New Imperial Rome

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New Imperial Rome
Flag of New Imperial Rome
Motto: Senatus Populusque Romanus
Region The South Pacific
Capital Imperia
Official Language(s) Latin, English, Japanese
Leader Emperor Martinus VIII The Magnificent
Population unknown
Currency Sesterius 
NS Sunset XML

Geography The New Imperial Rome is a large island nation of many different areas ranging from deserts to forest. The capital of NIR is Imperia City, founded in 300 bc. and now housingb 1 300 000 New Imperial Romans. Other large cities are Caldera(600000), Avalon(240000), Tokagawa(370000), Midlagård(600000) and Maxia(170000). The rest of the people live in small cities and rural communities.

The NIR can be divided into five main areas. The Core Provinces, located on the southern part of the country and housing many cities including Imperia City and Maxia, has belonged to the Empire since the dawn of New Imperial Roman civilization and is the centre of NIR:ian civilization. The Core Provinces can be divided into six provinces of Imperia, Maxia, Andria, Romagna, Handria and Sidinia. North of the Core Provinces lies the land of Avalonia, inhabited by Avalonians(british style), who've now been largely assimilated into the Imperial rule.Avalonia is mostly forest and vast fields. North of Avalonia is the land ofMidgård, inhabited by aggressive (viking style)Midgårdians. The capital of Midgård is Midlagård. Midgård is mostly mountains and forest. East of Core Provinces is the area of Bacana, always inhabited by romans. East of Bacana is located the land of Tokogawainhabited by japanese. East of Tokogawa is the anarchic territory of The Unaffiliated Lands, where warlords and different groups fight for supremacy.