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Forum: Texas Offsite Forum
Population: 300 nations
Delegate: NewTexas
Founder: NewTexas
Info: NSEconomy RC XML


World Factbook Entry

Texas is a large friendly region where freedom is considered one of its greatest resources. Texas is a proud region and home to many diverse nations. Texas is allied with Wysteria, The Heartland and Nasicournia. We are always welcoming new nations. Texas also has a Government, Constitution, Elections and many inter-regional Sporting Events. Come on down!

Texas Forum

The offsite forum of Texas is the center of socializing, roleplaying, and regional government. It has more than 450 members and 22,000 posts.

Texas Map

The Texas Map is where the nations of Texas fix their geographical locations. These maps can be personalized to whatever level you choose.

Texas Government

The government of Texas is a democracy. The Texas Constitution is the basis for all government and law in the region, and it can be changed by a vote on the offsite forum during any of the quarterly elections. The Texas government is organized in a manner similar to the real life United States, with a President, Vice-President, a Cabinet, an Election Commission, and a Representative Council.

President of Texas

Vice-President of Texas

Texas Secretary of State

Texas Secretary of United Nations Affairs

Texas Secretary of Defense

Texas Secretary of Space Affairs

Texas Secretary of Environmental Affairs

Texas Secretary of Health Affairs

Texas Secretary of Trade and Transportation

Texas Sports Commissioner

Texas Land Commissioner

Texas Election Commission

Texas Secretary of Internal Affairs

Texas Representative Council

As specified in the Constitution, Texas elects a Regional Council. The Council shall include the Cabinet Members of Texas and enough freely elected citizens of Texas to bring the count of the body up to 10% of the population of Texas at the time of the nominations process. As with all offices, the members of the council are elected during the quarterly elections.

The TRC has traditionally not had all that much to do. The Constituion indicates that they are supposed to deal with such serious problems as breaches of the Constitution and internal disputes, and Texas has been fortunate not to have much of those sorts of problems. A recent Amendment to the Constitution requires that the TRC have a say in alliance requests, which may help to increase activity on the part of the Council.