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Flag of Orpheu
Motto: The things you own end up owning you'
Republic of Orpheu
Region European Union
Capital Lisbon
Official Language(s) Portuguese (90%), Latin (6%), Esperanto (4%)
Leader Chancellor Melkor
Population 10 million
Currency Euro 
NS Sunset XML

The Republic of Orpheu is one of the newest and yet most active members in the EU. With a small population of 10 million, this republic seeks only to live in peace with fellow nations and promote freedom of speech and choice.


Chancellor Melkor has been named Vitalicium Commandatore, the highest position on the political structure which was preceded by Manwë Súlimo, one of the greatest leaders of this nation. All Commandatores stay in office until they reach the age of 50, by then they step down and give the position to a new leader. The Commandatore is not elected from any of the parties represented in the parliament, he is independent and free of political views.

The real power however resides in the houses of parliament, elected twice each year. We have the Lower House, composed of 30 members elected by the parties represented in the other house (1 per district), which prepares legislations according to the wishes of the population. Every person has the right to propose a change. For the proposal to take effect, if has to pass the Higher House, composed of 300 members elected by the population (10 per district) which vote the proposals. If one proposal passes, it will immediately take effect and become a law.

Social portrait

Most of the concerns of this nation go to the environment, social justice and health care system. They believe in equal rights and responsibility. The social and environmental measures have unfortunately shredded the potential of the economy which is still weak. On the other hand, the Republic of Orpheu is one of the most environmentally friendly nations around.

On the other hand, it's population lives happy and in peace. The Orpheu's capital has been stage for many peace talks and conferences on environment and other issues. Religion is neither a reason for discrimination nor the colour of one's skin, they all co-exist beside one another.


Though not in all a capitalist nation, the republic has some international corporations, but they share the economic view with a social view. The employees are the most prized possession of a company, and they are treated with respect, and are rewarded according to their work, which makes of these enterprises not as competitive, but great places to work.

The United Nations

The Republic of Orpheu is still one of the newest members of the international organization, but its leaders deeply believe in the possibilities of cooperation and mutual assistant that the United Nations can bring. For that they are always in contact with the European Union Commissioner for the UN, sharing ideas and views on the issues presented before the organization.