently) intentions.