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Flag of Anonova
Motto: If you can't say something nice, leave.
Region Atlantica
Capital Old Anonovia
Official Language(s) English, Pig Latin
Leader Queen Niquill
Population 12 million
Currency The Drib 
NS Sunset XML

Nation States Summary

The Queendom of Anonova is a tiny, environmentally stunning nation, notable for its compulsory military service. Its compassionate population are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt. The omnipresent, socially-minded government concentrates mainly on Social Welfare, although Healthcare and Education are secondary priorities. The average income tax rate is 51%, and even higher for the wealthy. An almost nonexistent private sector is dominated by the Gambling industry. Voting is compulsory. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown. Anonova's national animal is the marmot, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Drib.


Anonova is a relatively new and inexperienced nation state, with a young and enthusiastic Queen who was only elected a few months ago. The large island nation had been so sparsely populated that they hadn't even a name or national identity for centuries. The start of a casino changed all that, and began a booming private sector with which to finance the referendum to choose a name for their lovely state. The influx of service industry employees to man the new and expanding casinos (as well as a cottage industry for marmot tours) made for a startling population boom, leading to Anonova's current status of 35,061st in the world for Largest Gambling Industry.


The island nation has a healthy temperate rainforest climate with rich farmland to the southeast and some small pockets of ore for mining in the middle of the island. Logging of the old growth forests is a highly controversial issue as is undersea oil exploration in the dense kelp forests that surround the island nation.

People & Culture

The typical Anonovian is hard-working, compassionate and incredibly nosy. There are 12 different news agencies to service the 6 million inhabitants and everybody always knows what's going on in their neighbour's yard. The term "nanny state" is especially apt for Anonovians. Having spent 5 years on casting votes for their leader, the people are very fond of their Queen, and anything to do with her or her family. Paparazzi-style journalism is officially outlawed, but the amount of news-attention is still prodigious. One of the most popular betting games on the island is when and who young Queen Niquill will marry. The Arts are highly regarded by the citizens, with artists sometimes making more than the Queen herself, although coffee houses abound with nihilistic young people declaring that "art is dead" at least once an evening. Typical Anonovian music involves a lot of fiddles and drums, drawing on both native aboriginal culture and immigrant, celtic heritage. It can admittedly be a bit much for tourists, who complain at the rate of shoe-sole deterioration from toe-tapping.


The government is democratic socialist, with their hands in pretty much every pie. For the citizens' own good, of course. The elected Queen (or King, as the case might be in the future) is titular head, but can make few decisions without the agreement of her Inner Council consisting of three experienced judges, four retired social workers, seven part-time teachers and one business person. Much electoral reform is expected in the next decade as everyone figures out what the hell they're doing.


This can best be described as "optimistic". Having just moved from a village-by-village barter system, some growing pains must be expected. The main industry is government, with a small private sector catering to hard-core gamblers and eco-tourists from the mainland and Back East. Most consumables are produced at home, but some small trade with other nations is in its infancy.

International Membership

The Queendom of Anonova is affiliated with the Atlantica Region and is a fledgling member of the United Nations, with just one vote on a proposal thus far.