Holy Church of the Broken Dawn

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Holy Church of the Broken Dawn
Second Empire of the Golden Throne
Estimated Believers of the Faith
6 Billion
Role Plays:

Although the old Empire, and indeed all regions and Zarbia was fully Catholic, expelling all Protestant and Islamic factions in the year 1876 Anno Domini [the Julian Calendar], the Second Empire's politics after the accension of Jonach I permitted a major religious change. Jonach I accended to the Golden Throne, founding the Second Empire, in 2005, one hundred years after the start of the bloody Great Civil War.

In March 2006, to provide for a better unification factor, Jonach I aboloshed the Catholic Church and founded the Holy Church of the Broken Dawn. After a force conversion the Catholic Church literally ceased to exist within the Golden Throne, and technically, one hundred percent of the country is now Imperial Catholic, as they have begun to be known as.


The Broken Dawn dismissed the Edict of Milan, in which Roman Emperor Constantine the Great and the greatest early Christian theologans put their heads together to unify a common faith, as blatant corruption, and in its stead, includes all books within the Bible, the Jonach Version, as well as the forgotten myths. One of the largest inclusions was the myth of Lillith, first wife of Adam, made of the same mud and dirt as Adam, and consequently, equal to him in all respects.

The consequences are huge, including why Imperial culture is increasinly matriarchal, including why empresses continue to remain empresses, even in the even of their husband's death, as illustrated by the fact that Hypolita remained queen of the Golden Throne for almost a year after the death of her husband, Jonach I, even as Fedor I began his own term as Emperor of the Golden Throne. This continues until the new Emperir is married. There's also a greater notion of turth and trust, with less corruption, within the Church, accounting for the inclusion of all books and myths within the Jonach Bible.

Nonetheless, the Church within the Empire is extremist in all views, and although the administration is increasingly liberal the Church is very conservative in the spectrum, and has proved this time and again.

Cathedrals and Churches

All twenty-three major Catholic Cathedrals, built between the years 850 and 1370, all in the Gothic style, were converted to Cathedrals of the Broken Dawn, and their clergy were forced to renounce their allegiance to Rome and reiterate it towards Fedala, where the Grand Cathedral was constructed by Jonach I in 2006, and where Pope Transguff I resides.

Every church was converted to churces faithful to Fedala. However, no center of worship for other religions, which do reside within the Empire but are not officially recognized, were not forced to convert, due to the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy of the Empire when it comes to other religions.


Transguff I:

Transguff was appointed to the title of Pontifex Maximus of the Broken Dawn on April 2005 by Jonach I, Emperor of the Golden Throne, and official founder of the religion. He immediately worked to strengthen the position of the Church both in the country and internationally. The original goals of Transguff I was to formulate a Church that would make itself the center of everyday life, and it has very much worked, although there is still a great deal of animosity when it comes to religion due to modern media and new ideologies within the youth. Regardless, the faith is still strong within the Empire, that cannot be doubted.

Taking advantage of Jonach Is policy of reuniting under a political ideology, Transguff formulated his own political ideology by tying in Church actions with political actions. The first example of this was Transguff's calling of the Fabian Crusade, which was called after Tyrandis called its own crusade on the nation of Kahta. The following war, always remembered as the Fabian Crusade saw the opening blows against both Kahta and Vote Early that finally overtook them and caused them to collapse under their own weight. Unfortunately, the war also saw the execution of over eight hundred soulds pertaining to the Fabus dynasty in Kahta; one of the first religious inquisitions of the Empire.

After the end of the Fabian Crusade, which ended in a political treaty, Transguff I fell ill and so the Church devolved into a state of isolationism, merely strengthening its ties with the people of the Empire. However, as Jonach I died, leaving the throne to his grandson, Fedor I, and Transguff finally fully recooperated at the age of eighty-three, the Church stirs again.